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Geni users to create Hadoop and Spark profile on CloudLab

Shell 79.21% Python 6.96% PHP 11.12% Perl 1.61% Batchfile 0.80% XSLT 0.32%

hadoopongeni's Introduction

Hadoop Profile On CloudLab

CPSC-6770 Group Project

Fei Ding and Yupeng Wu

Nov 2017

This respoitory is aimed for Geni users to create Hadoop and Spark profile on CloudLab.


HDP 2.0

This package contains the following set of helper file for use when manually installing HDP via RPMs.

/scripts Set of scripts to set user, group and directory environment variables

/configuration_files Set of configuration files for Core Hadoop and Essential Hadoop components, including scripts for setting up monitoring.


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