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Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting assembly

Tek4 ASP.NET Exporting Module for Highcharts JS ( Version (March 3, 2012)

  • Based upon ASP.NET Highcharts export module by Clément Agarini (June 15, 2011).
  • Re-written by Kevin P. Rice (
  • Warning To all the people using a version prior to ac837d6931e4a51fe6e2afbd731480c6b628c6f5 you must either comply to AGPLv3 license induced by iTextSharp or upgrade to the newest version which removed link to iTextSharp

Quick start

Demo web site

  • Visual Studio: Open the solution (.sln) and run the demo website.
  • IIS: Create a web application and copy the files in the demo website directory (choosing correct web.config).

Your web site

  • Copy the three .dll files from the demo website /bin directory to your website /bin directory (Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting.dll, sharpPDF.dll, Svg.dll).
  • Review the demo website 'Default.aspx' and 'web.config' files for configuration and usage details.
  • Configuration in 'web.config' is for .NET 3.5 and 'web-dotNET4.0.config' is for .NET 4.0 and later.


  • Exports Highcharts JS charts to PNG/JPG/PDF/SVG.
  • Uses three precompiled .DLL files in /bin directory and configuration via web.config.
  • Can be called as either an ASP.NET page (HighchartsExport.aspx) or as an HttpHandler (HighchartsExport.axd).
  • Supports Highcharts exporting 'width' option to generate high quality images of any size (PDF images are exported at 150 dpi).
  • Supports Highcharts exporting 'filename' option to specify downloaded file name.
  • Works with .NET 3.5 Framework and later.
  • Visual Studio 2010 solution/project files included (targeted to .NET 3.5).

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Re-distributed works listed below are not subject to this license. These works are separately licensed according to their terms.

Copyright (C) 2012 by Tek4(TM) - Kevin P. Rice

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


Redistributed components (separately licensed):'s People


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SVG.dll not converting wrapped text

Hi Team Github,
We are using Highcharts to show our reports in the form of charts.
We are taking the SVG from Highchart directly and converting it into images by using SVG.dll which we downloaded from below URL:
But in this conversion we are facing few issues:
A. Whenever we wrapped the text on X-Axis or Y-Axis the same text display on reports properly:


When we are taking the SVG of above chart it showing the wrapped text in SVG:


But when we are converting the same SVG to image by using of SVG.dll then in images we are not getting the wrapped text properly. It removed the second row and onwards of the wrapped text:


Note: Due to some restrictions we can’t use the Export Server of Highcharts so please provide any appropriate solution except using of Highchart export server.

Not Functioning in IE9


Downloaded your project, unzipped into a working folder and opened the solution in Visual Studio 10. Set the Default.aspx as the startup page. Hit run.

It opens up IE (version 9) for me and then I get this debug error in Visual Studio:

Microsoft JScript runtime error: Object doesn't support property or method 'join' and it opens the Highcharts.js file and highlights the portion of the code [ "this.d=d.join(" "); ]. Since the code is minimized it's hard to tell exactly where this is happening, but appears to be someplace in the rendering portion of the code.

This only happens in IE, The page works fine in Chrome and Firefox. Don't have Safari or Opera so can't vouch for them.

Any thoughts or suggestions would be helpful in getting this running.


Exporting to image/pdf will not save the icons/images used in the graph

We have downloaded the sample from for exporting highcharts into images/PDF.

But it seems the application doesn't exporting the icons included in the graph.
But while testing the the sample available at or highcharts/highcharts#250 it using PHP as server and exporting graphics / icons used in graph for marking.

I suspect that it is an issue with the SVG or iTextSharp modules in .net sample.

Can you please give a fix or update for this?


Export not working properly for Bar Charts


I downloaded the project and tried to use it. I found some issues with exporting.
The export is not working fine for BAR charts for following options(Prints link a column chart.)

  1. Png
  2. Jpeg
  3. Pdf

Works fine for svg image.

Using with MVC

Hi, I am trying to use this with an MVC website and DotNetHighcharts, but when I try to download a picture, it gives me a 404 error. I think this is because MVC is prepending the current path to HighchartsExport.axd. Any idea how I fix this? I am creating the Exporting URL for in DotNet, not in javascript.

Requested URL: http://localhost:50377/xxx/yyy/HighchartsExport.axd

Export ignoring label rotation

If I set label rotation in the xAxis, the export ignores this setting. Say I set in my chart options

xAxis: { labels: { rotation: 90 } }

Then the chart displays the X labels vertically, but the export show them horizontally.

Software License?

Hello, I'd like to use this code in a project, but I can't find any licensing information. Is permission granted to reuse and modify this code?

Can this be used to save charts to server drive?


I need to be able to generate images of the charts displayed on a page and add them to a PDF report. I'm trying to find a way of doing this within a server side C# method.

Could this library be used to do it I wonder?


Issue with SvgDocument.Open(streamSvg) method


I am using .NET 2.0 and convert your module to 2.0.
And then try to export chart but SvgDocument.Open(streamSvg) method always returns null.

MemoryStream Read the string, but when i debug the code it's show error but not throw.

((System.IO.Stream)(streamSvg)).ReadTimeout' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'
((System.IO.Stream)(streamSvg)).WriteTimeout' threw an exception of type 'System.InvalidOperationException'

I am unable to find out the issue.
Please help.


Small rectangle in top left corner of exported chart

I am planning on using the NET export module with Highcharts, however I get a small rectangle
appearing in the top left corner of every chart that I export. This only appears on png, pdf and jpg files, not the svg. Has anyone encountered this issue?

iTextSharp's license violation?

Hi, AFAIK, this is a derived work of iTextSharp, an AGPLed library.
The Affero GPL v3 imposes that all derived works are distributed under the same licence, recursively.

Thus, right now everyone that linked your library without distributing their source code over the internet (at least to their own final users) is violating the iTextPdf's corporate copyrights.

I think you should clarify about this legal issue in your license (you might have obtained a transferable linking exception from iTextPdf) and in the wiki. Otherwise you should fix your licence to be compatible with Affero GPL v3.

Needs to render in browser first, right?

Looks like this first renders the chart in a browser and then sends the svg string back to the server for export - correct?

Any idea how to do this completely server-side?

Exported files corrupted

I can't really be sure which version, but one of the latest HighCharts updates seems to break the export function, although I also cannot be sure that the HighCharts itself is to blame. What happens is that now, after I've upgraded HighCharts couple of times, I noticed that files being exported are corrupted and cannot be opened. Being that jpg, png, svg or pdf, every one of those files ends up being corrupted and unable to be opened. Do you have any clue why that could be? Only thing that changed is the version of HighCharts lib.

A generic error occurred in GDI+ exporting png on IIS7.0

Exporting to png generate an error:

[ExternalException (0x80004005): A generic error occurred in GDI+.]
System.Drawing.Image.Save(Stream stream, ImageCodecInfo encoder, EncoderParameters encoderParams) +378002
System.Drawing.Image.Save(Stream stream, ImageFormat format) +36
Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting.Exporter.WriteToStream(Stream outputStream) +234
Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting.Exporter.WriteToHttpResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse) +67
Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting.ExportChart.ProcessExportRequest(HttpContext context) +305
Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting.HttpHandler.ProcessRequest(HttpContext context) +7
System.Web.CallHandlerExecutionStep.System.Web.HttpApplication.IExecutionStep.Execute() +181
System.Web.HttpApplication.ExecuteStep(IExecutionStep step, Boolean& completedSynchronously) +75

I found that the problem is known and a solution is to use a MemoryStream prior to write to response.
This is my code to solve the issue:

internal void WriteToHttpResponse(HttpResponse httpResponse)
  httpResponse.ContentType = this.ContentType;
  httpResponse.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", this.ContentDisposition);

  if (this.ContentType == "image/png")
      // for png we need to use a memory stream
      using (MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream())

Testing HighStock 2.0.1


This is what I got when exporting to PNG, or any other format.
I'm using HighStock 2.0.1.



Subtitle rendering tiny text


If you look closely you can see the sub title, but just rendered in the tiniest font. I had this issue with the legend, but was fixed by upgrading the SVG.dll. Any ideas?

Exporting Issue HighCharts Line CHart with Export server for ASP.NET

I have a fake image exporting HighChart - line chart with Export server for ASP.NET
I use Version 4.0.1

I have found this Message in the DebugView:
[6420] w3wp.exe Warning: 0 :
[6420] Attribute 'opacity' cannot be set - type 'System.Single' cannot convert from string 'undefined'.
This is the export Result:
exportlinehighchartv4 0 1

Help Me! it's Urgent for me to fix this bug!

Internet Explorer title and subtitle display issue

In IE (version 9, 8 and 7) when exporting a chart it seems to not display the title and subtitle correctly. They seem to be really squashed up and completely unreadable.

Is this a known issue and is there a fix for it?

Export not working properly for column chart.

I am using your export module with highcharts library. It really provides nice features, but we are facing some problems.

  1. In Firefox, we do not get proper images for column and line charts.Column chart image does not contain bars.In case of Line chart if series data is set multiple times, then exported image contains items based on series data set for the first time.
  2. In IE and Chrome, Not getting proper image for all charts. All textual information like Axis Labels, Titles, Legend Items name are missing in image.
    This is very serious & important issue for our project. Waiting for your early response.
    Thanks & Regards,

Hide & Show Series


I am using this library and notice that when I export a chart with hidden serie(s), it still shows on the png/pdf but they got gray out in legend section.



I made some modifications in the code and created a new method of writetofile so I am able to save the svg as a file and later import it into my excel report, now everything works on local, but if is run it on the server it get net::ERR_CONNECTION_RESET error, could you please tell me what would that be.

var obj = {},

              chart = $('#combo').highcharts();
              obj.svg = chart.getSVG();
              obj.type = 'image/png';
              obj.width = 600;
              obj.height = 400;
              obj.filename = 'CompanyLevelChart';
              obj.async = true;

                  type: 'post',
                  url: chart.options.exporting.url,
                  data: obj,
                 success: function (data) {
                     var result = "javascript: __doPostBack('ctl00$Content$btnSurveyExelExport', '')";
                     window.location = result;
                 error: function (data) {
                     alert('error occured');


IE9 Issue exporting legend and axis labels


When downloading a chat in IE9, I get an issue where the legend and axis labels aren't rendered correctly. The text is very small and can't be read).

When I switch back to then I can download the exported images with the axis labels and legends rendered correctly.

I assume this issue may be related to issues with the 3rd party SVG dll, can you confirm that this is the problem?


subtitle does not export correctly

my chart has title, subtitle, etc. this highcharts exporter does not export subtitle correctly. I see only a faint dotted line where subtitle should appear.

Renderer text is not shown when downloading "pdf", "jpeg" and "pdf" files

Hi! I have an issue related to "". As you maybe know it is possible to add your own text (renderer feature) to a chart like shown in the following jsfiddle:

and described here:


Unfortunately the renderer text is not shown when downloading "pdf", "jpeg" and PDF file? The renderer text is included when printing or when downloading in svg format. So those two options are working. Any ideas for how to get the renderer text included also in pdf, jpeg or PDF files?

Export fails for png, jpg and pdf if width isn't specified on the client.


I have deployed this software on a standard IIS7 installation targeting .NET 4.0 using the provided 4.0 Web.config for the export module. The exporting system is the only code running on this particular application.

When a client makes an export request the system will fail with the following error if a width isn't specified or is 0 in the multipart request:

Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid.

Stack Trace:
[ArgumentException: Parameter is not valid.]
System.Drawing.Bitmap..ctor(Int32 width, Int32 height, PixelFormat format) +1645487
Svg.SvgDocument.Draw() +137
Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting.Exporter.WriteToStream(Stream outputStream) +339
Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting.ExportChart.ProcessExportRequest(HttpContext context) +438
System.Web.UI.Control.LoadRecursive() +71
System.Web.UI.Page.ProcessRequestMain(Boolean includeStagesBeforeAsyncPoint, Boolean includeStagesAfterAsyncPoint) +3064

I had a look at the request in firebug and noticed that the width parameter was being passed as 0 from the export module. The width attribute on the target div is 100% so the Highcharts module might not be detecting it correctly.

Regardless, I dived into the code and made a tiny modification that checks for a width of zero when you create the SvgObject. If the width is zero then we auto-detect the size like so:

// Below line 171 of Exporter.cs in Tek4.Highcharts.Exporting
if(this.Width == 0) 
    this.Width = (int)svgDoc.GetDimensions().Width;

This was a quick-and-dirty fix so it might not take into account other areas in the library where this could be fixed more effectively.

The code I used to find and test this issue can be found here: Additionally i've been testing with pulls Highcharts straight from the highcharts cdn ( which is currently set to version 3.0.1. I'm testing using both firefox and internet explorer and the issue still seems to persist so updating to version 3 and above might not be a solution. Could someone else do a test to verify/refuse my results?

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