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Serve files with Django.

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License: Other

Python 98.11% Makefile 1.89%

django-downloadview's People


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django-downloadview's Issues

Add utility "assert response is download" functions, for use in tests

As a developer, in order to test views I configure with django-downloadview, I want to use short assertions in tests.


  • for URL "/download/", I registered some download_view
  • and I enabled nginx X-Accel optimisations
  • I want to make sure it works as expected
  • so I write a (short) test.

Test may look like this:

from django.test import TestCase
from django_downloadview.nginx import assert_download_response

class DownloadTestCase(TestCase):
    def test_get_download(self):
        response = self.client.get('/download')
        assert_download_response(self, response,basename=u"hello-world.txt", redirect_url="/proxied-download/example/hello-world.txt")

=> Add some "assert_download_response(test_case, **assertions)" function.

ObjectDownloadView returns HTTP 500 if file field is empty (should be 404)

Let's consider the following code:

class CategoryIconDisplay(ObjectDownloadView):
    model = Category
    file_field = 'icon'

ObjectDownloadView return a "404" when the model is missing. Fine.

But what happens when the "icon" field is empty?

if category.icon returns <FieldFile: None>

At the moment, it fails miserably and throws an exception:

raise ValueError("The '%s' attribute has no file associated with it." %
   ValueError: The 'icon' attribute has no file associated with it.

Maybe we could:

  • throw a 404 error,
  • throw a specific exception that developers could catch and handle by themselves.

PathDownloadView opens file in "text" mode (should be "binary")

In, @claudep said:

Note that about the OP use case, it's actually a bug in django-downloadview. As the file type is not known in PathDownloadView, binary mode should be explicitly specified in the open() call.

=> In

- return File(open(self.get_path()))
+ return File(open(self.get_path(), 'rb'))

DownloadView and DownloadResponse use some file wrapper

In download views, we want to instanciate a download response.
We currently compute file attributes (size, name, ...) and pass it to the response constructor.
The more attributes (see #21), the more the response class gets complicated.
Moreover we would like these attributes (see #22) to be lazy.
We could implement some methods that support storages (and thus, FileField and ImageField).
But then, what if someone wants to change the behaviour? He would have to override the response class.

The response class should have some "file" (or whatever the name) attribute, and handle it via some API. Could sound like "the response's file attribute is an object with url, filename, basename, size... attributes".
Then it would make it possible to have various implementations for this "file wrapper". One would use Django storages.

Could look like django.db.models.fields.files.FieldFile, but not tied to models.

Could help #5, #21 and #22.

List of attributes for the file wrapper:

  • name: absolute filename in filesystem
  • url: URL where file contents live
  • size: in bytes
  • mime_type
  • encoding
  • charset
  • modification_time
  • content: iterator over file contents

Are these attributes needed?

  • media_root: typically storage's location
  • relative_filename: filename relative to media_root
  • is_virtual: True if the file isn't on some disk, i.e. Django/Python is to compute file contents. Should be True if filename (and maybe URL too) is empty. Could also be "is_persistent", i.e. will the file live after Django processed it.

Drop support of Python 2.6

See also #46.

  • Do not run tests on Python 2.6
  • Remove Python 2.6 from system requirements (INSTALL, docs/dev.txt, ...)

Narrative documentation guides user: INSTALL, configure, setup views, write tests...

Currently, documentation is a bit obscure. It is based on generated API documentation.
As a new user, documentation does not help enough. It does not provide enough examples.
As an advanced user, reading code is faster.

=> Help new users: make the documentation follow the use case, from installation to testing via configuring views.
=> Help advanced users: make the documentation an easy-to-browse API reminder. Clean table of contents, many simple examples.

The "use case" table of contents:

  • overview, concepts
  • install
  • configure: settings
  • setup views (one page per view)
  • optimize streaming
  • write tests
  • write healthchecks

Additional "internals" section can be really helpful:

  • responses
  • file wrappers (both Django's and django-downloadview's)
  • middlewares
  • decorators

Support Lighttpd's X-Sendfile2 header: resume streaming

If the HTTP client needs to resume a download it will send a HTTP header called "Range"
In case of a download resume (for instance when using wget -c), the header will be like "bytes=2375680-"
See RFC2616 section 14.35.2


send the "X-Sendfile2: filename range" header (available since 1.4.24)
The filename has to be urlencoded (including encoding ',' as '%2c': str_replace(',', '%2c', urlencode($path));)
Range has the form "start-end" (inclusive end) or "start-" (from start until file end); you must always specify the range, use "0-" for the complete file.
Example: X-Sendfile2: /tmp/test.txt 0-499 sends the first 500 bytes from /tmp/test.txt.
You can send this header more than once with different parameters (or you can combine single values with ", " between them).

Make tests.temporary_media_root reusable

As a developer, in order to test download views, I want to use utility functions that implement common patterns.

As an example, the django_downloadview.tests.temporary_media_root function could be made generic: use a temporary directory and optionally override some setting (not only MEDIA_ROOT)

Use storage's size()

Given storage and filename (or FileField/FieldFile), use storage's size() method instead of os.path.get_size() or os.stat.

Only one backend may be used

Given there are poor chances one wants optimizations for several servers at once (i.e. return Nginx's X-Accel for some views and Lighttp's X-Sendfile for others), one "backend" should be enough. As an example, we should need only one "download middleware" instance, which gets a backend as argument.

As a comparison, django-sendfile uses a unique (and global) backend, then the sendfile() function uses the backend.

=> For most use cases, we shouldn't have to care about the backend when applying optimizations. Except in configuration where we explicitely setup the backend.

Maybe replace "global" by "default" backend, so that override is possible.

Documentation includes examples from demo

Demo project is cool, but it is not as readable as the documentation.
Examples in documentation are hard to test, because they need a Django project setup.
=> In documentation, include examples from demo project.
=> In demo project, write tests
=> Synchronize documentation and demo scopes, i.e. examples in documentation are in the demo, and code in the demo is in documentation.

Feature: Support Apache mod_xsendfile

Hi all,

I need to implement file delivery via Apache and mod_xsendfile for a customer and would be happy to use django-downloadview and contribute my code. In order to do so, I have some questions:

  1. I do not have files stored in models or storage, but want to deliver them from the file path. I.e. I would need to use PathDownloadView. I assume that is correct?
  2. Looking at the code of PathDownloadView, it seems like it returns the a file object directly. Correct?
  3. So I am wondering, will any response from PathDownloadView by catched by the current X-Accel-Middleware? From my understanding not. So what would I need to do in general to make that happen?
  4. And now regarding Apache: Would you recommend to create a new Middleware class that catches the response and returns a Apache-Xsendfile response or would you recommend to adapt the current X-Accel-Middleware to be more generic such that it can be configured to return either a X-Accel-Response or a Xsendfile-Response class?


Implement HTTPDownloadView

Use case:

  • We have some remote file Django can download (perhaps the client cannot)
  • Without optimizations, Django is a proxy to download/stream the file
  • With optimizations, nginx/lighttpd/apache... proxies the file directly

The URLDownloadView may:

  • have a get_url() method
  • use some virtual file wrapper which has an url property
  • use requests to stream the file

Note: only simple GET requests are supported there. Other methods/options could be supported in another (more complex) generic view.

Documentation shows compatibility grid between views and optimizations

See also #36 and #2.
All views/file wrappers are not compatible with all optimizations:

  • Nginx, Apache and Lighttpd cannot handle generated files (they do not live on disk) (and there is currently no "write a temporary file" feature)
  • Apache and Lighttpd can only handle files on local filesystem (absolute path), whereas nginx uses URLs for internal redirect.

Fixtures creation shortcut (files)

Provide utilities to create models instances with files for tests.

Maybe provide a set of test fixtures (pdf, zip, text...).

Wonder if it could be based on factory_boy.

DownloadView return a DownloadResponse which is processed by middlewares/decorators

As Django's generic views return TemplateResponse, DownloadView (or DownloadMixin) could return some DownloadResponse:

  • DownloadResponse stores minimal information about the file to download
  • Middlewares are given the opportunity to handle the response. Could be useful to implement #1 (nginx) and #2 (lighttpd).
  • A fallback middleware serves the file with Python/Django, i.e. most of current DownloadMixin.render_to_response() logic would be moved to a middleware.

django_downloadview.sendfile() function is a port of django-sendfile's main function

Implement sendfile function that mimics django-sendfile's signature.
Use a StorageDownloadView with FileSystemStorage and settings.SENDFILE_ROOT.
Write a "migration guide" in documentation

Optionally, add some middleware which reads settings.SENDFILE_BACKEND, settings.SENDFILE_ROOT and settings.SENDFILE_URL and behave like the corresponding django-downloadview's middleware. Should also raise some "DeprecationWarning".

Delete generated files as soon as server (nginx) streaming ends


  • generate a file with Django (as an example, some ZIP file)
  • save it to disk
  • let server stream it (X-Accel for nginx)
  • remove the file when it's done

Is it possible to do it with django-downloadview?

Is it recommended to do it with django-downloadview? i.e. should Django stream file contents directly and write nothing to disk? Maybe there are 2 cases: when the file can be generated with some iterator (as a CSV file) VS when the file is generated in a single operation (as a zip archive).

Another use case: file is stored in a storage that nginx can't access. Django could copy file to a temporary location and let nginx serve it. Or maybe the best practice is: "allow nginx to access file storage directly".

=> at least add documentation
=> if a smart solution can be implemented, add it to django-downloadview

Nginx X-Accel does not respect response's "attachment" attribute

django_downloadview.response.DownloadResponse has some attachment attribute.
Download views have one too.
Without nginx, download views can stream files "inline", not as attachment.
But XAccelRedirectResponse does not take care of it and nginx always streams files as attachments.

StorageDownloadView deprecates PathDownloadView

Currently (version 1.2), StorageDownloadView inherits PathDownloadView.
Should be: StorageDownloadView makes it easy to PathDownloadView.

  • Add get_storage(), get_storage_class and get_storage_kwargs() methods to StorageDownloadView, i.e. make the storage overridable.
  • By default, get_storage() uses Django's get_storage_class(settings.DEFAULT_STORAGE).
  • In documentation, explain that (deprecated) PathDownloadView is a StorageDownloadView with storage=FileSystemStorage(location=CUSTOM_LOCATION)
  • Deprecate PathDownloadView.
  • Optionally setup a backward-compatible PathDownloadView which inherits StorageDownloadView and uses FileSystemStorage as a default.

Support Python >= 3.3

Major feature request: Python 3 support!

  • Setup development environment to support concurrent Python versions, i.e. make it easy for developers to run code with python 2.7 or Python 3.3
  • Optionally drop support of Python 2.6 (, INSTALL, .travis.yml)
  • Update's classifiers
  • Update TravisCI configuration
  • Update code of course! Make it Python 3 compatible.
  • Update documentation: mostly INSTALL.

Support URL property in DownloadResponse

Use case: Django is to fetch the file via an URL. In current implementation, Django would have to fetch and read the file. But proxy servers may have direct access to the resource, i.e. they could fetch the file themselves => improved resources usage.

Support several configurations for download middleware(s)

See also #25.
This ticket focuses on multiple configurations (source to destination "rewrite" rules) capability.
As of version 1.2, django-downloadview supports only one download middleware with global configuration. It is a pain to configure.

This feature may be implemented as follow:

  • "global backend" is configured in middlewares, as DOWNLOADVIEW_MIDDLEWARES items. This is not a single backend, but a set of backends. At least they are registered in a single location: settings.
  • the recommended practice (in documentation) is to use the global middlewares.

=> DOWNLOADVIEW_MIDDLEWARES makes most use cases easy.
=> Custom decorators allow fine-tuning for specific needs.

Support Nginx X-HTTP-ACCEL header

See and

Here is a raw implementation, to give an idea...

def XAccelRedirectResponse(url, basename=None):
    """Return a HttpResponse with header for Nginx X-Accel-Redirect."""
    response = HttpResponse()
    basename = basename or url.split('/')[-1]
    response['X-Accel-Redirect'] = url
    response['Content-Type'] = ""
    response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename=%s' % basename
    response['Expires'] = + timedelta(days=1)
    return response

The response class may support all headers supported by Nginx.

PathDownloadView python3 compatibility

As a relatively new django/python programmer, I am attempting to use downloadview in my project. I set up a test case from the demo, which works in python2.7, but not in python3.3. The tests are with django 1.5.4 (had similar results with 1.6 and 1.7). The results seem to suggest a problem with django, rather than downloadview, but I wanted to check here first.

In attempting to use download_hello_world=views.PathDownloadView.as_view(path=hello_world_path)

I got the following error

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/wsgiref/", line 138, in run self.finish_response() File "/usr/lib64/python3.3/wsgiref/", line 178, in finish_response for data in self.result: File "/home/jeremiah/.virtualenvs/auto_p3_d15/lib/python3.3/site-packages/django/http/", line 223, in __next__ return self.make_bytes(next(self._iterator)) File "/home/jeremiah/.virtualenvs/auto_p3_d15/lib/python3.3/site-packages/django/core/files/", line 97, in __iter__ chunk_buffer = BytesIO(chunk) TypeError: 'str' does not support the buffer interface [23/Oct/2013 22:34:13] "GET /download/hello-world.txt HTTP/1.1" 500 59

So I added a number of print() statements to downloadview to determine the point of failure, but it seems the problem is not in downloadview, but in django. So in dango/core/files/ I converted
chunk_buffer = BytesIO(chunk)
chunk_buffer = BytesIO(str.encode(chunk))

And now PathDownloadView works with python 3 and 2.

Before filing a bug in django, I wanted to check if this would be the proper fix. It seems unlikely I've discovered such a bug in django.


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