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This is a silly discord bot that will listen for a bot command, take in context from the chat, generate a ChatGPT prompt based on: (a static PREFIX, a chat-specified middle section, and a static SUFFIX) then respond as a chat message in that with the completion from ChatGPT.

Dockerfile 1.79% Shell 11.39% Python 86.82%

discord-sky's Introduction



This is a silly discord bot that will listen for a bot command, take in context from the chat, generate a ChatGPT prompt based on: (a static PREFIX, a chat-specified middle section, and a static SUFFIX) then respond as a chat message in that with the completion from ChatGPT.

How to use

Please refer to to create your own file by copying to and then modify it fill in defaults and suit your needs. You will need a ChatGPT API account (which costs money per token). You will also need to create a Discord token for a bot.

Here's the general idea behind the bot:

When a user specifies the bot prefix (which is the default !react(USER SPECIFIED MIDDLE SECTION FOO)), this bot will construct the string CHATGPT_PROMPT_PREFIX + "USER SPECIFIED MIDDLE SECTION FOO" + CHATGPT_PROMPT_SUFFIX, then submit it to ChatGPT/OpenAI to generate a "completion" string. That completion string will then be used as a new message that the bot will send to the chat channel it received the !react chat message in.

Running the bot

  • Run python3 to run the bot locally.
  • The latest version of this bot has already been built into a docker image and is available for use at
    • You can run ./ to pull and run the pre-built image.
    • You can run ./ to stop/remove the container from the step above
  • You can run this in Kubernetes, check the "k8s" directory. Please replace the secrets in discord-sky-secret-template.yaml similarly to above.

discord-sky's People


johnkord avatar



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