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few.swift's Introduction

Few.swift Carthage compatible

React-inspired library for writing AppKit/UIKit UIs which are functions of their state.1

SwiftBox is used for layout.


UIs are big, messy, mutable, stateful bags of sadness.

Few.swift lets us express UIs as stateless, composable, immutable-ish values of their state. When their state changes, Few.swift calls a function to render the UI for that state, and then intelligently applies any changes.

To put it another way, the state is the necessary complexity of the app. The view is a mapping from state to its representation.


Here's a simple example which counts the number of times a button is clicked:

// This function is called every time `component.updateState` is called.
func renderApp(component: Component<Int>, count: Int) -> Element {
	return View()
		// The view itself should be centered.
		// The children should be centered in the view.
		// Layout children in a column.
			Label("You've clicked \(count) times!"),
			Button(title: "Click me!", action: {
					component.updateState { $0 + 1 }
				.margin(Edges(uniform: 10))

class AppDelegate: NSObject, NSApplicationDelegate {
	@IBOutlet weak var window: NSWindow!

	private let appComponent = Component(initialState: 0, render: renderApp)

	func applicationDidFinishLaunching(notification: NSNotification) {
		let contentView = window.contentView as NSView

Or a slightly more involved example, a temperature converter:

struct ConverterState {
	static let defaultFahrenheit: CGFloat = 32

	let fahrenheit = defaultFahrenheit
	let celcius = f2c(defaultFahrenheit)

private func c2f(c: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
	return (c * 9/5) + 32

private func f2c(f: CGFloat) -> CGFloat {
	return (f - 32) * 5/9

private func renderLabeledInput(label: String, value: String, autofocus: Bool, fn: String -> ()) -> Element {
	return View()
		// Layout children in a row.
		.padding(Edges(bottom: 4))
				text: value,
				placeholder: label,
				action: fn)
				// Autofocus means that the Input will become the first responder when
				// it is first added to the window.

private func render(component: Component<ConverterState>, state: ConverterState) -> Element {
	let numberFormatter = NSNumberFormatter()
	let parseNumber: String -> CGFloat? = { str in
		return (numberFormatter.numberFromString(str)?.doubleValue).map { CGFloat($0) }
	return View()
		// Center the view.
		// Center the children.
			// Each time the text fields change, we re-render. But note that Few.swift
			// is smart enough not to interrupt the user's editing or selection.
			renderLabeledInput("Fahrenheit", "\(state.fahrenheit)", true) {
				if let f = parseNumber($0) {
					component.updateState { _ in ConverterState(fahrenheit: f, celcius: f2c(f)) }
			renderLabeledInput("Celcius", "\(state.celcius)", false) {
				if let c = parseNumber($0) {
					component.updateState { _ in ConverterState(fahrenheit: c2f(c), celcius: c) }

This is super cool because the only thing that's mutating is the state. Few.swift is in charge of making an in-place changes to the UI when the state changes.

See FewDemo for some more involved examples.

How does this compare to React Native/ComponentKit?

A few of the most notable differences:

  1. Few.swift is written in... Swift. Type safety is cool.
  2. Single-threaded. React Native and ComponentKit both do layout on a non-main thread. Few.swift keeps everything on the main thread currently.
  3. Both React Native and ComponentKit are battle-tested. They've been used in shipping apps. Few.swift has not.
  4. React Native has an awesome live reload feature.


Swift's pretty buggy with concrete subclasses of generic superclasses: This hurts.

Should I use this?

Probably ๐Ÿฉ. See above about how it's not battle-tested yet. Pull requests welcome ๐Ÿ’–.


1. React, but for Cocoa. A reactive Cocoa, one might say.

few.swift's People


adlai-holler avatar joshaber avatar


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few.swift's Issues

Render from the topmost dirty component downward

Currently each component re-renders itself when its state changes. This works, but it's less than ideal.

Consider a component A which renders a component B. If both update their state in the same runloop, component B will be rendered twice: once by itself because of its state update, and once when component A re-renders itself.

We should start each re-render from the topmost dirty component.

(I don't think there are any correctness problems here, but it's certainly less performant.)


It should support animations somehow.

Navigation Component

It would be great if we could wrap UINavigationController in an Navigator(Navigation Component). Not sure how what the api would be.

Is this dead?

No commits in 2 years. I'm guessing this is dead, right?


Should we allow component state to be changed from a background thread? Should it do realization, layout, or diffing on a background thread?

Use flexbox terminology

We use flexbox for layout but different terminology. We should use the same so it's easy to share existing knowledge and resources.

This'll obviously require changes to SwiftBox.

Input does not seem to follow "stretch" rule

The Input element does not seem to follow the .childAlignment(.Stretch) property. I have attached a screenshot (I'm bad at designing but these colors are used for clarity of the issue ๐Ÿ˜‰) and the example view code. I believe my code is right as the "Welcome!" Label and the bottom border views are stretched. BUT please let me know if it is something with just my code ๐Ÿ˜‡

Screenshot (duh)

ios simulator screen shot jun 23 2015 9 33 48 pm

Code (even more duh)

return View(backgroundColor: UIColor.lightGrayColor())

        View(backgroundColor: UIColor.orangeColor())
            .margin(Edges(left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 80))
            .padding(Edges(left: 20, right: 20, bottom: 20, top: 20))

                // Label
                { () -> Label in
                    let l = Label("Welcome!",
                        textColor: UIColor.darkGrayColor(),
                        font: UIFont.boldSystemFontOfSize(26))
                        .margin(Edges(left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 20, top: 0))
                    return l

                // Input - Email
                Input(textColor: UIColor.blackColor(),
                    placeholder: "Email",
                    keyboardType: UIKeyboardType.EmailAddress,
                    returnKeyType: UIReturnKeyType.Next,
                    borderStyle: UITextBorderStyle.RoundedRect)
                    .margin(Edges(left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, top: 0)),

                // Border View
                View(backgroundColor: UIColor.darkGrayColor())
                    .margin(Edges(left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 20, top: 2)),

                // Input - Password
                Input(textColor: UIColor.blackColor(),
                    placeholder: "Password",
                    returnKeyType: UIReturnKeyType.Done,
                    secure: true),

                // Border View
                View(backgroundColor: UIColor.darkGrayColor())
                    .margin(Edges(left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 10, top: 2))


Less terrible layout

Currently it's really just setting frames like the Bad Old Days. It'd be nice if it were nicer.

Multi-line labels

I can't find any info about creating multi-line text. Is that possible?

Support view-less Elements

Currently there's a 1-to-1 correspondence between Elements and views. But that doesn't necessarily have to be the case. A lot of Elements exist in the hierarchy for layout reasons only. They don't actually need to exist as reified views.

My current thinking is that Element shouldn't create a view but be used only for layout.

Nesting and flexbox

If I create a root app component with 2 child components, those components flexbox layouts are computed first as independent flexbox layout calls and not as children of the app component's layout. In my case that means they receive no width. If instead I wrap them in Elements that are children of the app component it works as expected. Is this by design? Do I need to create wrapping elements around components to handle certain layout cases?

iOS: table view selection doesn't really work

@joshaber We call reloadData() every time we diff a TableView, and that kills our selection. I'll work on this one โ€“ just putting it here as a reminder.

Current thinking is we need to make Element equatable, and not call reloadData() unless our row data has actually changed. Thoughts?

Animate from state to state

Maybe we can implement something like react.animate. updateState with an extra option to add an animation.

Add `didRealize` hook to Component

@joshaber Sometimes it would be nice to be able to customize a Component's behavior from outside, after the render. For example I want to set some scroll view insets after a component is realized, and subclassing component seems like a bit much. What do you think?

Installation documentation?

Some additional documentation on how to download, install, and run the project would be nice. Plus the same on including Few in my own project.

Add instructions in README on how to edit demo

Not sure if it has just been a long week but I'm struggling to get the demo iOS project to update rebuild a framework of my changes ๐Ÿ˜ฌ

It looks like it is looking for the Few.framework in a build/Debug-iphoneos directory but that does not exist. I have tried building/running/archiving the framework targets and no frameworks get put there. Is there something I am missing?

Carthage install issue on Xcode 7.1?

I'm trying to install Few.swift via Carthage and I'm running into some xcodebuild issues. I'm on Xcode 7.1 (7B91b).

Here's my Cartfile:

github "joshaber/Few.swift" "swift-2"

Here's the output when building iOS:

carthage update --platform iOS
*** Fetching Few.swift
*** Fetching SwiftBox
*** Checking out SwiftBox at "c316daebb98237a0c20c5fc7cb92028f44809861"
*** Checking out Few.swift at "12406946e2b11b3f0848235544ff6aaf97618f6b"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/s6/qx12s0856zg2zhsnx_14sqd40000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.ZyIMzF.log
*** Building scheme "SwiftBox-iOS" in SwiftBox.xcodeproj
*** Building scheme "Few-iOS" in Few.xcworkspace

The following build commands failed:
        CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/mark/projects/foo/Carthage/Checkouts/Few.swift/FewCore/Element.swift
        CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
(2 failures)
/Users/mark/projects/foo/Carthage/Checkouts/Few.swift/FewCore/Element.swift:69:234: error: type 'Direction' has no member 'Row'
A shell task failed with exit code 65:

The following build commands failed:
        CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/mark/projects/foo/Carthage/Checkouts/Few.swift/FewCore/Element.swift
        CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
(2 failures)

And here's the output when I build for Mac:

โ†’ carthage update --platform Mac
*** Fetching Few.swift
*** Fetching SwiftBox
*** Checking out SwiftBox at "c316daebb98237a0c20c5fc7cb92028f44809861"
*** Checking out Few.swift at "12406946e2b11b3f0848235544ff6aaf97618f6b"
*** xcodebuild output can be found in /var/folders/s6/qx12s0856zg2zhsnx_14sqd40000gn/T/carthage-xcodebuild.lbVR1l.log
*** Building scheme "SwiftBox-Mac" in SwiftBox.xcodeproj
*** Building scheme "Few-Mac" in Few.xcworkspace

The following build commands failed:
        CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/mark/projects/foo/Carthage/Checkouts/Few.swift/FewCore/Element.swift
        CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
(2 failures)
/Users/mark/projects/foo/Carthage/Checkouts/Few.swift/FewCore/Element.swift:39:21: error: type of expression is ambiguous without more context
/Users/mark/projects/foo/Carthage/Checkouts/Few.swift/FewCore/Element.swift:69:234: error: type 'Direction' has no member 'Row'
A shell task failed with exit code 65:

The following build commands failed:
        CompileSwift normal x86_64 /Users/mark/projects/foo/Carthage/Checkouts/Few.swift/FewCore/Element.swift
        CompileSwiftSources normal x86_64
(2 failures)

FWIW In Carthage/Checkouts/SwiftBox/SwiftBox/Node.swift, I see this:

public enum Direction: UInt32 {
    case Inherit = 0
    case LeftToRight = 1
    case RightToLeft = 2

No idea if that's the enum it's looking at, but if it is it certainly doesn't have a Row member.

Is there some mismatch between Few.swift and Swiftbox going on? Some kind of Cartfile confusion or something? Admittedly, I have never used either of these libraries, so I'm exactly sure what I'm looking at. This library looks great - I've got a prototype build of a Redux Swift implementation and would love to hook it up with Few.swift.



It's pretty excellent, and it's just begging for a React-style API. Few can make this happen. @joshaber Any interest?

Publicly get a layout Node for an element?

Is there any way to do something like this? In my case I need to use a vanilla UITableView and I'd like to compute the heights for all my elements without creating views for them. Can we make assembleLayoutNode() public, since it has no side effects?

How to have overlapping elements?

Hi, I'm trying to create a cell that looks like


and I need some help getting the small circle into position. Could someone point me in the right direction?

[RFC] Use ComponentSpec as api for defining components

Because Swift currently does not support non-generic subclasses, i thought about creating components by implementing a ComponentSpec or ComponentType protocol. We can use associated types to infer the state type. We only need to know when the state changes, maybe we can make a State type that you can observe.

After implementing ComponentSpec you can use the method construct to create a Component<Spec.StateType>

To receive lifecycle events we could add an LifeCycleEvent enum, and add lifeCycleStateChanged(event: LifeCycleEvent) for receiving those events.

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