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angular-dropdowns's Introduction


Dropdown directives for AngularJS (1.1.5+, 1.2.x).

Includes both a select-style dropdown and a menu-style dropdown. The menu-style dropdown attaches to an existing element (button, link, div, etc), whereas the select-style dropdown replaces the element it is attached to.

See examples:


Include ngDropdowns in your module dependencies:

var app = angular.module('app', ['ngDropdowns']);

In your controller, setup the select options and object to hold the selected value:

app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope) {

    // By default the 'text' property will be used as the display text in the dropdown entry.
    // All options that are not dividers must have a 'text' property.
    // You can specify a different property name in place of 'text' via the dropdown-item-label attribute.
    // A divider with a 'text' property will also be non-selectable.
    // If an options object has an 'href' property set, then that dropdown entry
    //   will behave as a link and cannot be selected.
    $scope.ddSelectOptions = [
            text: 'Option1',
            value: 'a value'
            text: 'Option2',
            value: 'another value',
            someprop: 'somevalue'
            // Any option with divider set to true will be a divider
            // in the menu and cannot be selected.
            divider: true
            // Any divider option with a 'text' property will
            // behave similarly to a divider and cannot be selected.
            divider: true,
            text: 'divider label'
            // Example of an option with the 'href' property
            text: 'Option4',
            href: '#option4'

    $scope.ddSelectSelected = {}; // Must be an object

And in your html, specify the dropdown-select and dropdown-model attributes on an element.

You can optionally set dropdown-item-label to specify a different label field from the default (which is 'text'):

<div ng-controller="AppCtrl">
    <h1>Dropdown Select</h1>
    <p>You have selected: {{ddSelectSelected}}</p>
    <div dropdown-select="ddSelectOptions"
        dropdown-item-label="text" >

For a menu-style dropdown, use dropdown-menu in place of dropdown-select:

<div ng-controller="AppCtrl">
    <h1>Dropdown Select</h1>
    <p>You have selected: {{ddSelectSelected}}</p>
    <a href='' title=''

You can specify a function to call upon dropdown value change by specifying the dropdown-onchange attribute. This method will have the selected object passed to it.

<div dropdown-select="ddSelectOptions"
    dropdown-onchange="someMethod(selected)" >

You can set dropdown-disabled to disable the dropdown when the bound value is truthy.

<div dropdown-select="ddSelectOptions"
    dropdown-disabled="isDropdownDisabled" >

Custom Templates

If you'd like to customize the templates more, you can override the values stored in the following $templateCache keys:

  • ngDropdowns/templates/dropdownSelect.html
  • ngDropdowns/templates/dropdownSelectItem.html
  • ngDropdowns/templates/dropdownMenu.html
  • ngDropdowns/templates/dropdownMenuItem.html

To do this, you can put your custom templates in the cache from your method. For example:

var app = angular.module('app', ['ngDropdowns']); ($templateCache) {
  $templateCache.put('ngDropdowns/templates/dropdownSelect.html', [
    '<div class="wrap-dd-select my-custom-class">',
      '<span class="selected my-selected-class">{{dropdownModel[labelField]}}</span>',
      '<ul class="custom-dropdown">',
        '<li ng-repeat="item in dropdownSelect"',
        ' class="dropdown-item"',
        ' dropdown-select-item="item"',
        ' dropdown-item-label="labelField">',


Pull requests are welcome!

Run npm install to get all the development dependencies.

Run gulp to build the output files.




Styling based on

angular-dropdowns's People


alexisbg avatar andypandy avatar bdomzalski avatar bitdeli-chef avatar dinodsaurus avatar eddiemonge avatar jesusmonterob avatar jseppi avatar justmaier avatar kraku avatar leahfitch avatar pistolete avatar ramiroaraujo avatar sinxwal avatar tlvince avatar vasco-santos avatar


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angular-dropdowns's Issues

multiple dropdowns on a page with different styling

Things are going well. Thanks again for your help.
An enhancement would be to have 2 or more buttons on a page, and each has its own styling, eg. different dropdown widths, different font colors, etc

I see the line in the directive that calls class="wrap-dd-menu", but I don't know how to have 1 directive branch to several css instructions.

Custom HTML inside items

I think that it would be useful if we could add custom HTML as text for the items. I'm looking for a styled select just for this reason. In my case I need to show a small square filled with a color, because the user has to choose a color from a list but we have many "blue" and we can't simply use the hex code.

Changing of selected item

'dropdownMenu' and 'dropdownSelect' directives has a following code

          if (selected !== $scope.dropdownModel) {
            angular.copy(selected, $scope.dropdownModel);

There is two troubles.

  1. angular.copy ignores $$hashKey attribute, as the result we have a mixing objects. Why not explicit assignment?
  2. should be used for comparision angular.equals

As result:

          if (!angular.equals(selected, $scope.dropdownModel)) {
              $scope.dropdownModel = selected;

doesn't play nicely with others?

By following your instructions and using the example.html page, I got the menu button running in a div by itself. However, when I have 2 child divs of a parent div with angular-google-maps (displaying Google Maps) in one child and angular-dropdowns in the other child, I could not get both to run at the same time. I tried your ng-app and ng-controller in all the sensible permutations and combinations of the divs and Google Map did not appear when the button dropdown was working. Either the dropdown code has a problem or some very different instructions are needed when dropdown is not the only AngularJS component on the page. I have given 3 days to this, and now I've decided to build the button myself from some tutorials I've found.

IE9 Support

This does not seem to be working in IE.
At least the demo on fiddler does not work for sure.

Scrollable dropdown

I am using this to make a dropdown for U.S. states and the issue is that with 50 options the dropdown is awkwardly large. Does angular-dropdowns have the ability to make the dropdowns smaller and scrollable ?

Unable to customize the output template


is there any additional files or folders that need to be created when customizing the output template?

I've put the the following code on my controller: ($templateCache) {
$templateCache.put('ngDropdowns/templates/dropdownSelect.html', [

    '<li ng-repeat="item in dropdownSelect"',
    ' class="dropdown-item"',
    ' dropdown-select-item="item"',
    ' dropdown-item-label="labelField">',

and put the following code on my homepage.html:
div ng-controller="homeController" hide-gt-sm show-sm>

Cari Penyedia Jasa


but it's still not working, am I missing something else?

Problem with css - position: relative

The dropdown code is great - a lot better than Angular UI method - but I am having problems with display above a table = the table is shown over the dropdown - example as follows:


I have reproduced it your demo fiddlejs

I as sure it is my lack of css knowledge which is the problem - but I just can't solve it - I known it is caused by position: relative - but don't know why!

IconCls is not working.


Please could you add the below line of code to use the iconCls in the templates DropdownSelectItem and dropdownMenuItem. or if you think the code needs to be added in the controller function you need to provide more options in the template with a loop condition to populate various element classes.

' ',

ex 👎
$templateCache.put('ngDropdowns/templates/dropdownMenuItem.html', [

  • ',
    '<a href="" class="dropdown-item"',
    ' ng-if="!dropdownMenuItem.divider"',
    ' ng-href="{{dropdownMenuItem.href}}"',
    ' ng-click="selectItem()">',
    ' ',
  • '

    Clear dropdown

    Im trying to clear the dropdown so if i selected an item and trying to reset it how do i do that?

    Touch Issues

    Hi there, thanks for the directives.

    I've been having issues with touch devices not closing the dropdown on select, it works fine on desktop browsers but it seems touch doesn't propagate the click event so I fixed the issue with the following code. Sorry I don't have time to make a proper PR. = function (selected) {
      if (selected !== $scope.dropdownModel) {
        angular.copy(selected, $scope.dropdownModel);
        selected: selected
    $element.bind('click', function (event) {
      // handle select toggles above in the select function
      var target = angular.element(event.srcElement ||;
      while (target[0] !== $element[0]) {
        if (target.hasClass('dropdown-item')) return;
        target = target.parent();

    Error when using routing and ng-view

    I've got a weird issue.
    Everything works fine until i tried to use ngRoute and ng-view.
    Here is my code :

    var app = angular.module('toolApp', ['ngDropdowns', 'ngRoute']);
            template: " ",
            controller: 'HomeCtrl',
    app.controller('HomeCtrl', function($scope) 
        $scope.ddSelectOptions = [
                text: 'France',
                value: 'FRA'
                text: 'Brazil',
                value: 'BRA',
                text: 'Spain',
                value: 'ESP',
        $scope.ddSelectSelected = 
            text: "All Countries"

    And here is the html :

    <div  ng-view>

    Then i've got this issue :

    Error: [$compile:ctreq] Controller 'dropdownSelect', required by directive 'ngClass', can't be found!

    I don't really know what cause this issue, i'm quit new at Angular.
    Thanks !


    Carrot is 5px to the right

    In the fiddle it the carrot seems to be about 5px too far right from the button being clicked.

    The following changes seem to have fixed it:

    .wrap-dd-menu .dropdown:before {
      right: 100px
    .wrap-dd-menu .dropdown:after {
      right: 102px

    Custom Templates

    Hey amazing plugin here.

    Quick question, can I specify my custom html templates instead of the text option?


    Default value select issue

    When we set value for dropdown-model from controller, then it replace the first value for dropdown-select. its happening for dynamic data for selectbox options.

    conditional dropdownOptions

    Is it possible to have conditional dropdownOptions?

    I have a list of items. Each as a dropdown on it. In function of the item I would like to have different dropdown options.

    Detect change event

    I wanted to implement this library to an angularjs project I'm currently working on but I got stuck when I couldn't respond to a change event. Is there any way I could know if a different option has been selected? Or is there any other way to detect the change in the controller?

    Modifying dropdownMenu wrap element

    There's a line on 153 for directive dropdownMenu that has this:

    var $wrap = $compile(angular.element(
      '<div class="wrap-dd-menu" ng-class="{\'disabled\': dropdownDisabled}"></div>')

    it seems a bit too rigid, and we can't modify it. dropdownSelect seems to have this built into the templateCache. Shouldn't the menu's wrap be moved out to templateCache as well?


    Hi nice project, having a little difficulty setting the default on the drop down I understand in the controller I can achieve this by setting

    $scope.ddCountryMenuSelected = {text:"Country"};

    However if I want to use angular-translate I would normally have to enter something like

    {{'DIARY_DEFAULT_COUNTRY_LABEL' | translate}}

    If I put this in the controller it obviously just appears as that text, any ideas how I could get round this?

    Css to the selected item

    How can I customize the template to apply css to the selected element in the dropdown list? In other words, I would like the selected item in the dropdown to have a different css class.


    dropdownItemLabel from attrs not scope

    I have a specific use of the dropdownSelect. I need to manually compile and link an element with this directive but I have an issue which is connected to dropdownItemLabel attribute. The value of labelField is taken from that attribute and in my case this is a problem because I would like it to be $interpolated and this implementation prevents it from doing so.
    Why this isn't passed as a property of the scope of dropdownSelect? Is there a perticular reason?

    Bartosz Domżalski

    Multiple Instance - ng-model collision.

    What if you have multiple instance of the directive? I think you need to have unique model for each instance? Maybe add an ID isolate scope and prefix the id to the model name per instance, so the model don't collide?


    This is great. I am trying to tie this up with my json file but i am hitting a bump:

    say you have something of the sort:

    $http.get('/json/sections').success(function(result) {
    $scope.sections = (function () {
    return result.results;

    Woking fine with a regular ng-repeat, but how would you tie it with with 'name', 'href' etc. Obviously if I do div style="cursor:pointer; width:100px; margin:0 auto;" dropdown-menu="sections" like in your example, I get the right number of entries, but all empty. thought I would ask!

    Still pretty new at angular, thanks in advance for your help

    Support for ng-class attribute


    currently, using ng-class on the dropdown doesn't work because it is internally used. It result in something like that :
    <div ng-class="{'am-input-error': configurator.dealerErrors.Dealer} {'disabled': dropdownDisabled}" ...>

    Do you think it would be possible to add support for ng-class, or to add an attribute allowing us to add css class dynamically depending a variable ?
    It should be very nice to error management.


    Spaces in templates

    The spaces look nice for aligning in the templates but they add to the overall file size since they aren't minified:


          template: "<div class='wrap-dd-select'>" + 
            "    <span class='selected'>{{dropdownModel[labelField]}}</span>" + 
            "    <ul class='dropdown'>" + 
            "        <li ng-repeat='item in dropdownSelect'" + 
            "            class='dropdown-item'" + 
            "            dropdown-select-item='item'" + 
            "            dropdown-item-label='labelField'>" + 
            "        </li>" + 
            "    </ul>" + 


          template: [
            "<div class='wrap-dd-select'>",
              "<span class='selected'>{{dropdownModel[labelField]}}</span>",
                "<ul class='dropdown'>",
                  "<li ng-repeat='item in dropdownSelect'",
                    " class='dropdown-item'",
                    " dropdown-select-item='item'", 
                    " dropdown-item-label='labelField'>",

    the array join is just a personal perference.

    Feature request : returns value instead of object and callback


    Great job! This directive is very useful.

    I think 2 additional features would improve it.

    • Copy/pass only one of the property value of selected object instead of the full object. This can be done by adding a new attribute with the property name (ie dropdown-value="{{'prop_name'}}").
    • Call a parent scope function when an item is selected (ie dropdown-onselect="myfunc()").

    Maybe I can contribute to the project if you wish ?


    Bower versions


    You should add tags to the github repository, this way we can ask for a specific version with bower.

    For example, if I put this in my bower.json file :

      "dependencies": {
        "angular-dropdowns": "0.1.0",

    And then run bower install, it shows me the following error :

    bower angular-dropdowns#0.1.0       not-cached git://
    bower angular-dropdowns#0.1.0          resolve git://
    bower angular-dropdowns#0.1.0     ENORESTARGET No tag found that was able to satisfy 0.1.0


    Not able to use angular-translate with angular-dropdowns


    I'm using angular-dropdowns in my project and it's working seamlessly so far. I'm not able to figure out how to use angular-translate with dropdown options. I have used angular-translate in other view using:


    but not now since I'm giving an array of options with their corresponsing values as described in the examples. Can anyone please tell me how can I use angular-translate here in this scenario ?

    Scenario from the given example:

    app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope) {
        // By default the 'text' property will be used as the display text in the dropdown entry.
        // All options that are not dividers must have a 'text' property.
        // You can specify a different property name in place of 'text' via the dropdown-item-label attribute.
        // A divider with a 'text' property will also be non-selectable.
        // If an options object has an 'href' property set, then that dropdown entry
        //   will behave as a link and cannot be selected.
        $scope.ddSelectOptions = [
                text: 'Option1',
                value: 'a value'
                text: 'Option2',
                value: 'another value'
        $scope.ddSelectSelected = {}; // Must be an object

    Now, if I want to translate Option1 and Option2 using angular translate in my controller/view, how can I do it?

    P.S: I tried my regular approach by using

    {{"Option1"|translate}} and {{"Option12"|translate}} 
    app.controller('AppCtrl', function($scope) {
        // By default the 'text' property will be used as the display text in the dropdown entry.
        // All options that are not dividers must have a 'text' property.
        // You can specify a different property name in place of 'text' via the dropdown-item-label attribute.
        // A divider with a 'text' property will also be non-selectable.
        // If an options object has an 'href' property set, then that dropdown entry
        //   will behave as a link and cannot be selected.
        $scope.ddSelectOptions = [
                text: '{{Option1|translate}}',
                value: 'a value'
                text: '{{Option2|translate}}',
                value: 'another value'
        $scope.ddSelectSelected = {}; // Must be an object

    but somehow that is also not working.

    Can anyone please help me with this ?


    Feature Requests - Disabling and Classes


    It would be nice if we can have option disabling feature. So that the option should not get highlighted nor selectable. If such feature is available, I would like to use it for Header option something equivalent like in a select box.

    Also while declaring options, if you can provide addtional attributes to input class or style that would be a great help.

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