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This project forked from kcgidw/fao

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Party game based on Oink Games' tabletop game, "A Fake Artist Goes to New York." Draw with your phone or a mouse.

License: GNU General Public License v3.0

JavaScript 49.59% HTML 2.41% CSS 12.66% Vue 35.34%

fao's Introduction

Fake Artist Online

An online party game based on Oink Games' tabletop game, A Fake Artist Goes to New York. Draw with your phone or a mouse.

Made with Vue, Express, and

UPDATE: I've been contacted by Oink Games and am complying with their requests. FAO will no longer be hosted online.

This repo will also be archived. Thanks for playing!


Watch-build public: npm run watch-p

Build and run server: npm run build-s && npm run start

Contributing guidelines

I'm not actively seeking contributors, but if you have a pull request I'm happy to take a look!

Some guidelines:

  • I'm not seeking additional keyword prompts. There's already a lot!
  • UI should accomodate iPhone 5 screens (320x568).
  • FAO isn't ambitious. The old Crabhat Spyfall webapp's minimalism was a big inspiration for me.
  • As a loose rule of thumb, I'm hesitant to add to or enforce game rules. This keeps things minimalistic and accommodates for players with house rules.

If you have questions, feel free to email me or create a feature request for discussion.


GNU General Public License v3.0


Notification SFX from (CC-BY 4.0)

fao's People


kcgidw avatar jshen123 avatar bruno1308 avatar darkyben avatar


Simon avatar

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