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Type-safe array sorting method with support for deeply nested properties and Typescript autocompletion.

License: MIT License

JavaScript 0.88% TypeScript 98.97% Shell 0.15%
typescript array array-sorting arrays javascript sort sorting typesafe array-manipulations array-methods

sort-by-property's Introduction

sort-by-property npm version mit license

Type-safe array sorting method with support for deeply nested properties and Typescript autocompletion.

blogPosts.sort(sortByProperty('', 'asc'));


  • Type-safety and Typescript autocompletion on the properties you try to sort
  • Define nested property to sort on using a path string like: ""
  • Supports sorting by string, number, boolean, Date, Symbol and BigInt values
  • Use a specific locale when sorting by string
  • Handles null and undefined values gracefully by moving the object to the end of the array
  • Small file size, only 0.6kb gzipped
  • High performance, up to 3 times faster than lodash orderBy and sortBy *

Try it out:


Requires Typescript 4.1+ because of the internal use of template literals for the autocompletion.


Install with your favorite package manager:

npm install sort-by-property


yarn add sort-by-property


// For an array of objects
import { sortByProperty } from 'sort-by-property';

// For one-dimensional arrays
import { sortBy } from 'sort-by-property';

Example: Sorting an array of objects

import { sortByProperty } from 'sort-by-property';

interface BlogPost {
  id: number;
  title: string;
  author: {
    id: number;
    name: string;

const blogPosts: BlogPost[] = [
    id: 1,
    title: 'Never gonna run around and desert you',
    author: {
      id: 10,
      name: 'Joe',
    id: 2,
    title: 'Never gonna let you down',
    author: {
      id: 20,
      name: 'Ben',
    id: 3,
    title: 'Never gonna give you up',
    author: {
      id: 30,
      name: 'Alice',

// Sort the blog posts by author name
blogPosts.sort(sortByProperty('', 'asc'));

// If you need to use a custom locale for sorting strings, you can do
blogPosts.sort(sortByProperty('', 'asc', {locale: 'nb-no'}))

Will sort the array ascending by

  { id: 3, title: 'Never gonna give you up', author: { id: 30, name: 'Alice' } },
  { id: 2, title: 'Never gonna let you down', author: { id: 20, name: 'Ben' } },
  { id: 1, title: 'Never gonna run around and desert you', author: { id: 10, name: 'Joe' } },

Will show a type error when you try to sort on properties that do not exist:


Will show an autocomplete of the available properties to sort on:


Example: Sorting one-dimensional arrays

This package exports 2 methods. Use sortBy to sort one-dimensional arrays. This sorting method supports all the same types as sortByProperty.

import { sortBy } from 'sort-by-property';

const array = ['c', 'b', 'a'];


// Result: ['a', 'b', 'c']

* on an array with 10 million items: ~450ms vs ~1350ms. See the /src/examples directory.

sort-by-property's People


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