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duoduoke-sdk's Introduction

多多客API SDK【拼多多开放平台】

styleci PHP from Packagist Latest Stable Version GitHub stars Latest Unstable Version License


  1. PHP >= 7.0
  2. Composer
  3. ext-curl 拓展
  4. ext-json 拓展


composer require justmd5/duoduoke-sdk


use Justmd5\DuoDuoKe\DuoDuoKe;

require __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
$config = [
    'key'    => 'xxxxxx69e3940c6b93xxxxxx',
    'secret' => 'c2eda0c398xxxxxxbd63ff57bf22c05xxxxxx',
$duoduoke = new DuoDuoKe($config);


多多进宝商品详情查询 pdd.ddk.goods.detail

$result   = $duoduoke->request('pdd.ddk.goods.detail', ['goods_id_list' => ['395581006']]);


拼多多开放平台 · 官方文档


单元测试[on working]

配置 config 中所需配置

./vendor/bin/phpunit -c phpunit.xml.dist 



duoduoke-sdk's People


justmd5 avatar


James Cloos avatar

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