This package allows you to run self-diagnosis tests on your Laravel application. It comes with multiple checks out of the box and allows you to add custom checks yourself.
Here is an example output of the command:
- Is the APP_KEY set?
- Are your composer dependencies up to date with the composer.lock file?
- Do you have the correct PHP version installed?
- Do you have the correct PHP extensions installed?
- Can a connection to the database be established?
- Do the
directories have the correct permissions? - Does the
file exist? - Is the maintenance mode disabled?
- Are the required locales installed on the system?
- Are there environment variables that exist in
but not in.env
? - Are there any migrations that need to be run?
- Is the storage directory linked?
- Can Redis be accessed?
- Is the configuration not cached?
- Are the routes not cached?
- Are there environment variables that exist in
but not in.env.example
- Is the configuration cached?
- Are the routes cached?
- Is the xdebug PHP extension disabled?
- Is APP_DEBUG set to false?
- Are certain servers reachable?
- Are certain supervisor programs running?
You can install the package via composer:
composer require beyondcode/laravel-self-diagnosis
If you're using Laravel 5.5+ the SelfDiagnosisServiceProvider
will be automatically registered for you.
Just call the artisan command to start the checks:
php artisan self-diagnosis
You can publish the configuration file, that contains all available checks using:
php artisan vendor:publish --provider=BeyondCode\\SelfDiagnosis\\SelfDiagnosisServiceProvider
This will publish a self-diagnosis.php
file in your config
folder. This file contains all the checks that will be performed on your application.
return [
* A list of environment aliases mapped to the actual environment configuration.
'environment_aliases' => [
'prod' => 'production',
'live' => 'production',
'local' => 'development',
* Common checks that will be performed on all environments.
'checks' => [
\BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\DatabaseCanBeAccessed::class => [
'default_connection' => true,
'connections' => [],
\BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\DirectoriesHaveCorrectPermissions::class => [
'directories' => [
\BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\LocalesAreInstalled::class => [
'required_locales' => [
\BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\PhpExtensionsAreInstalled::class => [
'extensions' => [
'include_composer_extensions' => true,
* Environment specific checks that will only be performed for the corresponding environment.
'environment_checks' => [
'development' => [
\BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\ComposerWithDevDependenciesIsUpToDate::class => [
'additional_options' => '--ignore-platform-reqs',
'production' => [
\BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\ComposerWithoutDevDependenciesIsUpToDate::class => [
'additional_options' => '--ignore-platform-reqs',
\BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\PhpExtensionsAreDisabled::class => [
'extensions' => [
\BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\RedisCanBeAccessed::class => [
'default_connection' => true,
'connections' => [],
\BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\ServersArePingable::class => [
'servers' => [
['host' => '', 'port' => 8080],
['host' => '', 'port' => 8080, 'timeout' => 5],
\BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\SupervisorProgramsAreRunning::class => [
'programs' => [
'restarted_within' => 300, // max seconds since last restart, 0 to disable check
The following options are available for the individual checks:
- additional_options (string, optional parameters like
): optional arguments for composer
- additional_options (string, optional parameters like
- additional_options (string, optional parameters like
): optional arguments for composer
- additional_options (string, optional parameters like
- default_connection (boolean, default:
): if the default connection should be checked - connections (array, list of connection names like
['mysql', 'sqlsrv']
, default:[]
): additional connections to check
- default_connection (boolean, default:
- directories (array, list of directory paths like
[storage_path(), base_path('bootstrap/cache')]
, default:[]
): directories to check
- directories (array, list of directory paths like
- required_locales (array, list of locales like
['en_US', 'en_US.utf8']
, default:[]
): locales to check
- required_locales (array, list of locales like
- extensions (array, list of extension names like
['xdebug', 'zlib']
, default:[]
): extensions to check
- extensions (array, list of extension names like
- extensions (array, list of extension names like
['openssl', 'PDO']
, default:[]
): extensions to check - include_composer_extensions (boolean, default:
): if required extensions defined incomposer.json
should be checked
- extensions (array, list of extension names like
- default_connection (boolean, default:
): if the default connection should be checked - connections (array, list of connection names like
['cache_1', 'cache_2']
, default:[]
): additional connections to check
- default_connection (boolean, default:
- programs (array, list of programs like
['horizon', 'another-program']
, default:[]
): programs that are required to be running - restarted_within (integer, max allowed seconds since last restart of programs (
= disabled), default:0
): verifies that programs have been restarted recently to grab code updates
- programs (array, list of programs like
- servers (array, list of servers and parameters like
['', ['host' => '', 'port' => 8080]]
): servers to ping
- servers (array, list of servers and parameters like
You can create custom checks, by implementing the BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\Check
interface and adding the class to the config file.
Like this:
use BeyondCode\SelfDiagnosis\Checks\Check;
class MyCustomCheck implements Check
* The name of the check.
* @param array $config
* @return string
public function name(array $config): string
return 'My custom check.';
* Perform the actual verification of this check.
* @param array $config
* @return bool
public function check(array $config): bool
return true;
* The error message to display in case the check does not pass.
* @param array $config
* @return string
public function message(array $config): string
return 'This is the error message that users see if "check" returns false.';
composer test
Please see CHANGELOG for more information what has changed recently.
Please see CONTRIBUTING for details.
If you discover any security related issues, please email [email protected] instead of using the issue tracker.
The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.
laravel-self-diagnosis's People
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