:rocket: 成長駭客/增長黑客(Growth Hacker)學習資源彙總。A collection of growth hacking resources.
License: MIT License
growth-hacking-resources's Introduction
成長駭客/增長黑客(Growth Hacker)學習資源彙總
A collection of growth hacking resources.
##關於 Growth Hacker(About Growth Hacker)
Growth Hacking is a marketing technique developed by technology startups which use creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure.
成長駭客(Growth Hacker)是行銷者與開發者的綜合體,當他們看待「我如何為產品找到用戶」這個問題時,答案通常是 A/B 測試、到達頁面、病毒擴散因素、email 到達率以及 Open Graph。