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:rocket: 成長駭客/增長黑客(Growth Hacker)學習資源彙總。A collection of growth hacking resources.

License: MIT License

growth-hacking-resources's Introduction

成長駭客/增長黑客(Growth Hacker)學習資源彙總

A collection of growth hacking resources.

##關於 Growth Hacker(About Growth Hacker) Growth Hacking is a marketing technique developed by technology startups which use creativity, analytical thinking, and social metrics to sell products and gain exposure.

成長駭客(Growth Hacker)是行銷者與開發者的綜合體,當他們看待「我如何為產品找到用戶」這個問題時,答案通常是 A/B 測試、到達頁面、病毒擴散因素、email 到達率以及 Open Graph。


  1. Growth Hacker 社群資訊站
  2. Startup Masterclass - 7 Lessons From 7 Silicon Valley Gurus
  3. 增长黑客書籤


Analytics, A/B Testing Tool

  1. Mixpanel
  2. Kissmetrics
  3. Cohorts
  4. Optimizely
  5. Google Analytics
  6. Hotjar
  7. FullStory
  8. Hull

Landing Page Tools

  1. LaunchRock
  2. Unbounce
  3. Landing Lion

Email Marketing Tool

  1. Mailchimp


  1. Andrew Chen
  2. Sean Ellis
  3. Noah Kagan
  4. Patrick Vlaskovits
  5. Jesse Farmer
  6. Paul Graham
  7. Aaron Ginn
  8. Josh Elman
  9. Growth Hacker @Quora


  1. Growth Hacking-Mattan Griffel


  1. The Lean Series
  2. 成長駭客行銷:引爆集客瘋潮的新實戰力
  3. 增長黑客


  1. 初創公司如何利用Growth Hacker實現加速?比如,Airbnb

growth-hacking-resources's People


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