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Comments (12)

james77777778 avatar james77777778 commented on September 25, 2024 1

I encountered this issue before when trying to quantize Gemma

I have created this script to demonstrate the issue (using GPT-2)

import argparse
import json

import keras
import keras_nlp

def get_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
        choices=["save", "load", "load_weights"],
    args = parser.parse_args()
    return args

def main(args):
    if args.mode == "save":
        model = keras_nlp.models.GPT2CausalLM.from_preset("gpt2_base_en")
        # Save keras file"model.keras")
        # Save serialized config and weights
        config = keras.saving.serialize_keras_object(model)
        with open("model.json", "w") as f:
            json.dump(config, f)
    elif args.mode == "load":
        model = keras.saving.load_model("model.keras")
        with open("model.json", "r") as f:
            config = json.load(f)
        model = keras.saving.deserialize_keras_object(config)

if __name__ == "__main__":


# 1. Save the model
python -m save
# 2. Profile `load_model`
pyinstrument python -m load
# 3. Profile `deserialize_keras_object` and `load_weights`
pyinstrument python -m load_weights

The result:

Method Cost Time
load_model 27.861s
deserialize_keras_object + load_weights 3.166s


  _     ._   __/__   _ _  _  _ _/_   Recorded: 10:05:02  Samples:  10954
 /_//_/// /_\ / //_// / //_'/ //     Duration: 27.861    CPU time: 30.009
/   _/                      v4.6.2

Program: /home/hongyu/miniconda3/envs/kimm/bin/pyinstrument -m load

27.861 <module>
├─ 25.635 main
│  └─ 25.635 load_model  keras/src/saving/
│     └─ 25.634 load_model  keras/src/saving/
│        └─ 25.634 _load_model_from_fileobj  keras/src/saving/
│           ├─ 24.319 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│           │  ├─ 23.507 _load_container_state  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │  └─ 23.507 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │     └─ 23.505 _load_container_state  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │        └─ 23.504 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           ├─ 21.286 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │  ├─ 9.102 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │  │  ├─ 5.381 H5IOStore.get  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │  │  │  └─ 5.381 H5Entry.__init__  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │  │  │     ├─ 3.618 Group.__contains__  h5py/_hl/
│           │  │           │  │  │     │     [6 frames hidden]  h5py, zipfile, <built-in>
│           │  │           │  │  │     └─ 1.763 File.__getitem__  h5py/_hl/
│           │  │           │  │  │           [6 frames hidden]  h5py, zipfile, <built-in>
│           │  │           │  │  └─ 3.717 EinsumDense.load_own_variables  keras/src/layers/core/
│           │  │           │  │     └─ 3.579 H5Entry.__getitem__  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │  │        └─ 3.577 Group.__getitem__  h5py/_hl/
│           │  │           │  │              [6 frames hidden]  h5py, zipfile, <built-in>
│           │  │           │  ├─ 7.054 H5IOStore.get  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │  │  └─ 7.054 H5Entry.__init__  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │  │     ├─ 4.377 Group.__contains__  h5py/_hl/
│           │  │           │  │     │     [9 frames hidden]  h5py, zipfile, <built-in>
│           │  │           │  │     └─ 2.677 Group.__getitem__  h5py/_hl/
│           │  │           │  │           [6 frames hidden]  h5py, zipfile, <built-in>
│           │  │           │  ├─ 3.121 LayerNormalization.load_own_variables  keras/src/layers/
│           │  │           │  │  ├─ 1.936 H5Entry.__getitem__  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │  │  │  └─ 1.935 Group.__getitem__  h5py/_hl/
│           │  │           │  │  │        [6 frames hidden]  h5py, zipfile, <built-in>
│           │  │           │  │  └─ 0.967 Variable.assign  keras/src/backend/common/
│           │  │           │  │     └─ 0.962 Variable._convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│           │  │           │  │        └─ 0.962 convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│           │  │           │  │           └─ 0.961 error_handler  tensorflow/python/util/
│           │  │           │  │                 [18 frames hidden]  tensorflow, h5py, zipfile, <built-in>
│           │  │           │  └─ 1.978 Dense.load_own_variables  keras/src/layers/core/
│           │  │           │     └─ 1.690 H5Entry.__getitem__  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │        └─ 1.690 Group.__getitem__  h5py/_hl/
│           │  │           │              [6 frames hidden]  h5py, zipfile, <built-in>
│           │  │           ├─ 1.576 H5IOStore.get  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │  └─ 1.576 H5Entry.__init__  keras/src/saving/
│           │  │           │     └─ 1.391 Group.__contains__  h5py/_hl/
│           │  │           │           [6 frames hidden]  h5py, zipfile, <built-in>
│           │  │           ├─ 0.344 ReversibleEmbedding.load_own_variables  keras_nlp/src/layers/modeling/
│           │  │           │  └─ 0.344 ReversibleEmbedding.load_own_variables  keras/src/layers/core/
│           │  │           │     └─ 0.288 Variable.assign  keras/src/backend/common/
│           │  │           │        └─ 0.288 Variable._convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│           │  │           │           └─ 0.288 convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│           │  │           │              └─ 0.288 error_handler  tensorflow/python/util/
│           │  │           │                    [11 frames hidden]  tensorflow
│           │  │           └─ 0.298 TransformerDecoder.load_own_variables  keras/src/layers/
│           │  └─ 0.809 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│           │     └─ 0.586 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│           │        └─ 0.467 GPT2Tokenizer.load_assets  keras_nlp/src/tokenizers/
│           │              [3 frames hidden]  keras_nlp
│           ├─ 0.534 deserialize_keras_object  keras/src/saving/
│           │  └─ 0.534 GPT2CausalLM.from_config  keras_nlp/src/models/
│           │     └─ 0.522 deserialize  keras/src/layers/
│           │        └─ 0.522 deserialize_keras_object  keras/src/saving/
│           │           └─ 0.516 GPT2Backbone.from_config  keras_nlp/src/models/
│           │                 [3 frames hidden]  keras_nlp
│           │                    0.293 TransformerDecoder.__call__  keras_nlp/src/layers/modeling/
│           │                    └─ 0.288 build_wrapper  keras/src/layers/
│           │                       └─ 0.288  keras_nlp/src/layers/modeling/
│           └─ 0.458 DiskIOStore.__init__  keras/src/saving/
│              └─ 0.458 ZipFile.extractall
│                    [4 frames hidden]  zipfile, shutil, <built-in>
└─ 2.121 <module>  keras/
   └─ 2.121 <module>  keras/api/
      └─ 2.120 <module>  keras/api/_tf_keras/
         └─ 2.120 <module>  keras/api/_tf_keras/keras/
            └─ 2.110 <module>  keras/api/activations/
               └─ 2.110 <module>  keras/src/
                  └─ 2.109 <module>  keras/src/activations/
                     └─ 1.921 <module>  keras/src/activations/
                        └─ 1.917 <module>  keras/src/backend/
                           └─ 1.824 <module>  keras/src/backend/common/
                              └─ 1.823 <module>  keras/src/backend/common/
                                 └─ 1.823 <module>  keras/src/backend/common/
                                    └─ 1.758 <module>  keras/src/utils/
                                       └─ 1.721 <module>  keras/src/utils/
                                          └─ 1.705 <module>  keras/src/tree/
                                             └─ 1.705 <module>  keras/src/tree/
                                                └─ 1.699 <module>  keras/src/tree/
                                                   └─ 1.698 <module>  tensorflow/
                                                         [23 frames hidden]  tensorflow

  _     ._   __/__   _ _  _  _ _/_   Recorded: 10:05:39  Samples:  2266
 /_//_/// /_\ / //_// / //_'/ //     Duration: 3.166     CPU time: 5.276
/   _/                      v4.6.2

Program: /home/hongyu/miniconda3/envs/kimm/bin/pyinstrument -m load_weights

3.165 <module>
├─ 2.121 <module>  keras/
│  └─ 2.121 <module>  keras/api/
│     └─ 2.120 <module>  keras/api/_tf_keras/
│        └─ 2.120 <module>  keras/api/_tf_keras/keras/
│           └─ 2.110 <module>  keras/api/activations/
│              └─ 2.110 <module>  keras/src/
│                 └─ 2.109 <module>  keras/src/activations/
│                    ├─ 1.922 <module>  keras/src/activations/
│                    │  └─ 1.917 <module>  keras/src/backend/
│                    │     ├─ 1.825 <module>  keras/src/backend/common/
│                    │     │  └─ 1.824 <module>  keras/src/backend/common/
│                    │     │     └─ 1.824 <module>  keras/src/backend/common/
│                    │     │        ├─ 1.760 <module>  keras/src/utils/
│                    │     │        │  └─ 1.722 <module>  keras/src/utils/
│                    │     │        │     └─ 1.707 <module>  keras/src/tree/
│                    │     │        │        └─ 1.707 <module>  keras/src/tree/
│                    │     │        │           └─ 1.701 <module>  keras/src/tree/
│                    │     │        │              └─ 1.701 <module>  tensorflow/
│                    │     │        │                    [116 frames hidden]  tensorflow, <built-in>, inspect, requ...
│                    │     │        └─ 0.063 <module>  numpy/
│                    │     └─ 0.091 <module>  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│                    │        └─ 0.089 <module>  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│                    │           └─ 0.089 elementwise_unary  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│                    │              └─ 0.089 update_wrapper
│                    └─ 0.186 <module>  keras/src/saving/
│                       └─ 0.186 <module>  keras/src/saving/
│                          └─ 0.186 <module>  keras/src/legacy/saving/
│                             └─ 0.182 <module>  keras/src/legacy/saving/
│                                ├─ 0.139 <module>  keras/src/models/
│                                │  └─ 0.138 <module>  keras/src/models/
│                                │     └─ 0.138 <module>  keras/src/models/
│                                │        └─ 0.135 <module>  keras/src/trainers/
│                                │           └─ 0.135 <module>  keras/src/trainers/data_adapters/
│                                │              └─ 0.134 <module>  keras/src/trainers/data_adapters/
│                                │                 └─ 0.133 <module>  keras/src/trainers/data_adapters/
│                                │                    └─ 0.133 <module>  pandas/
│                                │                          [5 frames hidden]  pandas
│                                └─ 0.043 <module>  keras/src/layers/
├─ 0.940 main
│  ├─ 0.540 deserialize_keras_object  keras/src/saving/
│  │  └─ 0.539 GPT2CausalLM.from_config  keras_nlp/src/models/
│  │     └─ 0.528 deserialize  keras/src/layers/
│  │        └─ 0.528 deserialize_keras_object  keras/src/saving/
│  │           └─ 0.522 GPT2Backbone.from_config  keras_nlp/src/models/
│  │                 [3 frames hidden]  keras_nlp
│  │                    0.522 GPT2Backbone.__init__  keras_nlp/src/models/gpt2/
│  │                    ├─ 0.294 TransformerDecoder.__call__  keras_nlp/src/layers/modeling/
│  │                    │  └─ 0.289 build_wrapper  keras/src/layers/
│  │                    │     └─ 0.289  keras_nlp/src/layers/modeling/
│  │                    │        └─ 0.223 build_wrapper  keras/src/layers/
│  │                    │           ├─ 0.138  keras/src/layers/attention/
│  │                    │           │  └─ 0.091 build_wrapper  keras/src/layers/
│  │                    │           │     └─ 0.088  keras/src/layers/core/
│  │                    │           │        └─ 0.082 EinsumDense.add_weight  keras/src/layers/
│  │                    │           │           └─ 0.080 Variable.__init__  keras/src/backend/common/
│  │                    │           │              └─ 0.046 Variable._initialize  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│  │                    │           │                 └─ 0.045 error_handler  tensorflow/python/util/
│  │                    │           │                       [14 frames hidden]  tensorflow, <built-in>
│  │                    │           ├─ 0.046  keras/src/layers/core/
│  │                    │           │  └─ 0.045 Dense.add_weight  keras/src/layers/
│  │                    │           │     └─ 0.045 Variable.__init__  keras/src/backend/common/
│  │                    │           └─ 0.033  keras/src/layers/normalization/
│  │                    │              └─ 0.033 LayerNormalization.add_weight  keras/src/layers/
│  │                    │                 └─ 0.033 Variable.__init__  keras/src/backend/common/
│  │                    └─ 0.199 Dropout.__init__  keras/src/layers/regularization/
│  │                       └─ 0.199 SeedGenerator.__init__  keras/src/random/
│  │                          └─ 0.199 Variable.__init__  keras/src/backend/common/
│  │                             └─ 0.198 seed_initializer  keras/src/random/
│  │                                └─ 0.198 convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│  │                                   └─ 0.198 error_handler  tensorflow/python/util/
│  │                                         [17 frames hidden]  tensorflow, <built-in>
│  └─ 0.399 error_handler  keras/src/utils/
│     └─ 0.399 GPT2CausalLM.load_weights  keras/src/models/
│        └─ 0.399 load_weights  keras/src/saving/
│           └─ 0.399 load_weights_only  keras/src/saving/
│              └─ 0.399 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│                 └─ 0.392 _load_container_state  keras/src/saving/
│                    └─ 0.392 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│                       └─ 0.391 _load_container_state  keras/src/saving/
│                          └─ 0.390 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│                             ├─ 0.209 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│                             │  ├─ 0.088 Dense.load_own_variables  keras/src/layers/core/
│                             │  │  └─ 0.086 Variable.assign  keras/src/backend/common/
│                             │  │     └─ 0.086 Variable._convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│                             │  │        └─ 0.086 convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│                             │  │           └─ 0.085 error_handler  tensorflow/python/util/
│                             │  │                 [14 frames hidden]  tensorflow, h5py
│                             │  └─ 0.077 _load_state  keras/src/saving/
│                             │     └─ 0.060 EinsumDense.load_own_variables  keras/src/layers/core/
│                             │        └─ 0.059 Variable.assign  keras/src/backend/common/
│                             │           └─ 0.046 Variable._convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│                             │              └─ 0.046 convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│                             │                 └─ 0.046 error_handler  tensorflow/python/util/
│                             │                       [11 frames hidden]  tensorflow
│                             └─ 0.172 ReversibleEmbedding.load_own_variables  keras_nlp/src/layers/modeling/
│                                └─ 0.172 ReversibleEmbedding.load_own_variables  keras/src/layers/core/
│                                   └─ 0.164 Variable.assign  keras/src/backend/common/
│                                      └─ 0.164 Variable._convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│                                         └─ 0.164 convert_to_tensor  keras/src/backend/tensorflow/
│                                            └─ 0.164 error_handler  tensorflow/python/util/
│                                                  [14 frames hidden]  tensorflow, h5py
└─ 0.102 <module>  keras_nlp/
      [18 frames hidden]  keras_nlp, tensorflow_text

from keras.

sachinprasadhs avatar sachinprasadhs commented on September 25, 2024

Could you please provide the comparison and the time difference in loading the model with .keras and and other format.

For more details on the changes included with .keras format and why it is preferred over other format, refer

from keras.

sirfz avatar sirfz commented on September 25, 2024

I don't have an example at the moment but recently we updated our prod system from keras 2 to keras 3 so we converted all legacy saved models to the new keras 3 format which lead to our service to take over 12 minutes to load all models (>15 models loading in subprocesses in parallel). Moving to from_config + load_weights reduced the time to ~2 minutes (which is on par with what we had before).

For what it's worth, before we did that migration, I was already working on GPT2Backbone models with keras-nlp and noticed the same issue were loading the .keras model was really slow (but didn't give it much thought at the time)

from keras.

fchollet avatar fchollet commented on September 25, 2024

What you're using is actually the same as what load_model is using except for the interaction with the zip file. So perhaps the zip file reading is the issue.

from keras.

sirfz avatar sirfz commented on September 25, 2024

100% which is why I find this very odd

from keras.

Grvzard avatar Grvzard commented on September 25, 2024

By diving into the example provided by @james77777778 ,
in the hidden frames, there's a call: Group.__getitem__ ->
This makes sense when we are using archive.

in python stdlib zipfile.ZipExtFile: seek -> read -> _read1 -> _update_crc
The overhead caused by _update_crc during each seek() call is significant.

from keras.

Grvzard avatar Grvzard commented on September 25, 2024

A simple way to deal with it, which will work fine:

if self.archive:
if self.mode == "w":
self.io_file = io.BytesIO()
self.io_file =, "r")
self.h5_file = h5py.File(self.io_file, mode=self.mode)
self.h5_file = h5py.File(root_path, mode=self.mode)

by changing line 624 to self.io_file = io.BytesIO(, "r").read())

from keras.

sirfz avatar sirfz commented on September 25, 2024

That probably fixes the speed issue but would lead to unwanted extra memory usage which is undesirable

from keras.

fchollet avatar fchollet commented on September 25, 2024

That probably fixes the speed issue but would lead to unwanted extra memory usage which is undesirable

Is that a good tradeoff? Should we instead unzip on disk then load from the h5 file? What do you think @james77777778 @Grvzard ?

from keras.

james77777778 avatar james77777778 commented on September 25, 2024

Is that a good tradeoff?

Generally, It should be okay to load the entire h5 into memory before loading. This is the case when saving:

  1. write into memory first:
    if self.archive:
    if self.mode == "w":
    self.io_file = io.BytesIO()
  2. write to disk when closing:
    def close(self):
    if self.mode == "w" and self.archive:
    self.archive.writestr(self.root_path, self.io_file.getvalue())

We can also provide an option to let users decide whether to use a faster but more memory-intensive approach.

Should we instead unzip on disk then load from the h5 file?

Actually, h5py doesn't recommend using file-like object.
So, unzipping and then loading from the H5 file might be a better approach, IMO.

from keras.

Grvzard avatar Grvzard commented on September 25, 2024

So, unzipping and then loading from the H5 file might be a better approach


from keras.

google-ml-butler avatar google-ml-butler commented on September 25, 2024

Are you satisfied with the resolution of your issue?

from keras.

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