Since mater has permission to merge, the master-new branch will no longer be maintained. You can directly maintain the master, and the pr can also be submitted to the master
NoahGameFrame (NF) is a lightweight, fast, scalable, distributed plugin framework. NF is greatly inspired by OGRE and Bigworld.
- Easy-to-use, interface-oriented design
- An extensible plugin framework that makes getting your application running quick and easy
- A clean, uncluttered design and stable engine that has been used in several commercial products
- A high performance actor model (by a safe thread pool)
- Event and attribute-driven, making it clear and easy to maintain your business
- Based on standard C++ development, ensuring cross-platform support
- An existing C++ and C# game client for rapid development
- Cross-platform support
git clone
svn checkout
- libevent
- easylogging++
- google protobuf
- hiredis
- ajson
- concurrentqueue
- RapidXML
- LuaIntf
- navigation
- lua
- sudo apt-get install g++
- sudo apt-get install cmake
- sudo apt-get install automake
- sudo apt-get install zip unzip
- GCC >= 7 (Tested on Ubuntu 16.04)
- MSVC >= VS2019 (Tested on Win10)
- Git pull all source
- Run the script file named build_dep.bat where located /Dependencies (墙内上网的同学请点击:墙内下载依赖库.bat)
- Build the solution(if u build failed, please build again(not rebuild all))
- Run the binary file by _Out/rund.bat
- Git pull all source
- Run to build NF (or run cd /Dependencies ./ then run
- Run the binary file by _Out/
The NFrame project is currently available under the Apache License.
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
// @FileName : HelloWorld1.h
// @Author : ketoo
// @Date : 2014-05-01 08:51
// @Module : HelloWorld1
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include "NFComm/NFPluginModule/NFIPluginManager.h"
class HelloWorld1
: public NFIModule
HelloWorld1(NFIPluginManager* p)
pPluginManager = p;
virtual bool Init();
virtual bool AfterInit();
virtual bool Execute();
virtual bool BeforeShut();
virtual bool Shut();
#include "HelloWorld1.h"
bool HelloWorld1::Init()
// Use this for initialization
std::cout << "Hello, world1, Init" << std::endl;
return true;
bool HelloWorld1::AfterInit()
// AfterInit is called after Init
std::cout << "Hello, world1, AfterInit" << std::endl;
return true;
bool HelloWorld1::Execute()
// Execute is called once per frame
//std::cout << "Hello, world1, Execute" << std::endl;
return true;
bool HelloWorld1::BeforeShut()
//before final
std::cout << "Hello, world1, BeforeShut" << std::endl;
return true;
bool HelloWorld1::Shut()
std::cout << "Hello, world1, Shut" << std::endl;
return true;
- how to use the world's most advanced data engine
- how to use the synchronous events
- how to use the asynchronous events
- use multiple cpus to get high performance
Create a Lua Script File, and Must Contain following functions
Mostly like this
test_module = {}
function test_module.awake()
function test_module.init()
function test_module.after_init()
function test_module.ready_execute()
function test_module.before_shut()
function test_module.shut()
##Step 2 Add your LuaScriptModule Infomation into script_list.lua
{tbl=nil, tblName="TestModule"},
{tbl=nil, tblName="TestModule2"},
##Hot fix Add your lua script file name on here script_reload.lua
New Feature in future: Blue Print System
- Auther: zsummer
- Github:
- Description:A fast, scalable, distributed game server framework for C++
- Auther: nousxiong
- GitHub:
- Description: The Game Communication Environment (GCE) is an actor model framework for online game development.
- Auther: bruce
- GitHub:
- Description: A cross-platform,lightweight,scalable game server framework written in C++, and suport Lua Script.
noahgameframe's People
zhangf911 invictussoul wjh2005 ccczone mickelfeng gezidan plutochn uvbs xcarray gameogre lindianyin happysky2046 kerasking bodogbo chaoscoo wanglc08 haosen ming871 gameworld keyor joeymiao luwei08 sprlee bandok123 yukinjie nilfoss takaaptech gamepdc wenzcao winning1120xx helloaworld hyuntaeng adan830 waluoo peter-xu-zhou mambabin ifivebig liyonghelpme stoneby yinlei jjiezheng xujunxuan meoneko skyformat99 petersang leemongmail m69w joyfish huimiao638 joyhuang-game wandison idleness rvpoochen weibobo scbwin linxiaolong anakinsong gitter-badger wangscript torxie fangguanya kingpie daidaotian super-genius jyunfan2015 nnpk520 echocolate mjssw t4world wlof202 tisan2021 kiddinglife imengmengda llr104 tempdban hwy801207 lingkeyang oplang tangyu1018 corefan jupitermandy jinzt whidbey boyxiaolong eaglewei sharkpre keeptotheend lazyplanet zmyer y11en carlospacheco xl1991 socyery lakesuperior 715703148 dannisliang ik3210 haodrang ericliuchina tightermannoahgameframe's Issues
MacOS run crash. (10.13.4)
Hi. I have installed engine.
But when I want to run "" in my logs are:
2018-07-14 04:29:06,991 FATAL [default] CRASH HANDLED; Application has crashed due to [SIGSEGV] signal
2018-07-14 04:29:06,991 WARN [default] Aborting application. Reason: Fatal log at [/Users/Downloads/NoahGameFrame-5.3.0/NFComm/NFLogPlugin/easylogging++.h:5646]
I don't know what's wrong. Can you help me? I just now build. What should I do next? Maybe some configuration?
Change libevent on brynet (update)?
Hello, what you think about change libevent on other fast TCP lib?
I'm find them in Ark
It seems to me that libevent is a slightly outdated network protocol, why is libevent used in NF?
How it's work in Tutorial4
Hello, im find this tutorial4 and he use this code
bool NFCHelloWorld4Module::AfterInit()
std::cout << "Hello, world4, AfterInit" << std::endl;
m_pActorModule = pPluginManager->FindModule<NFIActorModule>();
int nActorID = m_pActorModule->RequireActor();
m_pActorModule->AddDefaultEndFunc(nActorID, this, &NFCHelloWorld4Module::HttpRequestAsyEnd);
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
m_pActorModule->SendMsgToActor(nActorID, NFGUID(10, 20), i, "Test actor!");
std::cout << "Hello, world4, AfterInit end" << std::endl;
return true;
How he call:
m_pActorModule->SendMsgToActor(nActorID, NFGUID(10, 20), i, "Test actor!");
if this func not take 4 args?
NFDataList::Clear() did not reset type when clear data
has 2 bugs:
- never reset type for the item that has been removed
NFDataList xDataList;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
xDataList << i;
xDataList << "Hello NF"; //This line will not succeed
After clear the NFDataList, append new data of different type will fail.
- first
items will not be removed
NFDataList xDataList;
xDataList << 10;
It will only set mnUseSize
to 0 without reset data, cause mvList.size() < STACK_SIZE
Topic5: Coroutine & Asynchronous programming
Normally, the program executes a sequence of computations by line. Sometimes, the codes will spend a lot of time in reading files or waiting for something, as a result, the program blocking. Is there have any way to optimize this situation?
Please leave messages here for discussing.
请留下你的看法, 让我们一起讨论吧!
Freeze while running
Adding Flatbuffers to NF
Hi, I like the NF framework and I recently found Google flatbuffers.
It would be very useful to add flatbuffers to NF by adding specific API commands for NF to interact with Flatbuffers.
Flatbuffers can store data in Redis, as well as, when storing data in flatbuffers, you do not need to unpack it for reading / use. This is a convenient library for storing data and structures of NPCs, monsters.
What do you think about it?
Where is MySQLPlugin in 5.3.0?
1>F:\NoahGameFrame\Dependencies\glog-0.3.3\src\windows\port.h(117): warning C4005: “va_copy”: 宏重定义
1> D:\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\include\stdarg.h(37) : 参见“va_copy”的前一个定义
1>....\src\ error C2039: “min”: 不是“std”的成员
1>....\src\ error C2873: “min”: 符号不能用在 using 声明中
1>....\src\ warning C4267: “初始化”: 从“size_t”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
1>....\src\ warning C4267: “参数”: 从“size_t”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
1>....\src\ warning C4267: “初始化”: 从“size_t”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
1>....\src\ warning C4267: “初始化”: 从“size_t”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
1>....\src\ warning C4267: “初始化”: 从“size_t”转换到“const int”,可能丢失数据
1>....\src\ warning C4267: “初始化”: 从“size_t”转换到“const int”,可能丢失数据
1>....\src\ error C2065: “min”: 未声明的标识符
1>....\src\ error C2062: 意外的类型“int”
1>....\src\ warning C4267: “参数”: 从“size_t”转换到“unsigned int”,可能丢失数据
1>....\src\ warning C4267: “初始化”: 从“size_t”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
1>....\src\ warning C4267: “初始化”: 从“size_t”转换到“int”,可能丢失数据
========== 生成: 成功 0 个,失败 1 个,最新 0 个,跳过 0 个 ==========
例如编译NFDep libglog_static, 有以上的报错
Copy executable and dependencies built via cmake to remote machine will fail to start
Building solution via cmake scripts in my local system (I've tested in CentOS 7), it works normally.
But after copy all executable , dlls and any dependencies to remote linux matchine, it fails to run the NFPluginLoader.
It seems that cmake will link the dependencies as absolute path for my local machine. The remote machine could not find theses path, so it fails to run.
Anyone has this issue?
client can not connect to server
hi guys, I was playing with the demo and find two problems:
- _Out\Server\NFDataCfg\mysql\NFrame.sql does not have accountinfo table.
- No register function button in unity client.
NFLoginServer log content:
[INFO | 2015-06-27 21:05:03,439] | Indent[0-0] NF_NET_EVENT_CONNECTED connectioned success NFCLoginToMasterModule::OnSocketMSEvent 235
[INFO | 2015-06-27 21:05:03,444] | Indent[0-106001] LoginServer_1 Register
[INFO | 2015-06-27 21:05:03,452] | Indent[0-1] WorldInfo
[INFO | 2015-06-27 21:06:01,213] | Indent[0-516] NF_NET_EVENT_CONNECTED connectioned success NFCLoginNet_ServerModule::OnSocketClientEvent 312
NFNet || 非法消息:unMsgID=100
BadQuery [query error] Error: Table 'app_test.accountinfo' doesn't exist
NFNet || 非法消息:unMsgID=100
NFNet || 非法消息:unMsgID=100
NFNet || 非法消息:unMsgID=100
NFNet || 非法消息:unMsgID=100
Topic1: Load balancing & Scaling
Currently, load balancing & Scaling play an important role in information system especial in the business environment. In the gaming industry, to hold on many people online in a short time we need the operator add new game process at run-time. To achieve the objective the architect-designer would design this feature before the system released.
A load balancer serves as the gates for clients, the load balancer distributes incoming traffic across multiple targets, it looks like easy to implement?
Please discuss how to design this module with different situations under gaming field.
那么请分享一下你的独到见解: 在游戏服务器领域中,如何设计这样一个负载均衡的模块来应对高并发条件下的各种情况.快来加入我们的讨论吧!
Especial Thanks
It's the very biggest pity that our project of game has been dropped. In most time, NoahGameFrame works so well that I just need to write few code to develop our service.
Due to the end of this project, I can hardly help to improve NoahGameFrame more.
Many thanks to NoahGameFrame, it helped me a lot.
Good luck.
Help, more info about server role
Hello, can you pls help?
I launched NF, but I cannot understand the role of the "Proxy" and "Master" servers.
How data is transferred (server to server) and how I can configure IP and Port in Server.xml so that clients can connect, but the connection between the servers was local.
looking for a mature version
I've browsed the develop code base, the framework seems not mature enough for real project to use. Is there any recommendable version that I could start for my server project?
ScheduleModule guide ?
Hello, give examples of how to use this function. Does it work stably?
This is a very useful feature to perform tasks at a specific time!
What do you think, is it worth using this task manager to issue effects to the player and remove effects?
Do I understand correctly that this module is capable of calling functions at a certain time (and he support arguments) for a specific player?
Is the client ID (NFGUID) or task name used for identification?
Can the same task name be used for all player IDs (NFGUID)
Please documentation : (
oh yea, what is ->
Lines 219 to 226 in 0a8e62e
Does this module have performance problems?
Database is missing. [request]
There is no sql except app_test.sql
Where is data to run Unity ? After login OnWorldList packet received but nothing in it. Is there any example ?
reserved identifier violation
I would like to point out that identifiers like "_NFC_FIGHTSTATE_H_
" and "_NFC_OBJECT_H_
" do not fit to the expected naming convention of the C++ language standard.
Would you like to adjust your selection for unique names?
create neat filenames for dump file
In ApplicationCrashHandler, it better to use later formation
sprintf(szDmupName, "%d_%d_%d_%d_%d_%d.dmp"
sprintf(szDmupName, "%04d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d_%02d.dmp"
NF and Redis
What are these methods generally used for?
Could you explain what these functions are generally responsible for?
In the NF examples, some functions, such as VerifyAccount, accept only the string strAccount, and not
strAccount + "_AccountInfo "
virtual NFList<std::string> GetDriverIdList() = 0;
virtual NF_SHARE_PTR<NFIRedisClient> GetDriver(const std::string& strID) = 0;
virtual NF_SHARE_PTR<NFIRedisClient> GetDriverBySuitRandom() = 0;
virtual NF_SHARE_PTR<NFIRedisClient> GetDriverBySuitConsistent() = 0;
virtual NF_SHARE_PTR<NFIRedisClient> GetDriverBySuit(const std::string& strHash) = 0;
Error on compiling NF
Run the binary file by **_Out/Debug/rund.bat
编译完成后,rund.bat 在 _Out 目录下面了。 -
Run **GenerateConfigXML.bat** to generate configuration files
在 install4vs.bat 中就已经执行了。所以是不是 clone 下来工程后,就先 buildNFFileProcess
project 这个呢。因为我 clone 下来直接用 vs2015 编译了,发现编译不过去,才看的 ,此时NFFileProcess
已经被 build 完了。
Question about server side programming
Hey there,
I was originally looking around for a network layer / messaging system for my game and then I came across KBEngine and thought it looked pretty neat but found out it really was not something I would be able to use as it would require me to convert all of my current C# serverside code for my game as well as all my server-side assets to python to be able to use them, so I started looking around more and that brought me here to NGF.
That being said, if I already have a lot of my server-side logic already written in C# would I have to rewrite it all in order to use NGF with my game?
Game session
Hi, how the session check is done in NF to prevent twice authorization on the one account?
The fact is that the authorization server somehow needs to communicate with other servers in order to somehow transfer account state from one server to another, but I could not figure out how to do this without using Redis.
If the function of sending a packet to another server would support returning the callback, it would be great, but this is not possible in NF.
How can I solve my problem without using Redis to store online session accounts?
Thank you for your patience.
Topic2: Hotfix at run-time
Good user experience can bring more customer. Nowadays, many developers think that hotfix is a cool technical, besides, many designers believe that hotfix feature can boost the user experience when adding new features at run-time.
It's a waste life thing or not? Please extend your opinion here to join the discussion.
Win10 VS2017 build client cocos2d-x error
Error C2440 '=': cannot convert from 'NFCUISelectServer *' to 'std::function<int (int,const NFDataList &)> *' (compiling source file ..\Classes\NF\UI\NFCUISelectServer.cpp) NFDemo d:\workspace\billiardserver\nfclient\cocos\classes\nf\logic\nfclogicbase.h 46
win7 vs2015 compile failure
cannot start program“NoahGameFrameRoot\_Out\Release\NFPluginLoader.exe”.
Game object collision
Hello, NF support game object collision?
I need to check the collision of two *players or objects on the server
NFScheduleModule time and Count change method
Hello, ketoo
I needed to prolong the time for "AddSchedule",
I noticed that there was no such implementation, and using RemoveSchedule to call "AddSchedule" again is too expensive.
I propose to add a method to extend the time "Schedule"
for example:
virtual bool ChangeTimeSchedule (const std :: string & strScheduleName, const float fTime);
In addition, the same function can be added for Count, I think it will be useful
virtual bool ChangeTimeSchedule (const std :: string & strScheduleName, const int nCount);
hiredis in NF
Hello, NF framework not use async hiredis?
I'm test Redis use clock(); for get results, and he left 0,011 time on get respond from Redis server (i'm use server Redis on local machine, where i'm start server)
is HMGET function is blocking?
here example
Time statistic:
Inventory Create Left: 0,015 time
Inventory Get Free Slot Left: 0,010~0,011 time
Why Redis eat 10 ms?
i'm find here example for async Redis
Soo, what problem?
NoahGameFrame/NFClient/Cocos/Classes/NF/Logic/NFCLogicBase.h 第46行
mModuleEventPrtMap[pBase] = functorPtr.get();
centos: 编译错误
centos环境:gcc4.8.2 g++4.8.2
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating libevent.pc
config.status: creating libevent_openssl.pc
config.status: creating libevent_pthreads.pc
config.status: creating libevent_core.pc
config.status: creating libevent_extra.pc
config.status: creating Makefile
config.status: creating config.h
config.status: config.h is unchanged
config.status: creating evconfig-private.h
config.status: evconfig-private.h is unchanged
config.status: executing depfiles commands
config.status: executing libtool commands
Makefile:1623: .deps/epoll_sub.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1624: .deps/buffer.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1625: .deps/buffer_iocp.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1626: .deps/bufferevent.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1627: .deps/bufferevent_async.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1628: .deps/bufferevent_filter.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1629: .deps/bufferevent_pair.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1630: .deps/bufferevent_ratelim.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1631: .deps/bufferevent_sock.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1632: .deps/devpoll.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1633: .deps/epoll.Plo: No such file or directory
Makefile:1699: test/.deps/test_regress-tinytest.Po: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target `test/.deps/test_regress-tinytest.Po'. Stop.
cp: cannot stat `./.libs/*.a': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./.libs/*.a': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./.libs/*.a': No such file or directory
checking whether to disable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... yes
checking build system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking host system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking target system type... x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu
checking for working memcmp... yes
checking for working strtod... ^Cmake all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf'
Making all in .
make[2]: Entering directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf'
make[2]: Leaving directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf'
Making all in src
make[2]: Entering directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf/src'
/bin/sh ../libtool --tag=CXX --mode=compile g++ -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I.. -pthread -Wall -Wwrite-strings -Woverloaded-virtual -Wno-sign-compare -fPIC -MT atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.lo -MD -MP -MF .deps/atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.Tpo -c -o atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.lo `test -f 'google/protobuf/stubs/' || echo './'`google/protobuf/stubs/
'./libtool: line 611: syntax error near unexpected token `in
'./libtool: line 611: ` case ${1} in
make[2]: *** [atomicops_internals_x86_gcc.lo] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf/src'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf'
make: *** [all] Error 2
Making check in .
make[1]: Entering directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf'
make check-local
make[2]: Entering directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf'
Making lib/libgtest.a lib/libgtest_main.a in gtest
make[3]: Entering directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf/gtest'
make[3]: *** No rule to make target `lib/'. Stop.
make[3]: Leaving directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf/gtest'
make[2]: *** [check-local] Error 2
make[2]: Leaving directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf'
make[1]: *** [check-am] Error 2
make[1]: Leaving directory `/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/Dependencies/protobuf'
make: *** [check-recursive] Error 1
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.a': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.a': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.a': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.so': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.so.*': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.so': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.so.*': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.dylib': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.dylib.*': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.dylib': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.dylib.*': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.a': No such file or directory
cp: cannot stat `./src/.libs/*.a': No such file or directory
/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/NFComm/NFNetPlugin/NFCNet.cpp:416:54: error: ‘bufferevent_get_max_to_read’ was not declared in this scope
int nSizeRead = (int)bufferevent_get_max_to_read(bev);
/share/node_source/NoahGameFrame/NFComm/NFNetPlugin/NFCNet.cpp:417:56: error: ‘bufferevent_get_max_to_write’ was not declared in this scope
int nSizeWrite = (int)bufferevent_get_max_to_write(bev);
make[2]: *** [NFComm/NFNetPlugin/CMakeFiles/NFNetPlugin.dir/NFCNet.cpp.o] Error 1
make[1]: *** [NFComm/NFNetPlugin/CMakeFiles/NFNetPlugin.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
新手学习游戏引擎 希望能帮忙~
还有一个问题:直接下载下来的代码放在centos上,需要把里面的shell文件和一些其他的执行文件都重新设置 Unix编码格式才能正常运行,否则无法运行。
[ 31%] Linking CXX shared library ../../../../../_Out/Release/
[ 33%] Built target NFNetPlugin
[ 33%] Linking CXX executable ../../../../../_Out/Release/NFPluginLoader
../../../../../_Out/Release/ undefined reference to evhttp_connection_base_bufferevent_new' ../../../../../_Out/Release/ undefined reference to
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [../../../_Out/Release/NFPluginLoader] Error 1
make[1]: *** [NFComm/NFPluginLoader/CMakeFiles/NFPluginLoader.dir/all] Error 2
make: *** [all] Error 2
Topic6: Game Networking Techniques
In games, we have multiple players playing the game on a client. From the outside, it seems magical: two or more players sharing a consistent experience across the network like they actually exist together in the same virtual world. How do you make sure they are playing the same game?
What are the differences between lockstep and state sync?
Please leave your experiences here and join the chat.
How create .proto file and disable protobuf?
Hello, im try use NF for my game.
Im not understand how use "NFMsg" in callback, he use protobuf, but me need use defualt method, without protobuf. And how create NFMsg for my packets in .proto files? And where he taked NFMsg set_event_code and set__... comands?
After failure im try create my array, not use NFMsg (.proto) files
i'm create "char xMsg[1024]", push array bytes for test and try send on serve use
Bytes in xMsg "00 00 00 04 00 00 00 02 00 00 00 08"
m_pNetModule->SendMsg(3, xMsg, nSockIndex);
But, in SendMsg function the array xMsg is nulled, why?
SendMsg function correct read аirst arg - OpCode, but the second transmitted incorrectly.
case NFMsg::ReqAckPlayerChat_EGameChatType::ReqAckPlayerChat_EGameChatType_EGCT_WORLD:
m_pNetModule->SendMsgPBToAllClient(NFMsg::EGMI_ACK_CHAT, xMsg);
訊息是這樣走的嗎? gameserver->masterserver->proxyserver(s)
case NFMsg::ReqAckPlayerChat_EGameChatType::ReqAckPlayerChat_EGameChatType_EGCT_GUILD:
NFGUID xTargetID = NFINetModule::PBToNF(xMsg.target_id());
NFGUID xGuildID = m_pKernelModule->GetPropertyObject(nPlayerID, NFrame::Player::GuildID());
if (!xGuildID.IsNull() && xGuildID == xTargetID)
//send to world server
m_pGameServerToWorldModule->TransmitToWorld(xGuildID.nData64, nMsgID, xMsg);
case NFMsg::ReqAckPlayerChat_EGameChatType::ReqAckPlayerChat_EGameChatType_EGCT_PRIVATE:
case NFMsg::ReqAckPlayerChat_EGameChatType::ReqAckPlayerChat_EGameChatType_EGCT_TEAM:
if (xMsg.has_target_id())
NFGUID xTargetID = NFINetModule::PBToNF(xMsg.target_id());
if (!xTargetID.IsNull())
if (m_pKernelModule->GetObject(xTargetID))
//send to world server
m_pGameServerToWorldModule->TransmitToWorld(xTargetID.nData64, nMsgID, xMsg);
NoahGameFrame/NFClient/UnitySDK/Assets/NFSDK/NFNet/NFCNet.cs 211行m_recvBuf收完要清空
Array.Clear(m_recvBuf, 0, m_recvBuf.Length);
Topic7: MicroServices
Microservices is a software development technique—a variant of the service-oriented architecture (SOA) architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services. In a microservices architecture, services are fine-grained and the protocols are lightweight. The benefit of decomposing a large application into different smaller services is that it improves modularity and makes the application easier to understand, develop, test, and more resilient to architecture erosion.
So, how to use Microservices in the game development industry?
In my opinion, some fields such as storage service, OAuth service, and pathfinding service can be developed as Microservices style modules.
What is your opinion about Microservices? Please leave here to give us a new view!
Topic3: How to save your data when the application crash
Player's data is our income. How to save your customer's data when the program crash for whatever reason is a critical problem when designing the architecture.
How can we do something to avoid losing too much data when the disaster happened?
Please leave your idea here to help others solve this problem.
Object 3D distance
Hello, i need to get a distance between two players and make one player follow the other, but keep a small distance
Example, i have 2 player: PlayerA and PlayerB
PlayerA.PositionX = 500.0
PlayerA.PositionZ = 0.0
PlayerA.PositionY = 100.0
PlayerA.PositionX = 200.0
PlayerA.PositionZ = 0.0
PlayerA.PositionY = 300.0
How can I get the distance between them? I need to get a vector? (Use NF)
Me need 2 example, first: use X,Z,Y coords; second: use X,Y (in 3D, but not used height Z coord)
And, if i'm not mistake, me need get character position and add object radius to vector, for get object size and create correct collision
Would appreciate it if I could get an email or skype contact with the author of NGF.
Adam Bielski
如果全部静态库链接,那么所有的server都会链接重复的 插件,比如每个server都会链接好友业务插件。
Remove unnecessary null pointer checks
Topic4: Exception Handling in back-end
Exception handling enables a function that encounters an unusual situation to throw an exception and pass control to a direct or indirect caller of that function. The caller may or may not be able to handle the exception.
Before joining this topic, please think deeply that why using exception handling? What are the benefits when we used exception handling?
Basic the background of the gaming industry, please chat here that how we can design a grace module to deal with the exception.
A callback register bug.
After a +=
operation, a delegate can be a new object. In this case, we can see that:
MsgDelegation myDelegationHandler = (MsgDelegation)mhtMsgDelegation[eMsg];
var b1 = object.ReferenceEquals(myDelegationHandler, mhtMsgDelegation[eMsg]); // b1 = true
myDelegationHandler += new MsgDelegation(msgDelegate);
var b2 = object.ReferenceEquals(myDelegationHandler, mhtMsgDelegation[eMsg]); // b2 = false
To fix it, just append one line like this:
MsgDelegation myDelegationHandler = (MsgDelegation)mhtMsgDelegation[eMsg];
myDelegationHandler += new MsgDelegation(msgDelegate);
mhtMsgDelegation[eMsg] = myDelegationHandler; // fix bug
Same issue at
Document in English
How to use this framework ? I can't find English document
Strange output while running
Adizbek:_Out adizbek$ ./
** **
** NoahFrame **
** Copyright (c) 2011-2018, LvSheng.Huang **
** All rights reserved. **
** **
-d Run itas daemon mode, only on linux
-x Close the 'X' button, only on windows
Instance: name.xml File's name to instead of "Plugin.xml" when programs be launched, all platform
Instance: "ID=number", "Server=GameServer" when programs be launched, all platform
CreateBackThread, thread ID = 0x7000018ae000
Using [../NFDataCfg/Struct/LogicClass.xml]
LogConfig: ../NFDataCfg/Debug/logconfig/TutorialServer.conf
Hello Lua script_module
../NFDataCfg/ScriptModule/NFScriptSystem.lua:112: attempt to get length of a nil value (global 'ScriptList')
stack traceback:
[C]: in metamethod '__len'
../NFDataCfg/ScriptModule/NFScriptSystem.lua:112: in function 'module_awake'
[INFO | 2018-07-14 15:29:25,472] | 1 | 0 | Indent[0-0] Create scene success, groupId:0, scene id: 0 CreateScene 990
[INFO | 2018-07-14 15:29:25,473] | 2 | 0 | Indent[0-0] Create scene success, groupId:0, scene id: 1 CreateScene 990
[INFO | 2018-07-14 15:29:25,473] | 3 | 0 | Indent[0-0] Create scene success, groupId:0, scene id: 2 CreateScene 990
[INFO | 2018-07-14 15:29:25,473] | 4 | 0 | Indent[0-0] Create scene success, groupId:0, scene id: 3 CreateScene 990
[INFO | 2018-07-14 15:29:25,473] | 5 | 0 | Indent[0-0] Create scene success, groupId:0, scene id: 4 CreateScene 990
[INFO | 2018-07-14 15:29:25,473] | 6 | 0 | Indent[0-0] Create scene success, groupId:0, scene id: 5 CreateScene 990
[INFO | 2018-07-14 15:29:25,473] | 7 | 0 | Indent[0-0] Create scene success, groupId:0, scene id: 6 CreateScene 990
../NFDataCfg/ScriptModule/NFScriptSystem.lua:119: attempt to get length of a nil value (global 'ScriptList')
stack traceback:
[C]: in metamethod '__len'
../NFDataCfg/ScriptModule/NFScriptSystem.lua:119: in function 'module_init'
../NFDataCfg/ScriptModule/NFScriptSystem.lua:125: attempt to get length of a nil value (global 'ScriptList')
stack traceback:
[C]: in metamethod '__len'
../NFDataCfg/ScriptModule/NFScriptSystem.lua:125: in function 'module_after_init'
../NFDataCfg/ScriptModule/NFScriptSystem.lua:131: attempt to get length of a nil value (global 'ScriptList')
stack traceback:
[C]: in metamethod '__len'
../NFDataCfg/ScriptModule/NFScriptSystem.lua:131: in function 'module_ready_execute'
module_init, module_after_init, module_ready_execute, what are they?
编译NoahFrameX.sln 出现:Error C2447 '{': missing function header (old-style formal list?) (compiling source file NFCChaseState.cpp) NFAIPlugin d:\study files\network\noahgameframe-5.2.4\nfmidware\nfaiplugin\nfistate.h 16
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