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dojo-smore's Introduction

dojo-smore: S'more Dojo Stores


This package contains a few implementations of the dojo/store API which attempt to "bring back" useful features that were present in some of the more commonly-used dojo/data stores, but were never provided out of the box by anything in dojo/store.

The following stores are included:

  • Csv extends dojo/store/Memory, overriding its setData method to accept a string in CSV format; comparable to dojox/data/CsvStore.
  • QueryRead implements dojo/store's get and query methods in a manner akin (though not identical) to the way in which dojox/data/QueryReadStore works.
  • RequestMemory extends dojo/store/Memory, adding support for a url property (and a setUrl method) which will request the data for the store using dojo/request.

For further details, see the dojo-doc comments within the respective modules.


The modules in this package require Dojo 1.8, as they depend on dojo/request and the new Deferred and promise modules.


To get up and running with this package, simply extract its contents into a folder that is a sibling of the dojo directory.


To run the tests, install intern-geezer (which can be done by running npm install in the dojo-smore folder), then browse to test/runTests.html. Note that the QueryRead tests currently require PHP.


This package, like the Dojo Toolkit itself, is dual-licensed under the modified BSD license and the Academic Free License v2.1. See the LICENSE file for the full text of both licenses.

dojo-smore's People


kfranqueiro avatar


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dojo-smore's Issues

ID by row in Csv store

This quite common in CSV data to not have a field that can represent an ID. In which case this is quite nice to be able to ID by row. This is a feature that dojox/data/CsvStore used to provide and that would be nice to get in dojo-smore/Csv.

Switch to Intern

In forking SitePen/dojo-smore to submit a PR for an OData store, I noticed the tests are still using DOH, which totally makes sense considering how new Intern is.

I figured it would still be good to at least create a ticket to track the ultimate move to Intern. I'll probably start a branch off my own fork to begin this work myself since @kfranqueiro is stretched thin on dgrid.

FilteringSelect with QueryRead.js return strange value

I am trying to replace the by QueryRead.js in the following example.

everything works perfect except the returning value once I change to QueryRead.js.
it I search "test" in FilteringSelect, the return value is "test_" in
but if I change to QueryRead.js, the return value is "/^test._$/im"

would you pls give me some hints, how to solve this???

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