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A cross-platform Atom/RSS feed reader built using Electron and dgrid.

License: MIT License

JavaScript 87.61% HTML 6.29% SCSS 6.10%

electern's Introduction


Electern is an Atom/RSS feed reader built using Electron and dgrid.


  • Organize feeds in nested folders
  • Import feeds from OPML (export not supported at this time)
  • Pin articles to store them indefinitely
  • Download individual articles as complete web pages to read offline (using icon in top right)
  • RegExp search within article titles and content
  • Configure how many articles to keep, how often to update, and whether to display images
    • Defaults can be configured globally (via Preferences), then overridden per-feed
  • Zip distributions support portable mode via --portable command-line flag
    • On Mac OS X, you can run open --args --portable; user data will be saved under the Contents/MacOS folder within the app.

Build Instructions


You will need bower installed globally (i.e. npm i -g bower).


  1. Clone this repository
  2. npm i (which will in turn run bower install)
  3. npm start
  4. If you will be editing SCSS, also run npm run scss:watch


It is possible to build for all platforms from OS X.

brew install fakeroot dpkg wine-stable to install prequisites

npm run make-all to build for all platforms under out subfolder

On other platforms, npm run make will build for the current platform only.



electern's People


kfranqueiro avatar


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electern's Issues

sftp 上传文件网速较慢的问题

我上传一个jar包到云服务器上,一般情况下不会这么慢(使用termious时),但是使用 electern 网速明显下降,约 300 kb / s,但是非常稳定(点赞)。

请问是否有什么办法可以优化一下提高速度呢 ~

此致, 敬上 ~

Support portable option

This may not be feasible across all platforms, but I'm a big fan of having portable applications at least on Windows. Currently Electern is creating its data files within the userData folder as determined from Electron's app.getPath('userData').

Given that the app's code will be bundled into an asar for distribution, we'll likely need to determine the path to store files portably by determining the executable path, since otherwise it will default to attempting to store things within the asar, which isn't supported.

I'm also wondering whether it's feasible to redefine the userData folder for portability purposes, or whether it would already be too late by the time the code runs (i.e. files would already be created in the default userData location).

Support layout resizing

Currently the width of each section of the layout is purely dictated by a CSS style. Users should be able to resize the panes.

Tangentially, the size of the window should also be stored in userConfig so it can be automatically recalled on subsequent app restarts.

Support OPML export

Electern currently supports OPML import but not export. It should support both so that users can come and go between this and other RSS readers as they please.

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