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kfranqueiro / electron-dojo-boilerplate Goto Github PK

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Boilerplate for Electron apps using the Dojo Toolkit.

License: MIT License

JavaScript 88.44% Batchfile 0.34% HTML 11.22%

electron-dojo-boilerplate's Introduction

Electron Dojo Boilerplate

This repository provides a starting/reference point for Electron-based applications using the Dojo toolkit and the Stylus CSS preprocessor.


  1. Clone this repository into a directory of your choice
  2. rm -rf .git and git init to nuke this repo's history
  3. Update name in package.json and bower.json, and otherwise tweak as desired
  4. npm install
  5. bower install
  6. Replace "Electron Dojo Boilerplate" in Gruntfile.js and src/browser/main.js
  7. Update or replace LICENSE as desired
  8. Optionally replace icon.ico and icon.icns with your own icon, or delete them and remove icon from the electron-packager task configuration in Gruntfile.js



  1. grunt dev
  2. bin/run


grunt release

This will set up releases for OS X, Linux, and Windows under the dist directory. (Target platforms can be customized via the arch and platform properties in the electron-packager task configuration.)

Note that cross-OS limitations may apply. In particular:

  • Building for Windows targets with a custom icon requires wine on non-Windows OSes for rcedit
  • Building for OS X is skipped on Windows due to dodgy symlink support



electron-dojo-boilerplate's People


kfranqueiro avatar


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ysobj phpmaps

electron-dojo-boilerplate's Issues

Require still points to dojoRequire

From the src folder tying to run a simple electron app.
My index.html loads dojo something like

< script>
var dojoConfig = {
async: true,
deps: [ 'app/main' ],
has: {
'host-node': false
window.electronRequire = require;
delete window.require;
< script src="" ></script>

on running the electron app, app loads dojo sucessfully but tries to load main.js from
and hence fails.

Is there anything else as well to be fixed to load dojo.

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