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This project forked from rockybars/atom-shell-packager

0.0 2.0 0.0 314 KB

package and distribute your electron app in OS executables (.app, .exe etc) via JS or CLI

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License: BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License

JavaScript 100.00%

electron-packager's Introduction


Package your electron app in OS executables (.app, .exe, etc) via JS or CLI. Supports building Windows, Linux or Mac executables.

formerly known as atom-shell-packager


Build Status


# for use in npm scripts
npm i electron-packager --save-dev

# for use from cli
npm i electron-packager -g


Usage: electron-packager <sourcedir> <appname> --platform=<platform> --arch=<arch> --version=<version>
Required options

platform           all, or one or more of: linux, win32, darwin (comma-delimited if multiple)
arch               all, ia32, x64
version            see
Example            electron-packager ./ FooBar --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.25.1

Optional options

all                equivalent to --platform=all --arch=all
out                the dir to put the app into at the end. defaults to current working dir
icon               the icon file to use as the icon for the app
app-bundle-id      bundle identifier to use in the app plist
app-version        version to set for the app
helper-bundle-id   bundle identifier to use in the app helper plist
ignore             do not copy files into App whose filenames regex .match this string
prune              runs `npm prune --production` on the app
overwrite          if output directory for a platform already exists, replaces it rather than skipping it
asar               packages the source code within your app into an archive
sign               should contain the identity to be used when running `codesign` (OS X only)
version-string     should contain a hash of the application metadata to be embedded into the executable (Windows only).
                   These can be specified on the command line via dot notation,
                   e.g. --version-string.CompanyName="Company Inc." --version-string.ProductName="Product"
                   Keys supported:
                   - CompanyName
                   - LegalCopyright
                   - FileDescription
                   - OriginalFilename
                   - FileVersion
                   - ProductVersion
                   - ProductName
                   - InternalName

This will:

  • Find or download the correct release of Electron
  • Use that version of electron to create a app in <out>/<appname>-<platform>-<arch>

You should be able to launch the app on the platform you built for. If not, check your settings and try again.

Be careful not to include node_modules you don't want into your final app. electron-packager, electron-prebuilt and .git will be ignored by default. You can use --ignore to ignore files and folders, e.g. --ignore=node_modules/electron-packager or --ignore="node_modules/(electron-packager|electron-prebuilt)".


var packager = require('electron-packager')
packager(opts, function done (err, appPath) { })

packager(opts, callback)


dir - String
The source directory.

name - String
The application name.

platform - String
Allowed values: linux, win32, darwin, all
Not required if all is used.
Arbitrary combinations of individual platforms are also supported via a comma-delimited string or array of strings.

arch - String
Allowed values: ia32, x64, all
Not required if all is used.

version - String
Electron version (without the 'v'). See

all - Boolean
Shortcut for --arch=all --platform=all

out - String

icon - String

app-bundle-id - String

app-version - String

helper-bundle-id - String

ignore - String

prune - Boolean

overwrite - Boolean

asar - Boolean

sign - String

version-string - Object
Object hash of application metadata to embed into the executable (Windows only):

  • CompanyName
  • LegalCopyright
  • FileDescription
  • OriginalFilename
  • FileVersion
  • ProductVersion
  • ProductName
  • InternalName

err - Error
Contains errors if any.

appPath - String
Path to the newly created application.

Building windows apps from non-windows platforms

If you run this on windows and you want to set the icon for your app using the --icon option, it requires running a thing called rcedit.exe (via this), which means you will need to install wine and have it available in your path. To do this on Mac OS you can brew install wine.


electron-packager's People


chentsulin avatar imlucas avatar ivshti avatar jasonhinkle avatar junosuarez avatar kfranqueiro avatar mafintosh avatar malept avatar max-mapper avatar rameshv avatar remixz avatar shama avatar sindresorhus avatar zaggino avatar


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