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kfranqueiro / nukebox Goto Github PK

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A simple cross-platform music player built with Electron and dgrid.

License: MIT License

JavaScript 55.04% CSS 40.53% HTML 4.37% Batchfile 0.05%

nukebox's Introduction


Nukebox is a music player built using Electron and dgrid.


Build Instructions


You will need bower and grunt-cli installed globally (i.e. npm i -g bower grunt-cli).


  1. Clone this repository
  2. npm install (which will in turn run bower install, then npm install inside of src)
  3. grunt dev


Run grunt release


Running the Application


Run bin/run (or bin\run.cmd on Windows).


Run the application for the respective platform under dist. Windows releases contain Nukebox.exe, Linux releases contain a Nukebox binary, and the Mac release contains

Adding Music

Currently the only way to add music is to drag it from Explorer / Finder / etc. into the grid.

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following keyboard shortcuts are supported:

  • Left Arrow: Seek left 5 seconds
  • Right Arrow: Seek right 5 seconds
  • Space: Play / Pause
  • Escape: Stop

Additionally, the following keyboard shortcuts are available within the grid:

  • Enter: Play currently-focused track
  • Backspace / Delete: Remove currently-selected track(s)



nukebox's People


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