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Comments (82)

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024 1

Ohanzee has already moved in that direction (PSR4/camel case), why leave Kohana behind?

It sounds like you are treating Ohanzee as a separate project, one which is totally alien to Kohana. This is not the case. Ohanzee is part of the Kohana Foundation and anyone from Kohana is welcome to participate in Ohanzee.

This entire discussion seems to be largely an echo of what I was talking about ~8 months ago. Kohana is a legacy framework because it failed to make the jump to namespaces and PSR standards. Ohanzee was intended to resolve that in a clean way, by dropping the Kohana name and making a clean break on code style, offering a way to transition the best modules of Kohana to Composer packages.

IMO, Ohanzee is still the best way forward to transition Kohana to modern PHP code. Deprecate Kohana, say that the next 3.x release will be the last one, and put effort into porting the best of Kohana into Ohanzee. Attempting to modernize Kohana without putting effort into Ohanzee just ensures that Ohanzee will never gain traction. Just my $0.02.

from core.

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024 1

@Raku Auth is horrible, absolutely pathetic, for security. The new password_hash function and the password_compat library eliminate the need for it. There are many better packages that are easy to integrate for those that want it "easier".

ORM... well, if you're using ORM, I don't have any recommendations. Use Doctrine, maybe? ORM is the worst possible thing you can do for architecture, and I've been saying that it should be dropped for years. A new major version (v4) finally gives the opportunity to clean out the crap code and we should take it.

(And FWIW, I wrote the original versions of both Auth and ORM. Mistakes were made.)

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024

@enov @lenton @acoulton @shadowhand pinging you for some opinions :)

from core.

kemo avatar kemo commented on September 18, 2024

There was discussion on this topic before;

Anyway, this definitely gets a 👍 from me - right after we make some things clear;

  • Which version should we aim this for (maybe this should be Kohana4)?
  • Should we convert to PSR-1/2 at the same time?
  • Therefore, should we use Ohanzee components where possible / strip the framework completely
  • Would CFS / transparent extensions stay?

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

I am all for using namespaces @rjd22 😄

But the question remains: at what stage?

Limiting the scope of features for 3.4 would help us be able to release it at some point.

A namespaced version of Kohana could go out as a separate version on it own. I mean no new features in that release, except that it is a new Kohana based on the older version, but namespaced.

Another option would be to namespace while we work on some classes. But in that case we would have partly namespaced and partly non-namespaced classes. We can give preferences to the classes that are internally instantiated first. I mean, usually, a user does not do a new Log() as it is done internally somewhere in Kohana::init. That way, the new version is upgradeable by the user. Upgradeable releases is something I care about, as opposed to all new full-rewrite releases.

Keep in mind we always support 2 dev versions. Refactoring those class names means refactoring everywhere those are instantiated. It means going farther from the previous version. It means more merge conflicts when we try to merge up bug fixes from below.

Also enable users to namespace their own application

Users can already namespace their classes in 3.3 as it is PSR-0 compliant - except for the Controller classes, I guess.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

Also enable users to namespace their own application. And point the routes to the namespace.

Yeah, I see now that you are concerned about the Controllers to be able to be namespaced.

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

I think this would be really good - for starters it would make working with tools like PHPSpec, and integrating with other components and projects, much easier.

It does feel like a big change to get in for 3.4, and I agree with @enov that we should avoid 3.4 becoming the "fix absolutely everything to the point we never actually release it" version.

Equally, I think there's quite a bit we could do to make the upgrade be relatively painless:

Auto-upgrade script

It would be fairly simple to build a small script that finds all references to official Kohana classes (scoped to only consider modules active in the project, so that it doesn't conflict with some third-party "Auth" class for eg if the user isn't using Kohana Auth.

It could then just add appropriate use statements to the top of the relevant files, so the rest of the file remains unchanged. We could use that script on the kohana packages themselves, and users could also use it on their own applications.

This would mean the only major diffs between versions would be the use blocks themselves in the file headers - so there should be fairly limited potential for merge conflicts.

There's no real reason the class files themselves have to move, but even if they do so long as that's done properly with git it will follow the rename/move when merging up in future and apply the patch to the new path without conflicts.

Legacy shim

We could easily provide a separate package that just defines all the old non-namespaced classes, either as aliases or as class definitions. So end-user code could still refer to \Log but get an instance of \Kohana\Core\Log - not sure whether alias or extension is better, it possibly depends on how aliases behave with instanceof.

Potential related changes

Moving to ohanzee (or any other third-party) components

I think this is too big to do it at the same time - but properly namespacing would help with this in future and we should be moving in that direction.

Dropping the CFS and transparent extension

+1 from me. I like the CFS for things like config files, view templates, messages and stuff (though there would be other, possibly more explicit, ways to achieve the same thing). I used to love transparent extension, but now I think that properly mapping the classes in use in the project makes more sense.

IMO the best solution is to drop transparent extension altogether, and have end-users and module developers just depend directly on the (namespaced) interfaces and/or class implementations they actually need. That would also allow us to drop our autoloader and use composer directly which would simplify quite a lot.

Again, I think it would be easy enough to build a tool to help with this migration - look through the application and modules for customised transparent extension classes, add a custom namespace to the top of the file and then add a use statement to anything that uses it. The only issue would be where people are using transparent extension to customise behaviour of methods called by other kohana/core classes - where you wouldn't be able to change the imports.

One idea proposed in the past was virtual namespacing (using class aliases, I think) where Kohana/Log wouldn't actually exist and the system would automatically map it to Application/Custom/Log or Kohana/Core/Log as required. That might be an OK transition plan, while we work on making it easier to inject implementations into the core rather than relying on monkeypatching the classes the core is hardcoded to use.

It feels to me like that would be better done with some sort of development-time compilation step rather than a magical run-time autoloader defining aliases on the fly. So all the empty extensions would be removed from the core packages, in favour of a script that developers run to spit out appropriate autoloadable class definitions / class aliases somewhere in their /application directory. Any time you add a module or application class that "transparently" extends core you explicitly re-run the script and probably commit the result. That way both developers and IDEs are always clear on actually what class is being used. Note that you'd run this on the developer machine, it doesn't require any shell access to "compile" on the server.

Move to PSR1/PSR2

I fairly dislike quite a bit of these, though I'm gradually accepting that consistency is more important than preference.

But trying to migrate the existing code wholesale will create huge diffs and make merge conflicts between versions almost guaranteed. We could adopt PSR1/PSR2 for entirely new files, but I think we should stick with what we have for the existing stuff - otherwise maintenance is going to become a nightmare.

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

Sorry, long post - should have followed @rjd22 example and posted on my mobile! Also to say of course there's no reason we can't make routes support namespaces separately from actually namespacing the core - that could be a 3.4 feature without any major issue I think?

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

@cyrgit PSR4 - absolutely.

Coding style - only if you're volunteering to be in charge of merging up bugfixes from the 3.x series to whatever version we introduce all the changes. Every commit will have merge conflicts over casing and whitespace to the point it'll potentially be easier to rewrite patches by hand.

Unless we change the release policy so that only one version is supported at a time, and bugfixes never get merged up between versions but IMHO that would be a much worse outcome for users than having a mix of conventions (frustrating though that is).

Ohanzee can do it because it's starting from scratch.

from core.

lenton avatar lenton commented on September 18, 2024

I say we split the core into separate kohana modules in 3.4, then in 4.0 we can convert them to fully namespaced composer packages or switch them out with their ohanzee counterpart.

from core.

lenton avatar lenton commented on September 18, 2024

I think we all agree that the ohanzee components are the way forward for Kohana, the updates we are making to kohana are really just a slow transition to using them.

I'm going to start work again on my "kohana module manager" package, I feel this will really be key for the transition. It would allow kohana to use a mixture of both proper components and kohana modules.

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024

(From mobile again)

I think we should just make a empty 4.0 branch and start building only the core components there with namespace support.

So only the bootstrapping capabilities first and focus on working together with other libraries.

There are so many libraries that solve the issues really well like Doctrine for DB.

I think it's okay to have our own libraries but we shouldn't forget the dame problem has been solved many times so we won't have to rewrite the whole framework right away.

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024

@lenton @shadowhand @cyrgit @acoulton @enov @kemo

Let's do a clear vote on the following questions. Please keep it short:

  • What Version should implement it?
  • Are we implementing PSR 1 and 2?
  • Will we keep transparent extension?
  • What modules / functionality should be in the first version?

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024
  • what version?
    4.0, we should make this non backwards compatible and won't back port funtionality
  • psr?
    Yes, it's becomming the defacto standard
  • Transparent extension?
    No, you should just put the extensions in your own namespace. We should check what parts might need extension and make it possible to register a extension with a con fig file.
  • modules / funtionality?
    Core, Request, Response, Session, Cookie, Controller, Security, Routing, Log, Profiler.

from core.

Girt avatar Girt commented on September 18, 2024

I think we should keep an transparent extension. Otherwise, the philosophy of the kohana will change.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024
  • What Version should implement it?
  • Are we implementing PSR 1 and 2?
  • Will we keep transparent extension?
    No, drop CFS 😢 to embrace proper DI pattern
  • What modules / functionality should be in the first version?
    Sorry I can not make this short @rjd22 😉

from core.

ursoforte avatar ursoforte commented on September 18, 2024

*What Version should implement it?
*Are we implementing PSR 1 and 2?
*Will we keep transparent extension?
*What modules / functionality should be in the first version?
Core, Request, Response, Session, Cookie, Controller, Routing, Log (That seems to be essential for most projects start.)

from core.

Ikke avatar Ikke commented on September 18, 2024
  • What Version should implement it?
  • Are we implementing PSR 1 and 2?
  • Will we keep transparent extension?
    Not necessarily
  • What modules / functionality should be in the first version?
    Routing, http, helper methods, database (PDO or MySQLi)

from core.

JackEllis avatar JackEllis commented on September 18, 2024

What Version should implement it?

Are we implementing PSR 1 and 2?

Will we keep transparent extension?

What modules / functionality should be in the first version?
Request (controllers / views etc.), routing and helper methods... Kohana as delivery only is very appealing to me personally...

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024
  • What modules / functionality should be in the first version?

I had to elaborate on the question.

I see the need of 2 kinds of modules:

  • There should be generic packages. These packages should contain only interfaces, traits and classes, and can be used in other projects/frameworks.
  • There should be Kohana specific modules that wrap the generic packages to simplify their inclusion and setup in Kohana. These modules might include a config folder, as well as the other resources (i18, message, views, etc...).

I would like to see kohana/core split into several packages, similar to the suggestion of @lenton. Maybe we need to drop ORM, Auth, codebench as well as the unittest modules, if possible.

from core.

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024
  • What Version should implement it?


  • Are we implementing PSR 1 and 2?

Yes! PSR-1, 2, and 4.

  • Will we keep transparent extension?

Namespaces make it unnecessary, so no.

  • What modules / functionality should be in the first version?

Easier to say what NOT to keep. Drop ORM, Auth, Unittest, and Codebench. Ideally, replace as many modules as possible with Composer packages and write thin wrappers around them.

But I heard a strong argument that Kohana was supposed to have an upgrade path and I'm not sure this satisfies that. In many ways, it would be better to build a thin layer around Kohana to allow it to run on top of (eg) Symfony.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

@shadowhand (and maybe also @cyrgit)

Namespaces make it unnecessary, so no.

Is there a way namespacing can support CFS without classes transparently extending other classes?

from core.

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024

Is there a way namespacing can support CFS

No, but namespaces make it unnecessary:

namespace Acme\Database;

use Kohana\Database\Query as KohanaQuery;

class Query extends KohanaQuery { ... }

The implication here is that everything has to be properly DI too. But it would be... right? ;)

from core.

lenton avatar lenton commented on September 18, 2024
  • What Version should implement it?


  • Are we implementing PSR 1 and 2?


  • Will we keep transparent extension?

We can have a mixture of both kohana modules (which use the CFS), and modern packages (ohanzee). Supporting old kohana modules would make the transition to these modern standards considerably easier for users.

  • What modules / functionality should be in the first version?

If 4.0 has support for kohana modules then we could retain all of the functionality from 3.4.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024


If it read an \App\ folder, and then a \Kohana\ folder, it would serve as a CFS-like loader. If it finds the needed class in \App\ namespace, then it requires and returns true, else it continues to Kohana base.

Yes, but in that case, the "extending" class that is found in the \App folder should include all the functionality (methods and properties) of the class that's in \Kohana folder. It can not just extend the class to change, say, a method.

from core.

rakucmr avatar rakucmr commented on September 18, 2024

@shadowhand drop ORM, Auth in favour of what?

from core.

rakucmr avatar rakucmr commented on September 18, 2024

@shadowhand for ORM, what you say about this project

from core.

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024

@Raku ORM is bad for architecture, no matter who creates it. Kohana ORM, LEAP, Doctrine... they all have the exact same architectural problem: combining the data model with persistence is Doing It Wrong.

from core.

zombor avatar zombor commented on September 18, 2024

Unless it's kept in a repository layer abstracted away from the main application (like all db access should be anyway).

from core.

rakucmr avatar rakucmr commented on September 18, 2024

So if ORM and other's ActiveRecord kind libraries are bad, why are they still used in other frameworks? Then let's use plain sql with pdo or mysql/mysqli php extensions. What is the meaning of a framework, not to make our life easier?

from core.

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024

@Raku because programming is not taught well. :) Frameworks can, and should, make life easier. But not by violating good programming practices.

from core.

zombor avatar zombor commented on September 18, 2024

Frameworks quite frequently attempt to get you to couple your business logic to their apis. Coupling your business logic to an ORM framework just locks you in to their api. Abstract it and it doesn't matter what you use. Use DI and other SOLID principles and things will go well.

from core.

rakucmr avatar rakucmr commented on September 18, 2024

Is not easier/faster this?

namespace Framework\Controller;
use Framework\Models\User;

class Example
public function upgradeAccount($id)
$user = new User($id);

namespace Framework\Model;
use Framework\Orm\Model;

class User extends Model{}

from core.

zombor avatar zombor commented on September 18, 2024

Easier/Faster is not the primary goal of software development. In fact it's one of the last things to consider.

from core.

rakucmr avatar rakucmr commented on September 18, 2024

Ok you are right! Let's write 100 lines of code when we can write 10 line of code that make same thing.

from core.

zombor avatar zombor commented on September 18, 2024

It's actually not the same thing. The "longer" version is decoupled from the framework, making it easier to maintain, easier to change, and easier to reason about. Doing it this way makes changes easier to make when your framework changes APIs out from under you (which is what is being discussed in this issue).

The "long" way has the business logic (the thing that your company is paying you to write and support) decoupled from the vendor code (which you have no control over).

from core.

rakucmr avatar rakucmr commented on September 18, 2024

Google for Android framework use deprecation (and this is only an example) for they functions on classes. You want to drop ORM because is not Business Logic ... why don't improve your framework classes and functions in that classes? If there is a better way to do it, why not implement in that framework? Then let's drop the frameworks and do it with what that programming language offers!

from core.

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024

@Raku you can't implement system architecture within a framework, because a framework is a knife and architecture is knowledge on how to use the knife. In fact, the better the knife, the easier it will be to cut yourself. Documentation is the best answer to this problem, but documentation can be ignored by the user. This is why developers have to choose to learn their craft.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

You want to drop ORM because is not Business Logic

@Raku we are not suggesting to drop things just for the sake of dropping. It is not fun to discontinue projects, at least viewed from my side. However note that Kohana ORM was not that powerful from the beginning, and others did better - some specific for Kohana framework. At first glance, spadefoot/kohana-orm-leap looks good to me. It seems to me that it is well maintained and more powerful than Kohana's official ORM.

Frankly, I also do not clean code (that's what some people call it - to separate your business logic from the repository, the delivery and other layers of your application), that's because faster is part of my business. I do not ORM either. Maybe I combine the fun part and profitability part, the best of the both worlds... Or maybe it's the worst of both worlds, who knows 😜

why don't improve your framework classes and functions in that classes?

Well, that's what we are trying to do. Also to reply to @shadowhand's comment somewhere above, it's not the lack of namespaces and PSRs that made from the Kohana framework a legacy framework, it's the code that's showing its age. Static methods all around, URL helper tied to base url can not help me with another url? Modules that I include set routes on my application? Why do I need to feed Upload with my file array every time I want to use a method? So basically there are problems that needs to be solved.

There are lots of projects that do not use namespacing and are considered modern, like the Twig templating engine. And there are lots of modern projects that are still PSR-0 and not PSR-4. I am not undermining what @rjd22 is doing here, on the contrary, I want Kohana to resurrect and become one of the important frameworks, the way it used to be. But Namespacing, PSR-1 and PSR-2 are more or less coding styles and will not change the architecture of the framework.

from core.

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024

@enov you're right to say that PSR-1&2 will not dramatically change the framework, but code style does matter. When you need to fix something in someone else's code and it looks "weird", the average developer will typically just close the file and ignore it. When everyone writes the same style, less brain power is wasted understanding dialect.

Going back to ORM, I think Kohana has often suffered from "not invented here" syndrome, rather than "proudly found elsewhere". I'm still not enthused about promoting any ORM, because it is too easily abused. But I'm not going to be a zealot about it.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

I think Kohana has often suffered from "not invented here" syndrome, rather than "proudly found elsewhere".


from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

@shadowhand how about fixing things with the FIG to represent us there?

from core.

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024

@enov what makes you think that Kohana has enough market share or respect within the PHP community to warrant a seat at the FIG table? And for that matter, you could represent Kohana. I'm not interested. :)

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

@shadowhand I am not a native English speaker, and there are others more experienced developers around here. Maybe @acoulton 😉?

from core.

JackEllis avatar JackEllis commented on September 18, 2024

I nominate @zombor ;)

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024

@JackEllis don't start nomination people without asking them ;).

@shadowhand I would ask you to take a good look at Doctrine BTW. Since it's not really just a ORM anymore. But also repository layer with proper mapping. The only reason why it's still called a ORM is because of the old days.

I think it is clear what direction we want to go to. And I think it's awesome that we came to such a clear consensus.

I would like to ask ask everyone what the namespace for the framework should be. I was thinking about something like \Kohana\Framework\<classes> in place of \Kohana\Core\<classes>. Any other opinions?

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

Sorry haven't got to this. I can see I'm outvoted, but my $0.02 anyway:

What Version should implement it?

4.0 - BUT 3.4 should support namespaced application code eg routing to controllers.

Are we implementing PSR 1 and 2?

No, not in existing packages - but we should have a roadmap to move away from most of the current packages and classes in favour of external (Ohanzee or third-party) ones which should be PSR-compliant.

Will we keep transparent extension?

No. And we shouldn't add our own DI container / config files / whatever. Make kohana/core etc just take collaborators as constructor arguments and ship separate packages with default configuration for common DI containers that already exist. We might recommend one in particular, but users should be able to choose whichever one they want.

What modules / functionality should be in the first version?

Routing, request handling, cascading config, cascading view templates, messages, logging. BUT some of those we might implement by wrapping (or even just choosing and recommending in composer.json) existing third-party components.

@enov - thanks for the FIG nomination, but afraid I don't have time or inclination to get involved with that :)

from core.

kemo avatar kemo commented on September 18, 2024

I was thinking about something like \Kohana\Framework\<classes> in place of \Kohana\Core\<classes>

I'd stick to Core - the repo is called core, it's easier to type + framework isn't a popular word nowadays anyway 😄

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

However, as a followup I think there's one major question not on @rjd22's list:

  • Is version 4.0 for new applications/new users, or an upgrade path for existing users?
  • And as a followup if the answer is "for new applications/users" - why? How will it be different/better than the many well-architected, PSR-compliant routers, request processors etc out there already?

I think that distinction's important, because we need to be clear whether backwards compatibility (in code, as well as in just developer's mental models of the architecture etc) is important.

Personally, I'm not sure if our developer team is big enough, or our ideas unique enough, to completely rebuild 4.0 as a modern "framework". If end-users are going to have a lot of work to upgrade anyway, why shouldn't they just start migrating now to something that already exists, has a more active development team, and has solved lots of the questions we're debating already?

from core.

zombor avatar zombor commented on September 18, 2024

I nominate @zombor ;)

I have zero interest in this ;)

I haven't even written a line of php in like a year and a half.

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024

@acoulton I think we should not make a upgrade path available. There is a lot of stuff in Kohana we might want to clean up. Normally if you go from 3.x to 4.x you won't be able to upgrade easily.

While there are quite some good frameworks out there like symfony, my opinion is that they force standards on you that you might not want, like twig or doctrine. My vision is to make kohana take care of the stuff you don't want to deal with like routing or request handling but will not force a standard on you, and enable you to switch around libraries.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

👍 for upgrade wherever possible.

they do force standards in you you might not want like twig or doctrine.

Neither Twig, nor Doctrine is forced in Symfony.

from core.

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024

I think we should not make a upgrade path available.

Then why bother chasing Laravel, Symfony, and the other modern frameworks? Kohana doesn't have the manpower or community support to compete with them. The only way any of this makes sense is if Kohana doesn't break BC.

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024

@shadowhand wouldn't it be extremely hard to be backwards compatible and still implement name spacing and the improvements we want?

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

@rjd22 symfony is more flexible than you think, but if you want something lighter there are smaller alternatives to "take care of the stuff you don't want to deal with" - for eg orno/route. I don't see the point in trying to reinvent that.

If anything, I'd support a 4.0 where we delete pretty much all the code except the class names and method signatures and just proxy them all to better third-party libraries, over one with a totally different API that fixes solved problems.

from core.

shadowhand avatar shadowhand commented on September 18, 2024

@rjd22 probably, but again... what's the point if BC is not maintained?

I agree 100% with @acoulton here.

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

There's absolutely no reason namespacing has to be a big deal for BC. All it needs is some namespace and use declarations at the tops of files (which could be scripted/generated) and if we were feeling kind an optional package that provides aliases in the root namespace so end users don't even have to use the namespaces if they don't want.

Dropping transparent extension is trickier, but in no way impossible.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

we delete pretty much all the code except the class names and method signatures and just proxy them all to better third-party libraries

So it's like using other libraries code, but with Kohana API... Is that even possible?

from core.

zombor avatar zombor commented on September 18, 2024

What's the point? I'm not sure why people are holding on here.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

What's the point? I'm not sure why people are holding on here.

Maybe we have applications written on top of Kohana?

from core.

zombor avatar zombor commented on September 18, 2024

And they still work. If you aren't proposing 100% BC, what's the point? You'll have to change all your code anyway.

from core.

lenton avatar lenton commented on September 18, 2024

The only way any of this makes sense is if Kohana doesn't break BC.

+1 The whole point of continuing with Kohana instead of abandoning it and contributing to Ohanzee was to create a smooth transition path for users to upgrade.

wouldn't it be extremely hard to be backwards compatible and still implement name spacing and the improvements we want?

If 4.0 still supports Kohana modules then it won't be as bad, I'm working on that now.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

I am for an upgrade path, @zombor. Yes, if I need to change all my code, what's the point..

from core.

zombor avatar zombor commented on September 18, 2024

You can't have a "modern" framework without breaking BC in a major way, imo.

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

I am not expecting a fully modern framework in 4.0, just step by step.

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

we delete pretty much all the code except the class names and method signatures and just proxy them all to better third-party libraries

So it's like using other libraries code, but with Kohana API... Is that even possible?

Possible, probably pointless in many cases. Meant it as an extreme example, but underlining that I think it's only worth updating Kohana to make it easier for people who have existing applications to support/gradually disentangle them.

There are two possible future users of Kohana:

  • Existing applications
  • New applications by people who know and love Kohana how it is now and don't want to change

None of those people are going to use 4.0 - no matter how good it is - if it's totally different because there are existing, better, supported, active projects with communities around them already. Anyone who thinks we'll suddenly attract new people that aren't in those two groups is chasing rainbows.

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

I am not expecting a fully modern framework in 4.0, just step by step.

I'm not expecting a modern framework at all, just one that doesn't get in the way of me writing/migrating to a modern application. For me that mostly just means:

  • it doesn't pollute the global namespace unless I ask it to
  • it lets me manage my dependencies and stub/mock stuff easily when I'm unit testing my own classes
  • it lets me use namespaces in my own code
  • within reason it lets me customise or replace what it's doing

And that's about it.

from core.

zombor avatar zombor commented on September 18, 2024

If you write your application abstracted away from any framework, you satisfy all these requirements right now. The framework is a detail.

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

@zombor I do, and I'm moving the older projects that way as I can.

But 3.3 does get in the way of that at times, not least the fact that controllers have to be in the global namespace as is all the kohana stuff...

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024

BC compatibility seems still important so let's aim for that.

I would like to hear options on how to achieve it while supporting namespaces, PSR and removing the transparent extension.

IMO: the most hard part will be implementing PSR 1 and 2

from core.

enov avatar enov commented on September 18, 2024

I think there is a tool for PSR-1 and 2:

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

Why bother with PSR-1 and 2? Don't we just risk introducing bugs that weren't there before? Do we seriously ask end-users to search and replace everywhere they call a snake_cased Kohana method just so we can rename them? And what about things like controllers - are we going to change the router to look for actionSomething instead of action_something and then force everyone to change all of that too?

I really don't see that there's any benefit to changing coding standard in the existing code if the focus of the project is BC and legacy support.

If we're going to ask people to change their code for 4.0, we should respect their time and only make them do it for things that make a functional difference eg namespaces.

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024

@acoulton I think you said that you were working on the namespace support for the kohana routing. I'm in need of this so I'm thinking of working on it myself. Are you already working on this? And how we're you planning to implement it?

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

@rjd22 sorry, no not so far. I think I just said I didn't think it would be hard. I think you'd just have to modify Kohana_Request to accept an extra namespace parameter from the route definition and store it as a request property same as eg directory. Then Kohana_Request_Client_Internal would need to be modified to compile the fully qualified class name.

I'd suggest that if a namespace is defined, we shouldn't add a Controller_ prefix - and possibly should ignore the directory too. Maybe Route::set should throw if you try to define both namespace and directory on the same route, to avoid harder-to-trace problems later.

So eg a route like:

Route::set('default', '(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))')
                     'namespace' => '\My\Application\Controller',
                     'controller' => 'welcome',
                     'action'     => 'index',                      

would map to \My\Application\Controller\Welcome.

For bonus points I guess we could define controller_prefix and controller_suffix as route params so that you can still use <controller> as a dynamic URL parameter but be able to for eg call your class \My\Application\Controller\WelcomeController or whatever suits you. I tend to end up with a route per controller anyway, so it doesn't much matter to me.

I don't see that adding any BC issues except for the rare possibility that someone is using namespace as an actual request parameter name. In that case they'd get a 404 from those URLs on first upgrade because their namespace parameter is unlikely to map to an existing class.

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024

@acoulton looks good to me. I will see if I can make time this weekend. This should be able to go into 3.4

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

@rjd22 great, thanks :)

from core.

rakucmr avatar rakucmr commented on September 18, 2024

@rjd22 Maybe this can help you

from core.

loonies avatar loonies commented on September 18, 2024

Why don't we just drop namespace part in the route definition? Define
a route and map it to a FQCN and action. This way you can use arbitrary
class as a controller. The only requirement would be that a class
extends base controller class where request/response are injected.

from core.

rjd22 avatar rjd22 commented on September 18, 2024

@loonies for the sake of discussion can you give some code examples?

from core.

acoulton avatar acoulton commented on September 18, 2024

@rjd22 I presume @loonies means just:

\\ Maps to \My\Application\Controller\Welcome::action_index()
Route::set('welcome', '(welcome(/<action>(/<id>)))')
                     'controller' => '\My\Application\Controller\Welcome',
                     'action'     => 'index',                      

Issue with that is it would require a separate route for each controller, since you probably don't want an FQCN in your URLS. I mostly do that anyway, but I think a lot of users don't and it wouldn't be BC with existing routes.

A halfway house might be to say eg:

if (substr($params['controller'], 0, 1) === '\\')
  $controller = $params['controller'];
elseif ($params['namespace'])
  $controller = $params['namespace'].'\\'.$params['controller']; // could apply optional prefix/suffix here
elseif ($params['directory'])
  $controller = $params['directory'].'_Controller_'.$params['controller'];
  $controller = 'Controller_'.$params['controller'];

Which would be fully BC, but would support new code providing either FQCN or namespace + class name.

from core.

loonies avatar loonies commented on September 18, 2024

Yes, that's what I meant.

@acoulton: Good point with using controller as a param issue.

At least I would like that we drop the "Controller_" prefix or have the
ability to use arbitrary class name as a controller.

from core.

localheinz avatar localheinz commented on September 18, 2024

This thread is tl;dr, so:

It's 2015, there are a lot of people using PHP5.5 and even PHP5.6 in production already. Not moving on and leveraging features of the PHP version required in composer.json will eventually mean to be left behind by the community, which may or may not move on to more up-to-date frameworks.

So, totally 👍 for using actual instead of pseudo-namespaces.

from core.

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