Kyle Hall's Projects
A repository for all the cool things I'm learning about node
You're a baby dragon, so go explore!
JS implementation of
Repo for the code I'm writing while learning angular, mostly from ng-book
Single file components in Angular
My foray into cross-platform mobile dev with React-Native
Algorithms in Javscript, including Q Learning in js.
Set up a modern web app by running one command.
Quick proof-of-concept on working with Eleventy to create a blog
Elixir learning exercises
Blizzards of the Coast Role Playing Game Kata
A web app that will help you discover the most amazing thing to spend your leisure time on.
my first phaser game
Example repo from my blog post:
stupid simple Kotlin + Gradle project
The Fullstack Tutorial for GraphQL
My personal site
Setting up React without create-react-app