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This project forked from haxefoundation/code-cookbook

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The Haxe Code Cookbook

Home Page:

CSS 24.16% Shell 3.52% Haxe 63.65% JavaScript 8.67%

code-cookbook's Introduction

Haxe Code Cookbook

Build Status

Sources for the Haxe Code Cookbook site, a community driven resource website for learning Haxe in practise.

The repository contains a static website generator, which converts markdown articles into a website. The project is being developed here on GitHub, feel free to contribute Haxe related code snippets and tutorials.


Contributing articles

Please add/edit the articles (markdown files) in the assets folder and do a pull request.


It would be nice if you keep the formatting of the code in the same style as used already:

  • Braces on same line.
  • Two-space indentation.
  • No type-hints for local variables and function return unless it's instructive.
  • Type-hints for fields.
  • Type-hints for function arguments unless it's very obvious.
  • Judicious use of extra line-breaks to avoid ugly automatic breaks (check the output).
Other remarks
  • The first heading is used in the navigation. Keep this title short.
  • The first paragraph is used as description. Describe what the content of the article is about.
  • Tag the article using [tags]: / "tag1,tag2" (no spaces). Try to use an existing tag.
  • Mention the author / sources at the bottom of the page.
  • If you want to include a code snippet use [tryhaxe](
  • If you want to include a YouTube video use [youtube](
  • If possible, link to related pages in the Haxe Manual / API documentation.
  • If you want to use images or other includes, create a folder called assets in the same directory as the article and link to that.

This would be a typical template to use. Use ```haxe for syntax highlighting:

[tags]: / "class,array,json,building-fields"

# Title of the page

Description and explanation of the code.

## Implementation
class Main {
  // Code here

## Usage
class Test {
  // Code here

> More on this topic: 
> * [Class field in Haxe Manual](
> Author: [Name](

Running a local copy

To run the project you need Haxe.

Call build-site.bat to re-generate the output files.

Contributing to the generator

You need Haxe 3.2+ installed.

The static site generator source depends on hxtemplo and markdown. Install from haxelib:

haxelib install CodeCookBook.hxml

The CSS files are compressed using less. Install from npm:

npm install -g less
npm install -g less-plugin-clean-css

code-cookbook's People


adrianv avatar aliokan avatar andyli avatar back2dos avatar cambiata avatar confidantcommunications avatar dstrekelj avatar flashultra avatar gama11 avatar jcward avatar krilivye avatar lewislepton avatar markknol avatar mrcdk avatar nadako avatar pyx69 avatar simn avatar t1ml3arn avatar tomashubelbauer avatar x2f avatar xvw avatar



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