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Compose setup for Portainer

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portainer-compose's Introduction

Portainer compose setup

A simple setup to deploy Portainer with custom templates.

This setup also comes with watchtower to automatically upgrade Portainer version :)


  1. Install Docker.
  2. Install Docker-compose.
  3. Clone this repository


The default configuration will connect Portainer against the local Docker host, using an nginx container (port 80).

Run it:

$ docker-compose up -d

And then access Portainer by hitting http://localhost/portainer with a web browser.


How can I specify which Docker host I want to manage?

You'll need to pass the IP/hostname of your Docker host to the portainer binary.

Update the command field of the portainer service in the docker-compose.yml file:

  image: portainer/portainer
  container_name: "portainer-app"
  command: --templates http://templates/templates.json -d /data -H tcp://<DOCKER_HOST>:<DOCKER_PORT>
    - local

How can I specify my own templates?

Create the file templates/templates.json and insert your template definitions in it.

For more information about the template definition format, see:

Then, bind mount the file for the templates service in the docker-compose.yml file:

  image: portainer/templates
  container_name: "portainer-templates"
    - local
    - ./templates:/usr/share/nginx/html

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