This project aims to automate the setup of a scalable, self-hostable, full-stack QR code generation service within a rootless Docker environment, with a focus on security & ease of use. The project is written in TS (Express), TSX (Vite/React), Bash/Shell (Automation) and has several key layers. Each of which deserve their own companion documentation.
The idea was initially conceived when I found myself needing to generate a large number of QR codes for a project, and I was unable to find a suitable self-hostable solution, so I decided to build my own. I hope that others find it useful too.
Continuous improvements and bug fixes are expected. Contributions, issues & pull requests welcome.
A full write up and comprehensive documentation is underway here, but for now, here's a quick overview of the project.
Link to Live Demo - Sydney, Australia
If the demo server is is down for maintainence, it's probably worth checking back in a couple hours
QRGen supports the the QR Code generation in the following formats for both bulk and regular code generation
- Text
- URLs & links
- Events
- Phone
- Geolocation
- Wifi
- Zoom
- Digital Contact Cards
- Crypto Currencies
- Dark mode, responsive, and mobile-friendly design.
- Self-hostable QR code generation
- Supports custom domains and subdomains, custom ports, etc.
- Various formats and sizes, with multiple error correction levels.
- Highly automated & scalable.
- Self-signed SSL certificate generation.
- LetsEncrypt certificate automation for staging & production environments.
- Automated SSL certificate renewal via cron.
- Rootless & Dockerized.
- Security features such as CORS, rate limiting, OCSP stapling, HSTS, and more.
- NGINX proxy provides multi-service integrations.
- Provides QR Generation web APIs (POST /qr/generate) or (POST /qr/batch)
- A minimal dependency installer/uninstaller for apt packages, user setup, NVM setup (root)
- A rootless installer for docker, environment configurations, and user prompts.
- Automated deployment and generation of Compose config files, Dockerfiles, and dependencies.
- Certbot command generation and more.
- Modified Certbot fork in a Docker container for automatic certificate mergers between self-signed and Let's Encrypt certificates.
- Proxies queries between frontend/backend services.
- Adds security headers and handles TLS with strong cipher suites.
- Manages ACME challenge for Certbot.
- Simplifies container and volume management.
- Manages network configuration and port assignments.
Express Backend (TypeScript):
- Manages query validation mappings and security features (Helmet, CORS, rate limiting.)
- API for generating and batching QR data.
React Frontend (TSX/Vite):
- Utilizes React for its efficient state management and context API.
- Vite for bundling and testing integrations.
- on Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS, jammy, 5.15.0-87-generic SMP x86_64 GNU/Linux
- on Pop!_OS 22.04 LTS, jammy, 6.5.6-76060506-generic SMP x86_64 GNU/Linux
Run the dependency installation script
cd ~ && git clone && cd QRGen && chmod +x && sudo ./
# Select 1) Full Installation (All)
Enter into a new shell with the newly created user, run project installation script.
cd ~ && cd QRGen && machinectl shell docker-primary@ $HOME/QRGen/
# 1) Run Setup
With keys, without ssh root-login, run the dependency installation script
# Connect to your remote host
ssh -i .ssh/<yourkey> <generic-user>@<hostip>
# Download dependency installer
wget && chmod +x
# Elevate user
sudo su
# Run dependency installer
sudo ./
# Select 1) Full Installation (All)
# Exit root user, exit ssh session
exit && exit
Create fresh user ssh key, run the project installation script
# Setup fresh user key locally
ssh-copy-id -i ~/.ssh/<a-fresh-public-key> docker-primary@<hostip>
# Use your fresh key to remote in & install the project
ssh -t -i .ssh/<a-fresh-public-key> docker-primary@<hostip> "cd ~ && git clone && cd QRGen && /home/docker-primary/QRGen/"
# 1) Run Setup
For Lets-Encrypt Production Certificates & HTTPS Servers
Would you like to disable Docker build caching for this run? (yes/no):
Would you like to specify a domain name other than the default (http://localhost) (yes/no)?
Enter your domain name (e.g.,
Using custom domain name:
Would you like to specify a subdomain other than the default (none) (yes/no)?
Enter your subdomain name (e.g., www): void
Using custom subdomain:
1: Use Let's Encrypt SSL
2: Use self-signed SSL certificates
3: Do not enable SSL
Please enter your choice (1/2/3): 1
1: Run automatic staging setup for Let's Encrypt SSL (Recommended for testing)
2: Run automatic production setup for Let's Encrypt SSL (Recommended for production)
3: Run custom setup for Let's Encrypt SSL
Please enter your choice (1/2): 2
# Would you like to specify a domain name other than the default (http://localhost) (yes/no)?
# yes
# Enter your domain name (e.g.,
# Using custom domain name:
# Would you like to specify a subdomain other than the default (none) (yes/no)?
# yes
# Enter your subdomain name (e.g., www): void
# Using custom subdomain:
# Would you like to use Let's Encrypt SSL for (yes/no)?
# yes
# Would you like to run automatic staging setup for Let's Encrypt SSL (yes/no) (Recommended)?
# no
# Please enter your Let's Encrypt email or type 'skip' to skip: skip
# Would you like to use a production SSL certificate? (yes/no):
# yes
# Would you like to use a dry run? (yes/no):
# yes
# Would you like to force current certificate renewal? (yes/no):
# yes
# Would you like to automatically renew your SSL certificate? (yes/no):
# yes
# Would you like to enable HSTS? (yes/no):
# yes
# Would you like to enable OCSP Stapling? (yes/no):
# yes
# Would you like to enable Must Staple? (yes/no):
# no
# Would you like to enable Strict Permissions? (yes/no):
# no
# Would you like to enable UIR (Unique Identifier for Revocation)? (yes/no):
# yes
# Would you like to overwrite self-signed certificates? (yes/no):
# yes
- Additional client/server validation for QR code formats
- Add import mechanism for QR code generation (CSV, JSON, Excel, etc.)
- API Documentation
- Improved CI/CD pipeline
- Improved test coverage
- Additional deployment options (E.g. Kubernetes, etc.)
- Admin panel for tunable settings (E.g. SSL configuration, rate limiting, content persistence, content expiry, etc.)
- Database support (E.g. MongoDB, etc.) for hosted content persistence (E.g. QR code generation history, dynamic QR code generation & linking, etc.)
- Rewrite the installer in Python
- Colour QR codes, logos & other customizations
- Add additional QR code formats (E.g. Google Reviews, etc.)
qrgen's People
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