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=== AJAX Login and Registration modal popup PRO ===
Contributors: kaminskym
Tags: login, registration, register, modal, popup, ajax
Requires at least: 4.1
Tested up to: 5.0.2
Requires PHP: 5.5
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Easy to integrate modal with Login and Registration features.

== Description ==

Easy to integrate modal with Login and Registration features. Compatible with any theme.


1. Easy to integrate
2. Well customizable
3. 100% responsive
4. Beautiful coded
5. Compatible with other plugins
6. Tested with latest WP version
7. Developer support (via forums or personal via email for PRO users)

= PRO features =

* 6 months personal support from developer via Email
* Troubleshooting problems and conflicts with other plugins/themes (1 site)
* Unlimited plugin updates
* Compatibility with other popular plugins (list below)

**The PRO version extra features:**

1. Allow user set custom password (not random generated) during registration
2. Redirect user to specified page after login/registration/logout (for example User Profile)
3. User verification via click on the link in registration email
4. Email only registration - hide username filed from registration form
5. Customize buttons color in [WP Customizer](
6. [Request other feature >>](
**The PRO version is 100% tested and are compatible with a following plugins:**

1. **[Wordfence & Wordfence Login Security](** (2 factor login - [example](
2. **[WooCommerce](** (show modal when clicked "Add to cart" in list or single product or in Cart when click "Process to Checkout", option to replace WC account login/registration form to plugin ajax form)
3. [WooCommerce Sensei]( (fix for Login process)
4. **[WP reCaptcha Integration](**
5. **[Invisible reCaptcha](** - [tutorial](
6. **[BuddyPress](** ([replace default registration form with BuddyPress one >>](
7. **[UltimateMember](** ([replace default registration form with UltimateMember one >>](
8. [Captcha](
9. [Really Simple CAPTCHA](
10. [Captcha bank](
11. [WordPress Social Login]( (social login buttons below login/register form)
12. [Social Login WordPress Plugin โ€“ AccessPress]( (social login buttons below login/register form)
13. [WordPress Social Share, Social Login and Social Comments Plugin โ€“ Super Socializer]( (social login buttons below login/register form, social share, etc)
14. [Jetpack - SSO login]( [ login button >>](
15. [WC Vendors & WC Vendors Pro]( [Apply to become vendor checkbox >>](
16. [MailChimp for WordPress]( [Subscribe to newsletter checkbox >>](
17. [Google Authenticator]( [Google Authenticator field during the login](
17. [Gravity Forms + Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On]( [Replace with Gravity Forms registration form](
18. Easy Digital Downloads - soon
19. [Request other plugin >>](

== Changelog ==

= VER 2.09 - 23/06/2021 =

- PHP 8 fix

= VER 2.08 - 25/04/2021 =

- Added option to disable Password Strong Meter

= VER 2.07 - 13/03/2021 =

- Small tweaks

= VER 2.06 - 13/02/2021 =

- Free up to 2.20 with support for multi-language redirect for Weglot plugin

= VER 2.05 - 11/02/2021 =

- Fixes for the Ultimate Member plugin

= VER 2.04 - 02/02/2021 =

- Fixes for password reset

= VER 2.03 - 06/01/2021 =

- [MailChimp For Woocommerce]( plugin integration
- License option to use Alternative server

= VER 2.02 - 31/12/2020 =

- Small WP 5.6 tweaks

= VER 2.01 - 04/12/2020 =

- Added Gravity Forms supports: [DOCS](

= VER 2.00 - 27/10/2020 =

- Tweak: Do not remove the Buddypress messages if the BP Integration is disabled
- Free version up to 2.15
- Nice logout url /do-logout/

= VER 1.99 - 21/08/2020 =

- Bugfix: Google Authenticator 2FA & Wordfence 2FA tweak if the user enters invalid login
- Tweak: Added option to load ACF styles on the frontend (in case of using ACF to add the custom registration fields) to do not load always ACF styles on the frontend
- Removed wp_doing_ajax() to have wp 4.1 support

= VER 1.98 - 12/08/2020 =

- Bugfix: not possible to close modal since version 1.97

= VER 1.97 - 20/06/2020 =

- Messages from the  Expressions > PRO will appear also in the BuddyPress registration form
- Option to make modal un-closable with `jQuery(document).on('lrm/can_close_modal', function () { return false; });`

= VER 1.96 - 15/05/2020 =

- UP free version to 2.14 (Limit Login Attempts Reloaded fix, etc)

= VER 1.95 - 06/05/2020 =

- Load reCaptcha lib lazy to speed up page loading
- UP free version to 2.13 (wp-recall, hash param, etc)
- Fox for the "Confirm use of weak password" checkbox on the Password reset page

= VER 1.94 - 27/04/2020 =

- Added the Honeypot as additional login/register forms security method
- Extra debugging tweaks for License activation/checking

= VER 1.93 - 19/04/2020 =

- Fixed the reCaptcha checkbox (inline) issue
- Fixed the issue with the [Notification plugin](
- Fixed issue with the password reset

= VER 1.92 - 07/04/2020 =

- Integrated the Polylang plugin -
- Config files for the Loco Translate plugin
- Auto-trigger: possible to use float value like 0.01 to load modal faster than in 1 second

= VER 1.91 - 04/04/2020 =

- Fix for the ["Restrict Content Pro" plugin](

= VER 1.90 - 01/04/2020 =

- Integrated the ["Restrict Content Pro" plugin](
- "Loco translation" plugin integration

= VER 1.89 - 16/03/2020 =

- Fixes for the Email verification action

= VER 1.88 - 15/03/2020 =

- Wordfence 2FA integration -
- Restore the Wordfence "last login time" feature

= VER 1.87 - 16/02/2020 =

- Added {{FIRST_NAME}} and {{LAST_NAME}} to the Password reset email
- Free up to 2.10

= VER 1.86 - 16/02/2020 =

- Free up to 2.09

= VER 1.85 - 30/12/2019 =

- Do not Auto-trigger modal if it's already shown
- New After-Registration action "Email verification [PRO] + redirect to page below (send a verify link)"
- Fix for "Email verification [PRO] (send a verify link)" - if the user reset the password before activate an account, he's able to verify account anymore

= VER 1.84 - 13/12/2019 =

- Fix for re-opening modal with Auto-trigger, if the modal is already active

= VER 1.83 - 1/12/2019 =

- Options to hide the tabs in modal & full-width submit button style

= VER 1.82 - 27/11/2019 =

- Do not allow create an account with very weak password

= VER 1.81 - 14/11/2019 =

- Fixed issue with set password link for a new user & custom Reset password page url
- Fixed issue with the Ultimate Member plugin and creating the user from the admin

= VER 1.80 - 20/10/2019 =

- Fixed issue with nickname used and a display name in WooCommerce and Buddypress
- Compatibility with Simple History plugin
- After Login action "hide modal", to avoid the page reload

= VER 1.78 - 10/10/2019 =

- Bump free version to the 2.07

= VER 1.77 - 26/09/2019 =

- option to hide the registration form after the success registration

= VER 1.76 - 01/09/2019 =

- New fields icons (for custom fields): phone, map, location
- Styles tweaks for the custom fields in skins

= VER 1.75 - 01/09/2019 =

- Fully integrated plugin
- Added option "Password strength validation library" with 2 values: 'Wordpress (using zxcvbn.js lib)' & 'Light in-build checker'
- Match Captcha tweaks

= VER 1.73 - 04/08/2019 =

- Fully integrated plugin

= VER 1.72 - 28/07/2019 =

- Tweaks for cases where not possible to connect to the license server
- Added missing support for shortcode params "role" and "role_silent"

= VER 1.71 - 21/05/2019 =

- Added MatchCaptcha
- Added the Option to do not use WC reset page by default to fix the issues on some websites
- Fixed Ultimate Member in-modal registration redirect
- Fixed BuddyPress login/registration redirect to the BP profile
- Option to regenerate License Instance ID to fix the issues in case of copying the website.

= VER 1.70 - 21/05/2019 =

- Updated Free plugin to 2.05 (font icons, etc)
- Do no show "To short password" message if user do no start entering the password
- Added Invisible reCaptcha
- User role selection during the registration

= VER 1.64 - 07/04/2019 =

- Updated Free plugin to 2.04

= VER 1.62 - 07/04/2019 =

- Fixed a bug - API key was auto-reset after some time
- Updated Free plugin to 2.03

- - Fixed a bug during Registration that happens with disabled "Terms" box
- - Added "Debug" section to the "Advanced" tab to simplify debug AJAX errors
- - Redirect logged in user from the plugin Login/Register pages to the "redirect_to" GET param - useful if user is logged in on the another tab

- = VER 2.01 - 07/03/2019 =

- - "Hide Password" text replaced with Icon
- - Lazy load script "zxcvbn.min.js" with 800 kb size

= VER 1.60 - 17/03/2019 =

- Added new skin "Flat Two"
- Integrated License System

= VER 1.51 - 19/02/2019 =

- Fixed a bug in the plugin in-build reCaptcha - even if disable reCaptcha for some tabs it gives error "Wrong reCaptcha"
- Fixed missing registration Password filed "placeholder"

= VER 1.50 - 11/02/2019 =

- Option to pick a custom page to show after clicking the e-mail confirmation link
- Added new skin "Flat black"
- PRO version doesn't require a Free version installed

= VER 1.31 - 16/01/2019 =

- Small fix for the UltimateMember plugin
- Added plugin in-build reCaptcha

= VER 1.30 - 3/01/2019 =

- Fixed broken redirects after login/registration in version 1.28 nd 1.29

= VER 1.29 - 1/01/2019 =

- Fixed broken redirects after login/registration in version 1.28
- Added support for the "Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA) by BestWebSoft" reCAPTCHA plugin
- Fixed a bug with a Email Verification link, if the username contains spaces
- Fixed a bug with a missing captcha in the "Lost password" form

= VER 1.28 - 24/12/2018 =

- Auto-trigger modal (site-wide or per post/page) feature
- Integrated UltimateMember registration form (if UltimateMember is active - default registration form was replaced with the UltimateMember one)
- Option to replace WooCommerce account login/registration form with a plugin one

= VER 1.27 - 06/11/2018 =

- Small customizer fix

= VER 1.26 - 14/09/2018 =

- After click on "Add to cart" or "Processed to checkout", product will be added to cart or redirected to checkout (if reload page after login is disabled)
- ACF Pro compatibility fixes

= VER 1.23 - 14/09/2018 =

- Integrated with the [Invisible reCaptcha]( plugin- [tutorial](
- WP reCaptcha Integration integration fixed - not possible to login/signin if WP reCaptcha disabled for login or signin
- Added ability to add a custom text/shortcodes before and after login/registration forms

= VER 1.22 - 06/09/2018 =

- Ability to hide Username field in registration form
- Tested with WC Vendors plugin compatibility

= VER 1.21 - 03/09/2018 =

- Option to enable/disable BuddyPress registration form
- Added plugin logout link + silent logout

= VER 1.20 - 27/08/2018 =

- Integrated BuddyPress registration form (if BuddyPress is active - default registration form was replaced with BuddyPress one)

= VER 1.19 - 09/08/2018 =

- Added Custom JS editor to Customizer
- Auto-login after Email Verification

= VER 1.18 - 01/08/2018 =

- Email Verification tweaks (Pending role is missing)

= VER 1.17 - 19/07/2018 =

- Email Verification tweaks

= VER 1.16 - 18/06/2018 =

- Integrated Jetpack SSO login

= VER 1.15 - 10/06/2018 =

- Integrated WP Customizer (now possible customize buttons color)
- Added fix for Login process with WooCommerce Sense plugin active
- New WooCommerce option: Display modal when user is not logged and click "Proceed to checkout" on Cart page
- Rewrite User verification in PRO: after registration user get e-mail with verification link, after clicking - account become Verified and he can login.

= VER 1.13 - 04/05/2018 =

- Tweak: Ability to set redirect per link (with using class "lrm-redirect") - then after login/registration user will be redirected to a[href]

= VER 1.12 - 24/04/2018 =

- Bug: Woocommerce login/registration modal can't be disabled

= VER 1.11 - 23/04/2018 =

- Allow user set custom password (not random generated) during registration
- Redirect user to specified page after login/registration (for example User Profile)
- Notice, if Free version is not activated/installed

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