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android_local_manifest's Issues

Building not possible

I am trying to find documentation on how to build the Raspberry variant but my Google foo seems to be weak (also I am not familiar with the implicits of repo).
So far I tried various permutations of:

repo init -u -b lineage-16.0 -m manifest_brcm_rpi.xml

but failed.
Latest error is:

fatal: manifest 'manifest_brcm_rpi.xml' not available
fatal: no remote for project lineage-rpi/android_device_brcm_rpi3 within /lineage-rpi_android_local_manifest/.repo/manifests/manifest_brcm_rpi.xml

From the limited knowledge about repo that I have it is really a glorified wrapper around git.
So I would assume that I need to do trigger some magic switch of repo so it sets up remotes!?

using lineage-rpi's mesa and gbm_gralloc with AOSP source

as the title suggest, I'd like to use lineage-rpi's mesa and gbm_gralloc for building android-rpi as the android-rpi's mesa and gbm_gralloc is unmaintained for months. I'm inexperienced with how android works so do i need to use lineage-rpi's minigbm and libdrm as well? target is to build AOSP tablet with android-12.0.0_r2 or android-s-v2-preview-1 source

feel free to close, but I hope anyone can give a bit of insight before that

Lineageos 20 build for rpi 4 and opengl es 3.2

How to enable opengl es 3.2 ?

According to the docs it is capable.
“ The GPU bundled with Raspberry Pi 4 is a VideoCore VI capable of OpenGL ES 3.2, a significant step above the VideoCore IV present in Raspberry Pi 3 which could only do OpenGL ES 2.0.”

manifest_brcm_rpi.xml of LineageOS19.1 for RPI4

[Question1] Could you kindly provide the manifest_brcm_rpi.xml of building LineageOS19.1 for RPI4? Thanks.
[Question2] I've used current file to build LineageOS17.1 for RPI4 successfully. But after booted up from SD card, the screen shows back and forth between a colored square and a black screen. Do you have any advise on the situation? Thanks.

64bit rpi4 Targets

Are arm64 Raspberry Pi 4 targets supported?

I tried to change the "" but I had no luck

Unable to build /e/ for RPi4

Hi, I tried building /e/ 10 (based on Lineage 17.1) for the Raspberry Pi 4. I added the manifest to the local_manifests directory and ran repo sync. I then ran brunch and most of the rules were built successfully. However the last rule, build bacon failed (was unable to create a hard link from the built file to the current directory). The built ZIP file was missing from out/target/product/rpi4.

Hi,when I compile this code ,it has problem

build/make/core/ error: Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_rpi3".
21:20:36 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1
Device rpi3 not found. Attempting to retrieve device repository from LineageOS Github (
Repository for rpi3 not found in the LineageOS Github repository list. If this is in error, you may need to manually add it to your local_manifests/roomservice.xml.
build/make/core/ error: Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_rpi3".
21:20:39 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1
build/make/core/ error: Can not locate config makefile for product "lineage_rpi3".
21:20:40 dumpvars failed with: exit status 1

** Don't have a product spec for: 'lineage_rpi3'
** Do you have the right repo manifest?

Opengl application always crash !!!

I/OpenGLRenderer: Initialized EGL, version 1.4
D/OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 1
W/OpenGLRenderer: Failed to choose config with EGL_SWAP_BEHAVIOR_PRESERVED, retrying without...
D/OpenGLRenderer: Swap behavior 0
E/AndroidRuntime: FATAL EXCEPTION: GLThread 370
Process: com.brush.opengldemo, PID: 10473
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No configs match configSpec
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$BaseConfigChooser.chooseConfig(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$EglHelper.start(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$GLThread.guardedRun(
at android.opengl.GLSurfaceView$

There's error about dev mapper when ./

I use Debian 9 and 18.04 and the error was similiar
ridon@download:~/ridon/system/device/brcm/rpi3$ sudo ./
[sudo] password for ridon:
Creating image file lineage-14.1-20180601-rpi3.img...
8192+0 records in
8192+0 records out
4294967296 bytes (4.3 GB, 4.0 GiB) copied, 4.82897 s, 889 MB/s
Creating partitions...
/dev/mapper/control: open failed: Operation not permitted
Failure to communicate with kernel device-mapper driver.
Check that device-mapper is available in the kernel.
Incompatible libdevmapper 1.02.137 (2016-11-30) and kernel driver (unknown version).
device mapper prerequisites not met

Welcome to fdisk (util-linux 2.29.2).
Changes will remain in memory only, until you decide to write them.
Be careful before using the write command.

fdisk: cannot open /dev/loop0: No such file or directory
/dev/mapper/control: open failed: Operation not permitted
Failure to communicate with kernel device-mapper driver.
Check that device-mapper is available in the kernel.
Incompatible libdevmapper 1.02.137 (2016-11-30) and kernel driver (unknown version).
device mapper prerequisites not met
/dev/mapper/control: open failed: Operation not permitted
Failure to communicate with kernel device-mapper driver.
Check that device-mapper is available in the kernel.
Incompatible libdevmapper 1.02.137 (2016-11-30) and kernel driver (unknown version).
device mapper prerequisites not met
mkfs.fat 4.1 (2017-01-24)
mkfs.fat: unable to open /dev/mapper/loop0p1: No such file or directory
mke2fs 1.43.4 (31-Jan-2017)
The file /dev/mapper/loop0p3 does not exist and no size was specified.
Copying system...
dd: error writing '/dev/mapper/loop0p2': No space left on device
1+0 records in
0+0 records out
503808 bytes (504 kB, 492 KiB) copied, 0.00143976 s, 350 MB/s
Copying boot...
mount: special device /dev/mapper/loop0p1 does not exist
umount: /dev/mapper/loop0p1: mountpoint not found
/dev/mapper/control: open failed: Operation not permitted
Failure to communicate with kernel device-mapper driver.
Check that device-mapper is available in the kernel.
Incompatible libdevmapper 1.02.137 (2016-11-30) and kernel driver (unknown version).
device mapper prerequisites not met
Done, created lineage-14.1-20180601-rpi3.img!
Any clue about this?

How to build 'LineageOS 19 (Android 12L) for Raspberry Pi 4 B'?

when I download manifest_brcm_rpi.xml by using:
curl --create-dirs -L -o .repo/local_manifests/manifest_brcm_rpi.xml -O -L

lunch lineage_rpi4-userdebug

"lineage_rpi4-userdebug" is not found.

Build fails at `javac` for `org.cyanogenmod.platform`

I tried to build the image from instructions in, but it fails at javac for org.cyanogenmod.platform. What am I missing?

Is there a way to freeze the versions of all repositories to reproduce your build?

Are there any patches that need to be applied?

There are a couple of warnings in the console output (see below). Is this OK? external/libdrm/libkms/ invalid GPU drivers: vc4?

Should the kernel be compiled by following the steps at "Build Kernel" from

$ make ramdisk systemimage
Running kati to generate
/srv/out/ is missing, regenerating...
Checking build tools versions...
build/core/ external/deqp/ libdeqp: Unused source files: \
external/libdrm/libkms/ invalid GPU drivers: vc4
build/core/ external/pdfium/third_party/ libpdfiumbigint: Unused source files: bigint/ bigint/ bigint/ bigint/
build/core/ Empty argument supplied to find-subdir-assets
find: '/srv/out/target/common/obj/SHARED_LIBRARIES/libwifi-hal-mock_intermediates': No such file or directory
build/core/ Empty argument supplied to find-subdir-assets
vendor/cm/build/tasks/ ***************************************************************
vendor/cm/build/tasks/ * Using prebuilt kernel binary instead of source              *
vendor/cm/build/tasks/ * THIS IS DEPRECATED, AND WILL BE DISCONTINUED                *
vendor/cm/build/tasks/ * Please configure your device to download the kernel         *
vendor/cm/build/tasks/ * source repository to kernel/brcm/rpi3
vendor/cm/build/tasks/ * See
vendor/cm/build/tasks/ * for more information                                        *
vendor/cm/build/tasks/ ***************************************************************
build/core/ warning: overriding commands for target `/srv/out/target/common/obj/APPS/Dialer_intermediates/src/src/org/codeaurora/presenceserv/'
build/core/ warning: ignoring old commands for target `/srv/out/target/common/obj/APPS/Dialer_intermediates/src/src/org/codeaurora/presenceserv/'
build/core/ warning: overriding commands for target `/srv/out/target/common/obj/APPS/Dialer_intermediates/src/src/org/codeaurora/presenceserv/'
build/core/ warning: ignoring old commands for target `/srv/out/target/common/obj/APPS/Dialer_intermediates/src/src/org/codeaurora/presenceserv/'
build/core/ warning: overriding commands for target `/srv/out/target/product/rpi3/root/res/images/charger/battery_fail.png'
build/core/ warning: ignoring old commands for target `/srv/out/target/product/rpi3/root/res/images/charger/battery_fail.png'
Starting build with ninja
[  6% 2350/33866] target Java: org.cyanogenmod.platform.sdk (/srv/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/org.cyanogenmod.platform.sdk_intermediates/classes)
FAILED: /bin/bash -c "(rm -f /srv/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/org.cyanogenmod.platform.sdk_intermediates/classes-full-debug.jar ) && (rm -rf /srv/out/target/common/obj/JAVA_LIBRARIES/org.cyanogenmod.platform.sdk_intermediates/classes ) &&
javac: file not found: /srv/out/target/common/obj/APPS/org.cyanogenmod.platform-res_intermediates/src/cyanogenmod/platform/
Usage: javac <options> <source files>
use -help for a list of possible options
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
build/core/ recipe for target 'ninja_wrapper' failed
make: *** [ninja_wrapper] Error 1

#### make failed to build some targets (09:11 (mm:ss)) ####

Wrong color format is used...


From your recent post:

Wrong color format is used in some games (You can workaround this by disabling hw overlays. Settings -> Device Preferences -> Developer options -> Disable HW overlays or add ‘hwc.drm.use_overlay_planes=0’ to /system/build.prop for more permanent solution. This will of course decrease performance slightly.)

It should be immediately fixed :). Please describe steps-to-reproduce

LineageOS 17.1 build for RPI4

Hi, I have unsuccessfully ​tried to build LineageOS 17.1 for RPI4.

I used the following commands:

repo init -u git:// -b lineage-17.1
curl --create-dirs -L -o .repo/local_manifests/manifest_brcm_rpi.xml -O -L
repo sync
. build/ 
lunch lineage_rpi4-userdebug
mka kernel ramdisk systemimage vendorimage

Unfortunately I've got this error:

frameworks/av/services/audiopolicy/managerdefault/AudioPolicyManager.cpp:4305:2: error: Audio policy no longer supports legacy .conf configuration format
#error Audio policy no longer supports legacy .conf configuration format

What am I doing wrong?

Issues with Lineage Android TV 19.1 on RPi 4 B

I just installed named OS from your website on my new RPi 4 B and faced an issue where I could not select any setting except network settings. I then searched for the sources and wanted to try to build it from scratch with updated lineage sources, but there are no sources. Lineage 20 ATV worked fine, but there are no google apps and my mouse is teribly laggy (probably not a ROM issue, so not gonna blame you on that). So I really appreciate your work and I can fully understand that it's frustrating and against open source terms to sell this, but it's also kind of against the open source terms to keep the source closed.
So you should either provide more up to date builds or make the sources public so others can contribute or at least update things.
And before saying I have no clue or whatever, check my kernel repositories all having clean history, own ports, features that were sometimes "stolen" by others, but that's the way of open source.

Issue in building.

I have used below command for repo
repo init -u git:// -b lineage-16.0 && curl --create-dirs -L -o .repo/local_manifests/manifest_brcm_rpi.xml -O -L && repo sync

For building :
source build/
lunch lineage_rpi4-userdebug
(After this I dont know its error or warning Trying dependencies-only mode on a non-existing device tree? )
make -j8

but I am getting below error:

ninja: no work to do.
ninja: no work to do.
No need to regenerate ninja file
No need to regenerate ninja file
ninja: error: 'prebuilts/lineage-sdk/api/9.txt', needed by '/home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/common/obj/PACKAGING/checkpublicapi-lineage-last-timestamp', missing and no known rule to make it
16:26:19 ninja failed with: exit status 1

and if mka systemimage

[ 99% 101/102] Target system fs image: /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img
FAILED: /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img
/bin/bash -c "(mkdir -p /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/ /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates && rm -rf /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "" >> /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "extfs_sparse_flag=-s" >> /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "squashfs_sparse_flag=-s" >> /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "selinux_fc=/home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/ETC/file_contexts.bin_intermediates/file_contexts.bin" >> /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (echo "skip_fsck=true" >> /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt ) && (PATH=$PATH build/make/tools/releasetools/ /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/system /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system_image_info.txt /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/system.img /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/system /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/obj/PACKAGING/systemimage_intermediates/generated_system_image_info.txt || ( mkdir -p /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/dist; cp /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/target/product/rpi4/installed-files.txt /home/skand/lineage-rpi/out/dist/installed-files-rescued.txt; exit 1 ) )"
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "build/make/tools/releasetools/", line 1075, in
File "build/make/tools/releasetools/", line 1064, in main
if not BuildImage(in_dir, image_properties, out_file, target_out):
File "build/make/tools/releasetools/", line 645, in BuildImage
prop_dict["image_size"] = prop_dict["partition_size"]
KeyError: 'partition_size'
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.
16:30:32 ninja failed with: exit status 1

Please let me know what I am doing wrong

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