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This project forked from josephrocca/opencharacters

1.0 1.0 0.0 7.54 MB

Simple little web interface for creating characters and chatting with them. It's basically a single HTML file - no server. Share characters using a link (character data is stored within the URL itself). All chat data is stored in your browser using IndexedDB. Currently supports OpenAI APIs and ~any Hugging Face model.

Home Page:

License: MIT License

JavaScript 1.23% HTML 98.75% Batchfile 0.01%

opencharacters's Introduction


Similar to CharacterAI, but open source, and with much deeper character customization.

Try it!

Discord Server


  • The whole web app is a single HTML file - no server (serve it locally if you want).
  • All your data is stored in your browser's local storage (again, there is no server).
  • Share characters with a link - all character data is embedded within the link.
  • Auto-summarization algorithm (for old messages) which extends effective character memory/context size massively.
  • Characters automatically compress messages into 'memories' and retrieve relevant memories based on context. Can handle as many memories as you need - tens of thousands or more.
  • Add lorebook(s) to your character, and add thread-specific lore with the /lore command.
  • Fully extensible with custom code. See examples here.
    • Give your character access to the internet
    • Create your own slash commands
    • Give your character a video avatar (custom code has its own iframe & can display arbitrary content)
    • Create a "game master" with a separate AI-powered process that tracks your abilities, inventory, etc.
    • Create your own memory structures (embedding, retrieval, etc.)
    • Give your character an internal thought process that runs alongside the chat
    • Give your character a voice via the browser's built-in TTS, or via an external API like ElevenLabs
    • Characters can edit their own personality and custom code - self-improving and change over time
    • Allow your character to execute Python or JavaScript code.
  • Currently supports OpenAI APIs and most Hugging Face models.
  • Easily import character files and conversation data most other formats.
  • Send new feature ideas or bug reports here or on our Discord server.


Please see the #announcements channel on the Discord server for latest updates.

opencharacters's People


joseph-holland avatar josephrocca avatar lolmeup avatar





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