Shaderforth is a horrendously ugly experiment in making GLSL shaders using a Forth- and APL-inspired language.
The structure of Shaderforth files is a top-level main
word, one or more globals
words, any number of normal words, and macro words.
Here's a simple GLSL fragment shader:
uniform vec3 iResolution;
uniform float iGlobalTime;
void main() {
vec2 pos = (gl_FragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy - 0.5) * 2.0;
float temp = abs(sin(length(pos) * cos(iGlobalTime)));
gl_FragColor = vec4(temp, temp, temp, 1.0);
And here's one terse ShaderForth equivalent:
@vec3 uniform =iResolution
@float uniform =iGlobalTime
gl_FragCoord .xy iResolution .xy / 0.5 - 2.0 *
length iGlobalTime cos * sin abs
dup dup 1.0 vec4 =gl_FragColor
Which compiles to:
uniform vec3 iResolution;
uniform float iGlobalTime;
void main() {
float var_0 = abs(sin((length(((((gl_FragCoord).xy) / ((iResolution).xy)) - (0.5)) * (2.0))) * (cos(iGlobalTime))));
gl_FragColor = vec4(var_0, var_0, var_0, 1.0);
And another:
@vec3 uniform =iResolution
@float uniform =iGlobalTime
gl_FragCoord .xy iResolution .xy / 0.5 - 2.0 * length =distance
distance iGlobalTime cos * sin abs =>color
color color color 1.0 vec4 =gl_FragColor
Which compiles to:
uniform vec3 iResolution;
uniform float iGlobalTime;
void main() {
float distance = length(((((gl_FragCoord).xy) / ((iResolution).xy)) - (0.5)) * (2.0));
gl_FragColor = vec4(abs(sin((distance) * (cos(iGlobalTime)))), abs(sin((distance) * (cos(iGlobalTime)))), abs(sin((distance) * (cos(iGlobalTime)))), 1.0);
- GLSL functions are all there as words (This isn't complete, but it's pretty straightforward to see how they are added)
-- Assigns to a GLSL variable namedname
-- Creates a local macro variable, whose value will be embedded literally wherever it's used: name ( argtype argtype argtype -> returntype ) atom atom atom ;
-- Defines a word that will be created as a GLSL function- This can optionally take argument names,
, which will become macro locals.
- This can optionally take argument names,
:m name atom atom atom ;
-- Defines a macro word whose contents will be inlined upon use- This can optionally take argument names, which will become macro locals.
:m name ( arg1 arg2 ) atom atom atom ;
- This can optionally take argument names, which will become macro locals.
( )
-- Everything between parentheses (make sure you include spaces around them -- these are both words) will be ignored as a comment, with the exception of type specifiers on words[ atom atom atom ]
-- Defines an array[ atom atom atom ]v
-- Defines a vector. Equivalent to the same array followed byavec
-- For each element of the array at the top of the stack, map againstword
-- this can take a macro word\word
-- Performs a reduce operation withword
against the array at the top of the stack -- this can take a macro wordflatten
-- Given an array at the top of the stack, this will turn the elements into native stack elementsavec
-- Takes an array from the top of the stack and generates a vector of the requisite sizedup
-- Duplicates the element at the top of the stackswap
-- Swaps the top two elements of the stack- Binary math operators -- They're used as expected
- Unary math operator
-- Flips the sign on the topmost element &word
-- Pushes a word reference to the stackcall
-- Executes a word reference*name
-- Equivalent toname call
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