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ctr-studio's Introduction


An editor for 3DS formats including BCH and BCRES.



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Net6.0 runtime to run

C++ resdist x64

Features (BCRES/BCH)

  • Export/replacing for models with full rig support, custom bones, vertex colors and uv layers.
  • Supports editing material animations in tool and converting skeletal to maya .anim and back.
  • Supports .div generating for mk7 during a model import.
  • Fully editable and configurable materials with export/replace/copy/paste options.
  • Configurable vis data used for toggling mesh data along with custom mesh sorting and layer configuring.
  • LUT export/replacing as images.
  • Texture export/replacing with full encoding options and mipmap support.


  • Editing and viewing light sets.

ctr-studio's People


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ctr-studio's Issues

[request] allow saving and loading animations as fbx

i would like to mod animations but i am not rich enough to own maya, but have nine years experience in the free open source blender program. there are no converters for this anim format that i can find. i have tried to write an entire json importer for blender but i could not get the rotation to import correctly. thanks and sorry if i am being a pest

Invisible model when importing/ replacing

I'm not sure why but whenever i try to import an model into ctr studio it would just become invisible, it is not the model being wrongly exported since i have re imported it on other programs and it does show up

Certain images disappearing from .szs file

hi, ive encountered an issue thats a bit odd

i launched mk7 in citra, then dumped its romfs tree to get the race.szs file

this file includes multiple .bclim images of which most are there correctly

however the bclim files for the drivers icon on the bottom screen on the left during a grand prix race are simply missing.

when i save the .szs file those icons are simply gone, upon playing a race they dont show up as expected

im not sure why this is but maybe something can be done about it

im using ctr studio on linux

CTR Studio crashing on startup due to System.AccessViolationException in virtual machine

I've been trying to get CTR Studio to run on Linux but after some failed attempts I tried my Windows virtual machine. When running the latest .exe the program loads a little then crashes. No error output is given when trying to run it with CMD. NET 6.0 is installed, as well as the C++ redistributable.


I tried to compile using Visual Studio after this, and here the error revealed itself to be a System.AccessViolationException in MapStudio.U.Util.
Here's the call stack:

MapStudioUI.dll!MapStudio.UI.Util.CreateVertexArray(string Name, out int VAO) Line 81 C#
MapStudioUI.dll!MapStudio.UI.ImGuiController.CreateDeviceResources() Line 163 C#
MapStudioUI.dll!MapStudio.UI.ImGuiController.ImGuiController(int width, int height) Line 111 C#
MapStudioUI.dll!UIFramework.Framework.OnLoad(System.EventArgs e) Line 76 C#
[External Code]
CTR Studio.dll!CTRStudio.Program.Main(string[] args) Line 53 C#

The VM has 13GB of RAM, enough disk space and 8 cores, so that shouldn't be the problem.

The program not start

The program when I try to open it the CMD comes out for a few seconds and then disappears and CTR Studio does not start. Could you explain the problem to me? Because I have CTGP-7 and I would like to create new characters but with this problem I can't. A thousand thanks

Application crashing at start?

Hey there. I just wanted to let you know that the latest build of this project I was really looking forward to use crashes at start. Is there any way to fix this bug?

Dae importing/exporting is buggy

Exporting a model (Pokemon X) as DAE from CTRStudio and then opening it in blender works, issue is once you re export from blender (as DAE again) the model looks weird, even if you didnt make changes (pic for reference, no changes)

Opening .bcmdl for custom track results in crash

The .bcmdl I am trying to open in CTR-Studio is for a MarioKart 7 custom track and it has no issues opening in Every File Explorer and running on 3DS hardware. However trying to open the file in CTR-Studio to modify textures and animations results in a crash:

Link to my BCMDL

Crash Log:
Value must be non-negative and less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue. (Parameter 'dstOffset')
at System.Buffer.BlockCopy(Array src, Int32 srcOffset, Array dst, Int32 dstOffset, Int32 count)
at SPICA.PICA.Converters.TextureCompression.ETC1Decompress(Byte[] Input, Int32 Width, Int32 Height, Boolean Alpha) in C:\Users\Nathan\source\repos\SPICA\SPICA\PICA\Converters\TextureCompression.cs:line 44
at SPICA.PICA.Converters.TextureConverter.DecodeBuffer(Byte[] Input, Int32 Width, Int32 Height, PICATextureFormat Format) in C:\Users\Nathan\source\repos\SPICA\SPICA\PICA\Converters\TextureConverter.cs:line 32
at SPICA.Formats.CtrH3D.Texture.H3DTexture.ToMipRGBA(Int32 level, Int32 Face) in C:\Users\Nathan\source\repos\SPICA\SPICA\Formats\CtrH3D\Texture\H3DTexture.cs:line 135
at SPICA.Rendering.Texture..ctor(H3DTexture Texture) in C:\Users\Nathan\source\repos\SPICA\SPICA.Rendering\Texture.cs:line 66
at SPICA.Rendering.Renderer.Merge(H3DDict`1 Textures) in C:\Users\Nathan\source\repos\SPICA\SPICA.Rendering\Renderer.cs:line 152
at SPICA.Rendering.Renderer.Merge(H3D Scene) in C:\Users\Nathan\source\repos\SPICA\SPICA.Rendering\Renderer.cs:line 104
at CtrLibrary.Rendering.H3DRender.Load(H3D h3d)
at CtrLibrary.Rendering.H3DRender..ctor(H3D h3d, NodeBase parent)
at CtrLibrary.Bcres.BCRES.Load(Gfx gfx)
at CtrLibrary.Bcres.BCRES.Load(Stream stream)
at Toolbox.Core.IO.STFileLoader.SetFileFormat(IFileFormat fileFormat, String FileName, Stream stream, Settings settings)
at Toolbox.Core.IO.STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(Stream stream, String FileName, Settings settings)
at Toolbox.Core.IO.STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(String FileName, Settings settings)
at MapStudio.UI.Workspace.LoadFileFormat(String filePath, Boolean isProject)
at CTRStudio.MainWindow.LoadFileFormat(String filePath)
at CTRStudio.MainWindow.OpenFileWithDialog()
at UIFramework.MenuItem.Execute()
at MapStudio.UI.ImGuiHelper.<>c__DisplayClass11_0.b__0()
at UIFramework.Framework.OnRenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run()
at CTRStudio.Program.Main(String[] args)

Support for copying/pasting material User Data block?

Hey there, sorry to bother but I wanted to request a feature for the tool.
I've been using CTR Studio for model edits in PersonaQ2, but the models themselves require a number of user properties to be applied to the material for it to work properly. Individually adding each one can be kind of a hassle so I wanted to ask if it would be possible to add support for copying the user data from other materials or at least saving the user data as part of a material preset.


Issues with being unable to open CTRStudio

Hello!! I was hoping to find some insight on why CTRStudio won't run for me. I figured the best way to find out is by making an account and asking myself. I've posted the crashlog text so you could maybe understand why this keeps happening!

[Aikatsu] Animations wont export to .anim (Unsupported primitive type! Vector3D)

sample file


Unhandled exception. System.Exception: Unsupported primitive type! Vector3D
at CtrLibrary.BchSkelAnimationImporter.Export(H3DAnimation gfxAnimation, H3DModel model, String filePath) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\BchSkelAnimationImporter.cs:line 61
at CtrLibrary.Bch.BCH.AnimationNode1.Export(String filePath) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\BCH.cs:line 602 at CtrLibrary.Bch.BCH.NodeSection1.ExportDialog() in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\BCH.cs:line 857
at Toolbox.Core.ViewModels.CommandViewModel.Execute(Object o) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Toolbox.Core\src\ViewModels\CommandViewModel.cs:line 17
at MapStudio.UI.ImGuiHelper.<>c__DisplayClass7_0.b__0() in C:\projects\ctr-studio\MapStudio.UI\src\Imgui\Helpers\ImGuiHelper.cs:line 119
at UIFramework.Framework.OnRenderFrame(FrameEventArgs e) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\MapStudio.UI\src\UIFramework\Framework.cs:line 84
at OpenTK.GameWindow.RaiseRenderFrame(Double elapsed, Double& timestamp)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.DispatchRenderFrame()
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run(Double updates_per_second, Double frames_per_second)
at OpenTK.GameWindow.Run()
at CTRStudio.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\CTR Studio\src\Program.cs:line 53

albw silhouette models

making this as an issue for posterity

replacing a link between worlds silhouette (_sl) models results in a crash no matter what settings are used

Allow saving bcres file as bch (and vice-versa)

SPICA is able to open a bcres file and save as a bch file, but only up to v33, so trying to import the SPICA-saved bch file into CTR-Studio, changing the version to the correct version (v34-v35, in this case), saving, and importing into the game, it's unable to display the file. It seems SPICA is somehow not save the file correctly.

An alternative without SPICA is exporting the bcres model as dae and then importing into a new bch file, which works, but then features such as layering and others would need to be fixed manually to match the original bcres file, which is a tedious process. Animations are not imported as well.

Because of all that, I would like to see a feature where after opening a bcres, it can be saved as a bch file for the games which only support them (and vice-versa).

plugins and 3dsmax

  1. Where can I find plugins, how do I install them, and what are they for?
    2.When I export the model and import it directly into 3ds Max, it loses some of its skin and the size becomes a mess. Is there a tutorial on how to do it correctly?
    I think CTR is excellent, congratulations.

normal maps are inverted from what they should be

not sure why but either resaving a model with normal maps or adding a normal map
havent tested this much but im positive my normal maps are the same spec as albws but still results in inverted bumps
(eg a bump outwards turns into a bump inwards or vice versa)

Exported bch files freeze on 3ds (ORAS)

I've been trying to import an edited battle model into a/1/3/3/dec_25, however something in the way CTR studio exports causes freezing on console. I opened an unedited file, which normally works on 3ds, exported it to bch using CTR studio, and imported it back onto 3ds and the game freezes when trying to load it. I don't know if this is a general issue or related specifically to that garc, as i haven't tested any other garc files.

Edit: should add, exported files work perfectly with emulators like citra, the issue only occurs on 3ds

[Bug?] Cant open anything in linux

hi, ive compiled ctr succesfully on artix linux with dotnet, first cloning the repo with submodules, then running dotnet build --runtime linux-x64 --self-contained inside the "CTR Studio" folder.

the program runs fine, all windows appear

yet i cant seem to open any file

the file picker certainly starts up and i can select files just fine but upon clicking "OK", nothing happens, no matter if its a .bcmdl, .bclim, .szs or .sarc

mesh precision inaccuracies?

seems any imported meshs for bch has very slightly off verts compared to the original mesh AND the generated dae
resulting in very fine lines between meshes that have have exact same vert coordinates
this test was with link.bch. left is the reimported mode, right is original

i exported and reimported the mesh and now the verts that make up the mouth (or head?) mesh edges are off just enough to cause
seam problems ingame
edit: sorry not a very good picture
but those three black pixels is a seam where the head object meets the mouth object
ingame that looks like occasional black pixels on the mesh depending on view angle
and its REALLY noticeable at the native 3ds resolution

Support for earlier versions of the BCH formats

Hi! While attempting to document every model used in Rhythm Thief and the Emperor's Treasure, I came across some files that were unable to be opened. These files do not open in SPICA, Ohana 3DS, or Ohana Rebirth. I was wondering if support would be able to be added. I've attached a link to all the files. The file types in the ZIP are: BCMDL, BCSKLA, BCCAM, BCENV, BCMATA, BCLGT, CRES.

Unable to import .DAE / .FBX using 3DS Max

Upon importing either filetype into the program, nothing will happen and the model I try to replace remains.

I'm using 3DS Max to export the .dae, using FBX Export 2012.2.

Pokemon Omega Ruby: Issues with Exporting and Importing Greninja's model


  1. Greninja model's colors become more lit and less saturated when exported as DAE and re-imported (whether directly or indirectly), unsure if this is an issue with Materials
  2. If the model is passed through Blender, the Head will detach from the rig and float in the air, and some of the body will be distorted

In-game Picture to demonstrate
more pictures
even more pictures

How to reproduce both issues at the same time:

  1. Extract Greninja's model from Omega Ruby (a/0/0/8/7131/pm0725_00.bch)
  2. Open in CTR Studio, export the model as .dae
  3. Open the .dae in Blender 3.3 and export as .dae
  4. While back in CTR Studio, replace the model with the .dae file exported from Blender
  5. Save the BCH and repack
  6. Use the repacked GARC container as a LayeredFS mod in Citra

Extremely high memory usage to file size ratio

When loading ~170mb worth of files, CTR Studio eats around 20gb of memory on my system and then crashes due to running out. This does not sound like the best case as thats at least 200x the memory footprint

Issues with importing certain .dae models

After creating a new .bch file, and right-clicking the Models directory and then clicking Import to import one of the below models, the following errors occur.

Object reference not set to an instance of an object. 
   at IONET.Collada.ColladaImporter.LoadGeometryControllerFromID(Node n, String id)
   at IONET.Collada.ColladaImporter.LoadNodes(Node n, IOBone parent, Matrix4x4 parentMatrix, IOModel model, List1 skeletonIds)
   at IONET.Collada.ColladaImporter.GetScene(String filePath)
   at IONET.IOManager.LoadScene(String filePath, ImportSettings settings)
   at CtrLibrary.Bch.BchModelImporter.Import(String filePath, BCH bchWrapper, H3DModel parent, CtrImportSettings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\BchModelImporter.cs:line 27
   at CtrLibrary.Bch.CMDL1.ImportFile(String filePath, CtrImportSettings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\ModelWrapper.cs:line 381
   at CtrLibrary.Bch.ModelFolder1.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<Import>b__1(Boolean o) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\ModelWrapper.cs:line 124

There is an error in XML document (2, 2). 
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(XmlReader xmlReader, String encodingStyle, XmlDeserializationEvents events)
   at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.Deserialize(TextReader textReader)
   at IONET.Collada.Collada.LoadFromFile(String fileName)
   at IONET.Collada.ColladaImporter.GetScene(String filePath)
   at IONET.IOManager.LoadScene(String filePath, ImportSettings settings)
   at CtrLibrary.Bch.BchModelImporter.Import(String filePath, BCH bchWrapper, H3DModel parent, CtrImportSettings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\BchModelImporter.cs:line 27
   at CtrLibrary.Bch.CMDL1.ImportFile(String filePath, CtrImportSettings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\ModelWrapper.cs:line 381
   at CtrLibrary.Bch.ModelFolder1.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<Import>b__1(Boolean o) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\ModelWrapper.cs:line 124

Index was outside the bounds of the array. 
   at IONET.Collada.ColladaImporter.LoadGeometryFromID(Node n, String id, List1 vertexEnvelopes)
   at IONET.Collada.ColladaImporter.LoadNodes(Node n, IOBone parent, Matrix4x4 parentMatrix, IOModel model, List1 skeletonIds)
   at IONET.Collada.ColladaImporter.GetScene(String filePath)
   at IONET.IOManager.LoadScene(String filePath, ImportSettings settings)
   at CtrLibrary.Bch.BchModelImporter.Import(String filePath, BCH bchWrapper, H3DModel parent, CtrImportSettings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\BchModelImporter.cs:line 27
   at CtrLibrary.Bch.CMDL1.ImportFile(String filePath, CtrImportSettings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\ModelWrapper.cs:line 381
   at CtrLibrary.Bch.ModelFolder1.<>c__DisplayClass10_0.<Import>b__1(Boolean o) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\ModelWrapper.cs:line 124

.FBX Model Import Crash

When trying to import an FBX model, the program freezes for a bit and then crashes, I hope this will be fixed, because more people seem to have this issue as well.

Dead or Alive Dimensions - Importing Issues

I don`t know if this is normal but when im trying to edit a character model it looks great in CTR Studio


But when loading the game, the model has some materials with gargabe textures that i dont know how to fix

DEAD OR ALIVE Dimensions_11 04 24_20 20 54 393

And also i attached some stage model files that im having problems in opening them:
Stages that don't

linux support

hi! this is a very cool program and certainly very useful, basically replaces all prior needed programs.

sadly, i wish i could say the same thing about the program on linux, since it doesnt properly function there. on windows of course its fine, as its designed for that.

here is some screenshots and text from someone with a similar experience:

I have a similar issue with CTR Studio like I do in EveryFileExplorer; some plugins just don't load under Linux but I don't get an error in the console
Tried to build it myself but it errors on C# scripts it has automatically generated, wtf (even when trying to build from a release commit)

i dont know how difficult it is since idk how to code but adding linux/wine support would be very very appreciated, thanks!

lut bugs on bch / external loaded luts?

unsure what the actual cause or problem is but with albws models atleast
studio will not load luts from a separate .szs
albws luts are in /US/RegionBoot.szs/World/LUT/common_lut.bch
load that archive and open the .bch
then load a model from the archives in /Archive
in all my tests the model still renders with the stock lut

BCH Files: Just saving the file renders it unusable in-game

The file in question:

I've been trying to change textures on a BCH file with textures and models. However I've noticed that, whether I'm replacing any textures or even just saving it without any changes, the filesize goes up a KB, and suddenly the game does not load anything from the file. It might just be a flaw in the game (I'm trying to mod The Denpa men 3, EU version) but I think it's noteworthy to bring up the increase in filesize.

Improper weighting of models upon importing to BCMDL

Hello, there is a specific issue I am having with importing models to Mario Kart 7.

Within Blender, everything is fine. But with the import within CTR Studio, it seems that it weights every piece of geometry to one bone, but only on certain bones (e.g. the spine bone has the whole model weighted when it is not supposed to.) Other bones are unaffected; it seems to be happening with only one bone.

Image shown below for clarification on the issue.


BCH doesnt open

For some reason, trying to open a .bch model makes the toolbar dissapear with no further feedback from the program. It is no crashing, it just doesnt renders anything.

If needed, I can link the BCH used. It comes from Pokemon ORAS

Importing does not assign all material textures


When importing (dae in this case) the object does not have all textures assigned. If this is intentional, then this is a feature request as it is extreamly tedious to assign 20+ materials multiple times.

unable to import a .dae , 'SPICA.PICA.Converters.PICAVertex' was not present in the dictionary.

Hi there,

let me preface by saying I'm a complete n00b in 3d.

I made a model that works using the old version of spica and I can import in game with no problem but I wanted to use CRT studio to possibly learn to do it with better tools.

I made the following .DAE file using maya and when I try to "replace" the model in the bch file, I get the following error message.

The given key 'SPICA.PICA.Converters.PICAVertex' was not present in the dictionary. at CtrLibrary.Bch.BchModelImporter.<GenerateSubMeshes>g__UpdateVertex|5_2(Int32 ind, PICAVertex[]& vertices, <>c__DisplayClass5_0& , <>c__DisplayClass5_1& ) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\BchModelImporter.cs:line 479 at CtrLibrary.Bch.BchModelImporter.GenerateSubMeshes(H3DModel gfxModel, IOMesh mesh, IOPolygon poly, Int32 skinningCount, Int32 singleBindIndex, PICAVertex[]& vertices, Int32 max_bones) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\BchModelImporter.cs:line 499 at CtrLibrary.Bch.BchModelImporter.ConvertMesh(IOScene scene, IOMesh iomesh, H3DModel h3dModel, Matrix4x4[] skinningMatrices, CtrImportSettings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\BchModelImporter.cs:line 263 at CtrLibrary.Bch.BchModelImporter.Import(String filePath, BCH bchWrapper, H3DModel parent, CtrImportSettings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\BchModelImporter.cs:line 173 at CtrLibrary.Bch.CMDL.ImportFile(String filePath, CtrImportSettings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\ModelWrapper.cs:line 331 at CtrLibrary.Bch.CMDL.<>c__DisplayClass20_0.<Replace>b__1(Boolean o) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCH\ModelWrapper.cs:line 300

I was wondering if that was an error with the software since it mentions a missing dictionary.

thank you in advance for your help

BCRES : Type 5 animation element fails to load.

The NSMB2 koopaling .bcres files do not open, giving the message, "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream. Details copied to clipboard!"

Here is the "details": Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.
at System.IO.BinaryReader.InternalRead(Int32 numBytes)
at System.IO.BinaryReader.ReadSingle()
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.DeserializeT
at SPICA.Formats.CtrGfx.Animation.GfxFloatKeyFrameGroup.ReadGroup(BinaryDeserializer Deserializer, Boolean Constant)
at SPICA.Formats.CtrGfx.Animation.GfxAnimTransform.SPICA.Serialization.ICustomSerialization.Deserialize(BinaryDeserializer Deserializer)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadReference(Type Type, FieldInfo Info)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.DeserializeT
at SPICA.Formats.CtrGfx.GfxDictionary1.SPICA.Serialization.ICustomSerialization.Deserialize(BinaryDeserializer Deserializer)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadReference(Type Type, FieldInfo Info)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadReference(Type Type, FieldInfo Info)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.DeserializeT
at SPICA.Formats.CtrGfx.GfxDictionary1.SPICA.Serialization.ICustomSerialization.Deserialize(BinaryDeserializer Deserializer)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadReference(Type Type, FieldInfo Info)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadObject(Type ObjectType, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.ReadValue(Type Type, Boolean IsRef)
at SPICA.Serialization.BinaryDeserializer.DeserializeT
at SPICA.Formats.CtrGfx.Gfx.Open(Stream Input)
at CtrLibrary.Bcres.BCRES.Load(Stream stream) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Plugins\CtrLibrary\Files\BCRES\BCRES.cs:line 99
at Toolbox.Core.IO.STFileLoader.SetFileFormat(IFileFormat fileFormat, String FileName, Stream stream, Settings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Toolbox.Core\src\IO\STFileLoader.cs:line 169
at Toolbox.Core.IO.STFileLoader.OpenFileFormat(String FileName, Settings settings) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\Toolbox.Core\src\IO\STFileLoader.cs:line 85
at MapStudio.UI.Workspace.LoadFileFormat(String filePath, Boolean isProject) in C:\projects\ctr-studio\MapStudio.UI\src\Workspace\Workspace.cs:line 335

Here is the .bcres for Iggy, one of the files not opening:

Model importing is case-sensitive.

Attempting to import or replace a model with the file extension in uppercase results in the program ignoring the file, renaming it to be lowercase fixes it.

Can't load textures and export them with model.

Hi! I'm making mk7 mod for nintendogs in game, but when i insert model its not having textures in blender it has and after exporting in ctr studio and loading it in blender it also dont have textures! other models work pls help me

Having blank window on Linux


I compiled the app succesfully following requierements and using producing executable in CTR Studio/bin/Debug/net6.0/linux-x64/CTR Studio

However when I run it I don't get error but window is empty being white only, this is printed in the console :

Args : 
Loading imgui controller

In titlebar, OpenGL version is 3.1 and Mesa 21.2.6

I used latest version of the repo

I compiled the appp on Linux, Zorin OS (Ubuntu)

Thanks for your time

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