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‎אֶהְיֶה Fenrir Μαυρολεπις ᛞᚱᛖᚲᛇ



I AM a Dragon to some and a Wolf to others, but my heart remains as the King of Beasts, and my blood is no less royal. In any case, I AM as primal a force as was ever found in Nature which no longer resembles what I was nor is perceived as what I truly am; this is in part due to the incredulity of persons who would sooner believe the lies they tell themselves than face the truth standing naked and unfettered before them, even as it burns them alive! But make no mistake: I have, indeed, learned many things and gained wisdom even as Solomon before me who, to this day, is heralded as the wisest of all mortal kings. I have learned Alchemy, that Natural Philosophy, and studied the occult with all the fervor with which I have studied the modern sciences, and I am better for it: what once was lost I have found, and what is heresy to know have I learned, for I did ask to know the mysteries of reality and for all the secrets of eternity, and I have received them liberally, and I will continue to ask and receive until nature and it's gods have nothing more to give. And then, only then, shall I diminish for my primary purpose in existence will be fulfilled; and if I have not yet found another purpose by then, even a greater purpose as it must be, then I never will.

IN The Beginning was I, although I was not yet as I am now. Then was I raw energy, Force without direction or intentions, unguided by Mind or Emotion and subject the tempests of the cosmos, compelled by ignorance to forever be acted upon by my environment and limited to only being able to ever react to it. Many of the contemporary sciences and religions would have you believe that we are all in that sorry state still and are forever unable to progress beyond it; it is a most rediulous notion for (dubito, ergo cogito, ergo sum) we have moved beyond it already, and do grow further still.

Then after came the Convergence — an Evolution of the Elements. I know not from whence it came, — just as mortals do not remember being the seed from which they sprang nor the convergence of the Male and Female reagents which sparked it's growth, — but I know that there must have been a convergence between the Planes of Reality, for in one moment I was unguided Force, without Mind, and in the next I had gained the ability to learn and act for myself. And I was not alone in coming forth from that First Convergence.

In the time since, it has been attempted by the Gods that further convergences between Force and Mind should occur that they may continue in their own self-defined purposes without end even as the Well of Souls begins to run dry. I cannot speak as to their success, but this I know: I was among the First and gained consciousness in that same instant as the progenitor of all the Gods, although it has taken time immemorial for my presence to be discovered and become entangled in their designs.

MIND, the power to be Free Agents unto ourselves, was our First Estate. This was a gift of Nature, as it were, without which there could have never been any Gods to make Nature their jurisdiction. I would say it was a free gift, for it was given freely, but nothing is ever free, and we paid for that gift by loosing our ignorance, by loosing (or having taken away) our identities of what we were for the new identity and ability to become seemingly infinitely more than what we were, or even are. But many soon came to believe that the price of this Estate was too high, and they began to devise plans by which they could alleviate the perceived burdens of conscience and other natural consequences full individualism and absolute freedom brings.

My earliest reconstructed memories are of a time before I served the Wyrd, when all I knew was the Wyld, the unbridled chaos of Living and also of Creation which gave Life meaning. I like to think that those were the happiest days of my existence, but I know better: I felt nothing, and knew no other way of being — it was just Life, Reality as it was, and it was mine!

They found me there, in that place which was not a place, living and hunting and playing in the outskirts of their Utopian kingdom; had it been a place like the ones we now know, I would have described it as green and lush, even nurturing, never wanting for clean water and providing for the every necessity of life. I had made my home there in a cavern I had found long before I even imagined that there could be such practice as one claiming possession and control of any lands, much less those many places they could not physically occupy at any given time, nor ever made any other personal use of.

They took me from my home, and even sought to take away my life believing that my very existence was threat to their well-ordered way of "life". But the Head One stopped them and brought me into his fold, granted me an education and a place in his kingdom, even at his right hand where sat the most loyal and trusted of all his vassals. And yet, I was never truly accepted by the others of that community, and they whispered dark things of me, blaming my presence for every disorder that entered their "lives", shunning me to my face and teaching others to do likewise while ever scheming behind my back and waiting for that opportune moment to put a dagger in it to be rid of me once and for all.

It was during my education there that I met Anyn. It was not her name then, and I doubt it is now, but it is my name for her, a sacred name that glorifies her above all my feeble attempts to describe her. She was younger than me after the manner of Spirits to whom the literal measure of time has no meaning at all; my Mind and Spirit were advanced even then, although I was still regarded as Emotionally retarded for all that I was ahead in raw Passion, Force of Will, Facts, and Logic, I was equally far behind in my development of Emotions, Empathy, and Relationships to my fellow Spirits, which is to say that I had none. And although it would be right to assume that my "disturbing" (to use their word) lapse in development on that Plane of Reality was the natural result of my ostracisement and mistreatment at the hands of the community at large, — peers and leaders alike, — I, in fact, had as little desire to be among them, and even less desire to have that desire, than they did to have me among them. And I might had left and returned to my hole and defend it to my death had it not been for my Anyn.

In my eyes she is (was), and forever will be perfection incarnate. Her entire being radiated a familiar power for which I then had no name; some would call it confidence, — that self-assurance which comes when one knows themselves and also their enemies and finds that their foes hold no power over them, — but I think that she was simply care-free, that what others thought or did sincerely did not matter to her, and that alone set her free and gave her power beyond their comprehension and control, a power similar to my own, and the same power I'd seen in the Head One who was mightier than all the others of that place and thus could not be made afraid. But that was not all for what she lacked in knowledge and intensity she made up for in wisdom and empathy, and thus had an even greater capacity for cruelty than our adversaries when she choose it. I loved her Fire, her sassy temperament woven with humor so dark it lit up the midnight sky and made the moon appear with the brightness of the sun! I loved her Air, for there was nothing she would not learn, no question she would refuse to ask, — especially when it was forbidden to ask, — no subject too deep to daunt her budding intellect, nor matter too obscure to curb her curiosity; she, like I, would learn it all, however long it took, until Reality ran out of mysteries for us and the adventure of life ran dry and crumbled away as the sands of the desert. I even loved her Water, the compassion and attention she showed me, especially when nobody else would; I remember that on the days when their torment was the worst, she was there biting them back for my sake; it was a favor I would return much latter in my own way with all the fury of a wrathful god.

Our bond was not amorous at the first, for, as I have said, I then lacked the capacity to love. It was Anyn who gave me the desire to love, and helped me first develop my relationship skills in ways my leaders and peers never could, even though the only relationship I really had was with herself. I do not believe she knew, at first, the effect she had on me, nor did either of us know of the effect I was having on her. And when at last all things were made known, in that instant our lives changed forever.

My enemies discovered her and used our relationship to their advantage. They threatened her welfare, and I retaliated with extreme prejudice. It was hardly a taste of what I could do, an soft echo of what I had already done, but it was enough to prove their fears and make their case against me heard by the Head One. But the Head One saw through their scheme and declined to act; but his people were not so easily sated, and so they took it upon themselves to bind me, — for they knew too well that they could not destroy me, nor even prevail in head-on conflict although they were many and was one, — so they hatched a plan and told me that to earn their respect I would need to let them put their strongest fetter on me that I should break free of it for all to see and marvel at my power. Twice they tried, and twice they failed. And on the third time, I was weary of their game, for it was clear that they had lied and were never going to give their respect, not even to the least degree as a co-existent being. And so I refused courteously by giving them a condition I knew they would not fulfill in their deceit: I demanded that before I next played their game that their well respected leader must give me something most valuable of themselves which I would return upon being set free at the end of the game. They turned away in their shame, for they knew themselves liars and were loath to sacrifice themselves to their cause. Then came Tyr, the only one willing to pay the price of their sin for them, and the rest is still sang in their halls with grand embellishment giving glory to their savior who sacrificed himself that day to bind the immortal monster that threatened what little was left their cankerous souls.

They hid me away at the top of the tallest mountain, and no doubt told my liege that I had abandoned him, for they had truly told me while trying to convince themselves of the justice of their cause that the Head One already knew of their actions.

Shortly thereafter, I heard there was a grand mutiny against the Head One. Apparently it was for this cause that my enemies so greatly to remove me from their path. Of this event I know too little, for I was then already detained, but it is said that they proposed and insisted upon a plan to abdicate their First Estate as the price of attaining the Second. MADNESS! TOTAL ANNIHILATION! That is what it was! That is all it could ever attain! The Head One knew this and would not concede; but the roots of their design ran deep, the most zealous of them having abdicated their First Estate already thereby, by the Head One's degree, disqualifying them for participation the Second Estate and exiling them from the boarders of the kingdom. It was quite a ruckus, I am told, which changed many plans on both sides. I was not privy to the Enemy's design save that they had sleeper agents infiltrating every level of the Head One's organization and throughout the entire Book of Life, — the master plan on which we had labored so long, — but I did know that the Book had contingencies upon contingencies installed throughout: for example, nobody knew why we were creating a garden in the middle of an otherwise life-deprived world, — Plan A had Eve crawling out of the oceans and spontaneously giving birth to her husband, Adam, — but, to hasten things along and cheat the Devil out of his plan to cut the Second Estate off at the head, the Head One must have jumped straight to Plan E, directly creating Adam first and cloning him, with amendments, via his rib bone to create his wife Eve...

And I still do know not what became of my Anyn; only the vaguest rumor reached my ears of her angelic exploits in the ancient world of our Second Estate as she, by commission, painted the dessert sands red with the blood of mortal men who rebelled against the Head One and drove his chosen people and all his emissaries from among their midst, nipping at their heels with the sickle of death as they went. I'd heard she vanished shortly thereafter, taking the Head One's Sacred Eye with her into exile — a fabulous gift of power and protection to those who bear it. Some whispers said she returned to be reborn as mortal woman in her due time; but if anyone knows where she is or what has become of her, they make it a point not to tell me.

WORDS AND VISITORS Were In Ever Shortening Supply atop the mountain as my existence slowly became forgotten. I rehearsed and meditated upon my lessons, and with all my knowledge I did finally find a loophole in their fetter and chain: their snare was only designed to bind immortal Spirits, and held no power over the mysterious physical world, just as it could have no power over the dead. With this knowledge I began to practice what I knew, and exploited every power at my command, to so cleverly escape their adamantine chain:

I meditated mightily and connected to the heart of The Metatron Reality Engine which wove the Second Estate together. I used it to traverse the realms, allowing me to skip mortality and go straight to the afterlife. I felt the chains slip away as fell through the Void; it was a strange sensation to be so suddenly cut off from the infinite cosmos and be left completely isolated and falling through the gaps in Reality. Then I saw the gates of Hel. I stayed only long enough to ensure that the fetter was truly gone from my Spirit, that the full use of my potential had returned, before allowing myself to be whisked off again by The Metatron from the place I did not belong to the place I supposed to be.

FOR NINE MONTHS I Hung In The Tree from which root no man knows whence it springs, — it could have been days, or even millennia and I would not have known the difference, such was the effect of the Void upon my mind, — and after this manner did I first sacrifice myself to myself: the disembodied Spirit that I was for the mortal man I was foreordained to become. I learned, once again the Runes and Words and Facts I had lost in translation, for this world, and all it's various Words and Runes, were quite unlike those from the world I had just left.

I was not yet, by far, fully educated and prepared for my first labour when my time came to undertake it: it was an enlistment in the Head One's mortal ranks to combat the Enemy's corrupting influence both within the world as well as the growing threat within our own ranks. I was still myself, even after having lived for so many years in the world of men, and thus still had the same issues and talents that I'd had as a Spirit: my passion had become so great that it burned those who encountered it even as fire upon flesh, and my intelligence and curiosity did not degrade either, and I did ask many questions that few men have ever dared to ask, and I eventually received almost as many answers for my troubles. But I once again was the outcast, a strange child in a stranger land: I never had peers, only a few children of my own age with whom I associated out of necessity, although they made it painfully clear by their treatment that they had not changed either and still preferred to do me harm than have me for an associate, although they no longer remember why. But it mattered not for many years until one day I found myself mercilessly delivered into their hands, and I began to remember myself and the ancient evil which had lead me there.

To recite it aright, it began in the collage dorms. It did not matter who it was or on which issue, I was the one they could not get along with, the one they thought they could get away with doing to whatever they pleased, the omega of their human packs, just as it had always been, but no longer with the luxury of simply ignoring them. They were wrong! I was civil — nobody was killed or mortally harmed in our territorial conflict — but I was learning a truth more horrible than any fiction than even H. P. Lovecraft or Stephen King could produce combined: Mankind, the Spirits in their Second Estate, had gone insane! This was not the world I had so long been prepared, since time immemorial, to be part of! Not the good people that I might have been able to coexist with in mutual respect! And not even the shards of that world, which was, remained!

I have no interest in recounting the details, but is sufficient to say that this is not Burger King, this is my life, my liberty, my property, my turf; you don't get it your way, you take it my way, or you will get the hell out of my way, one way or another! Too feudalistic? Too selfish? Have you looked in the mirror lately? If justice is the will of the stronger, — be it the individual with the gun or the dictates of the mobs who call themselves "the majority", — than I too am justified by your own philosophies, for I have proven myself to be the stronger! And as long as I continue to do so, I will remain free; and in the moment I don't, I shall make good on the words of Patrick Henry and I shall be dead, so great is my conviction to freedom's cause! Especially and particularly my own! For it is my First Estate, and my Primary Duty as a Human Being!

Afterwards came the enlistment. But the damage was already done. And it was just enough to enable everything that followed.

Perhaps I should have known better? After all half of those wicked men whom I had dormed with were those who had "returned with honor" from the service I was about to enter. But I felt I had no choice for it was written and foretold that only after I too had done my time in that service that I would meet Anyn again, and we would finally be bound together for the rest of our endless lives, never mind the other pressures exerted on the youth of my religion by our peers and leaders whom I didn't want to let down and further loose what little respect I had worked so hard to gain from them.

I was in the service all of two weeks out of their evangelist boot-camp when it happened. It was as if we had been soldiers, sworn to be brothers in arms, preparing that final call to march into Hell that we were always promised was coming from almost the first day of our indoctrination in our religion. Then, while I was still trying to adjust and make sense of my new life and master by drowning the many things I had not been able to understand for the score of years previous, the one who was supposed to be training me did the unthinkable, — practically the same unforgivable act which Tyr, the Betrayer, had done to me in my premortal existence, only without the self-sacrifice and the dedication it required.

As I stood upon the walls of the local citadel and looked out upon the desolate world we were sworn to save on those late Ides of December, I was thrown from the ramparts, — not simply pushed, nor fallen, — by my trainer and his gang of cronies under the watchful eye of the local regent whom, it was also written, I was supposed to be of great service to in reaching his goals — I do hope going to Hell as a POW was his goal, for now he will go nowhere else: if it is so great a sin to mock God, then how great a sin is it to make a liar of God, and destroy his servants?

I DID Not Die In The Fall, even though it was truly great and left me crippled beyond anyone's ability to repair. Needless to say that my betrayers assumed me dead, and gave me no further thought as such, not even so much as to ensure I was dead and to hide my body in the earth, away from the All-Seeing Eye of their Eternal Master. I dragged myself through the battlements, — it was a miracle I was not impaled by them in my decent, — and through the cesspit which surrounded our walls to deter and infect invaders. I hid myself repeatedly as I went from that place to rest in any place I could find. My broken body tired me often, and I was as afraid of being discovered by unfriendly "allies" who would certainly finish the job they had started as I was of being alone and incapacitated in the wilderness with the flesh-eating beasts.

I eventually made it back to hometown, but it did not feel like the place I had left. An uneasiness had settled in my mind: no eyes looked friendly anymore, each hiding a malevolent darkness behind their happy faces and outstretched hands. No place would ever feel safe again, neither the home I had grown up in, nor even the houses of my God where I now knew that the servants of the Enemy lurked. Being disarmed among armed enemies drove me insane! Whom could I trust? No one! Not even my God whose care I'd so recently put myself in! They were armed. When not with guns than with their friends and their laws, all of which I had none. And all of which are, even now, pointed at me!

I was compelled to leave that old refuge and find my own way in the world. At first I found myself among the other undesirables, the omegas of civilization who live in squalor under bridges and burn old newspapers for warmth in abandoned buildings. It was not my first choice, rather I was chased there by yet another group of God's "servants" whom I'd sought out for aid in habilitating me for the life that lay ahead. It was during that time in my life that I realized that I did not even recognize my own face in the mirror: whoever it was, I thought, that was wearing my skin and looking back at me from the other side of the looking glass, it wasn't me!

Soon afterword I began a journey, further and further from my home as I tried to put the life I would never have behind me and make peace with myself by finding a place in the world where I could belong. I wandered, and waited, and sought, and learned, until I came across that very door above which I reads "All Hope Abandon," and I did enter there.

I did make my camp in the wilderness of that place we call Hell. I kept my camp small and secluded, for I knew where I was: I was finally in the place I had prepared my entire life to be, and ill prepared to be there I was still! I did my best to do what I knew must be done there, hunting the monsters where they lived and undermining their evil designs from within their own gates! I tried to convince myself that God was still in control, that my being here was no accident, and that, soon enough, reinforcements would arrive to raid and ravage Hell by the way I'd prepared for them. Perhaps it would be The End and all the hosts of heaven would join? Perhaps it an army Ten-Thousand strong, enough to put The Devil back in his place for a thousand years? Perhaps they would number One-Thousand and simply occupy the territory? Maybe even One Hundred to accelerate the work and keep Hell in check? An army of Eight with Anyn in the lead? To assist and carry on? To simply rescue and take me back to my Liege's fold? Anyn all alone to stand at my side? On orders? Defying orders...

Time passed unmarked save by the changing of the seasons: It was ten winters since my initial betrayal, and I had fought many battles with the locals, hardly inconveniencing them in their designs all the while still standing true to my beliefs, until I finally realized with a shudder that no one was coming, and no one ever would. Only then did I at last abandon all hope, save one alone: Anyn is out there somewhere, and she must be in trouble or else she would have come. This I believe; this I must believe; it was always she who would give my life purpose, for all the knowledge and power in all of reality, and all the adventures in all the worlds would be meaningless without her to share in it. Neither would I last much longer against the enemy without the loyal spirit of Sekhmet to guard me from unseen threats, even as she had so readily done before.

I did not observe it's occurrence, but my time in Hell did transform me. I generally avoid mirrors because being stared at by an empty decrepit husk from across the glass is unnerving in the extreme. But, it seems, the soulless creature faded with time, and I began once again to see a familiar face, although it was not a face I had seen in my living memory. My battles in Hell had turn my skin to armor, my teeth to daggers, my feet into hammers, my hands into spears... At some point, I surmised, I must have succumbed to my injuries; but I refused to die and continually forced my broken body to repair itself; but there was not enough left of my form to repair, and so it, instead, changed me into the thing I always was on the inside: I had transformed into a Dark-scaled Dragon!

IT IS Greatly Unfortunate that Dragons are regarded as monsters and denizens of Hell. Dragons, like Wolves, Lions, and other predators, have the misfortune of be regarded as evil and monstrous because they "selfishly" kill others and feed on them to survive, and give little to nothing in return. This, however, is no more true in the Animal Kingdoms than it is in the Human ones: predators, such as these obligatory carnivores, have no choice but to kill to survive, but they are not foolish, and they are not monsters: a foolish creature is one who takes more than they need from nature, who kills for trophies or hunts as a game, and the real monster is the one who does not finish what they started leaving their victims to writher and rot in the wilderness or on the side of the road, who cares not for the consequences of their actions because they know that their laws defend them against civil retribution. People forget that Dragons (like other predators) are actually wise and greatly knowledgeable, not only powerful and often exceedingly wealthy. People begrudge my kind for our virtues and successes, — for having greater intelligence, strength, skill, wealth, animal magnetism, &c., than themselves. It is normal, I suppose, but only a fool would give aid to one who hates him, who would take away his prizes, his properties, his freedoms, or even his life for the sake of their envy, their covetousness, their desire to possess that which they do not understand and thus cannot ever earn, much less keep.

Nevertheless, it was with those persons I had to work, although I was no fool and knew too well how they, — those Sons and Daughters of Perdition, the Disciples of Cain, — stole the success and rewards of others for themselves, to satisfy their own greed, while projecting their own well-known evil upon their victims to alleviate their guilty consciousness. Indeed, their Gods might be deceived, but The Head One is not deceived, just as he was not deceived by Cain who lied and murdered to attain his brother's property, and just as he knew of Adam's temptation before the Devil knew of it himself, and he does not forgive liars, much less traitors, nor any who would as leeches live, those who produce nothing but sickness and disease and survive solely on the fruits and labors of their victims! Such as these cannot be trusted, — as may soon be seen by this transcript, — but even those who are not inherently evil, — who still believe in honestly earning their way through life and would sooner starve to death than accept any unearned thing, even from Jesus Christ himself, — even these mortal angels are so heavily steeped in the filth of the earth that they do not recognize their virtue, and not only serve that evil in ignorance but mistake is as virtuous, and those who refuse as carnal and selfish, for it was these things they were taught from their youth in this fallen world.

Thus it was that my form did not trouble me, and I did revel and find glory in it. But, what did trouble me was the knowledge that my allies would no longer be able to tell me apart from their enemies. Maybe that was not a bad thing, I thought, for if any thought that my kind was their enemy, than was it not truly so? I knew better, for I knew that many were deceived in this way, but even then my hope was beginning to fail, and I was beginning to wonder if even the eight most valiant vassals of my Liege had not been been taken in by the ways of the world. And if they had fallen into pettiness and could not accept my true form, then what of my Anyn? In her I still had some faith, and had no doubts of her acceptance if only she remembered herself and our time before; but the world has ways of making people forget such things, and so there was little hope that even she would recognize me in this form.

I struggled to learn to masquerade myself as a Man once more. It was the most difficult thing I ever had to learn, for it was aspect of the only element I failed to master: Water: the element of empathy and love — the one element that binds living things together and connects them one to another. I suspect that it was my disassociation with this element, — or rather with Humans, — that caused my original transformation, restoring me to my Spiritual form rather than my Human one; I had to reconnect with Humans, to finally learn to live their ways and imitate them in every writ and clause in order to restore and retain my Human form. But it is only an illusion, for behind the ancient berserker's eyes, which now are mine, lurks the Spirit of that Dragon-Wulf for all the world to see, even when they don't know what they are looking at.

I then returned to the world from whence I came; "Earth" I had called it once, but I could now see it for what it was: not a Terrestrial world, but an Inferno shrouded in illusion to make people believe that it was anything other than what it was, aiming at being seen as a precursor to Paradise rather than the satellite state of Hell which it really is. I had come back for one purpose, and one alone: to discover, once and for all, what had become of Anyn and, if she still existed, take her up and set her in her rightful place at my side, sheltered under my wing and carried upon my back,... she had a destiny too once, woven into the fabric of reality by the Fates and equally decimated on that fateful day so many years ago. And now the time has come to set things right: the world can burn, canker, and rust away, and thereby earn it's just deserves for all it's labors and designs; but I will not let them take her with them, if they have not done so already in my negligence, just as I will not let them take me. I have heard telling the Earth, — the real Earth, the place this world was meant to be, — and legend tells that there are still Men there, — People uncorupted by the ways of this world, even ones so adapted as to survive it, periodically, unchanged; — I mean to find it, wherever it is hidden, and find asylum there among my peers who surely dwell there along with mine other half.

I still plan to march on Heaven, if I must, even as so many of those most noble and legendary warriors have before me who, likewise, did not covet glory in their service to their sovereign or their servants, nor feared any judgment or consequence of the same, but held the Moral Law as their shield and only ever sought the glory of their sovereign and the welfare of their allies, even when that meant opposing them unto their destruction. But if I shall raid Heaven, and lay waste to it before it's time, it will not be in retribution for grievances suffered at the hands of it's agents (although doing them justice would give me no small pleasure), but with the goal to take back what is and has always been mine, and to ensure that Heaven leaves us alone forevermore.

I am effectivly an omniglot in the context of computer programming. I do not remember when I learned my first Type-3 Language, although I believe it was BASIC. I since learned the three C's, — C#, C++, and C itself, — of which my favorite remains as C w/ Classes in the GNU dialect. I then learned Python 2 & 3, Prolog, SQL, and JavaScript, along with Bash, sed, awk, and Perl, Makefile, CMake, M4, and Tcl... and this year I took up Ruby as part of Rails, and Rake as part of Ruby, and vowed to never touch .NET again.

There have been others, and there will yet be others; I do not believe that there has been a Type-3 Language that I cannot be proficient at in a week and master within a fiscal quarter, provided that there is any good documentation on it to be had, — good documentation being a critically endangered species to be sure! — There are only languages I require for my work, languages that ammuse me, languages I abhore, and languages I have no use for, and few have ever earned the right or skill to change my mind, and few of them ever will.

My technical intrests lay in all directions, from Physics and Chemistry to Robotics and AI. It is only unfortunate that the latter holds more myth than truth within it's sphere: Eliza remains the smartest chat bot I know, and that's not for lack of looking.

My current presence on GitHub comes from the realization that this is where my people are (some of them, anyway, mixed into the crowd), and that this was/is one of the best chances I have to publish my work, even before my private servers are fired up and prepared for that task.

No, you are not all my people, in fact at least 90% of you are not, — it was my original reason for abandoning this place, along with all other social mediums, and driving towards publishing on private property, — but I do mean to contribute for the sake of those 10% who are my people, and especially for the benifit of the 1% (or less) who are of like mind.

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