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groups-for-nomads's Introduction

Digital Nomad Community Directory

Welcome to the Digital Nomad Community Directory! This project aims to create a comprehensive list of online communities and groups specifically catered to digital nomads. Whether you're a seasoned nomad or just starting your remote work journey, this directory will help you connect with like-minded individuals, find support, and discover exciting opportunities around the world.

The list

๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿป Click HERE to open the list

How to Contribute

Contributions to this directory are highly encouraged and greatly appreciated. If you come across any digital nomad groups that are not listed here, please add them to the directory by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to the file in this repository.
  2. Click on the "Edit" (pencil) button to start editing the file.
  3. Add the details of the group in the following format:
    • Group Name: [Name of the Group](Group Link)
  4. Make sure to place your entry in the appropriate geographical section and category.
  5. Once you have added the group, provide a meaningful commit message describing your contribution.
  6. Click on the "Propose changes" button.
  7. Finally, submit a pull request (PR) for your changes to be reviewed and merged into the directory.

Please note that contributions should follow the existing format and be relevant to the digital nomad community. Let's work together to build a vibrant and inclusive resource for all digital nomads!

Directory Structure

The directory is organized first by continents, then by countries, all in alphabetical order. This allows users to easily find communities in specific locations. Each country section contains a list of groups along with their descriptions and links. Explore the directory and discover communities worldwide!


This project is licensed under the MIT License. By contributing to this directory, you agree to release your contributions under this license.

Let's create a comprehensive directory of digital nomad communities together! Start contributing today and help fellow nomads connect and thrive in their remote work adventures!

groups-for-nomads's People


joshxplore avatar mkysel avatar mosofsky avatar rignaneseleo avatar thiagosardinha avatar

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