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crate-driver's Introduction

Metabase CrateDB Driver (Community-Supported)

The Metabase CrateDB driver allows Metabase v0.32.0 or above to connect to CrateDB databases. Instructions for installing it can be found below.

This driver is community-supported and is not considered part of the core Metabase project. If you would like to open a GitHub issue to report a bug or request new features, or would like to open a pull requests against it, please do so in this repository, and not in the core Metabase GitHub repository.

We will close issues or PRs concerning the Crate driver opened in the core Metabase GitHub repository, and ask you to reopen them here.

Obtaining the CrateDB Driver

Where to find it

Click here to view the latest release of the Metabase CrateDB driver; click the link to download crate.metabase-driver.jar.

You can find past releases of the CrateDB driver here.

How to Install it

Metabase will automatically make the Crate driver if it finds the driver JAR in the Metabase plugins directory when it starts up. All you need to do is create the directory (if it's not already there), move the JAR you just downloaded into it, and restart Metabase.

By default, the plugins directory is called plugins, and lives in the same directory as the Metabase JAR.

For example, if you're running Metabase from a directory called /app/, you should move the Crate driver JAR to /app/plugins/:

# example directory structure for running Metabase with Vertica support

If you're running Metabase from the Mac App, the plugins directory defaults to ~/Library/Application Support/Metabase/Plugins/:

# example directory structure for running Metabase Mac App with Vertica support
/Users/camsaul/Library/Application Support/Metabase/Plugins/crate.metabase-driver.jar

If you are running the Docker image or you want to use another directory for plugins, you should specify a custom plugins directory by setting the environment variable MB_PLUGINS_DIR.

Connecting to a CrateDB Dataset

  1. Setup a connection by providing a Name and a Host. CrateDB supports having a connection pool of multiple hosts. This can be achieved by providing a comma-separated list of multiple <host>:<psql-port> pairs.,
  2. Click the Save button. Done.

Metabase will now begin inspecting your CrateDB Dataset and finding any tables and fields to build up a sense for the schema. Give it a little bit of time to do its work and then you're all set to start querying.

Known limitations

  • Columns/Fields of type object_array are deactivated and not exposed. However, their nested fields are listed and also supported for queries.

Building the CrateDB Driver Yourself

Prereqs: Install Metabase locally, compiled for building drivers

cd /path/to/metabase/source
lein install-for-building-drivers

Build it

cd /path/to/crate-driver
lein clean

This will build a file called target/uberjar/crate.metabase-driver.jar; copy this to your Metabase ./plugins directory.


Copyright © 2019 Metabase, Inc.

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License, same as Clojure.

crate-driver's People


camsaul avatar


Yaroslav Kisylychka avatar JESOP Bernard avatar AL Jamal avatar Ashim avatar Sugeng Suprayogi avatar  avatar


Tom Robinson avatar Sameer Al-Sakran avatar James Cloos avatar  avatar  avatar

crate-driver's Issues

Create Database Error

OSX, Crate 4.0.3

When pressing SAVE button in Add Database page throws error :
No method in multimethod 'connection-details->spec' for dispatch value: :crate
I can connect to crate if using database type Postgres, but metabase can not browse the table data.

My question: How to specify user and password?

Failed connection to crate db with user/password


My Metabase 0.34.3 is running on a AWS EC2 and my Crate 4.1.2 is running on another AWS EC2 instance.

I do not access to Crate through the default credentials (user: "crate" / password: none) but with custom credentials.

The metabase/crate-driver doesn't allow custom credentials connection.

As I didn't know how to add user/password fields in metabase front, I am posting here the unsecured solution we found :

In the file /crate-driver/src/metabase/driver/crate.clj, we updated rows 203-206

   {:classname   "io.crate.client.jdbc.CrateDriver"
    :subprotocol "crate"
    :subname     (str "//" hosts)
    :user        "crate"}

with our custom credentials :

   {:classname   "io.crate.client.jdbc.CrateDriver"
    :subprotocol "crate"
    :subname     (str "//" hosts)
    :user        "<your_username>"
    :password    "<your_password>"}

Now it perfectly works !

If you have a better option, I am happy to hear it :-)

Connection Failed Metabase v0.38.2 using crate-metabase-driver.jar

metabase crate connector

I am trying to connect my locally hosted metabase to locally hosted cratedb on Ubunti 20.04.
I have copied the driver (crate.metabase-driver.jar) under the plugins folder of metabase.
Going by the option in metabase: admin -> databases -> add database option, drop down shows cratedb option.
I give the database a name and use default setting localhost:5432/; on pressing save it turns red "Failed". I tried changing to localhost:4200/ also yielded same result.

Will be great if I can get some help


Error when filter and grouping by datetime field

I'm using

My Raw Data

My Aggregation by Time Create
Error : No method in multimethod 'date' for dispatch value: [:crate :day]

Errol log
02-08 13:57:12 ?[1mWARN metabase.query-processor?[0m :: Query failure: No method in multimethod 'date' for dispatch value: [:crate :day] ("--> query_processor$assert_query_status_successful.invokeStatic(query_processor.clj:286)" "query_processor$assert_query_status_successful.invoke(query_processor.clj:278)" "query_processor$run_and_save_query_BANG_.invokeStatic(query_processor.clj:324)" "query_processor$run_and_save_query_BANG_.invoke(query_processor.clj:317)" "query_processor$fn__39788$process_query_and_save_execution_BANG___39793$fn__39794.invoke(query_processor.clj:355)" "query_processor$fn__39788$process_query_and_save_execution_BANG___39793.invoke(query_processor.clj:341)" "query_processor$fn__39814$process_query_and_save_with_max_BANG___39819$fn__39820.invoke(query_processor.clj:387)" "query_processor$fn__39814$process_query_and_save_with_max_BANG___39819.invoke(query_processor.clj:382)" "api.dataset$fn__43558$fn__43561.invoke(dataset.clj:45)" "api.common$fn__24629$invoke_thunk_with_keepalive__24634$fn__24635$fn__24636.invoke(common.clj:435)")

do not support with metabase Metabase 0.32.9

{"message":"No method in multimethod 'connection-properties' for dispatch value: :crate","type":"class java.lang.IllegalArgumentException","stacktrace":["clojure.lang.MultiFn.getFn(","clojure.lang.MultiFn.invoke(","--> driver.util$available_drivers_info$iter__24018__24022$fn__24023.invoke(util.clj:114)","driver.util$available_drivers_info.invokeStatic(util.clj:112)","driver.util$available_drivers_info.invoke(util.clj:108)","public_settings$public_settings.invokeStatic(public_settings.clj:211)","public_settings$public_settings.invoke(public_settings.clj:197)","routes.index$load_entrypoint_template.invokeStatic(index.clj:68)","routes.index$load_entrypoint_template.invoke(index.clj:65)","routes.index$entrypoint.invokeStatic(index.clj:82)","routes.index$entrypoint.invoke(index.clj:77)","middleware.exceptions$catch_uncaught_exceptions$fn__73023.invoke(exceptions.clj:104)","middleware.exceptions$catch_api_exceptions$fn__73020.invoke(exceptions.clj:92)","middleware.log$log_api_call$fn__73472.invoke(log.clj:162)","$add_security_headers$fn__72978.invoke(security.clj:105)","middleware.json$wrap_json_body$fn__73259.invoke(json.clj:63)","middleware.json$wrap_streamed_json_response$fn__73277.invoke(json.clj:97)","middleware.session$bind_current_user$fn__71350$fn__71351.invoke(session.clj:193)","middleware.session$do_with_current_user.invokeStatic(session.clj:177)","middleware.session$do_with_current_user.invoke(session.clj:170)","middleware.session$bind_current_user$fn__71350.invoke(session.clj:192)","middleware.session$wrap_current_user_id$fn__71335.invoke(session.clj:161)","middleware.session$wrap_session_id$fn__71320.invoke(session.clj:123)","middleware.auth$wrap_api_key$fn__72918.invoke(auth.clj:27)","middleware.misc$maybe_set_site_url$fn__73553.invoke(misc.clj:58)","middleware.misc$bind_user_locale$fn__73556.invoke(misc.clj:74)","middleware.misc$add_content_type$fn__73541.invoke(misc.clj:30)","middleware.misc$disable_streaming_buffering$fn__73578.invoke(misc.clj:119)","middleware.misc$wrap_gzip$fn__73571.invoke(misc.clj:101)"]}

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