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Microsoft's Projects

interactivedatadisplay.wpf icon interactivedatadisplay.wpf

Interactive Data Display for WPF is a set of controls for adding interactive visualization of dynamic data to your application. It allows to create line graphs, bubble charts, heat maps and other complex 2D plots which are very common in scientific software. Interactive Data Display for WPF integrates well with Bing Maps control to show data on a geographic map in latitude/longitude coordinates. The controls can also be operated programmatically.

internet-of-bees icon internet-of-bees

Devise a scalable monitoring and management system for Microsoft's bee ecosystem using IoT devices that can sense the beehive environment. Telemetry from the beehive will be shared publicly in this repo for research purposes.

internet-of-things-event-learning-path icon internet-of-things-event-learning-path

The Internet of Things Event Learning Path is designed for Solution Architects, Business Decision Makers, and Development teams that are interested in building IoT Solutions with Azure Services.

inventory-hub-java-on-azure icon inventory-hub-java-on-azure

Sample Inventory Hub App using Serverless and Event-driven Java - on Azure with Spring Boot, Tomcat, Functions, Event Hub and Cosmos DB

iot-cardboard-js icon iot-cardboard-js

iot-cardboard-js is a React library for building experiences for IoT applications

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  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

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  • Machine learning

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    Data-Driven Documents codes.