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Free tech resources for faculty, students, researchers, life-long learners, and academic community builders for use in tech based courses, workshops, and hackathons.

License: MIT License

Shell 4.24% HTML 7.64% CSS 1.37% JavaScript 31.61% C# 0.44% Python 1.15% Dockerfile 0.12% Jupyter Notebook 49.85% Ruby 0.18% PowerShell 3.40% Procfile 0.01%
azure python faculty students computer-science labs tech-resources workshops hackathons tech-talks classroom tech

academiccontent's Introduction

Technical Resources for Academic Communities

This repo provides technical resources to help students and faculty learn about Azure and teach others. The content covers cross-platform scenarios in artificial intelligence and machine learning, data science, web development, mobile app dev, internet of things, and DevOps. It also includes interesting tech talks and engaging, fun tech challenges.

Learn by Doing with our Curricula

Check out our project-based full semester-long curricula that can be used on your own or in the classroom. They also make for fun, easy-to-run workshops!


Attending a hackathon? Here are some helpful guides and resources.


Looking to get certified? Take practice exams to get ready for the certification.

Teach with our Learn-based workshops

Visit the Workshop Library for a list of workshops based primarily on Microsoft Learn modules.

Other workshops can be found here.

More courseware can be discovered here.

Offers and Programs

If you are looking for useful links and a deck about programs of interest to schools, faculty and students, visit our offers and programs area for more information.

Attend our Reactor Sessions

We focus on developing high-quality content for all cloud, data science, machine Learning, web development, and artificial intelligence learners. Through workshops, tech talks, and hackathons hosted around the world, come learn and apply new skills!

Reactor GitHub Workshop Repos

K-12 Content

Most of the content here is for higher education, but we do have links available for k-12 students and their teachers.


We 💖love💖 contributions. In fact, we want students, faculty, researchers and life-long learners to contribute to this repo, either by adding links to existing content, or building content. Please read the contributing guide to learn more.

To report any issues, please log a GitHub issue. Include the content section, module number, and title, along with any error messages and screenshots.

academiccontent's People


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academiccontent's Issues

issue with running on Azure

On my lab many students have problem with running Jupyter workbook having an issue:

"/home/mmlspark/lib/conda/envs/azureml_fe7155b29abe02ff488ec064c24fe4ae/lib/python3.5/urllib/", line 1324, in unknown_open raise URLError('unknown url type: %s' % type) urllib.error.URLError: <urlopen error unknown url type: http\>

Anyone knows how to solve it or fix it? I tried to change mmlspark, change version, add repplacements to a code, but nothing happens. Even I made myself whole environment from the beginning. Nothing :(

Case: Neural Networks - CNTK (Use the MNIST database to train a neural network built with the Microsoft Cognitive Toolkit and Azure Machine Learning Workbench to recognize handwritten digits. Then deploy the model and write a Node.js app to visualize the output.)

Stream analytics - Change the requirement on Visual Studio 2017 to be VS Code/dotnet Core

For the C# stream analytics lab:

To make this more cross-platform, can the requirement on VS2017 be changed to VSCode? Using dotNet Core on Windows/Mac/Linux.

Part of this involves upgrading the NuGet package in use from Microsoft.ServiceBus.Messaging to Microsoft.Azure.EventHubs

Blockchain workshop issues

Exercise 6 step 3, npm install will fail unless you npm init first we need to add instructions for npm init first

Remove outdated content

Clean out all the outdated content in this repository, ready to be replaced with new content curation

Stage number 21 not working

Workshop "Handling Big Data with Azure Data Lake".

While performing actions described in stage 21:

"Now execute the following commands to create a Data Lake catalog credential used to authenticate when executing federated queries. Substitute your Data Lake Analytics account name for ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT_NAME, your database server name (the one specified in Step 11 of this exercise) for DATABASE_SERVER_NAME, and the database server user (also specified in Step 11) for DATABASE_USER:" (number 21) there is an issue while using this command.

and later:

"az dla catalog credential create --account ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT_NAME --database-name UserIntegration --uri tcp:// --credential-name FederatedCredential --user-name DATABASE_USER"

Only two people performed it without any problems. What is the correct solution?

Users (students) have Azure Pass subscription, but this also not working on a Azure Students subscription.

Elevating first command:
"az config mode arm"

gives an error:
"az: error: argument _command_package: invalid choice: config"

Elevating second command:
"az dla catalog credential create --account ANALYTICS_ACCOUNT_NAME --database-name UserIntegration --uri tcp:// --credential-name FederatedCredential --user-name DATABASE_USER"

gives an error:
A Cloud Shell credential problem occurred. When you report the issue with the error below, please mention the host name 'SOME_NUMERICAL_VALUE'
Could not retrieve token from local cache.

Cannot create Linux Cluster in Module 6 of workshop

Lab 6 HPC
Creating and Using a SLURM Cluster
Exercise 1 - Create a SLURM cluster using an Azure QuickStart template
Step 4 fails with the following error message when you try to deploy

At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details. (Code: DeploymentFailed)
The platform image 'Canonical:UbuntuServer:15.10:latest' is not available. Verify that all fields in the storage profile are correct. (Code: ImageNotFound)
The platform image 'Canonical:UbuntuServer:15.10:latest' is not available. Verify that all fields in the storage profile are correct. (Code: ImageNotFound)
The platform image 'Canonical:UbuntuServer:15.10:latest' is not available. Verify that all fields in the storage profile are correct. (Code: ImageNotFound)

issue about Docker in Part 2 Exerice 1

300 - Neural Networks with CNTK Part 2 Exercise 1
The Docker refer to Docker Enterprise version or Community Version.
When I try to upload the to Docker it shown Not Responding

Use Private Repos whenever Private API Keys are used

All guides like this one can be updated to use Private repos now that those are free for everyone. This protects private API keys!


  1. Create a new private repo -- leave it empty.
  2. On next screen choose import and enter the GIT clone URL of the repo you would have forked.

Now you are using a private repo to which you can safely commit your API credentials (even though this isn't a best practice, at least no bad actor can use the API keys)

Workshop Lab 6 cannot complete the lab

Lab 6 HPC
Creating and Using a SLURM Cluster
Exercise 1 - Create a SLURM cluster using an Azure QuickStart template
Step 4 fails with the following error message when you try to deploy

At least one resource deployment operation failed. Please list deployment operations for details. Please see for usage details. (Code: DeploymentFailed)
The platform image 'Canonical:UbuntuServer:15.10:latest' is not available. Verify that all fields in the storage profile are correct. (Code: ImageNotFound)
The platform image 'Canonical:UbuntuServer:15.10:latest' is not available. Verify that all fields in the storage profile are correct. (Code: ImageNotFound)
The platform image 'Canonical:UbuntuServer:15.10:latest' is not available. Verify that all fields in the storage profile are correct. (Code: ImageNotFound)

Add New Section on CaseStudies

We ideally new a new section of the repo to hold casestudies from institutions using/creating/contributing to these resources and how they are using cloud within Teaching and Learning.

HDInsight Hadoop HOL: Login password mismatch

First I want to thank you all for providing such great Hands-on-Labs for Azure!

I followed your Hadoop HOL and found a mismatch on the login password.
In Exercise 1 Step 3 the guide says to set cluster login password to "Azure4Research!",
but later in Exercise 2 Step 1 the guide uses "Had00pdemo!" as the password to login through SSH.
It's trivial but still took me quite a few minutes to find this out.


Building a Chat Bot with the Azure Bot Service L Change to the tutorial

in the md file of Building a Chat Bot with the Azure Bot Service QnA Maker Preview portal is used but QnA Maker Preview portal does not accept new registrations therefore we have to go through QnA maker portal. In QnA Maker portal the steps of creating a new service is slightly different.

Blockchain workshop

Users getting error on contact deployment

Using network 'development'.

Running migration: 1_initial_migration.js
Deploying Migrations...
... undefined
Error encountered, bailing. Network state unknown. Review successful transactions manually.
Error: exceeds block gas limit
at Object.InvalidResponse (C:\soft\nvm\v6.8.1\node_modules\truffle\build\cli.bundled.js:43303:16)

The issue seems to be the information doesn't call out the requirement for a ,

the code should look like

Code should look something like..
network_id: "*",
gas: 4600000

Missing the , causes this issue/error so its good to call this out in the workshop

Use @Azure Cloud Shell in lab exercises instead of putty.

I was just going through Module 4 Lesson 03 before I used it in class.
Part of it requires SSH. For this kind of stuff, putty is the goto tool. But with the advent of Azure Cloud Shell, the same commands can be issued directly on the azure portal instead of with a separate tool to download/install.
So, I'm recommending that we use that instead.

BaaS on Azure

I got the issue on Exercise 6 step no 3.
When I type, the powershell mention I already install, where can I find the Web3?

Issues with Cognitive Toolkit Lab - Images Not Displaying Correctly

Please see comprehensive bug report

The situation when the bug occurs
Windows 10 64-bit
Python 3.5.2 installed.
Anaconda was not installed, so it has been installed during the execution of the install.bat from the cntk folder downloaded from

As you can see in the attached doc within the zip, if I launch the CNTK Python environment before the execution of, the images are converted wrongly. To visualise this effect. I have executed, and the result is the image files shown on the bottom window of the above screenshot.

Operation returned an invalid status code&#39 (Azure Storage and Cognitive Services )

Thank you for your good lecture on "Azure Storage and Cognitive Services"
I have already tried several times to rebuild it along with instructions.

Every time I encounter the "Operation returned an invalid status code ' NotFound'" on "Exercise 5: Use Cognitive Services to generate metadata".

I'm a novice in this field. If this is not suitable for this site, sorry.


LUIS tutorial needs an update

The interface of cognitive services (especially LUIS) has changed.
Starting from step 6 in the Exercise 3 (Add pre-built entities and phrase lists), it is not possible to add parameters to an Intent.

Azure Storage and Cognitive Services Tutorial- French Flag Images Causes Crash

I just did this tutorial, and uploaded a few images which worked, but one particular image (attached) caused a crash and gave the following error. Might be a bug with Azure not recognizing it properly.

throw err;
StorageError: Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly including the signature.
at Function.StorageServiceClient._normalizeError (C:\Users\Austin\Downloads\hcs_azure_tutorial_test\node_modules\azure-storage\lib\common\services\storageserviceclient.js:1146:23)
at BlobService.StorageServiceClient._processResponse (C:\Users\Austin\Downloads\hcs_azure_tutorial_test\node_modules\azure-storage\lib\common\services\storageserviceclient.js:706:50)
at Request.processResponseCallback [as _callback] (C:\Users\Austin\Downloads\hcs_azure_tutorial_test\node_modules\azure-storage\lib\common\services\storageserviceclient.js:306:37)
at Request.self.callback (C:\Users\Austin\Downloads\hcs_azure_tutorial_test\node_modules\azure-storage\node_modules\request\request.js:187:22)
at emitTwo (events.js:106:13)
at Request.emit (events.js:191:7)
at Request. (C:\Users\Austin\Downloads\hcs_azure_tutorial_test\node_modules\azure-storage\node_modules\request\request.js:1044:10)
at emitOne (events.js:96:13)
at Request.emit (events.js:188:7)
at IncomingMessage. (C:\Users\Austin\Downloads\hcs_azure_tutorial_test\node_modules\azure-storage\node_modules\request\request.js:965:12)

JupyterHub asking for a password

I got an information that students have done all deployments as in a tutorial and have issue after logging via X2Go live session. Starting JupyterHub starts browser but need to be logged in. Any of the passwords works. I tried to re-deploy it and issue still works - even "hardcode" of a password not helps in that situations.

Case: Machine Learning - Python (Create a Data Science Virtual Machine DSVM), import a dataset containing on-time arrival information for a major U.S. airline, and use scikit-learn to build a machine-learning model that predicts whether flights will arrive on time.)

Issue with Complimentary Course Content/Module4 - one hive command causes error.

The situation when the bug occurs:
After following the guide to create a HDInsight cluster.

In Data Analysis using Hadoop: Module 4, Lesson 6
 Hive CLI and Hive View Hands-On Lab, we are required to run the following commands in hive CLI:
hive> set;
hive> set -v;
hive> set env:HOME;
hive> set hive.cli.print.header=true;
hive> set hivevar:platform=Android;

All commands except one are working fine. When running set env:HOME;, it shows:
env:Home is undefined as an environmental variable
Query returned non-zero code: 1, cause: null

Should we create a

It seems like a good idea to create a space for tracking relevant research based on the modules presented.
It may be that the research represents further exploration of the topics that are discussed and might give ideas as to how the technology can be used.
Thus, I'm proposing something like, "Research.MD" where you can add that and relate it in the course content.
I'm currently looking at the IoT module and a few examples of research look good to add.

Building Smart Apps with Azure Machine Learning - application.ts needs to add "Data source URL" in globalParameters

Building Smart Apps with Azure Machine Learning workshop:

In Exercise 6, Step 17 - some code is given for application.ts file. The Data source URL is not given and the server responds Bad Argument to requests. I have fixed the code in my local machine and this seems to work.

submitGrid() {

        const url = 'web_url';
        /** The Data source URL needs to be added */
        let request = { ...
            globalParameters: {
                "Data source URL": url

Recommend Projects

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    A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.

  • Vue.js photo Vue.js

    🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.

  • Typescript photo Typescript

    TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.

  • TensorFlow photo TensorFlow

    An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone

  • Django photo Django

    The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.

  • D3 photo D3

    Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉

Recommend Topics

  • javascript

    JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.

  • web

    Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.

  • server

    A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.

  • Machine learning

    Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.

  • Game

    Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.

Recommend Org

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    We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.

  • Microsoft photo Microsoft

    Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.

  • Google photo Google

    Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.

  • D3 photo D3

    Data-Driven Documents codes.