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This project forked from pantheon-systems/pantheon-codespaces-generator

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A generator to import Pantheon sites into a Github repo with pantheon-codespaces configured.

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pantheon-codespaces-generator's Introduction


A generator to import Pantheon sites into a Github repo with pantheon-codespaces configured.

This repo contains an Action definition that can be triggered via workflow_dispatch. The parameters are:

  • site_uuid - The site ID for the Pantheon site. You can find this when on your Pantheon site dashboard in the URL - something like "" - the site UUID is "a31e101e-bebf-4f03-874c-629a7g752ac1".
  • repo_name - Optional: The Github repo name to use. The default will be the site machine name. If the repo already exists the process will fail.
  • GITHUB_ORG - The Github org name to use for creating the repo.
  • GITHUB_USER - The Github user to use, defaults to the user calling the Action.

The configuration secrets for the repo required are:

  • SSH_KEY - A private SSH key with a public equivalent added to Pantheon dashboard - generated via ssh-keygen -p -m PEM - the private key should be used as the SSH_KEY secret, and the public key should be added to the Pantheon account to be used.
  • SSH_KNOWN_HOSTS - Can be empty by default or the contents of a known_hosts file if desired for advanced SSH config, or use the default:
  • TERMINUS_MACHINE_TOKEN - A machine token generated from Pantheon dashboard for the account to be used.
  • GH_ACCESS_TOKEN - A personal access token with access to create and write to a Github repo in the same organization to be used.

Usage via web:

  • Fork the repo

  • Configure the secrets, and make sure Actions are enabled

  • Go to the Actions tab, go to the "Create new Pantheon site Github repo" Action image

  • Add the Pantheon site ID and click Run

  • You can watch the Action running in the Actions tab, and check for any errors if failures are encountered

  • Once completed, you should have a Github repo created with the Pantheon machine name as the name of the repo, and pantheon-codespaces configured in the repo

pantheon-codespaces-generator's People


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