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This project forked from pk910/powfaucet

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Modularized faucet for EVM chains with different protection methods (Captcha, Mining, IP, Mainnet Balance, Gitcoin Passport and more)

License: GNU Affero General Public License v3.0

Shell 0.45% JavaScript 1.52% C 0.15% TypeScript 96.13% CSS 1.44% Makefile 0.07% HTML 0.14% Batchfile 0.01% Dockerfile 0.10%

powfaucet's Introduction


GitHub release (latest by date) codecov

Modularized faucet for EVM chains with different protection methods (Captcha, Mining, IP, Mainnet Balance, Gitcoin Passport and more)


Faucets for ETH Testnets are spammed by bots. This faucet tries to reduce the efficiency of these automated requests by various protection methods.

This faucet is mostly known for its proof-of-work based protection, which is currently the best and most reliable way to distribute funds on a network that got low on fund reserves.

For clarification: This faucet does NOT generate new coins with the "mining" process. It's just one of the protection methods the faucet uses to prevent anyone from requesting big amount of funds and draining the faucet wallet. If you want to run your own instance you need to transfer the funds you want to distribute to the faucet wallet yourself!

For a more detailed description, take a look into the Project Wiki


Testnet Link
Sepolia Testnet Faucet Version Uptime Robot ratio (30 days) Faucet Balance
Holešovice Testnet Faucet Version Uptime Robot ratio (30 days) Faucet Balance
Ephemery Testnet Faucet Version Uptime Robot ratio (30 days) Faucet Balance
Goerli Testnet
(deprecated) Faucet Version Uptime Robot ratio (30 days) Faucet Balance

Run Yourself

Read the Faucet Operator Wiki to see the installation and configuration instructions.

You can also find some demo instances with different module combinations here: Demo Instances

Bugs & Features

Please feel free to report bugs and add new features via PRs if you like.

Thanks To

This faucet contains parts of code from the following projects:

pow-captcha - faucet-wasm build script

FaucETH - faucet page design


License: AGPL v3

powfaucet's People


pk910 avatar dependabot[bot] avatar mnz1988 avatar omahs avatar

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