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Comments (51)

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

Any thoughts on when this might become available?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mplushnikov avatar mplushnikov commented on July 19, 2024

Version of lombok plugin (0.8.8) still doesn't support configuration files, but already provides support for editing and auto completion of it.
Full support of configuration files is on the TODO list.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

So I am a little confused by your description. If the plugin does not support loading and recognizing the config file, why does it support auto completing values in the file? Or did i misunderstand u?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

At any rate thanks for working on this request. This is pretty important and without this we would be totally unable to use Lombok.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mplushnikov avatar mplushnikov commented on July 19, 2024

You can now edit lombok.config files and gets autocomplete etc. But plugin will still not use it for providing lombok-support in Intellij. It only the initial step to full support.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

Cool. Thanks for the update. Look forward to full support.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

emiliorodo avatar emiliorodo commented on July 19, 2024

I would love to see that as well:)

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

Any updates on this issue?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

Just checking. Any progress on this? This really is blocker for us to use lombok.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mplushnikov avatar mplushnikov commented on July 19, 2024

Which configuration parameters you want to be supported at first?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

Most importantly, I'm stuck on configuring the logger field name. That would be good for a start as well as the ability to stop bubbling.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mplushnikov avatar mplushnikov commented on July 19, 2024

Ok, support for lombok.log.fieldName and lombok.log.fieldIsStatic is already done, I'll add stop.bubbling next.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

emiliorodo avatar emiliorodo commented on July 19, 2024

The configuration allowing fluid setters would be nice
On Dec 29, 2014 8:51 AM, "Michail Plushnikov" [email protected]

Ok, support for lombok.log.fieldName and lombok.log.fieldIsStatic is
already done, I'll add stop.bubbling next.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub
#53 (comment)

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

Perfect. Thank you.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mattcreaser avatar mattcreaser commented on July 19, 2024

Accessor prefix would be a nice-to-have.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

dmiescgm avatar dmiescgm commented on July 19, 2024

I need support for lombok.getter.noIsPrefix

Could you add support for this parameters, too?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

nkavian avatar nkavian commented on July 19, 2024

Here is the lombok.config I am dieing to use!! Please add the missing support.

clear lombok.accessors.prefix
lombok.accessors.chain = true
lombok.accessors.prefix += m
lombok.anyConstructor.suppressConstructorProperties = true
config.stopBubbling = true

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

assylias avatar assylias commented on July 19, 2024

Thanks for the good work. Here is my wishlist :-)

lombok.accessors.chain = true
lombok.accessors.fluent = true

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mplushnikov avatar mplushnikov commented on July 19, 2024

At the moment following lombok-configuration-keys were already added to plugin:


from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

@mplushnikov great work. much appreciated. do u have a sense of when the next release might be cut?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mplushnikov avatar mplushnikov commented on July 19, 2024

Version 0.9.0 of plugin is available now. It contains some work for this issue, feel free to test and comment it.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

Does not seem to work for me.

I have IDEA 14.0.3 enterprise and lombok plugin 0.9.0 installed. My project is a multi-module maven project that consists of close to 20 sub-modules. In the parent directory where the root pom is, I have added:


The plugin is enabled for the parent and all other modules. Annotation processing is also enabled for all modules. My compiler is set to use javac and I am running JDK 1.7.

Also, in the very root directory where the parent pom is, I have a lombk.config file with the following:

config.stopBubbling = true
lombok.log.fieldIsStatic = false
lombok.log.fieldName = 'logger'

Pretty simple. I restarted IDEA once just to be sure everything is activated. and rebuilt the project again, to be extra sure.

I then annotated a class with @slf4j and started getting compiler errors, because no "logger" field was generated for me. I do see "log" but there is no logger per my configuration.

What's missing?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

I am also not clear on when the changes are activated. If change something in lombok.config, do I have to restart IDEA? Do I have to rebuild the project?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

It would also be good to be able to review which settings are recognized by the plugin. I see that I can modify fonts and colors for the config file but I have no idea which of the settings are loaded.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

Janmm14 avatar Janmm14 commented on July 19, 2024

enabled annotation processing?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024


Yes. See the screenshot please.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

Do I have to specify the lombok jar as an explicit processor? IDE is set to pick up processors from the classpath.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mplushnikov avatar mplushnikov commented on July 19, 2024

You have to put your "lombok.config" files into project src directory at the moment. For example in maven project it could be under "src/main/java".

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

thanks for the tip. That didn't seem to work either. Moved the config file to src/main/java for a given module, made sure javac was the compiler, closed and reopened idea and rebuilt the project. same result.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mmoayyed avatar mmoayyed commented on July 19, 2024

any other suggestions or thoughts as to why this isn't working? do you have a sample project by any chance I could try?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

zshamrock avatar zshamrock commented on July 19, 2024

It doesn't work for me as well.
IntelliJ IDEA: 14.0.3 Enterprise
Lombok plugin: 0.9.1

I'm using lombok.accessors.fluent
I've tried to put lombok.config into src/main/java and src/main/lombok, no effect.

Thank you.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

addedsparkle avatar addedsparkle commented on July 19, 2024

It would be great if the plugin could pick the config file up from the project directory. I have a multi-project gradle build and if the lombok.config file is in src/main/java then it doesn't build. We have to have two copies of the config file, one in src/main/java for the plugin and one in project root dir for gradle.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

dmiescgm avatar dmiescgm commented on July 19, 2024

+1 to @addedsparkle

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

nhekfqn avatar nhekfqn commented on July 19, 2024

+1 to @addedsparkle and @dmiescgm (running IDEA 14.1.1 and lombok plugin 0.9.2) I have a few modules and have to copy lombok.config to src/main/java folders of each module. This is biggest issue with pluging for me at the moment, hope you'll put it on top of your todo list.

Btw, I checked the pluging about 6 months ago and it was totally unusable for me at that moment. With the latest version of plugin I can at last start using lombok in my projects. Thanks for your work!

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

scruffyfox avatar scruffyfox commented on July 19, 2024

Is there any ETA on support for this, especially accessor prefixes? Implementation of this for config files would literally make my teams life so much easier

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

RodrigoQuesadaDev avatar RodrigoQuesadaDev commented on July 19, 2024

Support for accessor prefix configuration would be very helpful.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

jbatte47 avatar jbatte47 commented on July 19, 2024

+1, I am writing field names with a different convention in files enhanced by lombok versus other files, which makes my eye twitch. Really looking forward to lombok.accessors.* support in IDEA.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mogren avatar mogren commented on July 19, 2024

Ah, works for me now that I saw that lombok.config has to be in src/main/java. I too wish that the plugin could pick up the settings from the base project directory like lombok does. (Right now we have to have 44 copies of our lombok.config just to rename the logging package....

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

alexejk avatar alexejk commented on July 19, 2024

Interesting.. According to Lombok source code it should bubble up the lookup until it gets stop bubbling configuration:

That seems to be starting off a file that Lombok is parsing and all the way up. Can it be that the plugin is triggering Lombok slightly differently compared to Eclipse/Gradle ?

Would also love the ability to properly configure Lombok in a multi-module project.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

baracil avatar baracil commented on July 19, 2024

According to the method getStringLombokConfigProperty in:

The plugin seems to have its own implementation to read the global configuration.

It does not do exactly like Lombok: it starts from the folder containing the file that it is parsing but does not go all the way up, instead it stops at the default package. That is why it works when the configuration file is in src/main/java.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mplushnikov avatar mplushnikov commented on July 19, 2024

@baracil Exactly, at the moment you have to place lombok.config file in the src/main/java or src/main/resource directory (or other source root directory).
I will check the possibility of reading of config file from the module/project directory. That would help to simplify multi-project configuration.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

jemshit avatar jemshit commented on July 19, 2024

With Android Studio 1.5 and Plugin v, IDE can't find lombok.config. I've put it under /src/main/java.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

darenegade avatar darenegade commented on July 19, 2024

Of course it's the same with IntelliJ 15. Neither src/main/java nor src/main/resource works for me.

A nice side effect is, if i put the @Accessors annotation above my class, the class structure changes to the configured behavior. Unfortunately it has no effect on the generated Class files.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

alexejk avatar alexejk commented on July 19, 2024

This is interesting. Im using 15.0.2 (and was using both EAP and prod versions of 15) and everything works fine for me. Naturally I had to ensure that In Preferences -> Other Settings -> Lombok plugin, I have "Enable Lombok plugin for this project" enabled.

I have Lombok Plugin installed as well.
You do have Lombok as dependency in the project (in pom.xml or build.gradle), right?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

jemshit avatar jemshit commented on July 19, 2024

Of course, otherwise it won't compile

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

alexejk avatar alexejk commented on July 19, 2024

I have customised logger variable name that is being found by the plugin. Could it be that this is an issue of some configurations not being applied properly rather than lombok.config not being found?

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

jemshit avatar jemshit commented on July 19, 2024

@alexejk i am trying to use
lombok.anyConstructor.suppressConstructorProperties = true which does not work

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

darenegade avatar darenegade commented on July 19, 2024

I have set the Maven dependeny for Lombok in my pom.xml and the plugin is enabled for the project.
(Lombok Plugin and IntelliJ 15.0.2 )

I my src/main/resource/lombok.config i have set the property lombok.getter.noIsPrefix = true. But i was mistaking with the @Accessors annotation. I rebuilded my project and lombok created all Class Files with no Is-Prefix.
But the Class Structure didn't changed and stayed with the Is-Prefix. And IntelliJ can't make the project cause it didn't find the symbol for the getter without IS-Prefix. After that I applied the @Accessors annotation to my class and everything worked as intended (Class Structur had Get-Prefix too).

But shouldn't it just work without the extra annotation?

And you're right, this is more like an issue for this configuration property which is not being applied properly.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

alexejk avatar alexejk commented on July 19, 2024

From what I know, @Accessors is the experimental feature in Lombok, and the IntelliJ plugin has to support each and every feature to make sure IDEA understands it.

I would suggest that you create a separate issue for this specific functionality.

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

idelpivnitskiy avatar idelpivnitskiy commented on July 19, 2024

lombok.accessors.chain = true doesn't work if you don't have an @Accessors annotation on the bean. But according to the Lombok's doc:

lombok.accessors.chain = [true | false](default: false)
If set to true, any class that either doesn't have an @accessors annotation, or it does, but that annotation does not have an explicit value for the chain parameter, will act as if @accessors(chain = true) is present.

Tested with version 0.10.16 and Intellij IDEA 2016.1.1

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

mplushnikov avatar mplushnikov commented on July 19, 2024

New version (0.11) of plugin was released today. It contains many improvements for configuration system of lombok. Please verify it and open new issues for new problems:)

from lombok-intellij-plugin.

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