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This project forked from couchbaselabs/couchtalk-ios

1.0 2.0 0.0 3.46 MB

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Objective-C 59.68% JavaScript 34.36% Ruby 0.08% CSS 5.89%

couchtalk-ios's Introduction


This is a port of to work with Couchbase Lite.


Start with the usual git clone, etc. of this repo. (You'll also need node installed, with npm.)

Then build the CouchApp which the iOS app will host:

npm install
# TODO: at least some of these should be in package.json
npm install grunt-cli grunt-couchapp coax couchapp
node_modules/.bin/grunt build       # TBD: not needed with `grunt dev` below?

Next get the iOS app stuff ready:

brew install ios-sim
sudo gem install cocoapods
pod install

Manual launch

To run the app open CouchTalk.xcworkspace # now Build+Go

(Note the need to open the .xcworkspace file, if you use the .xcodeproj directly your builds will fail with ld: library not found for -lPods.)

Now you should be able to start the "automatic install" helper, and open the simulator-served app:

node_modules/.bin/grunt dev
open http://localhost:59840/couchtalk/_design/app/index.html

Automatic launch

Or just npm start which will launch everything (iOS app, CouchApp pusher, browser tab) automatically.

couchtalk-ios's People


natevw avatar


Cristian A Monterroza avatar


James Cloos avatar  avatar

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