Nguyen Thinh's Projects
Backend for Anchi - A project for my school homework.
Best practice code fractions I've collected from various source
Bài tập lớn Lập trình Hướng đối tượng 2 - Bomberman 2020
Citizen V - Hệ thống điều tra dân số
CitizenV's backend Django
Bài tập lớn Lập trình Hướng Đối tượng 1.
Project of my 2nd year
Learning Django with a small project from Mozilla Developer
A fork from JITLine-replication-package to try and custom the model so as it could be suitable for using in a git hook.
Frontend Mentor's challenge: News Homepage
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Frontend Mentor's challenge
React Native learning project
Income - Outcome managing app, which I called "Revexpend" - revenues and expeditures.
Homework for Software Testing 2022