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NexentaEdge DevOps Edition is purpose built, container converged scale-out storage solution with full set of Enterprise class features. Run Hadoop/Spark, Cassandra, Jenkins, or any application (Scale-out NFS, iSCSI block, S3/Swift Object) in Docker on commodity x86 servers

nedge-dev's Introduction


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NexentaEdge DevOps Edition

Leading container-converged scale-out solution!

NexentaEdge DevOps Edition is purpose built, container converged scale-out storage solution with full set of Enterprise class features. Run Hadoop/Spark, Cassandra, Jenkins, or any application (Scale-out NFS, iSCSI block, S3/Swift Object) in Docker on commodity x86 servers


Containers, Orchestrations, Cloud technologies and proliferation of DevOps tools help make applications portable among private and public clouds. Elasticity and Flexibility are two missing properties of todays software defined data planes. A new, distributed approach is needed to storage, manage, and protect data across hybrid landscape. Using a modern, ultra scalable architecture, Nexenta software defined scale out solution NexentaEdge solves this problem. We call it Flexible Data Plane for Container-Converged solutions:

fig1: deplyoment

Flexible Data Plane overcomes the frictions and economics of traditional storage. It provides a single, programmable data management layer that spans across workloads, clouds and tiers.

Flexible Workloads:

Support any application and major data plane consumers. Traditional storage creates islands of SAN, NAS and object storage to support different applications and OSs. The Flexible Data Plane removes friction in management and necessity for extra copies between the islands by providing unified data storge platform

Flexible Cloud Integrations:

Span private and public clouds. Traditional storage doesn't natively support public clouds. The Flexible Data Plane spins up in any cloud, creating a single data layer that replicates among private or public sites. Integration for any types of data (SAN, NAS and Object), bi-directional and incremental transferring makes multi-site replication feature unique and flexible in usage

Flexible data tenancy, QoS and micro-services:

Collapse traditional storage tiers by introducing bottom up tenancy at storage, networking and compute level. Traditional storage platforms are designed for discrete tiers for isolated workloads. The Flexible Data Plane exposes comprehensive multi-tenancy way of managing IT infrastructure by providing unique way of combining data storage smart placements, storage / networking QoS and micro-services together

Flexible performance characteristics and smart data placement:

Utilize disk and network capacities to its maximum by introducing smart data placements. Every I/O in NexentaEdge placed efficiently, preserving QoS guarantees and at the maximum speed possible. Benefits provided by patented Replicasttm protocol and using high performance UDP transfers. Traditional storage makes poor choices of where I/O has to be placed which often causing I/O spikes and HW underutilization. The Flexible Data Plane maximizes return from HW investments

Unprecedented data integrity guarantees:

Provide end-to-end data integrity to application. NexentaEdge patented CCOWtm technology uses strong and flexible cryptographic checksums (SHA2 and SHA3) to detect and self-heal data corruptions. If a disk returns bad data transiently CCOW will detect it and retry the read. The Flexible Data Plane built on top of CCOW technology will both detect and correct the error: it will use the cryptographic hash to determine which copy is correct, provide good data to the application, and repair the damaged copy automatically.

Capabilities of Flexible Data Plane:

  • Scale-out, high performance architecture
  • Native multi-site replication to / from heterogeneous clouds and between data centers
  • Full automation and orchestration support
  • Micro-services specific data services
  • Unique combination of scale up and scale out from one vendor via Fusion API framework

The NexentaEdge is the only software-defined solution built with the above capabilities. It was designed from the ground up as a modern, distributed unified storage platform that can run on any commodity server and in any public cloud.

The full NexentaEdge Enterprise Edition Documentation is available here

Install and Quick Start

NexentaEdge is designed to run in Linux containers, as baremetal on-premis or in the cloud. It is true object storage high-performance scale out solution with File, Block and Object interfaces tightly integrated with container applications. Purporse built for usage with containers, to help design massively scalable and large data greedy applications.

Requirements and Limitations

It is highly recommended that you run NexentaEdge DevOps Edition on a system with at least 16GB RAM.

Requirement Notes
Kernel Version 4.4 or higher
Docker Version 1.12 or higher
CPU 4 cores minimally recommended
Network Dedicated, VLAN isolated networking interface for Replicast I/O
Memory 16GB Minimum
OS Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, CentOS7.2 with ELREPO kernel 4.4

Example of single node setup, running S3 service

Follow below steps to get familiarity with NexentaEdge by trying "all-in-one" deployment where Data and GW functions running in the same single container.

Step 1: Setting up Replicast(tm) network

NexentaEdge designed for high performance and massive scalability beyond 1000 servers per single namespace physical cluster. It doesn't need to have central metadata server(s) or coordination server(s). Architecture is true "shared nothing" with metadata and data fully distributed across the cluster. To operate optimally NexentaEdge requires dedicated high-performance network, isolated with VLAN segment, set for use of Jumbo Frames and preferably non-blocking switch with Flow-Control enabled.

Data Container can be installed either in single or multiple instances per host. When it is installed as a single container, consider to use "--network host" option to simplify networking access for Replicast, Management and Client networks.

It is possible to install more then one Data Container and setup custom Replicast, Management and Client networks. Activation script needs to ensure that all networks exists and functional prior to starting container. For Replicast network it is recommended to use macvlan virtualization method. Example to use macvlan as a Replicast L2 bridge:

ifconfig enp0s9 mtu 9000 up
modprobe macvlan
docker network create -d macvlan --subnet -o parent=enp0s9 repnet

Step 2: Prepare nesetup.json file, raw disks and set optimal host sysctl parameters

  • edit nesetup.json - download from "single-node" profile (located in conf directory) and copy it over to some dedicated container directory, e.g. /root/c0
  • adjust broker_interfaces, example eth1. This is backend gateway container interface (Replicast)
  • server_interfaces point to the same name, example eth1. This is also backend but for data container interface (Replicast)
  • adjust rtrd section to point to the devices to be used. Use nezap utility to zap device(s). WARNING: ALL DATA ON SELECTED DISKS WILL BE WIPED OUT. Example:
ls -l /dev/disk/by-id
docker run --rm --privileged=true -v /dev:/dev nexenta/nedge /opt/nedge/sbin/nezap --do-as-i-say DEVID [JOURNAL_DEVID]

Make sure to zap all the devices you listed in nesetup.json. Use optional JOURNAL_DEVID parameter to additionally zap journal/cache SSD.

Set optimal host sysctl parameters:

echo "net.ipv6.conf.all.force_mld_version = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.core.optmem_max = 131072" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.core.netdev_max_backlog = 300000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.core.rmem_default = 80331648" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.core.rmem_max = 80331648" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.core.wmem_default = 33554432" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.core.wmem_max = 50331648" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "vm.dirty_ratio = 10" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "vm.dirty_background_ratio = 5" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "vm.dirty_expire_centisecs = 6000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "vm.swappiness = 25" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.tcp_fastopen = 3" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv4.tcp_mtu_probing = 1" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.ip6frag_high_thresh = 10000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.ip6frag_low_thresh = 7000000" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
echo "net.ipv6.ip6frag_time = 120" >> /etc/sysctl.conf
sysctl -p

See Reference for detailed explanations for these.

Step 3: Start Data and GW Container (as a single instance case)

  • create empty var directory. This directory will persistently keep containers information necesary to have across restarts and reboots.
mkdir /root/c0/var
  • starting with host networking configuration. Ensure that host has ports 8080 and 9982 not used and available. Port 8080 (default) will be used to respond to REST API requests and 9982 (default) will be used to serve S3 requests
netstat -ant|grep "8080\|9982"|grep LISTEN
docker run --ipc host --network host --name nedge-data-s3 \
	-e HOST_HOSTNAME=$(hostname) -e CCOW_SVCNAME=s3finance -d -t -i --privileged=true \
	-v /root/c0/var:/opt/nedge/var \
	-v /root/c0/nesetup.json:/opt/nedge/etc/ccow/nesetup.json:ro \
	-v /dev:/dev \
	-v /run/docker/plugins:/run/docker/plugins \
	-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
	-v /etc/localtime:/etc/localtime:ro \
        nexenta/nedge /opt/nedge/nmf/ start -j ccowserv -j ccowgws3

Step 4: Initialize cluster and obtain license

  • copy .neadmrc - download from "default" profile (located in conf directory) to /root/c0. If you planning to use neadm tool on a different host, you'll need to adjust API_URL to point to the right management IPv4 address. Default port 8080, and add "-v /root/c0/.neadmrc:/opt/neadm/.neadmrc" to the alias
  • source .bash_completion - download from "default" profile (located in conf directory). This is optional step.
  • setup neadm alias (optional)
source /root/c0/.bash_completion
docker pull nexenta/nedge-neadm
alias neadm="docker run -i -t --rm --network host nexenta/nedge-neadm /opt/neadm/neadm"
  • use NEADM management tool to verify that data container(s) are online
neadm system status
  • use NEADM management tool to initialize cluster
neadm system init
  • register DevOps account here
  • use e-mailed activation key to activate installation:
neadm system license set online LICENSE-ACTIVATION-KEY

Step 5: Create service configuration

  • use NEADM management tool to create cluster name space "company-branch1" and tenant "finance"
neadm cluster create company-branch1
neadm tenant create company-branch1/finance
  • use NEADM management tool to setup service parameters
neadm service create s3 s3finance
neadm service configure s3finance X-Service-Config '{"clusterName":"company-branch1","tenantName":"finance"}'
  • restart s3 service so that it will pick up new values from the "s3finance" service definition
docker exec -it nedge-data-s3 /opt/nedge/nmf/ adm restart ccowgws3

Step 6: Verify that service is running

curl http://localhost:9982/

Example of 3-node setup, running S3 service NGINX proxy and load balancer

Follow below steps to get familiarity with NexentaEdge by trying simple 3-node deployment where Data and GW functions running in the same container, serving S3 protocol with NGNIX load balancing HTTP requests

Step 1: Setting up Replicast(tm) network for 3-node cluster

Follow same networking configuration for all the 3 nodes as described in "single-node" example above. Make sure that networking interfaces are all configured with Jumbo and accessible in isolated VLAN (physical or emulated).

Step 2: Prepare nesetup.json file, raw disks and set optimal host sysctl parameters

Follow same disk configuration for all the 3 nodes as described in "single-node" example above with following differences and additional stps:

  • you will need to use and edit nesetup.json - download from "default" profile. Or use appropriate profile to enable SSD cache/journaling for high-performance hybrid configuration. Consider to use throughput profile if your use case is mostly large objects / files
  • select one of containers also to have management role by changing "is_aggregator" to 1

Step 3: Start Data and GW Container (as a single instance) on each node

Follow same container start steps as described in "single-node" example above. NexentaEdge will automatically discover new nodes and form a cluster.

Step 4: Initialize cluster and obtain license

Follow same initialization steps as described in "single-node" example above. Make sure to modify .neadmrc to set IPv4 address to point to a node with selected management role (i.e. where is_aggregator=1 in nesetup.json)

Step 5: Create service configuration

Follow same eservice configuration steps as described in "single-node" example above.

Step 6: Setup nginx load balancer proxy

The goal is to set up an installation that has an Nginx reverse proxy server at the front and a set of upstream servers handling the requests. The Nginx server is the one directly communicating with clients. Clients don’t receive any information about particular upstream server handling their requests. The responses appear to come directly from the reverse proxy server.

Assuming that Edge containers running on servers with public IPv4 addresses (,,, create simple reverse proxy configuration file:

mkdir /root/ngnix/{conf.d,certs}
# echo "upstream servers {

server {
listen 80;

location / {
proxy_pass http://servers;
}” > /root/nginx/default.conf

And start ngnix proxy container:

docker run -td -p 80:80 --name nginx-proxy \
	-v /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro \
	-v /root/ngnix/conf.d:/etc/nginx/conf.d:ro \
        -v /root/ngnix/certs:/etc/nginx/certs:ro \

Step 7: Verify that S3 proxy service is running

Observe that ngnix-proxy host (replace with IP address to access proxy) can transparently proxy and load-balance S3 requests to Edge cluster:

curl http://ngnix-proxy:9982/

Contact Us

As you use NexentaEdge, please share your feedback and ask questions. Find the team on NexentaEdge Forum.

If your requirements extend beyond the scope of DevOps Edition, then please contact Nexenta for information on NexentaEdge Enterprise Edition.


Description of nesetup.json

Section "ccow"

This file defines configuration used by CCOW client library.

Field Description Example Required
tenant/failure_domain Defines desirable failure domain for the container. 0 - single node, 1 - server, 2 - zone 1 required
network/broker_interfaces The network interface for GW function, can be same as in ccowd.json eth0 required

Section "ccowd"

This file defines configuration used by CCOW daemon.

Field Description Example Required
network/server_interfaces The network interface for DATA function eth0 required
transport Default transport mechanism. Supported options: rtrd (RAW Disk Interface), rtlfs (On top of FileSystem) rtrd required

Section "rtrd"

This file defines device configuration. Recommended for High Performance and better Disk space utilization as there is no filesytem overhead and data blobs written directly to device.

Field Description Example Required
devices/name Unique device name as listed in /dev/disk/by-id/NAME ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VB370b5369-7d9ecbe0 required
devices/device Kernel device name (used only for device description) /dev/sdb required
devices/journal Unique device name as listed in /dev/disk/by-id/NAME (SSD) to be used as WAL journal and caching ata-VBOX_HARDDISK_VB370b5369-8e7a88e7 optional

Section "rtlfs"

This file defines device configuration.

Field Description Example Required
devices/name Unique device name as listed in /dev/disk/by-id/NAME disk1 required
devices/path Mountpoint to use. Supported file systems: EXT4, XFS and ZFS /data/disk1 required
devices/device Kernel device name (used only for device description) /dev/sdb required

Section "auditd"

This file defines StatsD protocol compatible statistic aggregator configuration.

Field Description Example Required
is_aggregator Marks Data Container to become an aggregator and primary management endpoint 0 required

Modifications to host OS sysctl

To achieve best performance / reliability results some host parameters needs to be adjusted.

Recommended modifications

This section defines parameters which recommended for optimal performance.

Field Description Value Required
net.ipv6.conf.all.force_mld_version Version of MLD protocol 1 required
vm.dirty_ratio Percentage of system memory which when dirty, the process doing writes would block and write out dirty pages to the disks 10 required for hosts running Data containers
vm.dirty_background_ratio Percentage of system memory which when dirty then system can start writing data to the disks 5 required for hosts running Data containers
vm.dirty_expire_centisecs Defines when dirty data is old enough to be eligible for writeout to disks 6000 required for hosts running Data containers
vm.swappiness Defines how aggressive the kernel will swap memory pages 25 required for hosts running Data containers
net.core.optmem_max Maximum amount of option memory buffers 131072 required for 10G+ networks
net.core.netdev_max_backlog Maximum amount of incoming packets for backlog queue 300000 required for 10G+ networks
net.core.rmem_default Default socket receive buffer 80331648 required for 10G+ networks
net.core.rmem_max Maximum socket receive buffer 80331648 required for 10G+ networks
net.core.wmem_default Default socket send buffer 33554432 required for 10G+ networks
net.core.wmem_max Maximum socket send buffer 50331648 required for 10G+ networks
net.ipv6.ip6frag_high_thresh Maximum amount of memory to use to reassemble IP fragments 10000000 required for 10G+ networks
net.ipv6.ip6frag_low_thresh Lower limit at which packets should start being assembled again 7000000 required for 10G+ networks
net.ipv6.ip6frag_time Tells the IP fragmentation handler how long to keep an IP fragment in memory, counted in seconds 120 required for 10G+ networks

Other limitations:

Resource Limit
Max Total Used 10TB
Max Number of Data Containers 3
Minimal number of disks per Data Container 4

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