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Comments (36)

Zazck avatar Zazck commented on September 26, 2024 29

@arfost process image as buffer(not as array) will speed up your convertion.

function screenCaptureToFile(robotScreenPic) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    try {
      const image = new Jimp(robotScreenPic.width, robotScreenPic.height);
      let pos = 0;
      image.scan(0, 0, image.bitmap.width, image.bitmap.height, (x, y, idx) => {
        /* eslint-disable no-plusplus */[idx + 2] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);[idx + 1] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);[idx + 0] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);[idx + 3] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);
        /* eslint-enable no-plusplus */
    } catch (e) {

it will be 400 times faster

buffer: 50 convert: 21213
buffer: 55 convert: 21277
buffer: 40 convert: 21823

from robotjs.

TongHaizhang avatar TongHaizhang commented on September 26, 2024 20

Maybe you can speed up the pace of updates

from robotjs.

carlosgalveias avatar carlosgalveias commented on September 26, 2024 17

While saving the screen capture is not implemented, here's a workaround i used by using the Jimp package:

var Jimp = require('jimp');
var robot = require('robotjs');

var screenCaptureToFile = function(path) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        try {
            var picture = robot.screen.capture();
            var image = new Jimp(picture.width, picture.height, function(err, img) {
       = picture.image;
                img.getBuffer(Jimp.MIME_PNG, (err, png) => {
                    image.write(path, resolve);
        } catch (e) {


from robotjs.

omegacoleman avatar omegacoleman commented on September 26, 2024 10

The solution @carlosgalveias given has made two mistakes, the correct version might be:

    var image = jimp(pic.width, pic.height, function(err, img) { = pic.image;
        img.scan(0, 0, img.bitmap.width, img.bitmap.height, function (x, y, idx) {
          var red   =[ idx + 0 ];
          var blue  =[ idx + 2 ];
[ idx + 0 ] = blue;
[ idx + 2 ] = red;
        img.write("./" + n + (new Date().getTime()) + '.png');

but this need improving as well. Jimp and RobotJS pick differently from BGR and RGB, so it needs reversing. Actually I think performing an option in robotjs about RGB and BGR is a better idea.

from robotjs.

will123195 avatar will123195 commented on September 26, 2024 7

This worked for me:

const robot = require('robotjs')
const Jimp = require('jimp')

function captureImage({ x, y, w, h }) {
  const pic = robot.screen.capture(x, y, w, h)
  const width = pic.byteWidth / pic.bytesPerPixel // pic.width is sometimes wrong!
  const height = pic.height
  const image = new Jimp(width, height)
  let red, green, blue
  pic.image.forEach((byte, i) => {
    switch (i % 4) {
      case 0: return blue = byte
      case 1: return green = byte
      case 2: return red = byte
      case 3:[i - 3] = red[i - 2] = green[i - 1] = blue[i] = 255
  return image

captureImage({ x, y, w, h }).write('capture.png')

from robotjs.

carlosgalveias avatar carlosgalveias commented on September 26, 2024 6

Ok, i managed to do it in C++ and now its fast.

Made a fork here in windows that outputs the buffer as a RGB and not as a BRG

Added the function to MMBitmap.c :

MMBitmapRef ConvertBMPToRGBBuffer (MMBitmapRef bitmap) {

assert(bitmap != NULL);
uint8_t *rgbBitmap = NULL;

if (bitmap->imageBuffer != NULL) {
	const size_t bufsize = bitmap->height * bitmap->bytewidth;
	rgbBitmap = malloc(bufsize);
	if (rgbBitmap == NULL) return NULL;
	memcpy(rgbBitmap, bitmap->imageBuffer, bufsize);

// find the number of padding bytes
int padding = 0;
int scanlinebytes = bitmap->bytewidth;
while ( ( scanlinebytes + padding ) % bitmap->bytewidth != 0 )     // DWORD = 4 bytes
// get the padded scanline bitmap->bytewidth
int psw = scanlinebytes + padding;

// now we loop trough all bytes of the original buffer, 
// swap the R and B bytes and the scanlines
long bufpos = 0;   
long newpos = 0;
for ( int y = 0; y < bitmap->height; y++ )
	for ( int x = 0; x < bitmap->bytesPerPixel * bitmap->width; x+=bitmap->bytesPerPixel )
		newpos = y * bitmap->bytesPerPixel * bitmap->width + x;     
		rgbBitmap[newpos] = bitmap->imageBuffer[newpos + 2];       
		rgbBitmap[newpos + 2] = bitmap->imageBuffer[newpos];     

// Do not forget to destroy the original bitmap if you dont need it to avoid memory leaks
return createMMBitmap(rgbBitmap,
                      bitmap->bytesPerPixel); }

On screengrab.c i added:

/* Copy the data to our pixel buffer. */

if (bitmap != NULL) {
	bitmap->imageBuffer = malloc(bitmap->bytewidth * bitmap->height);
	memcpy(bitmap->imageBuffer, data, bitmap->bytewidth * bitmap->height);
	bitmapRGB = ConvertBMPToRGBBuffer(bitmap);

from robotjs.

 avatar commented on September 26, 2024 5

thanks @Zazck for that snippet.

I was having an issue on my computer with the alpha channel not rendering correctly; it was spitting out large black rectangles over certain areas. In case anyone else is having the same issue, this forces the alpha channel to always be 100% during the conversion:

function screenCaptureToFile(robotScreenPic) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    try {
      const image = new Jimp(robotScreenPic.width, robotScreenPic.height);
      let pos = 0;
      image.scan(0, 0, image.bitmap.width, image.bitmap.height, (x, y, idx) => {
        /* eslint-disable no-plusplus */[idx + 2] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);[idx + 1] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);[idx + 0] = robotScreenPic.image.readUInt8(pos++);
        pos++[idx + 3] = 255;
        /* eslint-enable no-plusplus */
    } catch (e) {

from robotjs.

porsager avatar porsager commented on September 26, 2024 1

@octalmage Also curious if this is being worked on or if you'd be ok with a pull request? I'd probably be interested in making the call async. What do you think about that?

from robotjs.

arfost avatar arfost commented on September 26, 2024 1


I'm not sure why but the two above functions with jimp didn't work for me, and I needed to save the captured picture, so here is my version of the function using JIMP if it can help someone :)

var Jimp = require('jimp');
var robot = require('robotjs');

var screenCaptureToFile = function (path,  robotScreenPic) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        try {
            var image = new Jimp(robotScreenPic.width, robotScreenPic.height);
            image.scan(0, 0, image.bitmap.width, image.bitmap.height, function (x, y, idx) {
                var color = robotScreenPic.colorAt(x, y);
                var red = parseInt(color[0] + color[1], 16);
                var green = parseInt(color[2] + color[3], 16);
                var blue = parseInt(color[4] + color[5], 16);

      [idx + 0] = Number(red);
      [idx + 1] = Number(green);
      [idx + 2] = Number(blue);
      [idx + 3] = 255;
            image.write(path, resolve);

        } catch (e) {

Thanks to @carlosgalveias and @omegacoleman for the starter, I couldn't find it without them.
Beware, it can be very slow for big pictures

from robotjs.

octalmage avatar octalmage commented on September 26, 2024

For the bitmap functions, I'll return an object similar to this:

MMBitmapRef createMMBitmap(uint8_t *buffer,
                           size_t width,
                           size_t height,
                           size_t bytewidth,
                           uint8_t bitsPerPixel,
                           uint8_t bytesPerPixel)
    MMBitmapRef bitmap = malloc(sizeof(MMBitmap));
    if (bitmap == NULL) return NULL;

    bitmap->imageBuffer = buffer;
    bitmap->width = width;
    bitmap->height = height;
    bitmap->bytewidth = bytewidth;
    bitmap->bitsPerPixel = bitsPerPixel;
    bitmap->bytesPerPixel = bytesPerPixel;

    return bitmap;

This way we can pass the necessary

from robotjs.

octalmage avatar octalmage commented on September 26, 2024

With the new syntax this will go in the index.js.

function bitmap (imagedata, width, height) 
    this.imagedata = imagedata;
    this.width = width;
    this.height. = height;
} = function(path) 
    robotjs.saveBitmap(this.imagedata, path);

module.exports.screen.capture = function()
    b = robotjs.captureScreen();
    return new bitmap(b.imagedata, b.width, b.height);

Then you'll use it like this:

var robot = require("robotjs");

var desktop = robot.screen.capture();"screencapture.png");

Note: I wrote this on my phone.

from robotjs.

octalmage avatar octalmage commented on September 26, 2024

Might need to use:


To pass the image between V8 and JavaScript.

from robotjs.

Deltatiger avatar Deltatiger commented on September 26, 2024

This should be the next priority. Capture screen will allow for more projects to adopt RobotJS. (Also my mini project of a remote desktop )

from robotjs.

octalmage avatar octalmage commented on September 26, 2024

Agreed, I would like to implement this since there's a special way I want it implemented (see bitmap branch). I'll start on this after #87 is merged and RobotJS is completely updated. This is going to take some extra work on Windows due to the libpng and zlib dependencies, which is the main reason I put it off. These libraries are required for disk related functionality, and createMMBitmapFromString.

#64 is another priority for me.

from robotjs.

octalmage avatar octalmage commented on September 26, 2024

Here's the latest:

from robotjs.

Deltatiger avatar Deltatiger commented on September 26, 2024

@octalmage I will look into this bug and get it sorted out. Is the version implemented for Linux ?

from robotjs.

octalmage avatar octalmage commented on September 26, 2024

Nice! Yeah it works for Linux too. I'm pretty sure my math is wrong for the buffers though. If I remember correctly it crashed when I passed the image buffer back to C++ from JavaScript in colorAt.

from robotjs.

SiriusDG avatar SiriusDG commented on September 26, 2024

Is the image save implemented yet? I tried to follow the demo from comments, did not yet work. Any simple way to save captured images? This is about all I really need to make great use of this, thanks!

from robotjs.

octalmage avatar octalmage commented on September 26, 2024

The first part is implemented, screen capturing, but not saving yet. We just released the capture code in 0.4.0 this weekend, so it will be a bit longer before the saving code is out.

from robotjs.

roccomuso avatar roccomuso commented on September 26, 2024


from robotjs.

stephenthedev avatar stephenthedev commented on September 26, 2024

@octalmage is there an update on this? Has the ready tag since 10/15

from robotjs.

Hum4n01d avatar Hum4n01d commented on September 26, 2024

Any news?

from robotjs.

happilymarrieddad avatar happilymarrieddad commented on September 26, 2024


from robotjs.

octalmage avatar octalmage commented on September 26, 2024

@porsager I've got screen capture implemented, but that's it. There's logic in there for the rest but it needs some work. See

I don't have the time to work on this currently (and won't for a while), but I'm happy to accept and review PRs.


from robotjs.

developer239 avatar developer239 commented on September 26, 2024

Thank you so much.

from robotjs.

johnmarlow007 avatar johnmarlow007 commented on September 26, 2024

Hi guys. I just wanted to say "CONGRATULATIONS!" for this project.
I have tried a few things and it works pretty much flowlessly.

Now I too need this screen capture feature with image saved locally for further processing and I highly encourage your efforts to get it working.

I would like to support the project but will need to get deeper in the study of how its done and I hope I can help with my limited knowledge.
Thank you and best of luck !

from robotjs.

vernondegoede avatar vernondegoede commented on September 26, 2024

@arfost I experienced the same issue with large pictures (especially retina screens). It took too long to process the picture (about ~600ms), so I ended up using the desktop-screenshot package.

from robotjs.

carlosgalveias avatar carlosgalveias commented on September 26, 2024

In the meantime i found this:

Maybe this can be done natively in C++ so that its faster, in certain cases the JIMP solution is taking 2 seconds.
But getting the output buffer as a RGB instead of a BRG is a must for me.
I would implement it, and tried but crashes all over the place (i'm not a c++ programmer)

@octalmage , what do you think ?

from robotjs.

Deltatiger avatar Deltatiger commented on September 26, 2024

This has to be done in C++ to get some speed benefits. Currently the entire screen buffer's memory is copied onto a bitmap object in C++ and then returned to JS. The code snippet posted above iterates over each pixel (I guess) before the image is generated. For a simple 1024 x 768 resolution screen (Which is a very small screen compared to what is actually out there) this is going to run a lot of times.
Instead if RobotJS binary can directly create the specified file in BMP format, it should be way easier and a lot quicker.
And since the data is still being generated as a Bitmap image, creating a BMP file should be easy.

from robotjs.

jtoy avatar jtoy commented on September 26, 2024

is this considered complete?

from robotjs.

Sarkell avatar Sarkell commented on September 26, 2024

@fanfare I didn't come across this issue. And I have been using this solution for a week very intensively

@octalmage It would be wonderful to have this feature ASAP. The solution seems to be found

from robotjs.

sebastiaorealino avatar sebastiaorealino commented on September 26, 2024

This worked for me:

const robot = require('robotjs')
const Jimp = require('jimp')

function captureImage({ x, y, w, h }) {
  const pic = robot.screen.capture(x, y, w, h)
  const width = pic.byteWidth / pic.bytesPerPixel // pic.width is sometimes wrong!
  const height = pic.height
  const image = new Jimp(width, height)
  let red, green, blue
  pic.image.forEach((byte, i) => {
    switch (i % 4) {
      case 0: return blue = byte
      case 1: return green = byte
      case 2: return red = byte
      case 3:[i - 3] = red[i - 2] = green[i - 1] = blue[i] = 255
  return image

captureImage({ x, y, w, h }).write('capture.png')

Try to use @Zazck solution.
His code is almost twice as fast:

@will123195 code: 639.065ms
@Zazck code: 371.819ms

Thanks @Zazck!

from robotjs.

wangrongding avatar wangrongding commented on September 26, 2024


from robotjs.

wburgess-around avatar wburgess-around commented on September 26, 2024

If anyone else just needs to grab a screenshot on MacOS you can just do:

await robot.keyTap('3', [ 'command', 'shift' ])

to take a screenshot that will auto-save to your Desktop. Obviously will not support custom sizes but this is all I needed to debug a remote machine.

from robotjs.

Psalm01-bot avatar Psalm01-bot commented on September 26, 2024

Weldone at octalmage, pls can you pls update on search function

from robotjs.

arthurwolf avatar arthurwolf commented on September 26, 2024

Any progress on this?

Amazing project.

from robotjs.

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