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This project forked from scm-ninja/starter-web

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Simple starting point website project based upon Initializr

CSS 1.80% JavaScript 6.47% HTML 91.73%

starter-web's Introduction

#Starter Web Project

This is a simple website project for showing how to use Git and Github together. Add some new text rebase. Adding another line for rebasing then incorporating new changes for sstash.


This is example to show different parts of the Git repository and various commands using a web project.


As stated above, the main purpose is to provide simple examples for Git training demos.


This is a simple web project, deployment can be on any web server or even local file system.

How To Contribute

Fork this and pull then push + commit


There is a copyright notice here now. New one and thanks for my students

Updating for emergecny fix after stash

starter-web's People


jasongtaylor avatar awesomejt avatar oliwrongful avatar

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