p-baleine Goto Github PK
Name: Tajima Jumpei
Type: User
Twitter: parc_b
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Name: Tajima Jumpei
Type: User
Twitter: parc_b
Location: Tokyo, Japan
Cross-browser CSS3 animations. Plug and play. Do a little dance.
share feeling of your awesome and favorite animation
Authenticateion server for atom-twitter.
Twitter client for Atom. https://atom.io/packages/atom-twitter-client
Give your JS App some Backbone with Models, Views, Collections, and Events
BDD style Todo app with mvc frameworks
blanket.js is a simple code coverage library for javascript. Designed to be easy to install and use, for both browser and nodejs.
A Node.js ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite3 in the style of Backbone.js
Sleek, intuitive, and powerful front-end framework for faster and easier web development.
builder for component
Simple date picker.
Chai Assertion Matchers for Backbone.js
A CircleCI demo project using Ruby and Rails
Aggregate module housing several extremely common middleware
component(1) - CLI tool for creating, building, and installing components
A JavaScript visualization library for HTML and SVG.
Ruby on Rails Tutorial demo application
Ultra light dependency injection container in Javascript
My emacs configuration file
an Emacs "jump to definition" package
An SIL-licenced (GPL-compatible) icons font for bootstrap
Example Koa apps
JavaScript libarary for reading EXIF image metadata
A declarative, efficient, and flexible JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
🖖 Vue.js is a progressive, incrementally-adoptable JavaScript framework for building UI on the web.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to clean JavaScript output.
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone
The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.
A PHP framework for web artisans
Bring data to life with SVG, Canvas and HTML. 📊📈🎉
JavaScript (JS) is a lightweight interpreted programming language with first-class functions.
Some thing interesting about web. New door for the world.
A server is a program made to process requests and deliver data to clients.
Machine learning is a way of modeling and interpreting data that allows a piece of software to respond intelligently.
Some thing interesting about visualization, use data art
Some thing interesting about game, make everyone happy.
We are working to build community through open source technology. NB: members must have two-factor auth.
Open source projects and samples from Microsoft.
Google ❤️ Open Source for everyone.
Alibaba Open Source for everyone
Data-Driven Documents codes.
China tencent open source team.