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The xHyper-V DSC module configures and manages a Hyper-V host using the xVhd, xVMHyperV, xVMSwitch, xVhdFileDirectory resources.

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Please check out common DSC Resources contributing guidelines.


  • xVhd manages VHDs in a Hyper-V host.
  • xVMHyperV manages VMs in a Hyper-V host.
  • xVMSwitch manages virtual switches in a Hyper-V host.
  • xVhdFileDirectory manages files or directories in a VHD. You can use it to copy files/folders to the VHD, remove files/folders from a VHD, and change attributes of a file in a VHD (e.g. change a file attribute to 'ReadOnly' or 'Hidden'). This resource is particularly useful when bootstrapping DSC Configurations into a VM.


  • Name: The desired VHD file name
  • Path: The desired Path where the VHD will be created
  • ParentPath: Parent VHD file path, for differencing disk
  • MaximumSizeBytes: Maximum size of VHD to be created
  • Generation: Virtual disk format: { Vhd | VHDx }
  • Ensure: Ensures that the VHD is Present or Absent


  • Name: The desired VM name
  • VhdPath: The desired VHD associated with the VM
  • SwitchName: Virtual switch(es) associated with the VM. Multiple NICs can now be assigned.
  • State: State of the VM: { Running | Paused | Off }
  • Path: Folder where the VM data will be stored
  • Generation: Virtual machine generation { 1 | 2 }. Generation 2 virtual machines only support VHDX files.
  • SecureBoot: Enables or disables secure boot only on generation 2 virtual machines. If not specified, it defaults to True.
  • StartupMemory: Startup RAM for the VM
  • MinimumMemory: Minimum RAM for the VM. Setting this property enables dynamic memory.
  • MaximumMemory: Maximum RAM for the VM. Setting this property enables dynamic memory.
  • MACAddress: MAC address(es) of the VM. Multiple MAC addresses can now be assigned.
  • ProcessorCount: Processor count for the VM
  • WaitForIP: If specified, waits for the VM to get valid IP address
  • RestartIfNeeded: If specified, will shutdown and restart the VM as needed for property changes
  • Ensure: Ensures that the VM is Present or Absent

The following xVMHyper-V properties cannot be changed after VM creation:

  • VhdPath
  • Path
  • Generation


  • Name: The desired VM Switch name
  • Type: The desired type of switch: { External | Internal | Private }
  • NetAdapterName: Network adapter name for external switch type
  • AllowManagementOS: Specify if the VM host has access to the physical NIC
  • BandwidthReservationMode: Specify the QoS mode used (options other than NA are only supported on Hyper-V 2012+): { Default | Weight | Absolute | None | NA }.
  • Ensure: Ensures that the VM Switch is Present or Absent


  • VhdPath: Path to the VHD
  • FileDirectory: The FileDirectory objects to copy to the VHD (as used in the "File" resource). Please see the Examples section for more details.



  • MSFT_xVMHyperV: Fixed bug causing Test-TargetResource to fail when VM had snapshots.
  • MSFT_xVMHyperV: Adds localization support.
  • MSFT_xVMSwitch: Fixes bug where virtual switches are duplicated when BandwidthReservationMode is not specified.

  • xHyperV: Added SecureBoot parameter to enable control of the secure boot BIOS setting on generation 2 VMs.
  • Fixed drive letter when mounting VHD when calling resource xVhdFile. Fixes #20.
  • MSFT_xVMHyperV: Changed the SwitchName parameter to string[] to support assigning multiple NICs to virtual machines.
  • MSFT_xVMHyperV: Changed the MACAddress parameter to string[] to support assigning multiple MAC addresses to virtual machines.
  • MSFT_xVMHyperV: Added enabling of Guest Service Interface.
  • MSFT_xVMSwitch: Added the BandwidthReservationMode parameter which specifies how minimum bandwidth is to be configured on a virtual switch

  • Added data type System.String to CheckSum parameter of Get/Set/Test-TargetResource functions and aligned indentation.
  • Minor fixes

  • xVMHyperV: Fixed bug in mof schema (Generation property had two types)
  • xVhdFileDirectory: Fixed typo in type comparison
  • Readme updates

  • Decoupled VM generation from underlying VHD format in xVMHyperV resource.
  • Breaking change: xVMHyperV resource: Generation property type changed from a String to an Integer.
  • The initial generation property was tied to the virtual disk format which was incorrect and has been rectified.
  • This change will only impact configurations that have previously explicitly specified the VM generation is either "vhd" or "vhdx".

  • Fixed VM power state issue in xVMHyperV resource


  • Fixed check for presence of param AllowManagementOS.



  • Added logic to automatically adjust VM's startup memory when only minimum and maximum memory is specified in configuration
  • Fixed the issue that a manually stopped VM cannot be brought back to running state with DSC


  • Added xVhdFileDirectory Resource
  • Allowed name to be specified with the extension in xVhd (e.g. the Vhd name could either be "sample" or "sample.vhd")
  • When a VHD cannot be removed because it is already being used by another process, an error will be thrown.

  • Initial release with the following resources
    • xVhd
    • xVMHyperV
    • xVMSwitch


End-to-End Example

In this example, we ensure that an internal VM Switch and a VM made from VHD with an unattended.xml file are present.

# End to end sample for x-Hyper-v
Configuration Sample_EndToEndXHyperV_RunningVM


        [validatescript({Test-Path $_})]


    Import-DscResource -module xHyper-V

    # Create a switch to be used by the VM
    xVMSwitch switch
        Name =  "Test-Switch"
        Ensure = "Present"      
        Type = "Internal"

    # Create new VHD file.
    xVHD NewVHD1

            Ensure         = "Present"
            Name           = $name
            Path           = (Split-Path $baseVhdPath)
            Generation     = "vhd"
            ParentPath     =  $baseVhdPath


    # Customize VHD by copying a folders/files to the VHD before a VM can be created
    # Example below shows copying unattended.xml before a VM can be created
    xVhdFile CopyUnattendxml
            VhdPath =  $vhdPath
            FileDirectory =  MSFT_xFileDirectory {
                               SourcePath = $unattendedFilePathToCopy
                               DestinationPath = "unattended.xml"


    # create the generation 1 testVM out of the vhd.
    xVMHyperV testvm
        Name = "$($name)_vm"
        SwitchName = "Test-Switch"
        VhdPath = Join-path (Split-Path $baseVhdPath) "$name.vhd"
        ProcessorCount = 2
        MaximumMemory  = 1GB
        MinimumMemory = 512MB
        RestartIfNeeded =  "TRUE"
        DependsOn = "[xVHD]NewVHD1","[xVMSwitch]switch","[xVhdFile]CopyUnattendxml"
        State = "Running"



Create a new VHD

This configuration will create a new VHD on Hyper-V host.

Configuration Sample_xVHD_NewVHD



        [string]$Generation = "Vhd",

        [string]$Ensure = "Present"        

    Import-DscResource -module xHyper-V

    Node localhost
        xVHD NewVHD
            Ensure           = $Ensure
            Name             = $Name
            Path             = $Path
            Generation       = $Generation
            MaximumSizeBytes = $MaximumSizeBytes

Create a differencing VHD

This configuration will create a differencing VHD, given a parent VHD, on a Hyper-V host.

Configuration Sample_xVhd_DiffVHD



        [string]$Generation = "Vhd",

        [string]$Ensure = "Present"    

    Import-DscResource -module xHyper-V

    Node localhost
        xVHD DiffVHD
            Ensure     = $Ensure
            Name       = $Name
            Path       = $Path
            ParentPath = $ParentPath
            Generation = $Generation

Create a secure boot generation 2 VM for a given VHD

This configuration will create a VM, given a VHDX, on Hyper-V host.

Configuration Sample_xVMHyperV_Simple
        [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost',



    Import-DscResource -module xHyper-V

    Node $NodeName
        # Install HyperV feature, if not installed - Server SKU only
        WindowsFeature HyperV
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Hyper-V'

        # Ensures a VM with default settings
        xVMHyperV NewVM
            Ensure     = 'Present'
            Name       = $VMName
            VhdPath    = $VhdxPath
            Generation = 2
            DependsOn  = '[WindowsFeature]HyperV'

Create a VM with dynamic memory for a given VHD

This configuration will create a VM with dynamic memory settings, given a VHD, on Hyper-V host. If not specified, Secure Boot will be enabled by default for generation 2 VMs.

Configuration Sample_xVMHyperV_DynamicMemory
        [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost',






        [Boolean]$SecureBoot = $true  

    Import-DscResource -module xHyper-V

    Node $NodeName
        # Install HyperV feature, if not installed - Server SKU only
        WindowsFeature HyperV
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Hyper-V'

        # Ensures a VM with dynamic memory
        xVMHyperV NewVM
            Ensure        = 'Present'
            Name          = $VMName
            VhdPath       = $VhdPath
            Generation    = $Generation
            SecureBoot    = $SecureBoot
            StartupMemory = $StartupMemory
            MinimumMemory = $MinimumMemory
            MaximumMemory = $MaximumMemory
            DependsOn     = '[WindowsFeature]HyperV'

Create a VM with dynamic memory, network interface and processor count for a given VHD

This configuration will create a VM with dynamic memory, network interface and processor count settings, given a VHD, on Hyper-V host.

Configuration Sample_xVMHyperV_Complete
        [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost',










        [String]$State = 'Off',
        [Boolean]$SecureBoot = $true,


    Import-DscResource -module xHyper-V

    Node $NodeName
        # Install HyperV feature, if not installed - Server SKU only
        WindowsFeature HyperV
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Hyper-V'

        # Ensures a VM with all the properties
        xVMHyperV NewVM
            Ensure          = 'Present'
            Name            = $VMName
            VhdPath         = $VhdPath
            SwitchName      = $SwitchName
            State           = $State
            Path            = $Path
            Generation      = $Generation
            SecureBoot      = $SecureBoot
            StartupMemory   = $StartupMemory
            MinimumMemory   = $MinimumMemory
            MaximumMemory   = $MaximumMemory
            ProcessorCount  = $ProcessorCount
            MACAddress      = $MACAddress
            RestartIfNeeded = $true
            WaitForIP       = $WaitForIP 
            DependsOn       = '[WindowsFeature]HyperV'

Create VM with multiple NICs.

This configuration will create two internal virtual switches and create a VM with two network interfaces, one attached to each virtual switch.

Configuration Sample_xVMHyperV_MultipleNICs
        [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost',



    Import-DscResource -module xHyper-V

    Node $NodeName
        # Install HyperV feature, if not installed - Server SKU only
        WindowsFeature HyperV
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Hyper-V'
        # Dynamically build the 'DependsOn' array for the 'xVMHyperV' feature
        # based on the number of virtual switches specified
        $xVMHyperVDependsOn = @('[WindowsFeature]HyperV')
        # Create each virtual switch
        foreach ($vmSwitch in $SwitchName)
            # Remove spaces and hyphens from the identifier
            $vmSwitchName = $vmSwitch -replace ' ','' -replace '-',''
            # Add the virtual switch dependency
            $xVMHyperVDependsOn += "[xVMHyperV]$vmSwitchName"
            xVMSwitch $vmSwitchName
                Ensure         = 'Present'
                Name           = $vmSwitch
                Type           = 'Internal'
                DependsOn      = '[WindowsFeature]HyperV'

        # Ensures a VM with all the properties
        xVMHyperV $VMName
            Ensure     = 'Present'
            Name       = $VMName
            VhdPath    = $VhdPath
            SwitchName = $SwitchName
            MACAddress = $MACAddress
            # Use the dynamically created dependency list/array
            DependsOn  = $xVMHyperVDependsOn

Sample_xVMHyperV_MultipleNICs -VMName 'MultiNICVM' -VhdPath 'C:\VMs\MultiNICVM.vhdx' -SwitchName 'Switch 1','Switch-2'

Create an internal VM Switch

This configuration will create an internal VM Switch, on Hyper-V host.

Configuration Sample_xVMSwitch_Internal
        [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost',


    Import-DscResource -module xHyper-V

    Node $NodeName
        # Install HyperV feature, if not installed - Server SKU only
        WindowsFeature HyperV
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Hyper-V'

        # Ensures a VM with default settings
        xVMSwitch InternalSwitch
            Ensure         = 'Present'
            Name           = $SwitchName
            Type           = 'Internal'
            DependsOn      = '[WindowsFeature]HyperV'

Create an external VM Switch

This configuration will create an external VM Switch, on Hyper-V host.

Configuration Sample_xVMSwitch_External
        [string[]]$NodeName = 'localhost',



    Import-DscResource -module xHyper-V

    Node $NodeName
        # Install HyperV feature, if not installed - Server SKU only
        WindowsFeature HyperV
            Ensure = 'Present'
            Name   = 'Hyper-V'

        # Ensures a VM with default settings
        xVMSwitch ExternalSwitch
            Ensure         = 'Present'
            Name           = $SwitchName
            Type           = 'External'
            NetAdapterName = $NetAdapterName 
            DependsOn      = '[WindowsFeature]HyperV'

Copy a file or folder into a VHD

Configuration xVhdD_CopyFileOrFolder

     [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
     [validatescript({Test-Path $_})]
     [validatescript({Test-Path $_})]

        Import-DscResource -moduleName xHyper-V

        xVhdFile FileCopy
            VhdPath =  $vhdPath
            FileDirectory =  MSFT_xFileDirectory {
                               SourcePath = $itemToCopy
                               DestinationPath = $relativeDestinationPath



Change an Attribute for a File

Configuration ChangeAttribute
      [Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)]
      [validatescript({Test-Path $_})]
      [ValidateSet ("Archive", "Hidden",  "ReadOnly", "System" )] $attribute

    Import-DscResource -moduleName xHyper-V
      xVhdFile Change-Attribute
            VhdPath =  $vhdPath
            FileDirectory =  MSFT_xFileDirectory {
                               DestinationPath = $relativeDestinationPath
                               Attributes  = $attribute


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