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Comments (6)

johnbillion avatar johnbillion commented on July 23, 2024 1

It only took ten years for somebody to notice the mistake:

from wordpress-stubs.

szepeviktor avatar szepeviktor commented on July 23, 2024

Thank you!

Would you like to point out a core docblock bug?

from wordpress-stubs.

szepeviktor avatar szepeviktor commented on July 23, 2024

It can be easily resolved by adding these methods to
Would you like to send a PR?

$filesystemDirlistReturnType = 'false|array<string, array{name: string, perms: string, permsn: string, owner: string, size: int, lastmodunix: int, lastmod: mixed, time: int, type: string, files: mixed}>';

    'WP_Filesystem_Direct::dirlist' => [$filesystemDirlistReturnType],
    'WP_Filesystem_FTPext::dirlist' => [$filesystemDirlistReturnType],
    'WP_Filesystem_MockFS::dirlist' => [$filesystemDirlistReturnType],
    'WP_Filesystem_SSH2::dirlist' => [$filesystemDirlistReturnType],
    'WP_Filesystem_ftpsockets::dirlist' => [$filesystemDirlistReturnType],

from wordpress-stubs.

johnbillion avatar johnbillion commented on July 23, 2024

I'll get these corrected in WordPress core but there's no syntax that we use to document the type of the array keys (not yet anyway), so this will still benefit from stubs in functionMap.php as Viktor mentioned above.

from wordpress-stubs.

szepeviktor avatar szepeviktor commented on July 23, 2024

as Viktor mentioned above

Thank you for not writing a "c" between Vi and tor.

from wordpress-stubs.

lipemat avatar lipemat commented on July 23, 2024

I would be happy to submit a pull request, however I have been unable to get the wordpress-stubs.php file to honor my changes when I run ./

The only things that change in the stubs file are:

  1. An additional superfluous line of * @phpstan-param literal-string $query for the $wpdb->prepare docs.
  2. An extra:
namespace {
 * WordPress database abstraction object.
 * @var wpdb
$wpdb = \null;

My changes to the functionMap seem to have no effect. I have not yet been able to explain why. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

My updated local functionMap.php for reference.


$httpReturnType = 'array{headers: \WpOrg\Requests\Utility\CaseInsensitiveDictionary, body: string, response: array{code: int,message: string}, cookies: array<int, \WP_HTTP_Cookie>, filename: string|null, http_response: \WP_HTTP_Requests_Response}|\WP_Error';

if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/source/wordpress/wp-includes/Requests/Cookie/Jar.php')) {
    $httpReturnType = 'array{headers: \Requests_Utility_CaseInsensitiveDictionary, body: string, response: array{code: int,message: string}, cookies: array<int, \WP_HTTP_Cookie>, filename: string|null, http_response: \WP_HTTP_Requests_Response}|\WP_Error';
$cronArgsType = 'list<mixed>';
$wpWidgetRssFormArgsType = 'array{number: int, error: bool, title?: string, url?: string, items?: int, show_summary?: int, show_author?: int, show_date?: int}';
$wpWidgetRssFormInputType = 'array{title?: bool, url?: bool, items?: bool, show_summary?: bool, show_author?: bool, show_date?: bool}';

$filesystemDirlistReturnType = 'false|array<string, array{name: string, perms: string, permsn: string, owner: string, size: int, lastmodunix: int, lastmod: mixed, time: int, type: string, files: mixed}>';

 * This array is in the same format as the function map array in PHPStan:
 * '<function_name>' => ['<return_type>', '<arg_name>'=>'<arg_type>']
 * For classes, or if you don't wish to define the `@phpstan-return` tag:
 * '<class_name>' => [null, '<arg_name>'=>'<arg_type>']
 * @link
return [
    'add_meta_box' => ['void', 'context'=>'"normal"|"side"|"advanced"', 'priority'=>'"high"|"core"|"default"|"low"'],
    'addslashes_gpc' => ['T', '@phpstan-template'=>'T', 'gpc'=>'T'],
    'get_objects_in_term' => [null, 'args'=>'array{order?: string}'],
    'have_posts' => [null, '@phpstan-impure'=>''],
    'rawurlencode_deep' => ['T', '@phpstan-template'=>'T', 'value'=>'T'],
    'remove_meta_box' => ['void', 'context'=>'"normal"|"side"|"advanced"'],
    'sanitize_category' => ['T', '@phpstan-template'=>'T of array|object', 'category'=>'T'],
    'sanitize_post' => ['T', '@phpstan-template'=>'T of array|object', 'post'=>'T'],
    'sanitize_term' => ['T', '@phpstan-template'=>'T of array|object', 'term'=>'T'],
    'stripslashes_deep' => ['T', '@phpstan-template'=>'T', 'value'=>'T'],
    'urldecode_deep' => ['T', '@phpstan-template'=>'T', 'value'=>'T'],
    'urlencode_deep' => ['T', '@phpstan-template'=>'T', 'value'=>'T'],
    'wp_clear_scheduled_hook' => ['($wp_error is false ? 0|positive-int|false : 0|positive-int|\WP_Error)', 'args'=>$cronArgsType],
    'wp_get_schedule' => [null, 'args'=>$cronArgsType],
    'wp_get_scheduled_event' => [null, 'args'=>$cronArgsType],
    'WP_Http::get' => [$httpReturnType],
    'WP_Http::head' => [$httpReturnType],
    'WP_Http::post' => [$httpReturnType],
    'WP_Http::request' => [$httpReturnType],
    'WP_List_Table::bulk_actions' => ['void', 'which'=>'"top"|"bottom"'],
    'WP_List_Table::display_tablenav' => ['void', 'which'=>'"top"|"bottom"'],
    'WP_List_Table::pagination' => ['void', 'which'=>'"top"|"bottom"'],
    'WP_List_Table::set_pagination_args' => ['void', 'args'=>'array{total_items?: int, total_pages?: int, per_page?: int}'],
    'wp_next_scheduled' => [null, 'args'=>$cronArgsType],
    'WP_Post_Type::__construct' => ['void', 'args'=>'array<string, mixed>'],
    'WP_Query::have_posts' => [null, '@phpstan-impure'=>''],
    'wp_remote_get' => [$httpReturnType],
    'wp_remote_head' => [$httpReturnType],
    'wp_remote_post' => [$httpReturnType],
    'wp_remote_request' => [$httpReturnType],
    'wp_reschedule_event' => ['($wp_error is false ? bool : true|\WP_Error)', 'args'=>$cronArgsType],
    'wp_safe_remote_get' => [$httpReturnType],
    'wp_safe_remote_head' => [$httpReturnType],
    'wp_safe_remote_post' => [$httpReturnType],
    'wp_safe_remote_request' => [$httpReturnType],
    'wp_schedule_event' => ['($wp_error is false ? bool : true|\WP_Error)', 'args'=>$cronArgsType],
    'wp_schedule_single_event' => ['($wp_error is false ? bool : true|\WP_Error)', 'args'=>$cronArgsType],
    'wp_slash' => ['T', '@phpstan-template'=>'T', 'value'=>'T'],
    'WP_Taxonomy::__construct' => ['void', 'args'=>'array<string, mixed>'],
    'wp_unschedule_event' => ['($wp_error is false ? bool : true|\WP_Error)', 'args'=>$cronArgsType],
    'wp_unslash' => ['T', '@phpstan-template'=>'T', 'value'=>'T'],
    'wp_widget_rss_form' => ['void', 'args'=>$wpWidgetRssFormArgsType, 'input'=>$wpWidgetRssFormInputType],
    'WP_REST_Request' => [null, '@phpstan-template'=>'T of array', '@phpstan-implements'=>'ArrayAccess<key-of<T>, value-of<T>>'],
    'WP_REST_Request::offsetExists' => [null, 'offset'=>'@param key-of<T>'],
    'WP_REST_Request::offsetGet' => ['T[TOffset]', '@phpstan-template'=>'TOffset of key-of<T>', 'offset'=>'TOffset'],
    'WP_REST_Request::offsetSet' => ['void', '@phpstan-template'=>'TOffset of key-of<T>', 'offset'=>'TOffset', 'value'=>'T[TOffset]'],
    'WP_REST_Request::offsetUnset' => ['void', '@phpstan-template'=>'TOffset of key-of<T>', 'offset'=>'TOffset'],
    'WP_Theme' => [null, '@phpstan-type'=>"ThemeKey 'Name'|'Version'|'Status'|'Title'|'Author'|'Author Name'|'Author URI'|'Description'|'Template'|'Stylesheet'|'Template Files'|'Stylesheet Files'|'Template Dir'|'Stylesheet Dir'|'Screenshot'|'Tags'|'Theme Root'|'Theme Root URI'|'Parent Theme'"],
    'WP_Theme::get' => ["(\$header is 'Name'|'ThemeURI'|'Description'|'Author'|'AuthorURI'|'Version'|'Template'|'Status'|'Tags'|'TextDomain'|'DomainPath'|'RequiresWP'|'RequiresPHP'|'UpdateURI' ? (\$header is 'Tags' ? string[] : string) : false)"],
    'WP_Theme::offsetExists' => ['($offset is ThemeKey ? true : false)'],
    'WP_Theme::offsetGet' => ['($offset is ThemeKey ? mixed : null)'],
    'WP_Block_List' => [null, '@phpstan-implements'=>'ArrayAccess<int, WP_Block>'],
    'WP_Block_List::offsetExists' => [null, 'index'=>'int'],
    'WP_Block_List::offsetGet' => ['WP_Block|null', 'index'=>'int'],
    'WP_Block_List::offsetSet' => ['void', 'index'=>'int|null'],
    'WP_Block_List::offsetUnset' => ['void', 'index'=>'int'],
    'is_wp_error' => ['($thing is \WP_Error ? true : false)', '@phpstan-assert-if-true'=>'\WP_Error $thing'],
    'current_time' => ["(\$type is 'timestamp'|'U' ? int : string)"],
    'mysql2date' => ["(\$format is 'G'|'U' ? int|false : string|false)"],
    'get_post_types' => ["(\$output is 'names' ? array<int, string> : array<int, \WP_Post_Type>)"],
    'get_taxonomies' => ["(\$output is 'names' ? array<int, string> : array<int, \WP_Taxonomy>)"],
    'get_object_taxonomies' => ["(\$output is 'names' ? array<int, string> : array<string, \WP_Taxonomy>)"],
    'get_attachment_taxonomies' => ["(\$output is 'names' ? array<int, string> : array<string, \WP_Taxonomy>)"],
    'get_taxonomies_for_attachments' => ["(\$output is 'names' ? array<int, string> : array<string, \WP_Taxonomy>)"],
    'get_post_stati' => ["(\$output is 'names' ? array<string, string> : array<string, \stdClass>)"],
    'get_comment' => ["(\$output is 'ARRAY_A' ? array<string, mixed>|null : (\$output is 'ARRAY_N' ? array<int, mixed>|null : \WP_Comment|null))"],
    'get_post' => ["(\$output is 'ARRAY_A' ? array<string, mixed>|null : (\$output is 'ARRAY_N' ? array<int, mixed>|null : \WP_Post|null))"],
    'get_page_by_path' => ["(\$output is 'ARRAY_A' ? array<string, mixed>|null : (\$output is 'ARRAY_N' ? array<int, mixed>|null : \WP_Post|null))"],
    'has_action' => ['($callback is false ? bool : false|int)'],
    'has_filter' => ['($callback is false ? bool : false|int)'],
    'get_permalink' => ['($post is \WP_Post ? string : string|false)'],
    'get_the_permalink' => ['($post is \WP_Post ? string : string|false)'],
    'get_post_permalink' => ['($post is \WP_Post ? string : string|false)'],
    'term_exists' => ["(\$term is 0 ? 0 : (\$term is '' ? null : (\$taxonomy is '' ? string|null : array{term_id: string, term_taxonomy_id: string}|null)))"],
    'is_term' => ["(\$term is 0 ? 0 : (\$term is '' ? null : (\$taxonomy is '' ? string|null : array{term_id: string, term_taxonomy_id: string}|null)))"],
    'tag_exists' => ["(\$tag_name is 0 ? 0 : (\$tag_name is '' ? null : array{term_id: string, term_taxonomy_id: string}|null))"],
    'wp_insert_link' => ['($wp_error is false ? 0|positive-int : positive-int|\WP_Error)'],
    'wp_insert_category' => ['($wp_error is false ? 0|positive-int : positive-int|\WP_Error)'],
    'wp_insert_post' => ['($wp_error is false ? 0|positive-int : positive-int|\WP_Error)'],
    'wp_insert_attachment' => ['($wp_error is false ? 0|positive-int : positive-int|\WP_Error)'],
    'wp_update_post' => ['($wp_error is false ? 0|positive-int : positive-int|\WP_Error)'],
    'wp_unschedule_hook' => ['($wp_error is false ? 0|positive-int|false : 0|positive-int|\WP_Error)'],
    'wp_update_comment' => ['($wp_error is false ? 0|1|false : 0|1|\WP_Error)'],
    'wp_set_comment_status' => ['($wp_error is false ? bool : true|\WP_Error)'],
    'comment_class' => ['($display is true ? void : string)'],
    'edit_term_link' => ['($display is true ? void : string|void)'],
    'get_calendar' => ['($display is true ? void : string)'],
    'next_posts' => ['($display is true ? void : string)'],
    'post_type_archive_title' => ['($display is true ? void : string|void)'],
    'previous_posts' => ['($display is true ? void : string)'],
    'single_term_title' => ['($display is true ? void : string|void)'],
    'single_cat_title' => ['($display is true ? void : string|void)'],
    'single_month_title' => ['($display is true ? false|void : false|string)'],
    'single_post_title' => ['($display is true ? void : string|void)'],
    'single_tag_title' => ['($display is true ? void : string|void)'],
    'the_date' => ['($display is true ? void : string)'],
    'the_modified_date' => ['($display is true ? void : string)'],
    'the_title' => ['($display is true ? void : string|void)'],
    'wp_loginout' => ['($display is true ? void : string)'],
    'wp_register' => ['($display is true ? void : string)'],
    'wp_title' => ['($display is true ? void : string)'],
    'wp_script_is' => [null, 'status' => "'enqueued'|'registered'|'queue'|'to_do'|'done'"],
    'WP_Filesystem_Direct::dirlist' => [ $filesystemDirlistReturnType ],
    'WP_Filesystem_FTPext::dirlist' => [ $filesystemDirlistReturnType ],
    'WP_Filesystem_MockFS::dirlist' => [ $filesystemDirlistReturnType ],
    'WP_Filesystem_SSH2::dirlist' => [ $filesystemDirlistReturnType ],
    'WP_Filesystem_ftpsockets::dirlist' => [ $filesystemDirlistReturnType ],

from wordpress-stubs.

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