pjjw / apt-s3 Goto Github PK
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additional "s3" protocol for apt so you can host your giant apt repository in s3 on the cheap!
This project forked from moonpolysoft/apt-s3
additional "s3" protocol for apt so you can host your giant apt repository in s3 on the cheap!
apt-s3 ------ additional "s3" protocol for apt so you can host your giant apt repository in s3 on the cheap! Author: Kyle Shank We use this for pressflip.com to deploy and distribute all of our software. apt is a great packaging system and s3 is a great place to backup/store static files. apt-s3 is especially useful and fast if you are hosting your servers within EC2. THIS NEEDS MORE DOCUMENTATION OBVIOUSLY TODO ---- * Makefile * Package up binaries * Include uploader script to get repository into s3 bucket * Explain this a little more This has to be compiled with the source version of apt. You can get the source here: bzr branch http://bzr.debian.org/apt/debian-sid apt-debian-sid Once compiled, the resulting s3 binary must be placed in /usr/lib/apt/methods/ along with the other protocol binaries. Finally, this is how you add it to the /etc/apt/sources.list file if you want your credentials in the url: deb s3://AWS_ACCESS_ID:[AWS_SECRET_KEY_IN_BRACKETS]@s3.amazonaws.com/BUCKETNAME prod main otherwise leave off the credentials and it will draw them from the environment variables AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID and AWS_SECRET_KEY_ID. Simply upload all of your .deb packages and Packages.gz file into the s3 bucket you chose with the file key mapping that matches the file system layout.
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