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This project forked from facebookincubator/dcrpm

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A tool to detect and correct common issues around RPM database corruption.

License: GNU General Public License v2.0

Python 100.00%

dcrpm's Introduction


Continuous Integration Code style: black

dcrpm ("detect and correct rpm") is a tool to detect and correct common issues around RPM database corruption. It attempts a query against your RPM database and runs db4's db_recover if it's hung or otherwise seems broken. It then kills any jobs which had the RPM db open previously since they will be stuck in infinite loops within libdb and can't recover cleanly.


Run dcrpm with no option to detect and correct any outstanding issues with RPM on your host. Additional options can be used to customize logging or select specific remediations. dcrpm is meant to be run from cron regularly to keep things happy and healthy.


dcrpm requires Python 2.7 and above and the package psutil. It also requires lsof to be in $PATH. It should work on any Linux distribution with RPM and on Mac OS X.

Installing dcrpm

dcrpm is packaged in Fedora as of Fedora 32 and in EPEL as of EPEL 8. It can be installed with:

dnf install dcrpm

This will also install any necessary dependencies at the same time.

Building and installing dcrpm from source

The easiest way to manually install dcrpm is get the source and install it using

python install

This will fetch psutil from PyPI for you. dcrpm also assumes that the system will have RPM and Yum or DNF installed.

Building and installing for development

If you want to develop, the easiest way to get dcrpm is by using pip:

pip install -r requirements.txt # get extra packages
python install

When developing it's important to make sure the tests continue to pass, and to ensure new features have the appropriate test coverage. You can run the test suite with:

python test

which will fetch mock from pypi if needed and then run the tests.


See the CONTRIBUTING file for how to help out.


dcrpm is GPLv2-licensed.

dcrpm's People


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