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This project forked from dflydev/dflydev-dot-access-data

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Given a deep data structure representing a configuration, access configuration by dot notation.

License: MIT License

PHP 100.00%

dflydev-dot-access-data's Introduction

Dot Access Data

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Given a deep data structure, access data by dot notation.


  • PHP (7.1+)

For PHP (5.3+) please refer to version 1.0.


Abstract example:

use Dflydev\DotAccessData\Data;

$data = new Data;

$data->set('a.b.c', 'C');
$data->set('a.b.d', 'D1');
$data->append('a.b.d', 'D2');
$data->set('a.b.e', ['E0', 'E1', 'E2']);

// C

// ['D1', 'D2']

// ['E0', 'E1', 'E2']

// true

// false

// 'some-default-value'
$data->get('some.path.that.does.not.exist', 'some-default-value');

// throws a MissingPathException because no default was given

A more concrete example:

use Dflydev\DotAccessData\Data;

$data = new Data([
    'hosts' => [
        'hewey' => [
            'username' => 'hman',
            'password' => 'HPASS',
            'roles'    => ['web'],
        'dewey' => [
            'username' => 'dman',
            'password' => 'D---S',
            'roles'    => ['web', 'db'],
            'nick'     => 'dewey dman',
        'lewey' => [
            'username' => 'lman',
            'password' => 'LP@$$',
            'roles'    => ['db'],

// hman
$username = $data->get('hosts.hewey.username');
$password = $data->get('hosts.hewey.password');
// ['web']
$roles = $data->get('hosts.hewey.roles');
// dewey dman
$nick = $data->get('hosts.dewey.nick');
// Unknown
$nick = $data->get('hosts.lewey.nick', 'Unknown');

// DataInterface instance
$dewey = $data->getData('hosts.dewey');
// dman
$username = $dewey->get('username');
// D---S
$password = $dewey->get('password');
// ['web', 'db']
$roles = $dewey->get('roles');

// No more lewey

// Add DB to hewey's roles
$data->append('hosts.hewey.roles', 'db');

$data->set('hosts.april', [
    'username' => 'aman',
    'password' => '@---S',
    'roles'    => ['web'],

// Check if a key exists (true to this case)
$hasKey = $data->has('hosts.dewey.username');

Data may be used as an array, since it implements ArrayAccess interface:

// Get
$data->get('name') === $data['name']; // true

$data['name'] = 'Dewey';
// is equivalent to
$data->set($name, 'Dewey');

isset($data['name']) === $data->has('name');

// Remove key

/ can also be used as a path delimiter:

$data->set('a/b/c', 'd');
echo $data->get('a/b/c'); // "d"

$data->get('a/b/c') === $data->get('a.b.c'); // true


This library is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


If you have questions or want to help out, join us in the #dflydev channel on

dflydev-dot-access-data's People


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