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Very lagging with big files about git-history HOT 8 CLOSED

pomber avatar pomber commented on May 13, 2024
Very lagging with big files

from git-history.

Comments (8)

limonte avatar limonte commented on May 13, 2024 22

And the award for the slowest website on the Web goes to github-history 🏆

from git-history.

rbluethl avatar rbluethl commented on May 13, 2024 5

And the award for the rudest person in this repository goes to @limonte. 🏆
I think you're free to send a PR if you feel like you can contribute to making this project better.
Just don't be that person who just complains and is impolite. You don't add any value here...

Great job @pomber!

from git-history.

pomber avatar pomber commented on May 13, 2024 3

Right now I'm animating things that are off-screen, I'll see if changing that makes it faster

from git-history.

kmt91kok71 avatar kmt91kok71 commented on May 13, 2024 1



  • iro.js v3.5.6
  • 2016-2018 James Daniel
  • Released under the MIT License

(function (global, factory) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() :
typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) :
(global.iro = factory());
}(this, (function () { 'use strict';

// css class prefix for this element
var CLASS_PREFIX = "iro__marker";
var marker = function marker(svg, opts) {
var baseGroup = svg.g({
});, 0, opts.r, {
class: CLASS_PREFIX + "__outer",
fill: "none",
strokeWidth: 5,
stroke: "#000"
});, 0, opts.r, {
class: CLASS_PREFIX + "__inner",
fill: "none",
strokeWidth: 2,
stroke: "#fff"
this.g = baseGroup;
* @desc move marker to centerpoint (x, y) and redraw
* @param {Number} x - point x coordinate
* @param {Number} y - point y coordinate

marker.prototype.move = function move (x, y) {
this.g.setTransform("translate", [x, y]);

var CLASS_PREFIX$1 = "iro__wheel"; // Quick references to reused math functions

var PI = Math.PI,
sqrt = Math.sqrt,
abs = Math.abs,
round = Math.round;
var wheel = function wheel(svg, opts) {
this._opts = opts;
this.type = "wheel";
var cY = opts.cY,
cX = opts.cX,
r = opts.r,
border = opts.border;
var baseGroup = svg.g({
});, cY, r + border.w / 2, {
class: CLASS_PREFIX$1 + "__border",
fill: "#fff",
stroke: border.color,
strokeWidth: border.w
var ringGroup = baseGroup.g({
class: CLASS_PREFIX$1 + "__hue",
strokeWidth: r,
fill: "none"

for (var hue = 0; hue < 360; hue++) {
  ringGroup.arc(cX, cY, r / 2, hue, hue + 1.5, {
    stroke: "hsl(" + (opts.anticlockwise ? 360 - hue : hue) + ",100%,50%)"

var saturation =, cY, r, {
  class: CLASS_PREFIX$1 + "__saturation"
saturation.setGradient("fill", svg.gradient("radial", {
  0: {
    color: "#fff"
  100: {
    color: "#fff",
    opacity: 0
this._lightness =, cY, r, {
  class: CLASS_PREFIX$1 + "__lightness",
  opacity: 0
this.marker = new marker(baseGroup, opts.marker);

* @desc updates this element to represent a new color value
* @param {Object} color - an iroColor object with the new color value
* @param {Object} changes - an object that gives a boolean for each HSV channel, indicating whether ot not that channel has changed

wheel.prototype.update = function update (color, changes) {
var opts = this._opts;
var hsv = color.hsv; // If the V channel has changed, redraw the wheel UI with the new value

if (changes.v && opts.lightness) {
    opacity: (1 - hsv.v / 100).toFixed(2)
} // If the H or S channel has changed, move the marker to the right position

if (changes.h || changes.s) {
  // convert the hue value to radians, since we'll use it as an angle
  var hueAngle = (opts.anticlockwise ? 360 - hsv.h : hsv.h) * (PI / 180); // convert the saturation value to a distance between the center of the ring and the edge

  var dist = hsv.s / 100 * opts.rMax; // Move the marker based on the angle and distance

  this.marker.move(opts.cX + dist * Math.cos(hueAngle), opts.cY + dist * Math.sin(hueAngle));

* @desc Takes a point at (x, y) and returns HSV values based on this input -- use this to update a color from mouse input
* @param {Number} x - point x coordinate
* @param {Number} y - point y coordinate
* @return {Object} - new HSV color values (some channels may be missing)

wheel.prototype.input = function input (x, y) {
var opts = this._opts,
rangeMax = opts.rMax,
_x = opts.cX - x,
_y = opts.cY - y;

var angle = Math.atan2(_y, _x),
    // Calculate the hue by converting the angle to radians
hue = round(angle * (180 / PI)) + 180,
    // Find the point's distance from the center of the wheel
// This is used to show the saturation level
dist = Math.min(sqrt(_x * _x + _y * _y), rangeMax);
hue = opts.anticlockwise ? 360 - hue : hue; // Return just the H and S channels, the wheel element doesn't do anything with the L channel

return {
  h: hue,
  s: round(100 / rangeMax * dist)

* @desc Check if a point at (x, y) is inside this element
* @param {Number} x - point x coordinate
* @param {Number} y - point y coordinate
* @return {Boolean} - true if the point is a "hit", else false

wheel.prototype.checkHit = function checkHit (x, y) {
var opts = this._opts; // Check if the point is within the hue ring by comparing the point's distance from the centre to the ring's radius
// If the distance is smaller than the radius, then we have a hit

var dx = abs(x - opts.cX),
    dy = abs(y - opts.cY);
return sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy) < opts.r;


var round$1 = Math.round;
var floor = Math.floor;
* @desc generic parser for hsl / rgb / etc string
* @param {String} str - color string
* @param {Array} maxValues - max values for each channel (used for calculating percent-based values)
* @return {Array} type (rgb | rgba | hsl | hsla) values for each channel

function parseColorStr(str, maxValues) {
var parsed = str.match(/(\S+)((\d+)(%?)(?:\D+?)(\d+)(%?)(?:\D+?)(\d+)(%?)(?:\D+?)?([0-9.]+?)?)/i),
val1 = parseInt(parsed[2]),
val2 = parseInt(parsed[4]),
val3 = parseInt(parsed[6]);
return [parsed[1], parsed[3] == "%" ? val1 / 100 * maxValues[0] : val1, parsed[5] == "%" ? val2 / 100 * maxValues[1] : val2, parsed[7] == "%" ? val3 / 100 * maxValues[2] : val3, parseFloat(parsed[8]) || undefined];
* @desc convert object / string input to color if necessary
* @param {Object | String | color} value - color instance, object (hsv, hsl or rgb), string (hsl, rgb, hex)
* @return {color} color instance

function getColor(value) {
return value instanceof color ? value : new color(value);
* @desc clamp value between min and max
* @param {Number} value
* @param {Number} min
* @param {Number} max
* @return {Number}

function clamp(value, min, max) {
return value <= min ? min : value >= max ? max : value;
* @desc compare values between two objects, returns a object representing changes with true/false values
* @param {Object} a
* @param {Object} b
* @return {Object}

function compareObjs(a, b) {
var changes = {};

for (var key in a) { changes[key] = b[key] != a[key]; }

return changes;

var color = function color(value) {
// The watch callback function for this color will be stored here
this._onChange = false; // The default color value

this._value = {
  h: undefined,
  s: undefined,
  v: undefined
if (value) { this.set(value); }


var prototypeAccessors = { hsv: { configurable: true },rgb: { configurable: true },hsl: { configurable: true },rgbString: { configurable: true },hexString: { configurable: true },hslString: { configurable: true } };
* @desc mix two colors
* @param {Object | String | color} color1 - color instance, object (hsv, hsl or rgb), string (hsl, rgb, hex)
* @param {Object | String | color} color2 - color instance, object (hsv, hsl or rgb), string (hsl, rgb, hex)
* @param {Number} weight - closer to 0 = more color1, closer to 100 = more color2
* @return {color} color instance

color.mix = function mix (color1, color2, weight) {
var rgb1 = getColor(color1).rgb,
rgb2 = getColor(color2).rgb;
weight = clamp(weight / 100 || 0.5, 0, 1);
return new color({
r: floor(rgb1.r + (rgb2.r - rgb1.r) * weight),
g: floor(rgb1.g + (rgb2.g - rgb1.g) * weight),
b: floor(rgb1.b + (rgb2.b - rgb1.b) * weight)
* @desc lighten color by amount
* @param {Object | String | color} color - color instance, object (hsv, hsl or rgb), string (hsl, rgb, hex)
* @param {Number} amount
* @return {color} color instance

color.lighten = function lighten (color, amount) {
var col = getColor(color),
hsv = col.hsv;
hsv.v = clamp(hsv.v + amount, 0, 100);
col.hsv = hsv;
return col;
* @desc darken color by amount
* @param {Object | String | color} color - color instance, object (hsv, hsl or rgb), string (hsl, rgb, hex)
* @param {Number} amount
* @return {color} color instance

color.darken = function darken (color, amount) {
var col = getColor(color),
hsv = col.hsv;
hsv.v = clamp(hsv.v - amount, 0, 100);
col.hsv = hsv;
return col;
* @desc convert hsv object to rgb
* @param {Object} hsv - hsv object
* @return {Object} rgb object

color.hsv2Rgb = function hsv2Rgb (hsv) {
var r, g, b, i, f, p, q, t;
var h = hsv.h / 360,
s = hsv.s / 100,
v = hsv.v / 100;
i = floor(h * 6);
f = h * 6 - i;
p = v * (1 - s);
q = v * (1 - f * s);
t = v * (1 - (1 - f) * s);

switch (i % 6) {
  case 0:
    r = v, g = t, b = p;

  case 1:
    r = q, g = v, b = p;

  case 2:
    r = p, g = v, b = t;

  case 3:
    r = p, g = q, b = v;

  case 4:
    r = t, g = p, b = v;

  case 5:
    r = v, g = p, b = q;

return {
  r: round$1(r * 255),
  g: round$1(g * 255),
  b: round$1(b * 255)

* @desc convert rgb object to hsv
* @param {Object} rgb - rgb object
* @return {Object} hsv object

color.rgb2Hsv = function rgb2Hsv (rgb) {
// Modified from
var r = rgb.r / 255,
g = rgb.g / 255,
b = rgb.b / 255,
max = Math.max(r, g, b),
min = Math.min(r, g, b),
delta = max - min,

switch (max) {
  case min:
    hue = 0;

  case r:
    hue = (g - b) / delta + (g < b ? 6 : 0);

  case g:
    hue = (b - r) / delta + 2;

  case b:
    hue = (r - g) / delta + 4;

hue /= 6;
return {
  h: hue * 360,
  s: max == 0 ? 0 : delta / max * 100,
  v: max * 100

* @desc convert hsv object to hsl
* @param {Object} hsv - hsv object
* @return {Object} hsl object

color.hsv2Hsl = function hsv2Hsl (hsv) {
var s = hsv.s / 100,
v = hsv.v / 100;
var l = 0.5 * v * (2 - s);
s = v * s / (1 - Math.abs(2 * l - 1));
return {
h: hsv.h,
s: s * 100 || 0,
l: l * 100
* @desc convert hsl object to hsv
* @param {Object} hsl - hsl object
* @return {Object} hsv object

color.hsl2Hsv = function hsl2Hsv (hsl) {
var s = hsl.s / 100,
l = hsl.l / 100;
l = 2;
s = l <= 1 ? l : 2 - l;
return {
h: hsl.h,
s: 2 * s / (l + s) * 100,
v: (l + s) / 2 * 100

* @desc convert hsl object to string
* @param {Object} hsl - hsl object
* @return {Object} hsl string

color.hsl2Str = function hsl2Str (hsl) {
return "hsl" + (hsl.a ? "a" : "") + "(" + hsl.h + ", " + hsl.s + "%, " + hsl.l + "%" + (hsl.a ? ", " + hsl.a : "") + ")";
* @desc convert rgb object to string
* @param {Object} rgb - rgb object
* @return {Object} rgb string

color.rgb2Str = function rgb2Str (rgb) {
return "rgb" + (rgb.a ? "a" : "") + "(" + rgb.r + ", " + rgb.g + ", " + rgb.b + (rgb.a ? ", " + rgb.a : "") + ")";
* @desc convert rgb object to hex string
* @param {Object} rgb - rgb object
* @return {Object} hex string

color.rgb2Hex = function rgb2Hex (rgb) {
var str = "#";
str += rgb.r.toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
str += rgb.g.toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
str += rgb.b.toString(16).padStart(2, "0");
return str;
* @desc parse hex string
* @param {String} str - color string
* @return {Object} rgb object

color.parseHexStr = function parseHexStr (hex) {
// Strip any "#" characters
hex = hex.replace("#", ""); // Prefix the hex string with "0x" which indicates a number in hex notation, then convert to an integer

var int = parseInt("0x" + hex),
    // If the length of the input is only 3, then it is a shorthand hex color
isShorthand = hex.length == 3,
    // bitMask for isolating each channel
bitMask = isShorthand ? 0xF : 0xFF,
    // bitLength of each channel (for example, F is 4 bits long while FF is 8 bits long)
bitLength = isShorthand ? 4 : 8,
    // If we're using shorthand notation, multiply each channel by 17
multiplier = isShorthand ? 17 : 1;
return {
  r: (int >> bitLength * 2 & bitMask) * multiplier,
  g: (int >> bitLength & bitMask) * multiplier,
  b: (int & bitMask) * multiplier

* @desc parse hsl string
* @param {String} str - color string
* @return {Object} hsl object

color.parseHslStr = function parseHslStr (str) {
var parsed = parseColorStr(str, [360, 100, 100]);
return {
h: parsed[1],
s: parsed[2],
l: parsed[3]
* @desc parse rgb string
* @param {String} str - color string
* @return {Object} rgb object

color.parseRgbStr = function parseRgbStr (str) {
var parsed = parseColorStr(str, [255, 255, 255]);
return {
r: parsed[1],
g: parsed[2],
b: parsed[3]

prototypeAccessors.hsv.get = function () {
// _value is cloned to allow changes to be made to the values before passing them back
var v = this._value;
return {
h: v.h,
s: v.s,
v: v.v

prototypeAccessors.hsv.set = function (newValue) {
// If this color is being watched for changes we need to compare the new and old values to check the difference
// Otherwise we can just be lazy
if (this._onChange) {
var oldValue = this._value;

  for (var channel in oldValue) {
    if (!newValue.hasOwnProperty(channel)) { newValue[channel] = oldValue[channel]; }

  var changes = compareObjs(oldValue, newValue); // Update the old value

  this._value = newValue; // If the value has changed, call hook callback

  if (changes.h || changes.s || changes.v) { this._onChange(this, changes); }
} else {
  this._value = newValue;


prototypeAccessors.rgb.get = function () {
var rgb = color.hsv2Rgb(this._value);
return {
r: round$1(rgb.r),
g: round$1(rgb.g),
b: round$1(rgb.b)

prototypeAccessors.rgb.set = function (value) {
this.hsv = color.rgb2Hsv(value);

prototypeAccessors.hsl.get = function () {
var hsl = color.hsv2Hsl(this._value);
return {
h: round$1(hsl.h),
s: round$1(hsl.s),
l: round$1(hsl.l)

prototypeAccessors.hsl.set = function (value) {
this.hsv = color.hsl2Hsv(value);

prototypeAccessors.rgbString.get = function () {
return color.rgb2Str(this.rgb);

prototypeAccessors.rgbString.set = function (value) {
this.rgb = color.parseRgbStr(value);

prototypeAccessors.hexString.get = function () {
return color.rgb2Hex(this.rgb);

prototypeAccessors.hexString.set = function (value) {
this.rgb = color.parseHexStr(value);

prototypeAccessors.hslString.get = function () {
return color.hsl2Str(this.hsl);

prototypeAccessors.hslString.set = function (value) {
this.hsl = color.parseHslStr(value);
* @desc set the color from any valid value
* @param {Object | String | color} value - color instance, object (hsv, hsl or rgb), string (hsl, rgb, hex)

color.prototype.set = function set (value) {
if (typeof value == "object") {
if (value instanceof color) {
this.hsv = color.hsv;
} else if ("r" in value) {
this.rgb = value;
} else if ("v" in value) {
this.hsv = value;
} else if ("l" in value) {
this.hsl = value;
} else if (typeof value == "string") {
if (/^rgb/.test(value)) {
this.rgbString = value;
} else if (/^hsl/.test(value)) {
this.hslString = value;
} else if (/^#[0-9A-Fa-f]/.test(value)) {
this.hexString = value;
* @desc shortcut to set a specific channel value
* @param {String} model - hsv | hsl | rgb
* @param {String} channel - individual channel to set, for example if model = hsl, chanel = h | s | l
* @param {Number} value - new value for the channel

color.prototype.setChannel = function setChannel (model, channel, value) {
var v = this[model];
v[channel] = value;
this[model] = v;
* @desc make new color instance with the same value as this one
* @return {color}

color.prototype.clone = function clone () {
return new color(this);
* @desc compare this color against another, returns a object representing changes with true/false values
* @param {Object | String | color} color - color to compare against
* @param {String} model - hsv | hsl | rgb
* @return {Object}
*/ = function compare (color, model) {
model = model || "hsv";
return compareObjs(this[model], getColor(color)[model]);
* @desc mix a color into this one
* @param {Object | String | color} color - color instance, object (hsv, hsl or rgb), string (hsl, rgb, hex)
* @param {Number} weight - closer to 0 = more current color, closer to 100 = more new color

color.prototype.mix = function mix$1 (color, weight) {
this.hsv = mix(this, color, weight).hsv;
* @desc lighten color by amount
* @param {Number} amount

color.prototype.lighten = function lighten$1 (amount) {
lighten(this, amount);
* @desc darken color by amount
* @param {Number} amount

color.prototype.darken = function darken$1 (amount) {
darken(this, amount);

Object.defineProperties( color.prototype, prototypeAccessors );

var CLASS_PREFIX$2 = "iro__slider";
var slider = function slider(svg, opts) {
var r = opts.r,
w = opts.w,
h = opts.h,
x = opts.x,
y = opts.y,
borderWidth = opts.border.w; // "range" limits how far the slider's marker can travel, and where it stops and starts along the X axis

opts.range = {
  min: x + r,
  max: x + w - r,
  w: w - r * 2
opts.sliderType = opts.sliderType || "v";
this.type = "slider";
this._opts = opts;
var radius = r + borderWidth / 2;
var baseGroup = svg.g({
  class: CLASS_PREFIX$2
var rect = baseGroup.insert("rect", {
  class: CLASS_PREFIX$2 + "__value",
  rx: radius,
  ry: radius,
  x: x - borderWidth / 2,
  y: y - borderWidth / 2,
  width: w + borderWidth,
  height: h + borderWidth,
  strokeWidth: borderWidth,
  stroke: opts.border.color
rect.setGradient("fill", svg.gradient("linear", {
  0: {
    color: "#000"
  100: {
    color: "#fff"
this._gradient = rect.gradient;
this.marker = new marker(baseGroup, opts.marker);

* @desc updates this element to represent a new color value
* @param {Object} color - an iroColor object with the new color value
* @param {Object} changes - an object that gives a boolean for each HSV channel, indicating whether ot not that channel has changed

slider.prototype.update = function update (color$$1, changes) {
var opts = this._opts;
var range = opts.range;
var hsv = color$$1.hsv;
var hsl = color.hsv2Hsl({
h: hsv.h,
s: hsv.s,
v: 100

if (opts.sliderType == "v") {
  if (changes.h || changes.s) {
      stopColor: "hsl(" + hsl.h + "," + hsl.s + "%," + hsl.l + "%)"

  if (changes.v) {
    var percent = hsv.v / 100;
    this.marker.move(range.min + percent * range.w, opts.y + opts.h / 2);

* @desc Takes a point at (x, y) and returns HSV values based on this input -- use this to update a color from mouse input
* @param {Number} x - point x coordinate
* @param {Number} y - point y coordinate
* @return {Object} - new HSV color values (some channels may be missing)

slider.prototype.input = function input (x, y) {
var opts = this._opts;
var range = opts.range;
var dist = Math.max(Math.min(x, range.max), range.min) - range.min;
return {
v: Math.round(100 / range.w * dist)
* @desc Check if a point at (x, y) is inside this element
* @param {Number} x - point x coordinate
* @param {Number} y - point y coordinate
* @return {Boolean} - true if the point is a "hit", else false

slider.prototype.checkHit = function checkHit (x, y) {
var opts = this._opts;
return x > opts.x && x < opts.x + opts.w && y > opts.y && y < opts.y + opts.h;

var GRADIENT_SUFFIX = "Gradient";
class: "class",
stroke: "stroke",
strokeWidth: "stroke-width",
fill: "fill",
opacity: "opacity",
offset: "offset",
stopColor: "stop-color",
stopOpacity: "stop-opacity"
}; // TODO: figure out why these aren't being compressed properly?

translate: "setTranslate",
scale: "setScale",
rotate: "setRotate"
}; // sniff useragent string to check if the user is running IE, Edge or iOS Safari / webview

var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var IS_IE = /msie|trident|edge/.test(ua);
var IS_SAFARI = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(ua);
var IS_IOS = /iPhone|iPod|iPad/i.test(ua);

var svgElement = function svgElement(root, parent, type, attrs) {
var el = document.createElementNS(SVG_NAMESPACE, type);
this.el = el;
(parent.el || parent).appendChild(el);
this._root = root;
this._svgTransforms = {};
this._transformList = el.transform ? el.transform.baseVal : false;
* @desc insert a new svgElement
* @param {String} type - element tag name
* @param {Object} attrs - element attributes

svgElement.prototype.insert = function insert (type, attrs) {
return new svgElement(this._root, this, type, attrs);
* @desc shorthand to insert a new group svgElement
* @param {Object} attrs - element attributes

svgElement.prototype.g = function g (attrs) {
return this.insert("g", attrs);
* @desc shorthand to insert a new arc svgElement
* @param {Number} cx - arc center x
* @param {Number} cy - arc center y
* @param {Number} radius - arc radius
* @param {Number} startAngle - arc start angle (in degrees)
* @param {Number} endAngle - arc end angle (in degrees)
* @param {Object} attrs - element attributes

svgElement.prototype.arc = function arc (cx, cy, radius, startAngle, endAngle, attrs) {
var largeArcFlag = endAngle - startAngle <= 180 ? 0 : 1;
startAngle = Math.PI / 180;
endAngle = Math.PI / 180;
var x1 = cx + radius * Math.cos(endAngle),
y1 = cy + radius * Math.sin(endAngle),
x2 = cx + radius * Math.cos(startAngle),
y2 = cy + radius * Math.sin(startAngle);
attrs = attrs || {};
attrs.d = ["M", x1, y1, "A", radius, radius, 0, largeArcFlag, 0, x2, y2].join(" ");
return this.insert("path", attrs);

* @desc shorthand to insert a new circle svgElement
* @param {Number} cx - circle center x
* @param {Number} cy - circle center y
* @param {Number} radius - circle radius
* @param {Object} attrs - element attributes
*/ = function circle (cx, cy, radius, attrs) {
attrs = attrs || {}; = cx; = cy;
attrs.r = radius;
return this.insert("circle", attrs);
* @desc set a rotate/translate/scale transform on this element
* @param {String} type - transform (rotate | translate | scale)
* @param {Array} args - transform values

svgElement.prototype.setTransform = function setTransform (type, args) {
if (!IS_IE) {
var transform, transformFn;
var svgTransforms = this._svgTransforms;

  if (!svgTransforms[type]) {
    transform = this._root.el.createSVGTransform();
    svgTransforms[type] = transform;

  } else {
    transform = svgTransforms[type];

  transform[transformFn].apply(transform, args);
} else {
  // Microsoft still can't make a web browser that actually works, as such, Edge + IE dont implement SVG transforms properly.
  // We have to force them instead... geez
    "transform": type + "(" + args.join(", ") + ")"

* @desc set attributes on this element
* @param {Object} attrs - element attributes

svgElement.prototype.setAttrs = function setAttrs (attrs) {
var this$1 = this;

for (var attr in attrs) {
  this$1.el.setAttribute(name, attrs[attr]);


svgElement.prototype.setGradient = function setGradient (attr, gradient) {
var attrs = {};
attrs[attr] = gradient.getUrl();
gradient._refs[attr] = this;
this.gradient = gradient;

var svgGradient = function svgGradient(root, type, stops) {
var stopElements = [];

var gradient = root._defs.insert(type + GRADIENT_SUFFIX, {

for (var offset in stops) {
  var stop = stops[offset];
  stopElements.push(gradient.insert("stop", {
    offset: offset + "%",
    stopColor: stop.color,
    stopOpacity: stop.opacity === undefined ? 1 : stop.opacity

this.el = gradient.el;
this.stops = stopElements;
this._refs = {};


svgGradient.prototype.getUrl = function getUrl (base) {
var loc = location;
var root = IS_SAFARI || IS_IOS ? base || loc.protocol + "//" + + loc.pathname + : "";
return "url(" + root + "#" + + ")";

var svgRoot = (function (svgElement) {
function svgRoot(parent, width, height, display) {, null, parent, "svg", {
width: width,
height: height,
style: "display:" + (display || "block") + ";touch-action:none"
this._root = this;
this._defs = this.insert("defs");
this._gradients = [];

if ( svgElement ) svgRoot.__proto__ = svgElement;
svgRoot.prototype = Object.create( svgElement && svgElement.prototype );
svgRoot.prototype.constructor = svgRoot;

svgRoot.prototype.gradient = function gradient (type, stops) {
  var gradient = new svgGradient(this, type, stops);


  return gradient;

svgRoot.prototype.updateUrls = function updateUrls (base) {
  if (IS_SAFARI || IS_IOS) {
    var gradients = this._gradients;

    for (var i = 0; i < gradients.length; i++) {
      for (var key in gradients[i]._refs) {
        var attrs = {};
        attrs[key] = gradients[i].getUrl(base);


return svgRoot;


var stylesheet = function stylesheet() {
// Create a new style element
var style = document.createElement("style");
document.head.appendChild(style); // Webkit apparently requires a text node to be inserted into the style element
// (according to

style.appendChild(document.createTextNode("")); = style; // Create a reference to the style element's CSSStyleSheet object
// CSSStyleSheet API:

var sheet = style.sheet;
this.sheet = sheet; // Get a reference to the sheet's CSSRuleList object
// CSSRuleList API:

this.rules = sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules; // We'll store references to all the CSSStyleDeclaration objects that we change here, keyed by the CSS selector they belong to
// CSSStyleDeclaration API: = {};


var prototypeAccessors$1 = { enabled: { configurable: true },cssText: { configurable: true },css: { configurable: true } };

prototypeAccessors$1.enabled.get = function () {
return !this.sheet.disabled;

prototypeAccessors$1.enabled.set = function (value) {
this.sheet.disabled = !value;
}; // TODO: consider removing cssText + css properties since i don't tink they're that useful

prototypeAccessors$1.cssText.get = function () {
var map =;
var ret = [];

for (var selector in map) {
  ret.push(selector.replace(/,\W/g, ",\n") + " {\n\t" + map[selector].cssText.replace(/;\W/g, ";\n\t") + "\n}");

return ret.join("\n");


prototypeAccessors$1.css.get = function () {
var map =;
var ret = {};

for (var selector in map) {
  var ruleSet = map[selector];
  ret[selector] = {};

  for (var i = 0; i < ruleSet.length; i++) {
    var property = ruleSet[i];
    ret[selector][property] = ruleSet.getPropertyValue(property);

return ret;

* @desc Set a specific rule for a given selector
* @param {String} selector - the CSS selector for this rule (e.g. "body", ".class", "#id")
* @param {String} property - the CSS property to set (e.g. "background-color", "font-family", "z-index")
* @param {String} value - the new value for the rule (e.g. "rgb(255, 255, 255)", "Helvetica", "99")

stylesheet.prototype.setRule = function setRule (selector, property, value) {
var sheet = this.sheet;
var rules = sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules;
var map =; // Convert property from camelCase to snake-case

property = property.replace(/([A-Z])/g, function ($1) {
  return "-" + $1.toLowerCase();

if (!map.hasOwnProperty(selector)) {
  // If the selector hasn't been used yet we want to insert the rule at the end of the CSSRuleList, so we use its length as the index value
  var index = rules.length; // Prepare the rule declaration text, since both insertRule and addRule take this format

  var declaration = property + ": " + value; // Insert the new rule into the stylesheet

  try {
    // Some browsers only support insertRule, others only support addRule, so we have to use both
    sheet.insertRule(selector + " {" + declaration + ";}", index);
  } catch (e) {
    sheet.addRule(selector, declaration, index);
  } finally {
    // Because safari is perhaps the worst browser in all of history, we have to remind it to keep the sheet rules up-to-date
    rules = sheet.rules || sheet.cssRules; // Add our newly inserted rule's CSSStyleDeclaration object to the internal map

    map[selector] = rules[index].style;
} else {
  map[selector].setProperty(property, value);


Object.defineProperties( stylesheet.prototype, prototypeAccessors$1 );

var EVENT_MOUSEDOWN = "mousedown",
EVENT_MOUSEMOVE = "mousemove",
EVENT_MOUSEUP = "mouseup",
EVENT_TOUCHSTART = "touchstart",
EVENT_TOUCHMOVE = "touchmove",
EVENT_TOUCHEND = "touchend",
EVENT_READYSTATE_CHANGE = "readystatechange",
* @desc listen to one or more events on an element
* @param {Element} el target element
* @param {Array} eventList the events to listen to
* @param {Function} callback the event callback function
* @param {Object} params params to pass to addEventListener

function listen(el, eventList, callback, params) {
if ( params === void 0 ) params = {};

for (var i = 0; i < eventList.length; i++) {
  el.addEventListener(eventList[i], callback, params);

* @desc remove an event listener on an element
* @param {Element} el target element
* @param {Array} eventList the events to remove
* @param {Function} callback the event callback function

function unlisten(el, eventList, callback) {
for (var i = 0; i < eventList.length; i++) {
el.removeEventListener(eventList[i], callback);
* @desc call fn callback when the page document is ready
* @param {Function} callback callback function to be called

function whenReady(callback) {
if (document.readyState == READYSTATE_COMPLETE) {
} else {
listen(document, [EVENT_READYSTATE_CHANGE], function stateChange(e) {
if (document.readyState == READYSTATE_COMPLETE) {
unlisten(document, [EVENT_READYSTATE_CHANGE], stateChange);
var colorPicker = function colorPicker(el, opts) {
var this$1 = this;

opts = opts || {}; // event storage for `on` and `off`

this._events = {};
this._mouseTarget = false;
this._colorChangeActive = false;
this.css = opts.css || opts.styles || undefined; // Wait for the document to be ready, then mount the UI

whenReady(function () {
  this$1._mount(el, opts);

* @desc mount the color picker UI into the DOM
* @param {Element | String} el - a DOM element or the CSS selector for a DOM element to use as a container for the UI
* @param {Object} opts - options for this instance
* @access protected

colorPicker.prototype._mount = function _mount (el, opts) {
var this$1 = this;

// If `el` is a string, use it to select an Element, else assume it's an element
el = "string" == typeof el ? document.querySelector(el) : el; // Find the width and height for the UI
// If not defined in the options, try the HTML width + height attributes of the wrapper, else default to 320

var elWidth = parseInt(getComputedStyle(el).width);
var elHeight = parseInt(getComputedStyle(el).height); //choose the smallest side of the container

if (elHeight < elWidth && elHeight != 0) {
  elWidth = elHeight;
} else if (elWidth != 0) {
  elHeight = elWidth;

var width = opts.width || elWidth || 320;
var height = opts.height || elHeight || 320; // Calculate layout variables

var padding = opts.padding + 2 || 6,
    borderWidth = opts.borderWidth || 0,
    markerRadius = opts.markerRadius || 8,
    sliderMargin = opts.sliderMargin || 24,
    sliderHeight = opts.sliderHeight || markerRadius * 2 + padding * 2 + borderWidth * 2,
    bodyWidth = Math.min(height - sliderHeight - sliderMargin, width),
    wheelRadius = bodyWidth / 2 - borderWidth,
    leftMargin = (width - bodyWidth) / 2;
var marker = {
  r: markerRadius
var borderStyles = {
  w: borderWidth,
  color: opts.borderColor || "#fff"
}; // Create UI elements

this.el = el;
this.svg = new svgRoot(el, width, height, opts.display);
this.ui = [new wheel(this.svg, {
  cX: leftMargin + bodyWidth / 2,
  cY: bodyWidth / 2,
  r: wheelRadius,
  rMax: wheelRadius - (markerRadius + padding),
  marker: marker,
  border: borderStyles,
  lightness: opts.wheelLightness == undefined ? true : opts.wheelLightness,
  anticlockwise: opts.anticlockwise
}), new slider(this.svg, {
  sliderType: "v",
  x: leftMargin + borderWidth,
  y: bodyWidth + sliderMargin,
  w: bodyWidth - borderWidth * 2,
  h: sliderHeight - borderWidth * 2,
  r: sliderHeight / 2 - borderWidth,
  marker: marker,
  border: borderStyles
})]; // Create an iroStyleSheet for this colorWheel's CSS overrides

this.stylesheet = new stylesheet(); // Create an iroColor to store this colorWheel's selected color

this.color = new color(); // Whenever the selected color changes, trigger a colorWheel update too

this.color._onChange = this._update.bind(this);
this.color.set(opts.color || opts.defaultValue || "#fff"); // Hacky workaround for a couple of Safari SVG url bugs
// See
// TODO: perhaps make this a seperate plugin, it's hacky and takes up more space than I'm happy with

this.on("history:stateChange", function (base) {
}); // Listen to events

listen(this.svg.el, [EVENT_MOUSEDOWN, EVENT_TOUCHSTART], this, {
  passive: false
this.emit("mount", this);

* @desc update the selected color
* @param {Object} color - an iroColor object with the new color value
* @param {Object} changes - booleans for each HSV channel: true if the new value is different to the old value, else false
* @access protected

colorPicker.prototype._update = function _update (color$$1, changes) {
var this$1 = this;

var rgb = color$$1.rgbString;
var css = this.css; // Loop through each UI element and update it

for (var i = 0; i < this.ui.length; i++) {
  this$1.ui[i].update(color$$1, changes);
} // Update the stylesheet too

for (var selector in css) {
  var properties = css[selector];

  for (var prop in properties) {
    this$1.stylesheet.setRule(selector, prop, rgb);
} // Prevent infinite loops if the color is set inside a `color:change` callback

if (!this._colorChangeActive) {
  // While _colorChangeActive = true, this event cannot be fired
  this._colorChangeActive = true;
  this.emit("color:change", color$$1, changes);
  this._colorChangeActive = false;

* @desc Set a callback function for an event
* @param {String} eventType Name of the event to listen to, pass "*" to listen to all events
* @param {Function} callback Event callback

colorPicker.prototype.on = function on (eventType, callback) {
var events = this._events;
(events[eventType] || (events[eventType] = [])).push(callback);
* @desc Remove a callback function for an event added with on()
* @param {String} eventType The name of the event
* @param {Function} callback The watch callback to remove from the event
*/ = function off (eventType, callback) {
var eventList = this._events[eventType];
if (eventList) { eventList.splice(eventList.indexOf(callback), 1); }
* @desc Emit an event
* @param {String} eventType The name of the event to emit
* @param {Array} args array of args to pass to callbacks

colorPicker.prototype.emit = function emit (eventType) {
var args = [], len = arguments.length - 1;
while ( len-- > 0 ) args[ len ] = arguments[ len + 1 ];

var events = this._events,
    callbackList = (events[eventType] || []).concat(events["*"] || []);

for (var i = 0; i < callbackList.length; i++) {
  callbackList[i].apply(null, args);

* @desc DOM event handler
* @param {Event} e DOM event (currently either mouse or touch events)

colorPicker.prototype.handleEvent = function handleEvent (e) {
var this$1 = this;

// Detect if the event is a touch event by checking if it has the `touches` property
// If it is a touch event, use the first touch input
var point = e.touches ? e.changedTouches[0] : e,
    // Get the screen position of the UI
rect = this.svg.el.getBoundingClientRect(),
    // Convert the screen-space pointer position to local-space
x = point.clientX - rect.left,
    y = point.clientY -;

switch (e.type) {
    // Loop through each UI element and check if the point "hits" it
    for (var i = 0; i < this.ui.length; i++) {
      var uiElement = this$1.ui[i]; // If the element is hit, this means the user has clicked the element and is trying to interact with it

      if (uiElement.checkHit(x, y)) {
        // Set an internal reference to the uiElement being interacted with, for other internal event handlers
        this$1._mouseTarget = uiElement; // Attach event listeners

          passive: false
        }); // Emit input start event

        this$1.emit("input:start", this$1.color); // Finally, use the position to update the picked color

        this$1.color.hsv = this$1._mouseTarget.input(x, y);


    // Use the position to update the picker color
    this.color.hsv = this._mouseTarget.input(x, y);

    this._mouseTarget = false;
    this.emit("input:end", this.color);

if (this._mouseTarget) {


var iro = {
Color: color,
ColorPicker: colorPicker,
Stylesheet: stylesheet,
version: "3.5.6"

return iro;


from git-history.

bugzpodder avatar bugzpodder commented on May 13, 2024

another example:

from git-history.

pomber avatar pomber commented on May 13, 2024

With #52 and #53 it should be faster

from git-history.

limonte avatar limonte commented on May 13, 2024

And the award for the best avatar ever goes to kmt91kok71 🏆

This is now the official winners' thread 🏆 🏆 🏆

from git-history.

pomber avatar pomber commented on May 13, 2024

After #109 we don't render all the lines and also make the diff in a web worker so big files shouldn't be slow (well, downloading the content of the file takes longer but there's nothing we can do about that).

from git-history.

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