Logan Nguyen's Projects
CSC-365 course work
🌱 Version 1.0 is a full-stack web application that works like a search engine which will find the similar and relevant businesses (in a json dataset from Yelp) based on user's inputs using Cosine Similarity Metric.
☘️ version 2.0 allows users to fetch 5-10 clusters randomly from the Spring Boot backend server. It then feed the clusters to React+D3.js (Data-driven document) in the FE to form up a hierarchical tree
🍀 Version 3.0 applies graph theory to form up graphs based on geographical distances, and utilize Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path (weighted by similarity rate) between two chosen nodes in the graph.
A Tool to Facilitate Calibrated Peer Reviews
LAMP Stack Web Application - A website allow public crowd-sourced transcribe documents