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conda-metachannel's People


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conda-metachannel's Issues

metachannel is not accessible or is invalid

I'm trying to create a new environment with a metachannel made from defaults and conda-forge:

$ conda create --override-channels -c,conda-forge --name std
Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): done
Solving environment: done

UnavailableInvalidChannel: The channel is not accessible or is invalid.
  channel name: defaults,conda-forge
  channel url:,conda-forge
  error code: 404

You will need to adjust your conda configuration to proceed.
Use `conda config --show channels` to view your configuration's current state,
and use `conda config --show-sources` to view config file locations.

Manually visiting the,conda-forge confirms that there appears to be something wrong with the server:

conda 4.8.1 on Debian 10.2

mkl/blas weirdness

It seems that the new version has some numpy resolution issues?
previously (march 26th) numpy was installed as 1.16.2-py36_blas_openblash1522bff_0
Now numpy is installed as 1.16.2-py36h8b7e671_1
(note this is being installed with numba so it is pulling in mkl (and maybe should be pulling in defaults?)) Either way this is causing some annoying breakage with mkl.

some conda-forge/<packagenames> cause hangs

This just hangs reproducibly:

conda create --override-channels -c,conda-forge/pysal pysal>=2.0.0 -n newenvname

Changing pysal by pandas or geopandas works as expected.

--blacklist=abi,--max-build-no interacting in weird way

The most recent release of conda-forge-pinning was about 17hrs ago and was 2019.01.29 and had a build number of 0. The previous release was 2019.01.21 and had a build number of 1. When I search with either of the options on thier own, I get the most recent package available:

$ conda search --override-channels -c
                    --max-build-no conda-forge-pinning                                   
Loading channels: done
# Name                       Version           Build  Channel             
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.15               1  conda-forge/--max-build-no
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.16               0  conda-forge/--max-build-no
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.18               0  conda-forge/--max-build-no
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.20               1  conda-forge/--max-build-no
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.21               1  conda-forge/--max-build-no
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.29               0  conda-forge/--max-build-no
$ conda search --override-channels -c
                    --blacklist=abi conda-forge-pinning                                  
Loading channels: done
# Name                       Version           Build  Channel             
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.15               1  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.16               0  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.18               0  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.20               0  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.20               1  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.21               1  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.29               0  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi

However, when I search with both options together, I don't see the most recent release!

scopatz@artemis ~ $ conda search --override-channels -c
                    --blacklist=abi,--max-build-no conda-forge-pinning                   
Loading channels: done
# Name                       Version           Build  Channel             
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.15               1  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi,--max-build-no
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.16               0  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi,--max-build-no
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.18               0  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi,--max-build-no
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.20               1  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi,--max-build-no
conda-forge-pinning       2019.01.21               1  conda-forge/--blacklist=abi,--max-build-no

Any ideas? CC @mariusvniekerk @CJ-Wright

Some Packages Fail

With a somewhat ridiculously long URL, conda fails to update:

scopatz@artemis ~ $ time -p conda update --all 
Solving environment: failed

CondaHTTPError: HTTP 500 CONNECTION FAILED for url <,absl-py,alabaster,alsa-lib,anaconda-client,appdirs,argcomplete,asn1crypto,astor,asttokens,async_generator,atk,atomicwrites,attrs,audioread,autoconf,automake,automat,awscli,babel,backcall,backports,backports.functools_lru_cache,backports.os,backports.shutil_get_terminal_size,backports.weakref,bcolz,beautifulsoup4,bibtexparser,binstar,bitarray,bkcharts,black,blas,bleach,blinker,blosc,blz,bokeh,boost,boost-cpp,boto,boto3,botocore,bz2file,bzip2,c-ares,ca-certificates,cached-property,cairo,cerberus,certifi,cffi,chardet,chrpath,clangdev,click,cloog,cloud_sptheme,cloudpickle,clyent,cmake,coincbc,colorama,conda,conda-build,conda-build-all,conda-env,conda-forge-pinning,conda-smithy,conda-verify,configobj,constantly,contextvars,cryptography,cryptography-vectors,cudatoolkit,curl,cycler,cyclus-build-deps,cython,cytoolz,dask,dask-core,datashape,dbus,decorator,defusedxml,distributed,django,django-extensions,django-haystack,django-widget-tweaks,djangorestframework,docker-compose,docker-py,docker-pycreds,dockerpty,docopt,docutils,drf-haystack,dynd-python,embree,entrypoints,et_xmlfile,eventlet,expat,fastcache,ffmpeg,filelock,flake8,flake8-import-order,flake8-polyfill,flask,flask-socketio,fontconfig,freetype,funcsigs,future,gast,gcc,gdk-pixbuf,gensim,gettext,ghostscript,git-lfs,gitdb,gitdb2,,gitpython,glib,glibmm,glob2,gmp,gmpy2,gnutls,gobject-introspection,google-cloud-sdk,graphite2,graphviz,greenlet,grpcio,gst-plugins-base,gstreamer,gtk2,gunicorn,h11,h2,h5py,harfbuzz,hdf5,heapdict,hpack,html5lib,hypercorn,hyperframe,hyperlink,icu,idna,imageio,imagesize,immutables,importlib_metadata,incremental,intel-openmp,ipykernel,ipython,ipython_genutils,isl,isodate,itsdangerous,itypes,jbig,jdcal,jedi,jinja2,jmespath,joblib,jpeg,jsoncpp,jsonschema,jupyter_client,jupyter_core,jwcrypto,keras,keras-applications,keras-preprocessing,kiwisolver,krb5,kubernetes,lapack,latexcodec,lazyasd,libarchive,libassuan,libcurl,libdynd,libedit,libffi,libflac,libgcc,libgcc-ng,libgcrypt,libgfortran,libgfortran-ng,libgpg-error,libgpuarray,libiconv,libidn11,libksba,liblief,libogg,libopenblas,libpng,libprotobuf,librosa,libsigcpp,libsndfile,libsodium,libssh2,libstdcxx-ng,libtiff,libtool,libuuid,libuv,libvorbis,libxcb,libxml2,libxmlpp,libxslt,llvm-meta,llvmdev,llvmlite,locket,lxml,lz4,lz4-c,lzo,m4,make,mako,markdown,markupsafe,matplotlib,matplotlib-base,mccabe,memory_profiler,mistune,mkl,mkl-rt,mock,more-itertools,mpc,mpfr,mpi,mpich,mpmath,msgpack-python,msrest,multipledispatch,nbconvert,nbformat,ncurses,ndg-httpsclient,nettle,networkx,nltk,nodejs,nose,notebook,npth,ntbtls,nuitka,numba,numexpr,numpy,numpy-base,numpydoc,oauthlib,odo,olefile,openblas,openpyxl,openssl,oset,outcome,packaging,pandas,pandoc,pandocfilters,pango,parso,partd,patchelf,,patsy,pbr,pcre,pep8,pep8-naming,perl,pexpect,pickleshare,pillow,pip,pixman,pkg-config,pkginfo,pluggy,ply,portaudio,pprintpp,prettytable,profimp,prometheus_client,prompt_toolkit,protobuf,psutil,pthread-stubs,ptyprocess,pv,py,py-lief,pyasn1,pyasn1-modules,pybtex,pybtex-docutils,pycodestyle,pycosat,pycparser,pycrypto,pycurl,pyflakes,pygithub,pygments,pygpu,pyhamcrest,pyjwt,pyopenssl,pyparsing,pyqt,pyrsistent,pysocks,pysoundfile,pystan,pytables,pytest,pytest-django,pytest-django-haystack,pytest-tornado,python,python-coreapi,python-coreschema,python-crfsuite,python-dateutil,python-engineio,python-graphviz,python-libarchive-c,python-socketio,python-sounddevice,python3-openid,pytoml,pytz,pywavelets,pyyaml,pyzmq,qt,qtpy,readline,redis,redis-py,requests,requests-oauthlib,resampy,rhash,rope,rsa,ruamel.yaml,ruamel_yaml,ruby,s3fs,s3transfer,scikit-image,scikit-learn,scipy,send2trash,service_identity,setuptools,sigcpp,simplegeneric,simplejson,sip,six,smart_open,smmap,smmap2,sniffio,snowballstemmer,social-auth-app-django,social-auth-core,sockjs-tornado,sortedcontainers,sparse,sphinx,sphinx_rtd_theme,sphinxcontrib-bibtex,sphinxcontrib-websupport,sqlalchemy,sqlite,statsmodels,sympy,system,tblib,tensorboard,tensorflow,termcolor,terminado,testpath,texttable,theano,tk,toml,toolchain,toolchain_c_linux-64,toolchain_cxx_linux-64,toolz,tornado,tox,tqdm,traitlets,trio,twisted,twython,typing,typing_extensions,ujson,uncertainties,unyt,uritemplate,,urllib3,urwid,util-linux,uvloop,virtualenv,vitables,vsts-python-api,wcwidth,webencodings,websocket-client,websockets,werkzeug,wheel,whoosh,wsproto,x264,xlrd,xlsxwriter,xlwt,xorg-kbproto,xorg-libice,xorg-libsm,xorg-libx11,xorg-libxau,xorg-libxdmcp,xorg-libxext,xorg-libxpm,xorg-libxrender,xorg-libxt,xorg-renderproto,xorg-xextproto,xorg-xproto,xz,yaml,yasm,zeromq,zict,zlib,zope.interface,zstd,--max-build-no/noarch/repodata.json>
Elapsed: 00:00.223459

A remote server error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.

A 500-type error (e.g. 500, 501, 502, 503, etc.) indicates the server failed to
fulfill a valid request.  The problem may be spurious, and will resolve itself if you
try your request again.  If the problem persists, consider notifying the maintainer
of the remote server.

Command exited with non-zero status 1
real 6.23
user 5.66
sys 0.13

This is every package I have installed dumped to a URL via the following:

$ import json
$ "" + ",".join([i["name"] for i in json.loads($(conda list --json))]) + ",--max-build-no" 

RFE: --no-deps constraint

So, i know this project is mostly dead, but I think i have found one use case for it - when --strict-channel-priority cannot be used. This happens with a high priority channel has dropped updating a package so we must get it from a lower priority channel.

In this case I would like to produce a conda-forge channel with only the packages I specify, and none of their dependencies.

I'm trying to decipher to code to see where this filtering should be done, but I haven't figured that out yet. If anyone is still around here, any help would be appreciated.

Design specification for what a post based repodata fetching might look like

One feature that we could theoretically look at would be to modify the behavior of conda so that instead of it just doing a GET to <CHANNEL_URL>/repodata.json.bz2 it instead does a post to the same url with an payload of the packages already present in the target environment

   'packages': [
      'python 3.7.1', ... 

This would allow us to dynamically be able to generate the constained repodata without needing to resort to fairly gross url path based approaches.

Dockerfile doesn't build

I am seeing the following build issue:

Sending build context to Docker daemon  138.2kB
Step 1/9 : FROM continuumio/miniconda
latest: Pulling from continuumio/miniconda
05d1a5232b46: Pull complete 
e5691d1765c8: Pull complete 
5bd50143e3a6: Pull complete 
321fedc6908f: Pull complete 
Digest: sha256:0a8e7233eac22bffbdbd80634e3262ff59ee7b8034efcf7c0e72afd6753d6d8f
Status: Downloaded newer image for continuumio/miniconda:latest
 ---> dccb1044d843
Step 2/9 : ADD environment.yml .
 ---> eeadb6ecd457
Step 3/9 : RUN conda env create --copy -p /opt/env
 ---> Running in 8195a83c0ce7
usage: conda-env [-h] {attach,create,export,list,remove,upload,update} ...
conda-env: error: unrecognized arguments: --copy
The command '/bin/sh -c conda env create --copy -p /opt/env' returned a non-zero code: 2

conda 4.7 causes a 500 error with the new repo.json

Collecting package metadata (current_repodata.json): failed

CondaHTTPError: HTTP 500 CONNECTION FAILED for url <,llvmdev,ncurses/osx-64/current_repodata.json>
Elapsed: 00:00.078733
CF-RAY: 4f0149b3ad57caa8-YYZ

Company conda-forge mirror usage

I tried using this at my company but we use an internal mirror to connect to conda-forge and I couldn't get it to work. I tried replacing all of the urls I could find in the code to my mirror url but it also failed. Any suggestions or improvement ideas for making this work with a mirror?

I have time to submit a PR if you can help me get started on what needs to be changed.

Noarch fusing seems broken

There are some packages (e.g. boto3) which have had both archful and noarch versions historically. In these cases, metachannel seems to only provide the archful version, and leaves out the noarch versions entirely. For example:

via metachannel

$ conda search --override-channels -c boto3
Loading channels: done
# Name                       Version           Build  Channel             
boto3                          1.4.1          py27_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.1          py27_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.1          py34_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.1          py34_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.1          py35_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.1          py35_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.2          py27_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.2          py27_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.2          py34_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.2          py34_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.2          py35_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.2          py35_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.2          py36_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.2          py36_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.4          py27_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.4          py27_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.4          py35_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.4          py35_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.4          py36_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.4          py36_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.7          py27_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.7          py27_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.7          py35_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.7          py35_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.7          py36_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                          1.4.7          py36_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                         1.5.11          py27_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                         1.5.11          py27_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                         1.5.11          py35_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                         1.5.11          py35_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                         1.5.11          py36_0  conda-forge/boto3   
boto3                         1.5.11          py36_0  conda-forge/boto3

via conda-forge

 $ conda search --override-channels -c conda-forge boto3
Loading channels: done
# Name                       Version           Build  Channel             
boto3                          1.4.1          py27_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.1          py34_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.1          py35_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.2          py27_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.2          py34_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.2          py35_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.2          py36_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.4          py27_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.4          py35_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.4          py36_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.7          py27_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.7          py35_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.4.7          py36_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.11          py27_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.11          py35_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.11          py36_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.14            py_2  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.18            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.22            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.23            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.24            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.25            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.26            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.27            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.28            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.29            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.30            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.31            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.32            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.33            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.34            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.35            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.5.36            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.6.0            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.6.1            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.6.2            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.6.3            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.6.4            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.6.5            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.6.6            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.6.7            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.6.8            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.6.9            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.10            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.11            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.12            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.13            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.14            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.15            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.16            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.17            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.18            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.19            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.20            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.21            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.22            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.6.23            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.7.0            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.7.1            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.7.2            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.7.3            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.7.4            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.7.5            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.7.6            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.7.7            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.7.8            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.7.9            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.10            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.11            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.12            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.13            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.14            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.15            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.16            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.17            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.18            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.19            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.20            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.21            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.22            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.23            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.24            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.25            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.26            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.27            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.28            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.29            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.30            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.31            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.32            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.33            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.34            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.35            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.36            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.37            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.38            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.39            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.40            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.41            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.42            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.43            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.44            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.45            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.46            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.47            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.48            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.49            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.50            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.51            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.52            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.53            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.54            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.55            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.56            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.57            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.58            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.59            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.60            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.61            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.62            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.62            py_1  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.63            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.64            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.65            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.66            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.67            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.68            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.69            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.70            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.71            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.72            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.73            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.74            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.75            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.76            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.77            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.78            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.79            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.80            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.81            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.82            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.83            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.7.84            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.8.0            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.8.1            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.8.2            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.8.3            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.8.4            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.8.5            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.8.6            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.8.7            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.8.8            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.8.9            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.0            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.1            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.1            py_1  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.2            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.3            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.4            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.5            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.6            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.7            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.8            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                          1.9.9            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.10            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.11            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.12            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.13            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.14            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.15            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.16            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.17            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.18            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.19            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.20            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.21            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.22            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.23            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.24            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.25            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.26            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.27            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.28            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.29            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.30            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.31            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.31            py_1  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.32            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.33            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.34            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.35            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.36            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.37            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.38            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.39            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.40            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.41            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.42            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.43            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.44            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.45            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.46            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.47            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.48            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.49            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.50            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.51            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.52            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.53            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.54            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.55            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.56            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.57            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.58            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.59            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.60            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.61            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.62            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.63            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.64            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.65            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.66            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.67            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.68            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.69            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.70            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.71            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.72            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.73            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.74            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.75            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.76            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.77            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.78            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.79            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.80            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.81            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.82            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.83            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.84            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.85            py_0  conda-forge         
boto3                         1.9.86            py_0  conda-forge 

The more recent artifact versions are all noarch.

conda search succeeds, install fails

Using conda 4.6.11, I can search for packages:

conda search --override-channels -c python=3.7.1
WARNING: The conda.compat module is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Loading channels: done
# Name                       Version           Build  Channel             
python                         3.7.1   h381d211_1002  conda-forge/python  
python                         3.7.1   h381d211_1003  conda-forge/python  
python                         3.7.1      h5001a0f_0  conda-forge/python  
python                         3.7.1   hd21baee_1000  conda-forge/python  
python                         3.7.1   hd21baee_1001  conda-forge/python

If I create a completely empty environment with conda create -n test, activate it, and then try to install python 3.7.1 in that environment, I observe the following:

conda install --override-channels -c, python=3.7.1 
WARNING: The conda.compat module is deprecated and will be removed in a future release.
Collecting package metadata: done
Solving environment: failed

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - python=3.7.1 -> libgcc-ng[version='>=7.3.0']
  - python=3.7.1 -> libstdcxx-ng[version='>=7.3.0']
  - python=3.7.1 -> openssl[version='>=1.1.1a,<1.1.2a']
  - python=3.7.1 -> sqlite[version='>=3.26.0,<4.0a0']
  - python=3.7.1 -> tk[version='>=8.6.9,<8.7.0a0']
  - python=3.7.1 -> xz[version='>=5.2.4,<5.3.0a0']
  - python=3.7.1 -> pip

Current channels:


To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to

Is this expected? I am on a corporate network, but I seem to recall being able to use metachannel from the same system over the past few weeks.

package not found (based on version)


- nodefaults
- nodejs=10.13.0


- nodefaults
- nodejs=11.11.0

the failure message is:

  - nodejs=10.13.0

fusing more than two channels fails

The readme says fusing more than two channels is possible without giving an example; it seems to not work:

conda create --override-channels -c,conda-forge/pandas,conda-forge/scikit-learn pandas -n testmeta


Collecting package metadata: failed

CondaHTTPError: HTTP 500 CONNECTION FAILED for url <,conda-forge/pandas,conda-forge/scikit-learn/noarch/repodata.json>
Elapsed: 00:00.511322
CF-RAY: 4d03b7fa8fd42c0a-AMS

A remote server error occurred when trying to retrieve this URL.

A 500-type error (e.g. 500, 501, 502, 503, etc.) indicates the server failed to
fulfill a valid request.  The problem may be spurious, and will resolve itself if you
try your request again.  If the problem persists, consider notifying the maintainer
of the remote server.

Leaving off ,conda-forge/scikit-learn does work as expected.

Conda create does not find dependencies

I am using a corporate mirror of the hosted metachannel, so if you can't reproduce then I need to deal with IT on my end.

I am just trying to create a conda environment with python and it is unable to find pip and libcxx. Adding pip to the channel url then says it can't find wheel. I looked at the repodata.json and confirmed that it isn't there.


$ conda create --name test-meta --override-channels -c python=3.6


Collecting package metadata: done
Solving environment: failed

PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels:

  - python=3.6 -> libcxx[version='>=4.0.1']
  - python=3.6 -> pip

Current channels:


To search for alternate channels that may provide the conda package you're
looking for, navigate to

and use the search bar at the top of the page.

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